Big thanks go out to all my writer friends who have been so supportive and inspiring: Leslie (and all her pen names!), Gwynne, Monica (the Web whiz), Lolita, Victoria, my big brothers Vincent and Victor, Francis (for your kind heart), Bernice (I wanna be like you, girl); to all the book clubs and readers who continue to keep me in print (thank you!); my agent, Pattie Steele Perkins, who keeps those checks and contracts coming; my editor, Monique Patterson, who continues to let me spread my wings and grow as a writer; my trio at home, Nichole, Dawne, and Matthew, who keep me humble and in debt! (LOL); my grandchildren, Mahlik and Mikayla, who remind me how wonderful it is to be young; and to Christine, my friend through thick and thin.
Most of all, my thanks to God, who continues to bless me in wondrous ways and who makes all things, big and small, possible.