Benjamin watched anxiously as Georgina paced the office floor. It was Saturday morning and she’d called an emergency meeting with him, Victor, Johnny and Varvara. He’d never seen her like this before, almost out of control, and it worried him.
‘I say we should take Mr Kelly and put his body in the cellar with Cyril. The cementing hasn’t been done yet. It would save having to relay the floor twice.’
Georgina stopped pacing and glared at Varvara. ‘This isn’t a joke. My husband’s life is at risk here. Is that the best you can come up with? And as for killing Cyril, I’ll deal with that one later. Right now, I need helpful, doable and constructive ideas.’
‘But I wasn’t joking, Miss Garrett.’
‘Then unless you can come up with something that might actually work, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut!’
Varvara looked hurt, like a young child who’d had her lollipop taken from her. Benjamin swallowed hard. He didn’t have any ideas, and even if he did, he’d be too nervous to say anything. The mood Georgina was in, she would likely bite his head off.
‘Have you considered talking to Mr Maynard about the diamonds? Perhaps he’d sell them to you?’ Victor suggested.
It sounded like a good idea but Benjamin knew there wasn’t enough readily available cash to purchase several small diamonds.
‘Thank you, Victor. It’s nice to see that someone is trying to offer something positive. But no, that’s out of the question. Unless I sold an asset, like the house in Clapham, we just don’t have the money and anyway, there isn’t time to sell anything.’
‘You could ask Mr Kelly for an extension, to, you know, give you more time,’ from Johnny.
‘No. I won’t have Lash held by the Pounders for any longer than need be. They could be doing anything to…’ Georgina stopped and caught her breath.
It was clear she was trying to hold herself together and Benjamin felt so sad for her. He’d grown very fond of Georgina and her kind heart and quick tongue. He didn’t understand how she’d managed to get herself ensnared in the Portland Pounders’ web as she was normally far too clever to be trapped. But somehow it had happened and he could see her pain.
‘What about you, Mr Harel. Any ideas?’ Johnny asked.
All eyes were on Benjamin and he could feel himself getting clammy. ‘I, err, erm…’
‘Let’s just fucking kill them all,’ Varvara said under her breath, but they all heard her.
Georgina stormed towards the woman and slapped her across the cheek.
‘I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut. I can’t think clearly with you coming out with crap.’
‘I’m sorry, Miss Garrett. I just want to help.’
‘You can help by clearing off and getting out of my sight.’
‘PISS OFF!’ Georgina screamed.
Varvara sloped quietly out of the office. Benjamin had little sympathy for her. He’d warned her not to kill Cyril and told her Miss Garrett wouldn’t be happy. But Varvara hadn’t listened and gone ahead regardless. Thankfully, she’d murdered him execution style and the man hadn’t died a prolonged and torturous death. But, as he’d suspected, Georgina had been furious with her and Varvara was yet to discover how she’d be dealt with.
‘Well, Benjamin. Any input from you?’ Georgina asked.
‘You should speak to Lash’s family,’ he suggested.
Georgina looked at him as though she was staring straight through him. He liked this response. She appeared to be deep in thought, which meant she was mulling the idea over and he was pleased she hadn’t jumped down his throat.
After a while, she spoke. ‘Yes, I should. Very good, Benjamin, very good.’
Benjamin pushed his glasses up his nose and wanted to smile but didn’t. It wasn’t an appropriate time to feel pleased with himself.
‘That ain’t ’alf bad, Mr Harel,’ Johnny said.
‘Victor, drive me there now. There’s no time to waste,’ Georgina said and grabbed her handbag before leaving.
Benjamin glanced out of the window as she sped off with Johnny and Victor. The door opened again and Varvara came in.
‘What are they doing?’ she asked.
‘They’ve gone to speak to Lash’s family.’
‘And this will be good, no?’
‘Yes… I think it is,’ Benjamin answered and hoped it was.
Varvara went to turn away but the telephone trilled on Georgina’s desk. ‘Should I answer it?’ she asked.
Benjamin nodded uncertainly and waited tensely.
‘Good morning, Mr Maynard,’ Varvara said and looked across to Benjamin.
He was relieved it wasn’t Kevin Kelly but he didn’t trust Varvara to say the right thing. ‘Give it here,’ he mouthed urgently at her as he dashed towards Georgina’s desk.
‘Just one moment, Mr Maynard, I will pass the receiver to Mr Harel.’
Benjamin could see his hand shaking as he took the mouthpiece from Varvara. ‘Hello, Mr Maynard, this is Benjamin Harel,’ he said, trying to keep his voice steady.
The line was crackly but he could hear the anger in David Maynard’s voice. ‘Tell Miss Garrett she is to come and see me by the end of the day.’
