
Chapter Five



Isaac had bought an audiobook to listen to on the drive. Over an hour drive listening to a biography. Harley didn’t think so. She was prepared with earbuds, a playlist of her favorite bands, and an audio book of her own—a fictional mystery book, of course.

“I thought we could grab a bite to eat before we check in. I’m starving and could go for some hot meatloaf.”

Meatloaf? Who craves meatloaf? But that was Isaac’s go-to meal. She never understood it, but it was his comfort food.

“Sounds good,” she answered, implying that stopping for a meal sounded like a good idea, just not necessarily meatloaf.

“There’s a place up the road from the Inn, we’ll make a stop there.”

Isaac turned off the main road. A few miles down, with nothing by country on either side of them, sat a diner.

The bitter cold wind outside whipped around them as they walked from the car. At least it was warm inside—that alone was worth it.

They were seated immediately and ordered coffees. Decaf latte for Isaac, vanilla cappuccino for her.

“I’ve never understood how you can drink caffeine so late and still be able to sleep at night,” he fussed.

Harley just shrugged. She looked at her watch, it was only seven o’clock. She’d been known to drink coffee or pop well after ten, and it still didn’t mess with her sleep.

Isaac ordered his meatloaf and mashed potatoes, no surprise to her. She scanned the menu one more time before deciding on the turkey club and French fries.

She sipped on her coffee trying to recharge after the long car trip while Isaac went on about a possible promotion that he was up for at work. She didn’t mean to, but she quickly tuned out and focused on their meals that were sat in front of them.

Taking a bite of her sandwich, she couldn’t help but verbalize its deliciousness, “Mmmm...”

Isaac chuckled at her reaction.

“This is really good.” She pointed at her sandwich as she finished chewing the bite she had taken. “I saw another sandwich or two I’d like to try on the menu. How about we come back here for dinner tomorrow? The wine thing will be over by then, right?”

“Yes. But there is a dinner afterward.”

“Oh. Well, I’m sure we can fit it in before we leave,” she mused.

“Maybe,” he answered unconvincingly.

Isaac began talking about work again. Again, not meaning to, she tuned him out. Not that he would notice. She never had much to add to his conversations about work. She focused on the best turkey club she had ever eaten. It was possible she even thought out loud once, “Is this garlic aioli?”

Once the waitress cleared their empty plates and brought her a refill on her coffee in a to-go cup, Isaac paid the bill, leaving a generous tip like always.

The Inn was a short way up the road. It was a cute building situated with country all around it. Vineyards sat behind it.

“Wow,” she commented as they brought their luggage from the car. “This place is huge. I was picturing a much smaller building and grounds.”

“This has been here for decades and passed down from owner to children and then grandchildren. It’s a great place for meetings and company retreats.”

That was an odd thing to say. Even in the dark, Harley could see the windows had shutters, and trellises covered in vines and she was sure flowers in the warmer weather. The lot was filled with cars, obviously it was a popular place.

Isaac checked them in.

Once in the large room that seemed to have everything—armchairs, a small table, desk, even a fireplace—she wrapped her arms around Isaac in a bear hug.

Not letting him go, she smiled up at him. “This place is gorgeous. I am such a lucky girl.”

“Please, I’m the lucky one,” he commented while smiling at her.

She placed a soft kiss on his lips. Isaac was not one for public affection, but this place gave off a vibe of romance, and she couldn’t help but want to be close to him.

He returned a kiss to her forehead.

Okay, not what she was thinking.

“I thought maybe we could snuggle for a little bit before bed. I mean look at that comforter. I bet it’s warm and soft, perfect for cuddling. It’s not often we get a weekend alone.” She smiled.

“It’s getting late, we should get settled and get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.” He softly kissed her lips then wasted no time diving into his bedtime rituals. He was asleep and snoring before Harley was finished getting changed.

Well, this isn’t exactly how I wanted to start out the weekend, but at least we have tomorrow, she said to herself.

It was too early for her to fall asleep, so she grabbed her tablet and continued reading her book.

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HARLEY WAS WOKEN UP to Isaac entering the room with two coffees. “Good morning sleepy-head!”

Birds were chirping and her head was fuzzy. Sitting up and looking around the room she tried to get her bearings. The clock read ten o’clock.

She stared at Isaac for a moment before asking, “How long have you been up?”

