* Stand in stillness with feet together (Fig. 1)
* Move left foot sideways, until feet are hips' width apart
* Point feet straight ahead
* Distribute weight evenly on balls and heels of feet Touch ten toes to the ground
* Look straight ahead
* Touch tongue to roof of mouth
* Quiet the mind
* Slow the breathing
* Pull kneecaps up
* Drop tailbone down Raise front of pelvis
* Stretch lowest ribs forward Lift collar bone
* Keep body upright, but not rigid
* Align head and neck with body
* Imagine a thread suspending head from above
* Sink shoulders
* Let arms and hands fall naturally at sides
* Keep elbows and knees straight, but not locked * Feel sensation on fìnger tips
* Feel central axis of body aligned with gravity
* Breathe smoothly and naturally through the nose
You are now standing in stillness and balance.
Throughout its history, Tai-chi has evolved from a martial art to a form of self-healing, rejuvenation, and spiritual growth. After we have mastered the postures, internal feelings can be experienced while practicing Tai-chi. For this reason, I invite the readers to practice the following movements called Lift Spirit, Meditate with Heart before practicing the condensed form of Wu-style Tai-chi.
Raise Arms and Hands
* Stand in stillness and balance (Fig. 2)
* Gradually raise arms forward to shoulder level, with palms facing the ground by rotating shoulder joints (Fig. 3)
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally through the nose
Imagine a thread tied to the fourth finger of each hand, lifting the arms from above
Arms are straight, parallel to each other, shoulders' width apart
Fingers are straight, slightly separated, and relaxed
* Continue to raise arms and hands forward above head (Fig. 4)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Eyes follow fingers as hands rise up
Neck is gradually tilted back
* Raise arms and hands up for further extension by lifting shoulders, and gradually bring palms together overhead as though in prayer (Fig. 5)
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally
Eyes watch finger tips
Always breathe through the nose.
Straight means extended, but not rigid.
Draw Hands Down
* Draw hands down slowly and vertically past the face and toward the heart by sinking shoulders and dropping hands until forearms are in a straight line and parallel to the ground (Fig. 6)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Palms remain together
Eyes follow fingers as hands are drawn down until eyes look straight ahead
Arms do not touch body
Bring Hands Up
* Bring hands up over head again (Fig. 7)
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally
Hands remain together
Eyes follow fingers as hands rise up
Neck is gradually tilted back
* Turn palms away from each other (Fig. 8)
* Gradually spread arms and hands down sideways until they are at shoulder level, with palms facing the ground (Fig. 9)
* Continue to move arms and hands downward until they fall naturally at sides of body (Fig. 10)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Arms move at shoulder joints
Eyes lower as arms are drawn down until they look straight ahead
Raise Arms and Hands Again
* Gradually raise arms forward to shoulder level (Fig. 11 )
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally
Eyes look straight ahead
* Continue to raise arms and hands above head (Fig. 12)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Eyes follow fingers as hands raise up
Neck is gradually tilted back
* Raise arms and hands up for further extension by lifting shoulders, and gradually bring hands together overhead as though in prayer (Fig. 13)
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally
Eyes watch fingertips
Draw Hands Down
* Draw hands down slowly and vertically past the face to the heart by sinking shoulders and dropping hands until forearms are in a straight line, parallel to the ground (Fig. 14)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Palms remain together
Eyes follow fingers as hands are drawn down until eyes look straight ahead
Forearms are in a straight line, parallel to the ground Arms do not touch the body
* Keep palms together in front of the heart
* Feel peace in the mind and fullness in the heart
While doing this:
Inhale and exhale several times in a meditative mood
Return to Stillness and Balance
* Continue to draw hands down slowly and vertically until palms are in a straight line, parallel to the ground (Fig. 15)
While doing this:
Inhale smoothly and naturally
Middle fingers remain touching
Palms face down
Hands do not touch body
Eyes look straight ahead
* Gradually bring palms so they point to Front by rotating the shoulder joints (Fig. 16)
While doing this:
Exhale smoothly and naturally
Arms remain in position
Hands are bent, with palms parallel to the ground and facing down
Fingers point to Front
Eyes look straight ahead
Practice these movements several times, until you feel that your spirit is lifted and your heart is at peace.
You are now ready to practice the condensed form of Wu-style Tai-chi Chuan.
Eight directions are referred to in the text, as shown in the diagram. Imagine that they refer to the sides and corners of a square with you at the center. These directions are fixed from the very beginning and do not change throughout the movements. The directions are all capitalized in this book (e.g. Right, Right Front Corner, Back, etc.)
For instance, if the text says, "turn pelvis and body to Right," turn to the Right indicated on the diagram, not toyour right with respect to your position at that moment.
Likewise, when you are facing the Right Back Corner, and the text says, "turn pelvis and body to Right Front Corner," turn to the Right Front Corner indicated on the diagram, not to the right front corner with respect toyour body at that moment.
Most of the photographs were taken from the "Front" of the square. Those that were not are labeled with the direction where the camera was located.