‘Yes, Mr Maynard, I’ll be sure to pass…’
The line went dead before Benjamin had finished his sentence.
‘What did he want?’ Varvara asked.
‘Miss Garrett.’
‘I think she is more concerned with other matters for now.’
‘Yes,’ Benjamin replied and sat back at his own desk. He began to pack away his pens and papers and, though he hadn’t been working long for Miss Garrett, he had enjoyed his time immensely. He hoped he wasn’t reading too much into it, but after that telephone conversation, he feared his time with Miss Garrett may all be coming to an abrupt end. Not only did Georgina have the Portland Pounders to contend with, it also sounded like she’d made an enemy of David Maynard.
Molly let herself into Dulcie’s house, hoping there’d be good news about Lash.
‘I don’t know what’s going on, love,’ Dulcie told her. ‘She went to the office this morning and I haven’t heard anything since.’
‘Oh, blimey, Dulcie, it’s a terrible worry. I’ve heard such nasty things about them Pounders.’
‘I know. There won’t be any negotiating with them. It’ll be the diamonds in return for Lash and if she don’t provide them with what they want, Lash will be coming home in a coffin.’
‘Is there any way she can get the gems?’
‘No. She’s adamant David won’t help.’
‘Has she asked him?’
‘She won’t. Mind you, I don’t think she’s had any sleep. They drove through the night to get back and she went out again at the crack of dawn. I just hope she’s keeping a calm head on her shoulders and thinking clearly.’
‘Why won’t she be up front with David, considering what’s at risk?’
‘If you think about it, it was David who got her into this position in the first place. She set up Charlie Chops to get knocked off by the Pounders as part of the deal with David in exchange for Victor and his car. The Pounders heard the set-up was her doing so put two and two together and come up with six. They’re assuming it was her who stole their diamonds and she ain’t told them otherwise ’cos she can’t drop David in the shit. This is payback. She’s lucky they offered her the fight instead of killing her.’
‘I still don’t see why she can’t ask David for help?’
‘If she does, she’ll lose face with him and her reputation would be destroyed. Once that happens, she’ll lose control of the business. And anyhow, he doesn’t seem the charitable type, so why would he hand over a small fortune? If anything, Georgina said she wouldn’t be surprised if David would be glad to see Lash out of the picture.’
‘’Cos he wants her for himself.’
‘So, even if she said stuff it to the business and went cap in hand to David, she doesn’t think he’d help?’
‘No. I’m afraid she’s dug herself into a bloody big hole.’
‘I wish there was something I could do to help. Mum’s keeping an eye on Edward for me and Oppo said he’d be straight round after work, but what can we do?’
‘Not much. Just be here for her, I suppose, and pray it don’t go tits up.’
They heard a car pull up outside and Molly jumped up to look out of the window. ‘It’s Georgina,’ she told Dulcie who was sat wringing her hands.
Georgina walked into the room looking fraught.
‘What’s happening, love?’ Dulcie asked.
‘I’ve been to see Lash’s parents and told them everything.’
‘They must be upset?’
‘Yes, of course they are,’ Georgina snapped, then took a deep breath and added, ‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s all right. Have you worked out what you’re going to do?’
‘Lash’s dad told me to come home and sit tight. They would sort it and bring Lash home to me.’
‘Do they know how dangerous the Pounders are?’ Molly asked.
‘Yes, but they said I must leave it to them.’
‘What are they going to do?’ Dulcie asked.
‘I’m not entirely sure. Several family members were involved in the conversation and they were talking in their own language. I didn’t understand most of it but Lash’s mother told me the Pounders would be cursed and Lash would be safe.’
‘What did she mean by that?’ Molly questioned, unsure if curses even worked.
‘I don’t really know but I trust them. I don’t have any other choice.’
‘I think you’ve done the right thing, love. It’s what Lash would have wanted you to do,’ Dulcie said.
‘Maybe. But this is all my fault. Ethel is dead and now Lash could be too.’
‘Ethel’s death wasn’t your fault, Georgina,’ Molly said softly.
‘She’s right, you should listen to Molly. And Lash’s family will do everything in their power to get him back.’
‘I know the saying about live by the sword and die by it, but it should be me, not Lash or Ethel.’
Before either woman could reply to Georgina, they heard a tap on the front door and Varvara’s voice. When she walked into the room, Molly noticed Georgina look at Varvara scathingly and wondered what the Russian woman had done to annoy her friend.
‘What do you want?’ Georgina asked coldly.
‘I have a message… from Mr Maynard. He said you are to see him before the end of the day.’
‘Go back to the office.’
The door closed behind Varvara and Georgina moaned, ‘This is all I need.’
