"Listen carefully, child."
"I'm listening, Mama."
"I'm concerned about Tool."
"Please don't be, Mama."
"But I'm very concerned. Unless a tool like that gets regular use, it can easily lose its edge. Preventative maintenance is so important, you know."
"I know, Mama. And I keep Tool in excellent condition. I work with it every day, keep it honed. I want it to stay sharp. And always be ready."
"Still, I'm concerned."
"Please, Mama—leave it to me."
"It needs supervision."
"I give it plenty of supervision."
"You know the problem with a tool like that? A tool like that can get out of hand, can start to have a mind of its own."
"No. . . . Do you really think so?"
"I definitely think so. You must watch Tool carefully, child, see it doesn't get any ideas or forget its place."
"I just don't believe—"
"Better listen to Mama. Mama knows best."
"Yes, Mama."
"A tool like that needs tending. A tool like that is dangerous. You create a tool like that and let it get away from you, you lose control. The whole point of a tool like that is it works for you, does your bidding. A tool like that goes into business for itself, you gotta think about getting rid of it."
"Yes, Mama. . . ."