Harley was in no way a morning person and she had proven that each and every morning she had to get up for that early class this semester. And last night she was up late mesmerized by the book she was reading.

“I don’t know, a few hours. I had some coffee, read my paper, and went for a run.”

“Oh.” Still half asleep, she was still unclear on everything. Why was Isaac up so early while on vacation? Who does that?

“I brought you a coffee from the diner.” He beamed proudly.

Harley crawled out of bed, welcoming the sweet vanilla and liquid caffeine that she was about to devour.

Taking a hefty sip, her taste buds were shocked by the bitter flavor that invaded her mouth. She almost gagged at the awful taste. It was the polar opposite of what she was expecting.

Noticing Isaac was watching her, she played down how much she disliked the coffee, so not to offend him. He was trying to do something nice by getting it for her.

“I made sure yours was caffeinated,” he said with a nod.

She was sure that her coffee was black house blend. No sugar, no cream. Just black coffee. What kind of people drink this stuff?

“Well, the wine tasting starts at noon. There’ll be cheese plates and fruit, but no real food. Maybe if you want, we could grab a light breakfast beforehand?”

“That sounds great!” She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and grabbed a pair of jeans from her luggage.

“Um,” he cleared his throat. “After you get dressed for the wine tasting.” He looked at the jeans in her hand.

“I take it jeans are not appropriate wine tasting attire?”

“Not that you don’t look great in jeans,” he smirked. “But, it’s more of a dressy-casual event.”

Harley knew he was right. After all, it was their romantic getaway. She had brought plenty of choices. And if she got dressed now, she wouldn’t have to change after they ate. She’d be dressed and ready for a romantic wine tasting and dinner with her man. She secretly hoped for some star gazing after dark, and maybe dessert at the diner.

After a super-quick shower, because she was really hungry, she dressed and curled her hair. She dumped the wretched coffee in the sink and hurried to meet Isaac in the dining area.

On her way, she passes a sign that read “company retreat this way”. That must be why Isaac brought that up yesterday. The more she explored, the more the interior resembled an event center and less a romantic B&B.

Breakfast smelled delicious and her nose led her to the dining room. Isaac waved to her from a table by the wall.

Joining him, she noticed he was sipping coffee and hoped he hadn’t ordered her any.

“There you are.” He smiled sweetly.

“Good morning, can I get you a coffee or tea?” the waitress asked.

“Regular coffee please—and do you have vanilla creamer?”

“Sure do. I’ll grab that for you and be back to take your order.” She disappeared into the back.

“I was thinking scrambled eggs look good, or oatmeal. I can’t decide.” Isaac thought out loud.

“I say scrambled eggs. Get a little crazy,” she teased. “I think that I’m going to have the Western Omelet.”

“Did I hear Western Omelet?” the waitress asked as she set Harley’s coffee down.

“You did.” Harley smiled and her stomach growled. “And can I get a short stack of pancakes?”

“Absolutely!” the waitress smiled. “And for you, sir?”

Isaac handed her their menus. “I’ll have the oatmeal.” When the waitress was out of earshot, he turned his attention to Harley. “Hungry today?”

“You know I love my pancakes!” she said with a laugh.

Breakfast was full of small talk and Isaac watching his watch. They were done eating long before noon, but Harley took her time savoring her morning coffee and slowly drinking it as she relaxed in her chair. After all, this was a mini-vacation.

She glanced across the table at her handsome man. He was so sweet to set up this romantic weekend away for them.

All that mattered to her was that they were spending the weekend together—just the two of them.

“Ready?” Isaac stood and held his arm out for her to take.

She snuggled into him as they walked into the event area together. Her sweater was warmer than she had anticipated. Good thing it was only a cover-up for her to wear during breakfast.

The event area was busier than she had expected. She looked down at her dressy slacks and heels and was glad she dressed up seeing as how the room was filled with suits and sportscoats.

But now it was downright stuffy in here.

Isaac was deep in conversation with someone, so she decided to go take a look at the snack table and hopefully find a bottle of water. She slipped off her sweater, revealing an awfully expensive, very well-known designer halter top that she splurged and spent Daddy’s money on, special for her and Isaac’s date today.

She slipped the sweater over her purse, securing it so to not fall.

Isaac, still with the men he was talking to, turned to introduce her, “and this is my—What... Um, Harley, sweetie, what are you wearing?”