‘What do you think he wants?’ Molly asked.
‘I don’t know. There was some trouble with Cyril taking bets yesterday. It could be something to do with that.’
Dulcie guffawed. ‘He’s a cheeky bugger, that Cyril. Did you pass on my regards to him?’
‘Yes, Gran. But he’s dead now.’
‘Eh? Cyril, dead? When did that happen?’ Dulcie asked.
‘Yesterday. Varvara took it upon herself to dish out punishment. Before you say anything, I’ll sort it but first I need to get Lash home.’
‘Oh dear, I can imagine how Cyril’s wife must be feeling.’
‘Yes, me too but I’ve made sure she’s getting a good pay-out. Trouble is, I can’t give her his body to bury, not with a bullet in his head.’
Molly tried to block out the last of the conversation between Dulcie and Georgina. She found the subject matter far too upsetting and the way they casually discussed corpses unnerved her.
‘I’d better get over to David Maynard before he pops a blood vessel and then I’m going to join Lash’s family up to Liverpool.’
‘But they told you to sit tight and they’d bring Lash to you,’ Dulcie reminded Georgina.
‘Yes, I know, Gran, but I can’t sit here twiddling me thumbs. I need to do this.’
‘I don’t think you should,’ Molly offered. ‘Let them do it their way.’
Dulcie spoke again, ‘You don’t like not being in control, ain’t that right, love?’
‘I just want to make sure they get Lash.’
‘They’ve said they will, so do as you’ve been told. I know it goes against the grain for you, but they’ll have their own way of doing things and won’t thank you for interfering.’
‘I get that, Gran, but I’m only planning on tagging along.’
‘No, Georgina. I’m putting my foot down now. You’ll do as you’ve been told… for once.’
Molly’s heart began to race as she waited for an explosive response from Georgina but her friend just nodded instead. It had been a long time since she’d seen Georgina so meek. She’d dropped her tough persona and Molly saw tears begin to well in her violet eyes. It was rare for her to cry. Molly could only recall one occasion and that had been after Georgina had been abused in a police station. Even then, her tears had been short-lived and quickly replaced with anger.
Molly went to her friend and pulled her close. As she wrapped her arms around Georgina, she felt her body stiffen. ‘It’ll be all right. They’ll bring him home,’ she said soothingly.
Georgina stepped back. ‘Thanks,’ she replied to Molly, her face hard again. ‘But I don’t need tea and sympathy yet. Lash is not dead. I know he’s not dead. It sounds stupid but I’d know if he was. I’d feel it.’
Dulcie sat on the edge of her chair. ‘Good girl. No need for weeping. Let the gypsies get on with doing their business and you concentrate on sorting out your own. Get yourself orf to that Maynard fella and see what he wants. Then, when you’ve done that, you can deal with that bloody Russian thing. Don’t you let her get away with killing Cyril. He didn’t deserve it.’
Georgina drew in a deep breath and held her head high. ‘You’re right, I’ve got work to do and Lash will be home soon.’
Georgina left and Molly flopped back onto the sofa, deep in thought. She hoped Jane would be well enough to leave hospital soon. As soon as Jane was released, Molly planned on leaving. She was glad she’d stayed until now, to be here when her friend needed her, but she didn’t want to stay a minute longer than she had to. She loved Georgina but not the Wilcox business and her friend was too deeply entrenched in it now. Her dear sister, Ethel, had lost her young life and now Lash’s was in danger. Who next? thought Molly.
She had to get away from this world of crooks, murderers and madmen. It was the only way she could protect her son.
‘What do you think then?’ Frank asked as he drained the last of his whisky.
‘I ain’t sure I’m ready,’ Mickey replied.
They were sat in Frank’s front room enjoying a late Sunday afternoon tipple with full stomachs after a roast dinner.
‘We can’t keep holding back, Mickey. She’s going from strength to strength. From what I’ve heard, her gypo husband is in a bit of bother with the Portland Pounders. I don’t know if it’s related, but the gypsies arrived on Friday night and now they’ve buggered off again. I’ve never known them to set off so quickly. Something’s going down, I’m sure of it. But you know what that lot are like. They don’t trust us coppers. We can’t get close.’
‘He lost the fight then?’
‘Yes. That’s why I reckon we should act now. She’s distracted. It’s perfect timing.’
Mickey took a large swig of his drink. Him and Frank had always planned on expanding the Wilcox business, swallowing up David Maynard’s and then working their way North, but Georgina Garrett had come along and stopped them in their tracks. Since then, Frank had kept close to her, sure that one day he and Mickey would get the opportunity to claim back what was already theirs. And now Frank seemed convinced that the time was right.
