Making Better Choices
Soon after we moved to Denver, we discovered something we’d never seen before: goat-heads. Goatheads are wicked little thorns that grow in this part of the country and have what look like the ears, horns, and nose of a goat. They fall to the ground with their horns pointing in the air, and if one happens to work its way into your shoe it can really ruin your day.
In fact, if you live in the West, it will come as no surprise to you that we’ve changed more bicycle tires since moving here than during all the years that we lived in the Upper Midwest combined. Serious bikers take multiple precautions against goatheads for even the thickest mountain-bike tires.
Each day, as we journey into the unexplored wilds of our personal and professional lives, there are virtual “goatheads” lurking at every turn. Choose the wrong thought and we’re off into blame, complaining, and procrastination. But the right thoughts lead us to a richer, more fulfilling life and the feelings of pride and accomplishment that come from making productive decisions.
The idea that we are accountable for our own choices and are free to make better ones is fundamental to the QBQ. Sometimes people think they have no choice. They’ll say things like “I have to” or “I can’t.” But we always have a choice. Always. Even deciding not to choose is making a choice. Realizing this and taking responsibility for our choices is a big step toward making great things happen in our lives.
Want to avoid the goatheads and make great things happen?
Make better choices.