

→ “My brother says it works everytime!”

→ “I know Pinto took her out, but she’s not that kind of a girl!”

→ “Your wife will just love a new drill press!”

→ “It’s the cow deal of a lifetime, but I need a cosigner!”

→ “It’s not cleared for scours, and I can’t officially recommend it, but . . .”

→ “This will make you rich!”

→ “The Japanese eat it this way all the time!”

→ “The Indians ate it like this right after they killed the buffalo!”

→ “I know his sire was a dwarf, but I don’t think it’s hereditary!”

→ “I’ve got it on good authority they’re going to rezone this property!”

→ “Buy this guy in the calcutta. You’ve never heard of him, but he ropes good; he just doesn’t travel much!”

→ “The vet say’s she’ll settle in spite of how it looks!”

→ “He just bumped it in the trailer!”

→ “I know they look drawn, but think of the weighin’ condition!”

→ “I never turned a steer out on the place that didn’t gain three hundred pounds!”

→ “Yer right, it is the runt. But he’s the smartest one of the litter!”

→ “A little hot wire and you could run six hundred buffalo on this place!”

→ “Sure I kin fix yer car. Kin I borry yer tools?”

→ “If she’s not in foal, I’ll eat my hat!”

→ “This aluminum gate comes with a lifetime guarantee!”

→ “Why, the hunting lease will make the payments on this ol’ ranch!”

→ “I’ll buy ’em back in the fall!”

→ “No, I’ve never heard a horse bark like that before, either, but I don’t think it’s serious!”

→ “And with this degree in economics you’ll always be able to get a job!”

→ “If you elect me . . .”