
Abbott, H. Porter


accommodation (Lewis)

actant see also character

Adam, Jean-Michel

Adams, Jon-K.

adjacency pair see also turn-taking

agency, see narrative

Alber, Jan


Altered Carbon

Ambassadors, The

analepsis (= flashback) see also narration

Andrews, Molly

Ankersmit, Frank


Artificial Intelligence, see narrative

Atran, Scott

audience, see discourse contexts; implied reader



author see also career author; discourse contexts; implied author; narrative communication diagram; narrator

authorial audience, see discourse contexts; implied reader

authorial narration, see narration


autodiegetic narration/narrator, see narration

Baetens, Jan

Bakhtin, Mikhail M.

Bal, Mieke

Bamberg, Michael

Banfield, Annn

Barnes, Barry

Barthes, Roland

Beardsley, Monroe

Benson, Jackson J.


Berkenkotter, Carol

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Berlin, Brent


Blackmore, Susan

Block, Ned

Bolter, Jay David

Booth, Wayne C.

Borges, Jorge Luis

brain, see consciousness

Breedlove, Dennis

Bremond, Claude

Bridgeman, Teresa

Britten, Gordon

Brontë, Charlotte

Browning, Robert

Bruner, Jerome

Buchholz, Sabine

Canterbury Tales, The

Capps, Lisa

career author

Carrier, David

categorization processes

and basic-level effects

and centrality gradience

and contrast effects

and creativity

and discourse competence

as fundamental sense-making strategy

and fuzzy categories

and fuzzy grammars

and genre

and horizontal and vertical

dimensions of category systems

linguistic reflexes of

and membership gradience

and prototype effects

and prototypes

and text types

variability of across contexts

and Wittgenstein on family resemblances see also narrative; narrativity; preference rules; primary vs. secondary speech genres; text type; text-type categories

Cement Garden, The

centrality gradience, see categorization processes

Chafe, Wallace

Chalmers, David


and positioning

in structuralist narratology

synthetic, mimetic, and thematic dimensions of (Phelan) see also enactor; narrative; plot; storyworlds

Chatman, Seymour

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Childs, Becky

chronotope see also storyworlds

Clark, Andy

Clark, George

Clover, Carol

Clowes, Daniel

cognitive anthropology

cognitive psychology

cognitive science, see categorization processes; cognitive anthropology; cognitive psychology; consciousness; Conversation Analysis; discourse contexts; discursive psychology; embodiment; emotion; explanatory gap; folk taxonomies; intentionality; linguistics; multimodal narration; narrative; narrative reasoning vs. paradigmatic reasoning; narrative universals; narrativity; narratology; philosophy; preference rules; sociolinguistics; storyworlds; qualia; raw feels; worldmaking and world-versions; zombies

Cohn, Dorrit

comics, see multimodal narration

communicative competence see also categorization processes; discourse contexts; narrative competence

communicative dimensions of narrative, see discourse contexts; narrative; narrative communication diagram

co-narration see also narration


Conrad, Joseph


approaches to

and brain physiology

debates about vis-à-vis narrative study

distributed model of

evolutionary advantages of

first-person ontology of (Searle)

and genre differences

literature as record of

vis-à-vis the mind

narrative as basis or context for

and positioning

and the problem of other minds

relation of to third-person orientation of science

stories as enactment of see also embodiment; experientiality; explanatory gap; narration; narrative; narrativity; narratology; novel of consciousness; philosophy; preference rules; qualia; raw feels; zombies

consonant self-narration

contextual frames, see storyworlds

Conversation Analysis see also discourse contexts

counternarrative (vs. master narrative)

creativity, see categorization processes

Crystal, David

Culler, Jonathan

Dannenberg, Hilary

Danto, Arthur

Darwin, Charles

Davies, Martin

deictic shift, see deixis; storyworlds

deixis see also literary narrative; reference; storyworlds

Dennett, Daniel

Derrida, Jacques


core features of

as embedded in discourse contexts

vs. emplotment

narratological approaches to

and temporal sequence

as text-type category see also narrative; text-type categories

descriptivized narration see also description; narrative; narrativized description

