Friday, 19 March

Scrap metal workers arrive at the derelict whaling station at Leith on South Georgia and raise the flag of Argentina.

Sunday, 21 March

Endurance, at Stanley, sails for South Georgia with two helicopters and a Royal Marines detachment.

Monday, 22 March

The Bahia Buen Suceso leaves Leith harbour; forty-eight scrap metal workers remain behind.

Wednesday, 24 March

Royal Marines detachment from Endurance lands to monitor Argentine activity at Leith.

Thursday, 25 March

Argentine marines land at Leith from Bahia Paraíso.

Monday, 29 March

Replacement for Naval Party 8901 arrives in Stanley.

Wednesday, 31 March

Royal Marines detachment disembarks from Endurance at Grytviken, South Georgia.

Thursday, 1 April

Naval Party 8901 for the 1981–82 deployment passed operational command to the new Royal Marines detachment; both take up defensive positions in and around Stanley; submarine Splendid leaves from Faslane; orders given for the SBS to mobilise.

Friday, 2 April

Argentine invasion of the Falklands begins; after brief resistance Governor Rex Hunt surrenders; the UN condemns the act with Resolution 502; Task Force begins to assemble.

Saturday, 3 April

Royal Marines at Grytviken, outnumbered and outgunned, surrender; NP 8901 is flown to Montevideo for repatriation.

Sunday, 4 April

Brigadier Thompson briefs his commanding officers at Plymouth; submarine Conqueror leaves Faslane.

Monday, 5 April

Task Force sails from Portsmouth with HQ 3 Commando Brigade and elements of 40 and 42 Commando; Naval Party 8901 arrives back in the UK.

Tuesday, 6 April

Naval Party 1222, intended for the island’s defence, arrives at Ascension.

Thursday, 8 April

Broadsword and Yarmouth depart from Gibraltar.

Friday, 9 April

Canberra departs from Portsmouth carrying 3 Para and most of 40 and 42 Commando.

Saturday, 10 April

Antrim Group arrives at Ascension.

Sunday, 11 April

Antrim Group sails for South Georgia from Ascension with M Company 42 Commando aboard.

Monday, 12 April

UK imposes 200-mile Maritime Exclusion Zone around the Falklands.

Wednesday, 14 April

Brilliant Group leaves Ascension; Rear Admiral Woodward departs from Ascension aboard Glamorgan, with Alacrity, Broadsword and Yarmouth.

Friday, 16 April

Task Force sails from Ascension; Hermes arrives at Ascension; Invincible leaves Ascension; Woodward discusses campaign strategy with Commodore Clapp and Thompson aboard Fearless.

Saturday, 17 April

Admiral Fieldhouse, C-in-C Fleet and Major General Moore, Land Forces Commander, fly to Ascension to meet Woodward, Thompson and Clapp aboard Hermes.

Sunday, 18 April

Carrier Battle Group leaves Ascension: Hermes, Invincible, Glamorgan, Broadsword, Yarmouth, Alacrity and RFA Olmeda and Resource.

Tuesday, 20 April

Canberra and Elk arrive at Ascension; Royal Marines captured at South Georgia arrive in the UK.

Wednesday, 21 April

SBS and SAS teams inserted by helicopter on to South Georgia.

Thursday, 22 April

SAS team rescued from Fortuna Glacier; two Wessex helicopters crash.

Friday, 23 April

M Company 42 Commando lands on South Georgia.

Sunday, 25 April

Intrepid, Atlantic Conveyor, and Europic Ferry depart from the UK; Carrier Battle Group joins with Sheffield Group.

Monday, 26 April

Argentine forces on South Georgia surrender.

Tuesday, 27 April

Cabinet in London gives approval for Operation Sutton; Norland and Sir Bedivere depart from the UK.

Wednesday, 28 April

UK declares 200-mile Total Exclusion Zone, now including aircraft and ships of all nations; hospital ship Uganda arrives at Ascension.

Thursday, 29 April

Uganda departs from Ascension.

Friday, 30 April

UK begins enforcing the Total Exclusion Zone; main Task Group arrives in TEZ.

Saturday, 1 May

Vulcan bomber attacks Stanley airport; Sea Harriers also conduct attacks; naval bombardments commence of the same area; SAS and SBS patrols inserted on East and West Falklands; UK government requisitions RMS Queen Elizabeth 2.

