
Producing this book has been a very different experience from any of my earlier books. The process of creating it has been the most insular and solo effort of any piece I have produced to date.

Despite my introverted approach to its creation, a few people I know for certain have played bigger roles in its coming to life than perhaps they are even aware of.

First, there is the insanely talented and kindhearted Scott Stratten, who found the time to speak with me and ask me the smart questions to help me realize that I was capable of producing this book within the crazy timescales required to meet the publishing deadlines.

Second, thanks to two of the most impressive people on the planet for their insanely honest and powerful contributions during the writing process. Mitch Joel, you are a wonderful friend, and your rapid-fire editorial notes within my early drafts were pure gold and have certainly helped me to raise the bar as a writer. Melissa Agnes, your continued support, ability to ask me questions that nobody else would, and encouragement to stay true to the look, feel, and style of my vision for the “Exactly” series has been a gift beyond compare.

To my incredible assistant, Bonnie. Thank you for being the single biggest reason that I manage to get so much done; thank you for always having my back; and thank you for your continued commitment to my ambition.

Then there are the people who have placed their trust in me to help them through their journeys. I couldn't possibly name all who have contributed to the knowledge and experience required to write this book, but Joy, Rachel, Kathryn, Poppy, Maria, and Rellu certainly stand out. They are all exceptional products of this very process, and their continued success, ability to be self-sufficient, and long-term friendship always inspire.

Mum and Dad, thank you for giving me the courage to start, the support to keep going, and the security of your everlasting love.

Charlotte, you rock my world, and my love for you delivers me the fuel I need to keep growing, to keep supporting others, and to show up for work every day. It's the right now that we live for and the future we are creating that provides my passion to keep bringing our BIG ideas to life.

The biggest thank you of all goes to you, and the millions just like you. Your persistent and consistent aspiration to be better, to want more, and to realize more of your ambition is what fuels me to help support those goals and knock down your barriers. I started this work because of my love of entrepreneurship, my passion for growth, and my desire to see others achieve more of what I know they are capable of achieving. All the time the world has aspirations I am thankful. Please keep finding reasons for us all to remain on the relentless quest for better.