Dickens, Charles

Diderot, Denis

digital narratives

discourse (= sjuzhet), see plot

discourse contexts (occasions for telling)

and contextualization cues (Gumperz)

and Conversation Analysis

interactional-sociolinguistic approaches to

and the narrative communication model

and positioning theory

and rhetorical approaches to narrative

as shaping and shaped by processes of narration

and types of audiences (actual, authorial, narrative) see also categorization processes; consciousness; description; narration; narrative; narrative communication diagram; storylines

discursive psychology see also counternarrative; discourse contexts; storylines

disequilibrium, see narrative

Döblin, Alfred

Doležel, Lubomír

Drew, Paul

Dubrow, Heather

duration, see narration

Edwards, Derek

Eggins, Suzanne

Eisner, Will

Ellen, Roy

embedded narrative, see narration


Emigrants, The

Emmott, Catherine

emotion see also narrative

emplotment, see description

enactor see also character; narrating-I vs. experiencing-I


ethical narrativity thesis (Strawson)


Ewert, Jeanne

evaluation, see narrative point

evolutionary theory, see explanation

experiencing-I, see narrating-I vs. experiencing-I

experientiality (Fludernik)

definition of

vis-à-vis plot

vis-à-vis what it’s like (Nagel) see also consciousness; embodiment; narrative; narrativity; qualia; raw feels


core features of

covering law model of

in evolutionary theory

and explanans vs. explanandum

nomological vs. statistical types of

as privileging the general over the particular

quantitative vs. qualitative types of

as text-type category see also narrative

explanatory gap (philosophy of mind) see also consciousness; qualia

extradiegetic narration/narrator, see narration; narrative levels

fabula, see plot

Faulkner, William

feminist narratology, see narratology

fiction, see narrative; storyworlds

fictional recentering, see storyworlds

Fielding, Henry

figural narration, see narration

film adaptation see also narrative; remediation; shot duration (film)

Flanagan, Owenn

Fludernik, Monika


focalization see also reflector

folk psychology, see narrative

folk taxonomies

frame narrative see also narration

framing and footing (Goffman) see also discourse contexts

Frawley, William

Freeman, Anthonyn

frequency, see narration

functional grammar see also linguistics; sociolinguistics

fuzzy categories, see categorization processes

Gallagher, Shaun

García Landa, José Ángeln

Garfinkel, Harold

gender see also narrative; narratology

Genette, Gérard,

genre, see allegory; autobiography; Bildungsroman; categorization processes; consciousness; life stories; narrative; paratext; postmodern fiction; postmodern rewrites; preference rules; primary vs. secondary speech genres; psychological novel; science fiction; storyworlds; superhero comics; text type

Georgakopoulou, Alexandra

Gerrig, Richard J.

gesture, see multimodal narration

Ghost World

Gillett, Grant

Goffman, Erving

Goodman, Nelson

Goodwin, Marjorie Harness

Görlach, Manfred

graphic narratives, see multimodal narration

Great Expectations

Green, Georgia M.

Greimas, Algirdas Julien

Groensteen, Thierry

Grusin, Richard

Gumperz, John J.

Güzeldere, Güvenn

Halliday, M. A. K.

Hamburger, Käte

Hamon, Philippe

Hansen, Per Krogh

Harré, Rom

Heart of Darkness

Hemingway, Ernest

Hempel, Carl


Heritage, Johnn

Herman, Luc

heterodiegetic narration/narrator, see narration

Hewitt, Lynne E.

“Hills Like White Elephants,”

Hirschberg, Julia

Hogan, Patrick Colm

homodiegetic narration/narrator, see narration

Huckin, Thomas N.

Hutto, Daniel

Hymes, Dell

hypodiegetic narration/narrator, see narration

Hyvärinen, Matti

identity, see gender; narrative; race/ethnicity

ideology, see counternarrative; gender; narrative; storylines

immersiveness (of stories), see storyworlds

implied author

implied reader

intentional fallacy


interdisciplinary narrative theory, see narrative

intradiegetic narration/narrator, see narration; narrative levels

Iser, Wolfgang

Jackson, Frank

Jahn, Manfred

Jakobson, Romann

James, Henry

Jane Eyre

Jannidis, Fotis

Jauss, Hans Robert

Jefferson, Gail

Jewitt, Carey

Johnstone, Barbara

Joyce, James

Kafalenos, Emma

Kafka, Franz

Keen, Suzannen

Keil, Frank C.