Sunday, 2 May

Conqueror sinks the cruiser General Belgrano.

Tuesday, 4 May

Black Buck 2 raid against Stanley airport; Sheffield struck by Exocet missile; Sea Harrier shot down over Goose Green.

Wednesday, 5 May

Eight RAF Harriers arrive at Ascension.

Thursday, 6 May

Argonaut Group leaves Ascension; 2 Para arrives at Ascension.

Friday, 7 May

Norland arrives at Ascension; most of Amphibious Task Group departs.

Saturday, 8 May

First of refuelled air drops flown to the Task Force.

Monday, 10 May

Sheffield, heavily damaged six days previously, sinks while under tow; Bristol Group leaves UK; Nimrods begin work in support of the Task Force.

Wednesday, 12 May

Queen Elizabeth 2 departs from Southampton with most of 5 Infantry Brigade aboard; Glasgow damaged by Argentine aircraft; Cardiff leaves Gibraltar; 3 Commando Brigade HQ issues Operational Order for the landings in San Carlos Water.

Friday, 14–Saturday 15 May

SAS raid against airstrip at Pebble Island.

Wednesday, 19 May

Cabinet gives approval for amphibious landings; Sea King carrying SAS crashes into the sea during cross-decking.

Thursday, 20 May

Sea King lands in Chile; crew turn themselves in to authorities and are repatriated.

Friday, 21 May

3 Commando Brigade executes landings in San Carlos Water; Ardent sunk.

Saturday, 22 May

3 Commando Brigade all ashore; Brigade Maintenance Area established at Ajax Bay.

Sunday, 23 May

Antelope sunk.

Monday, 24 May

Sir Galahad, Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristram are bombed in San Carlos Water, but the bombs fail to explode in all cases.

Tuesday, 25 May

Coventry and Atlantic Conveyor hit by Exocet missiles, the former sinking.

Wednesday, 26 May

2 Para leaves Sussex Mountain for advance on Goose Green.

Thursday, 27 May

3 Para and 45 Commando tab and yomp, respectively, from San Carlos Water; SAS patrol flies to Mount Kent; Queen Elizabeth 2, Canberra and Norland rendezvous at South Georgia; 5 Infantry Brigade begins cross-decking on to troopships.

Friday, 28 May

2 Para engages Argentine defenders at Darwin and Goose Green.

Saturday, 29 May

Major Keeble accepts Argentine surrender of 1,100 troops at Goose Green; Atlantic Conveyor sinks under tow.

Sunday, 30 May

Major General Moore arrives off the Falklands.

Monday, 31 May

42 Commando move by air to Mount Kent; Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre defeat Argentine troops at Top Malo House; 3 Para arrives at Douglas settlement; 45 Commando arrives at Teal Inlet settlement; Black Buck 5 raid strikes radar position in Stanley.

Tuesday, 1 June

5 Infantry Brigade begin disembarking in San Carlos Water; 3 Commando Brigade forward base established at Teal Inlet in preparation for major engagements; 3 Para and 42 and 45 Commando begin patrolling areas in vicinity of planned objectives.

Wednesday, 2 June

2 Para fly to Bluff Cove.

Thursday, 3 June

Black Buck 6 raid conducted against runway at Stanley.

Saturday, 5 June

Scots Guards embark in Sir Tristram for Bluff Cove.

Sunday, 6 June

Welsh Guards embark in Fearless for Fitzroy but the ship is ordered not to sail; Scots Guards land at Bluff Cove; 5 Infantry Brigade establishes forward base there.

Tuesday, 8 June

Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram hit by bombs in Port Pleasant; LCU Foxtrot Four sunk by Argentine aircraft in Choiseul Sound; Plymouth damaged by unexploded bomb; Moore explains plans for offensive against Stanley.

Friday, 11 June

Major assaults on the outer ring of Argentine defences around Stanley: 42 Commando at Mount Harriet, 3 Para at Mount Longdon, and 45 Commando at Two Sisters.

Saturday, 12 June

By sunrise all attacks have succeeded; Glamorgan struck by land-based Exocet missile; Black Buck 7 raid conducted against radar installation at Stanley.

Sunday, 13 June

2 Para attack Wireless Ridge; Scots Guards attack Mount Longdon; Gurkhas occupy Mount William.

Monday, 14 June

By early morning all assaults successful; Argentine forces surrender.