Mickey wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t bothered about the business. He couldn’t care a less about taking over the Maynards. He just wanted out of this life and to take Georgina with him. But he knew he couldn’t do it alone so went along with Frank’s plans, for now. ‘Have you managed to convince any of the blokes to come on side?’
‘Knuckles is keen. He’s not happy working for Maynard and wants to be back in Battersea. He’s dropping by next week. I think he wants to see with his own eyes that you’re alive and kicking.’
‘Alive, yes but kicking is stretching it a bit.’
‘And Stephen. He walked out when Garrett took over. Said he’d never work for a woman. He’s been doing a bit of work here and there to get by but he can’t wait to join us. He laughed when I told him. Apparently he predicted this and told her so. When he left, he warned her she wouldn’t last and he’d soon have his job back.’
‘Huh, he weren’t wrong,’ Mickey said, faking a chuckle.
‘Willy West won’t go nowhere near, not after what that Russian tart did to him. But he said his son is up for it. He hates the bitch and reckons he could get his two brothers on board too.’
‘That’s a good start, Frank. But we’ll need a lot more manpower.’
‘I’m working on it but we’ve got enough for a takeover and then once we’re back in the seat, the rest of the men will follow. They’re not going to have any loyalty to a woman boss. I think they’ve got more self-respect than to answer to a tart.’
‘Even Johnny Dymond?’
‘No, he’s gone soft in the head, but fuck him, Mickey. He can die with the bitch.’
Frank took their glasses into the kitchen and came back with them refilled. ‘Cheers, to us. I’ll get the blokes together and we’ll put our plans into action. Two weeks, I think. Two weeks and then you’ll be sat back at your desk and the world, as they say, will be our oyster.’
‘Yeah, cheers,’ Mickey said and raised his glass but he’d never liked oysters. He’d seen Billy Wilcox eat them once and thought they looked like giant bogies. No, oysters weren’t for him and neither was the Wilcox business. Not anymore. His dreams had been shattered along with his spine and now the only thought that gave him any pleasure was his own death. And Georgina Garrett’s.
As Frank chatted on about how they’d execute the takeover, Mickey’s mind wandered to his own plans. Knuckles was coming to see him. That was perfect. He knew the man was stupid and easily manipulated. Frank didn’t realise but he’d just given Mickey everything he needed on a plate.
He smiled as he pictured the scene of his own death in his head and killing Georgina Garrett would be the last thing he’d ever do.
Later that evening, Georgina arrived home, exhausted. She’d managed to catch a couple of hours’ sleep in the back of the car on the return from Liverpool, but it had been punctured with images of Lash being beaten. Since then she’d been on the go all day and the thought of going to bed alone tonight terrified her.
‘Hello, love. How did it go?’ her gran asked.
‘Actually, David was very sympathetic. He appreciated me taking it on the chin and not bringing his name into it.’
‘I should think so to! Did he offer you the diamonds?’
‘No. He said he would have sold them to me if he had them but they’ve already been shifted.’
‘That’s convenient for him. So he gets off scot-free with robbing the Pounders and quids in whilst you’re left to deal with them.’
‘Yep, that’s pretty much it.’
‘Do you believe he’s sold them?’
‘I dunno, Gran. Possibly. I doubt it though. I can’t see him getting rid of them so quickly, not while they’re hot. There’s too much interest in them. I don’t think anyone would touch them yet, not even Ezzy.’
‘You’ve been a long time, what kept you?’
‘He insisted on taking me for dinner. He said I looked like I needed it. To be honest, Gran, I hadn’t even thought about food.’
‘No, I don’t suppose you had, but you’ve got to look after yourself.’
Georgina nodded, her mind void of any thought for herself.
‘Molly and Oppo waited but I told them to get off home. They said they’d call back in tomorrow.’
‘And what about my dad? Please don’t tell me he’s in the pub.’
‘No, love. He’s… he’s gawn orf with Lash’s family.’
‘He wanted to help. He’s done the right thing and it’s about time he started behaving like your father again.’
Georgina dropped onto the sofa, surprised but also appreciative of her dad’s intervention. She understood that she couldn’t have gone with the family. It was difficult enough to be a woman in charge in her world, but impossible in Lash’s. Her dad riding alongside them was the next best thing.
‘Why don’t you try and get some rest, love?’
Georgina wanted to. She really did, but was put off by the thought of what she’d see when she closed her eyes. ‘I’ll just sit here, Gran,’ she answered and watched the hands of the clock slowly turn.
It was going to be a long night. Georgina’s eyes felt heavy and the hand of the clock had hardly moved. She was vaguely aware of her gran putting a blanket over her.
‘Rest now, child,’ she heard her gran say over the imagined cries of Lash, and she finally drifted off into a restless sleep.