Kellogg, Robert

Kendall, Tyler

Kindt, Tom

Kirk, Robert

Kittay, Jeffrey

Kraus, Wolfgang

Kreiswirth, Martin

Kress, Gunther

Labov, William

Lakoff, George

Lambert, Karel

Lambrou, Marinan

Lanser, Susan S.

Leech, Geoffrey

Lejeune, Philippe

Levi, Primo

Levin, Janet

Levine, Joseph

Levinson, Stephen

Lewis, David

life stories

Linde, Charlotte


as pilot-science for structuralist narratology

post-Saussurean paradigms for in narrative study see also Conversation Analysis; discourse contexts; discursive psychology; functional grammar; multimodal narration; narration; narrative; sociolinguistics; storyworlds

literary narrative

as “narrative display text” (Pratt)

and person deixisn

relation of to face-to-face storytelling

temporal structures in see also consciousness; narrative

Lodge, David

Longino, Helen

Lönneker, Birten

Lord, Albert

Lotman, Iurii

Lubbock, Percy

Lukács, György

Lyotard, Jean-François

lyric, see narrative

MacIntyre, Alasdair

Mallinson, Christine

Malt, Barbara

Margolin, Uri

Martin, Thomas

Martin, Wallace

master narrative, see counternarrative

Mateas, Michael

McCloud, Scott

McEwan, Ian

McHale, Brian

media vs. modes see also medium specificity; multimodal narration

medium specificity see also discourse contexts; multimodal narration; narrative; remediation; storyworlds

Meister, Jan Christoph

membership gradience, see categorization processes

Menary, Richard

metalepsis, see storyworlds

Mildorf, Jarmila

Miller, Carolyn

mind, see consciousness; emotion; explanatory gap; intentionality; narration; narrative; philosophy; qualia; raw feels

minimal narrative

Mink, Louis

mode, see media vs. modes; medium specificity; multimodal narration; narrative

Moisinnac, Luke

Morgan, Robert

Morrison, James

Mosher, Harold F.

Moss, Susan

Mrs Dalloway

Müller, Hans-Harald

multimodal narration

as exploiting more than one semiotic channel to evoke a storyworld

in film

and gesture use in face-to-face storytelling

in graphic narratives

vs. monomodal narration see also media vs. modes; medium specificity; multimodal narration; narrative

My Last Duchess

Nagel, Thomas


narrating-I vs. experiencing-I


approaches to the study of

authorial mode of (Stanzel)

autodiegetic modes of

dialogic vs. monologic practices of

and duration (pause, scene, summary, ellipsis)

extradiegetic vs. intradiegetic modes of

figural mode of

first-person mode of (Stanzel)

and frequency (singulative, repetitive, and iterative)

homodiegetic vs. heterodiegetic modes of

hypodiegetic (= embedded) modes of

and order (chronological and nonchronological)

and prosody

simultaneous, retrospective, prospective, and intercalated modes of

and the temporal configuration of storyworlds

unreliable modes of see also analepsis; co-narration; intentionality; multimodal narration; narrative; narrative levels; narrative performance; prolepsis; reflector; shot duration (film); showing vs. telling; storyworlds


and agency

and Artificial Intelligence research

canonical or prototypical instances of

as cognitive structure

communicative dimensions of

vis-à-vis description

and disputes

and disruption/disequilibrium

empirical approaches to

etic vs. emic approaches to

vis-à-vis explanation

and “face,”

in face-to-face interaction

and the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc

fictional vs. nonfictional modes of

and folk psychology

and group membership

and identity

interdisciplinary perspectives on

vis-à-vis lyric

across media

as method for worldmaking

as multi-unit turn at talk

Ochs and Capps’s dimensional model of

and participant frameworks (Goffman)

