Just KITTEN Around Joke
Q: What do you call a pile of kittens?
A: A meowntain!
Angel, Quincy, PittyPat, and Jazz nestled in some pillows conveniently set near the stage and waited.
Angel had limped into the meeting room, careful to walk on three legs. Her front leg was sprained but not broken. She just had to take it easy for a week or two. She’d still do a video this week, but a quiet one. Snuggling with friends was a pleasant way to rest her leg.
Maria and Curly lay on a nearby pillow with Rudy. Their Ivory Bongo Harp Band had the number two kitten video for the week. Angel was glad to see Rudy finding his place on KittyTube. Music was a sweet spot for him.
Other kittens slouched all around.
Today was the day. The kittens would go from twenty-seven to only twenty.
Three of the kittens had already said they were moving on to other jobs at the kennels. TyAdam would work with lights, Rhapsody in the editing room, and Isobelle with advertising. Two more had decided to work in their family’s businesses of shipping and retail stores.
That still left two more kittens who would be cut today and have to find other jobs.
Angel wondered what she’d do if they cut her. She wouldn’t be cut this time, but next time, when only ten kittens were left, it could happen. What else would she do?
Choreography, she thought. I’d help cats plan how they move across a stage.
There were many jobs besides acting. Important jobs.
The Director arrived and stomped to the stage. “I want to inspire you,” he said. “You need to be inspired.”
But his voice was rough, his skin wrinkled, and he looked old.
“Okay, here’s the cut. TyAdam, Rhapsody, Isobelle, Berta, Mirko, CC. and Hugo. You’re cut.”
Just like that, the world changed for the seven kittens.
Quincy whispered, “C.C. has been offered a job taste-testing for the new restaurant chain that’s coming in, the Gledhill Fish Company.”
Angel nodded. Berta and Mirko would go to their family businesses. That just left Hugo who’d need to find a job. He’d done some videos with PittyPat, but it hadn’t helped him find an audience. Since he was their cousin, she was sure DaddyAlbert and MamaGrace would help. Hugo would be fine.
“The rest of you?” the Director said. “You’re all on a roll. You’ll all move on. But in another month, we’ll cut to the top ten. There are too many adult cat actors and actresses already. You must build your audience, or the kennels won’t offer you a contract for the next year. The question is this: Which kitten to watch?”

“What will the future hold for us?” Quincy said.
“Any way it goes, it’s okay,” Angel said. “I could be a choreographer and be happy. Or a stunt cat. Or a star.”
Rudy said, “You really helped me find my piano cat role, which led to the band. Music works well for me. You could also be a casting director. Or develop ideas for videos.”
Angel nodded. “I could.”
Jazz said, “You like change. Maybe you’ll do all of that at some time. Me? I love the dress-up cat role. I could do this forever—if my views stay high. If my audience develops.”
Quincy said, “I love food.”
Angel punched his stomach with her paw. “You love it too much. Be careful, or you’ll only get to do fat-cat roles.”
PittyPat said, “I don’t know. I like the water cat role. But I’ll look around at other ideas too. It’s so hard to look good when you’re slicked down with water.”
“Oh, you’ll grow up to be a golden cat, like DaddyAlbert. Make everything in your video a gold metal, scatter gold glitter in the air…”
“There she goes,” Rudy said, “planning your next role for you. Personally, I’d let her do it.”
In one month, each of the five Kittywood kennels will choose to offer contracts to two kittens. Only ten kittens will move on toward stardom.
With the clock ticking, Angel must visit the kennels, work with the directors, and rack up views on KittyTube. Will she look for slow and steady growth or something fast and flashy? Does she need encouragement or competition? Which would suit her better: a laid-back attitude or a work-hard ethic? Angel’s decision now will affect the rest of her life.
In this final book of The KittyTubers trilogy, Angel Persian tries acting at each of the five major kennels. Will she be offered a contract as a KittyTube Star?