His nervous and sharper tone was uncalled for and had folks staring. He balked at her sexy halter top.

Harley was no prude, but dressed very tastefully for today, with a touch of sexy. Flowing slacks, expensive high heels, and a halter top that bared her shoulders and back but covered all the important parts. It was quite modest compared to most of the clothes in her closet.

“You looked so nice in that sweater. By the way, where is your sweater?” Isaac asked.

“It’s right here, relax.” She pointed to her sweater that hung on her purse.

“Well, maybe you could put it back on,” he said, his words matter-of-factly.

“Excuse me?” she responded defensively.

“I mean, it looked so nice with your slacks.” Pulling her aside, he whispered, “Harley, of course you look beautiful, but this blouse is not appropriate for my company retreat.”

“For your what?” she gawked. Looking around she began to put the pieces together. Everyone was dressed professionally. And for the first time in her life, she was self-conscious in her own skin. And it wasn’t like she was naked. This was a top created by one of the top designers and it appeared on many fashion runways.

“Harley, I don’t understand why you would wear that here,” Isaac said quietly.

“Because I saw it in a store window and thought it was perfect for a romantic date with you. You know, wine country and a romantic Inn?”

“But that’s not what this is.”

“Yeah–” She looked around. “A company retreat? This is new information.”

“I told you the wine tasting and dinner were a company thing.”

She didn’t remember this conversation.

“It doesn’t matter.” He shook his head. “The sweater is perfect. Let’s go mingle and forget this ever happened.” He held his hand out to her.

Easy for him to say.

Isaac went on to introduce her to a few co-workers as they all enjoyed tasting various wines. All except Harley. After about an hour, she excused herself to the snack table. She filled a plate of grapes and cheese. She looked around the room, Isaac was comfortably talking to his coworkers, even laughing.

Her heart sank. This was nothing like she expected.

“Isaac,” she quietly walked up behind him and touched his shoulder. “I think I’m going to go up to the room.”

“Good idea. Change your blouse and meet us in the dining hall. It’s almost dinner time.”

Wait, what?

She said nothing about changing, but she simply shook her head in annoyance and left the event room.

Once in the lobby, she paused and leaned on a pillar to get her bearings. She had no plans of returning, much less to sit and have a stuffy dinner with his coworkers. People she didn’t even know. Not on the weekend that she thought was a romantic getaway for her and Isaac.

Her stomach grumbled. Then a wonderful idea hit her. Something she was sure that Isaac would never agree to. But she wasn’t planning on asking Isaac. She strutted over to the front desk anyway.

“Excuse me, is it possible to get a meal delivered from the diner?”

“Sure!” The young woman answered gleefully. “What would you like? I’ll call in the order and have it sent up to your room.”

Harley placed her order before heading to the safety of her room. She kicked off her heels and changed into shorts and a sweatshirt before flopping on to the bed. She stared at the ceiling and pondered what just went down. She told herself that she only had until her food was delivered to feel sorry for herself.

She turned on the television and curled up on the fluffy comforter with her Buffalo Chicken Sandwich and mozzarella sticks.

She couldn’t decide whether she was sad at the ruined weekend, mad at Isaac for putting her in this situation, or just in heaven eating this delicious sandwich in comfy clothes. When Isaac finally returned to the room, she pretended to be asleep. It was just easier.

At breakfast he didn’t appear as annoyed as she felt. “You didn’t return for dinner—you missed out on a wonderful salmon.”

She scoffed at his words. But it didn’t surprise her. Neither did what came next.

“I’m sorry you were embarrassed by your shirt,” he said flatly while eating his oatmeal.

My shirt? That’s really what he thinks this is about? Of course he does.

She stared down at her Bananas Foster French toast. Then looking around the dining hall, she knew this was not the place to get into this. Her loving boyfriend had no idea why she was upset, or what had transpired yesterday was due to their poor communication as of late.

“I have a conference call this afternoon, so I’d like to leave once we’re done eating, if that’s okay with you.”

Why not? It’s not like the weekend was salvageable at this point anyway.

She was home to an empty apartment by mid-afternoon and decided it would be best to sleep the rest of the weekend away. Harley didn’t feel like rehashing the terrible weekend to Lily once she got home, so sleep was the perfect choice.