and particularity

in printed texts vs. spoken discourse

and production formats (Goffman)

and the representation of experiencing minds (what it’s like)

narrative (cont’d)

rhetorical approaches to

the role of emotions in

as scaffolding for conscious experience

scenes of talk represented in

and science

and “small stories,”

and tellability

and temporal sequence

as tool for thinking

as trans- or super-generic phenomenon

and trauma

as type of text (text-type category) see also categorization processes; character; consciousness; counternarrative; description; discourse contexts; explanation; focalization; gender; literary narrative; medium specificity; minimal narrative; multimodal narration; narrativity; personalexperience narratives; qualia; race/ethnicity; storyworlds; text type; text-type categories; time in narrative; turn-taking

narrative audience, see discourse contexts

narrative beginnings, see storyworlds

narrative communication diagram see also discourse contexts

narrative communication model, see discourse contexts

narrative competence

narrative imperialism (Strawson) see also ethical narrativity thesis; psychological narrativity thesis

narrative levels see also narration

narrative performance

narrative point

Narrative Practice Hypothesis (Hutto)

narrative reasoning vs. paradigmatic reasoning (Bruner)

narrative situation, see narration

narrative turn

narrative universals (Sternberg)

narrative worldmaking, see narrative; storyworlds; text world; worldmaking and world-versions


bearing of context on

vis-à-vis consciousness

and the dialectic of canonicity and breach

gradient nature of

vis-à-vis tellability

as what makes a story a story see also categorization processes; description; explanation; narrative; storyworlds; text type

narrativized description see also description; descriptivized narration; narrative


classical, structuralist approaches to

vis-à-vis the cognitive sciences

feminist approaches to

postclassical approaches to

narrator see also author; discourse contexts; narration; narrative

Nelson, Lynn Hankinson

New Criticism

Nieragden, Göran

nonfictional narrative, see narrative

Norrick, Neal R.

North Carolina Language and Life Project

North Carolina Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project

nouveau roman

novel, the see also psychological novel

novel of consciousness

Nünning, Ansgar

Oatley, Keith

Object Based Schema (Hutto)

Ochs, Elinor

Oppenheim, Paul

order, see narration

other minds, see consciousness

Page, Ruth

Palmer, Alan

paradigmatic reasoning, see narrative reasoning vs. paradigmatic reasoning


participant frameworks, see discourse contexts; narrative

Pavel, Thomas

Peirce, C. S.

personal-experience narratives

vs. anecdotes, exempla, and recounts

foundational role of in narrative analysis

Labov’s six-part model of

as specific subtype of narrative vs. canonical form

Pflugmacher, Torsten

Phelan, James


of language

of mind

of science see also explanatory gap; narrative

physics see also narrative; philosophy; sociology of scientific knowledge

Pike, Kenneth


and Barthes on nuclei vs. catalyzers

vis-à-vis character

and fabula vs. sjuzhet

and Proppian functions

and Tomashevskii on bound vs. free motifs see also experientiality; narrative; storyworlds

Plotnitsky, Arkady

Plum, Guenter A.

positioning, see consciousness; counternarrative; discourse contexts; discursive psychology; storylines

possible-worlds approach, see storyworlds

postmodern fiction

postmodern rewrites

Potter, Jonathan

Pratt, Mary Louise

preference rules

vis-à-vis consciousness representation

definition of

vis-à-vis narrative genres see also categorization processes

primary vs. secondary speech genres (Bakhtin) see also categorization processes; text type

Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The

Prince, Gerald

principle of minimal departure (Ryan), see storyworlds

private worlds (or subworlds), see storyworlds

production formats, see discourse contexts; narrative

prolepsis (= flashforward) see also narration

Propp, Vladimir

prosody, see narration

Proteus Principle

prototypes, see categorization processes; narrative

psychological narrativity thesis psychological novel

qualia see also consciousness; experientiality; explanatory gap; narrative; philosophy; raw feels

Quine, Willard van Orman

Rabinowitz, Peter J.

race/ethnicity see also narrative

Ratcliffe, Matthew

Raven, Peter H.

raw feels see also qualia

reader, see discourse contexts; implied reader; narrative

Reddy, Michael

reference see also deixis; narrative; storyworlds; worldmaking and world-versions


remediation see also film adaptation

rhetorical approaches to narrative, see narrative

Rhys, Jean

Richardson, Brian

Ricoeur, Paul

Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith

Robbe-Grillet, Alain

Roberts, Craige

Ronen, Ruth

Rosch, Eleanor

Russian Formalism

Ryan, Marie-Laure

Sacco, Joe

Sacks, Harvey

Salway, Andrew

Saussure, Ferdinand de

Saville-Troike, Muriel

scenes of talk, see narrative

Schechtman, Marya

Schegloff, Emanuel A.

Schiffrin, Deborah

Scholes, Robert

Schrödinger’s Cat

Schutz, Alfred

science, see explanation; narrative; philosophy; sociology of scientific knowledge

science fiction

Searle, John

Sebald, W. G.

Segal, Erwin M.

Senger, Phoebe

Shaw, Harry

Shklovskii, Viktor

Short, Michael

shot duration (film)

showing vs. telling see also narration

sjuzhet, see plot

Slade, Diana

small stories, see narrative

sociolinguistics see also discourse contexts; linguistics

sociology of scientific knowledge

Sonic Youth

Sound and the Fury, The

space in narrative see also storyworlds

speech and thought representation see narrative; speech balloons

speech balloons see also multimodal narration; narrative

Stanzel, Franz Karl

Stearns, Peter

Sternberg, Meir

story (= fabula), see plot

storylines see also counternarrative; discourse contexts; discursive psychology

storytelling, see narration; narrative


construction of via textual blueprints

and contextual frames

and deictic shifts

and differences among media

and disruptive or noncanonical events

as embedded in communicative contexts

and fiction conceived as game of make-believe (Walton)

storyworlds (cont’d)

and fictional recentering

frameworks for the study of

and genre differences

as global mental models of characters, situations, and events evoked by a narrative

and the immersiveness of narrative

in metaleptic narratives

and narrative beginnings

and possible-worlds theory

and the principle of minimal departure

readers’ transportation to (Gerrig)

and salient ontologies (Pavel)

spatiotemporal dimensions of

and subworlds (associated with characters)

and text-world theory see also chronotope; narration; narrative; reference; text worlds; worldmaking and world-versions

Strawson, Galen

superhero comics

surprise, see narrative universals

Survival in Auschwitz

suspense, see narrative universals

syllogism see also explanation

Tannen, Deborah

Taylor, Charles

Taylor, Craig

Teahan, Sheila

tellability, see narrative

temporality, see description; literary narrative; narration; narrative; storyworlds; time in narrative


text type

text-type categories see also categorization processes; narrative

text worlds see also storyworlds

Thomas, Bronwen

time in narrative see also literary narrative; narration; narrative; storyworlds

tip-of-the-iceberg technique (Hemingway)

“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius,”

Todorov, Tzvetan

Tom Jones

Tomasello, Michael

Tomashevskii, Boris

Toolan, Michael

trauma, see narrative

Turner, Mark

turn-taking see also adjacency pair; Conversation Analysis; discourse contexts; narrative

Tye, Michael

UFO or the Devil


uncertainty principle

unreliable narration, see narration

Van Gulick, Robert

Van Langenhove, Luk

Van Leeuwen, Theo

verb tense

Vervaeck, Bart

Virtanen, Tuija

Wagner-Martin, Linda

Waletzky, Joshua

Walsh, Richard

Walton, Kendall

War of the Worlds

Ward, Gregory

Warhol, Robyn

Wårvik, Brita


Welty, Eudora

Werlich, Egon

Werth, Paul

Wide Sargasso Sea

Wilson, Robert A.

Wimsatt, W. K.

Wings of the Dove

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Woolf, Virginia

worldmaking and world-versions (Goodman) see also narrative; storyworlds; text worlds

Young, Katharine

Zola, Émile


Zoran, Gabriel

Zubin, David A.

Zunshine, Lisa

Zwigoff, Terry