
For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–53) may, on occasion, appear on only one of those pages.

Abdullah, Emir  99100
Abyssinian crisis  327339, 570
leakage of secret material from Rome embassy  241242, 323325
Allenby, Sir E.  9798
Addison, P.  325
British strategy before 1914  34
New Standard Fleet  376377, 382, 401402
Third Afghan War  9192
Soviet threat to and defence of India  173177
Air Defence of Great Britain  380381
air raids, fear of  142143
air raid precautions  490492
Air Staff  4041, 5455, 62, 108, 121122
French air threat  141143
intelligence estimates of Luftwaffe  284285
World Disarmament Conference  259260
Alexander, A. V.  208209, 437
aliens, internment of  560561
All-Party Army Committee  4647, 6061
Altmark  546, 548
Amalgamated Engineering Union  363364
American War of Independence  394395
Amery, L.  109110, 146147, 499500
Critic of N. Chamberlain as war leader  533534, 547549
Locarno  164
Amanullah, King  176177
Anderson, Sir J.  490492
Angell, N.  437
Anglo-American trade treaty, 1938  493494
Anglo-American security guarantee to France, 1919  7477
Anglo-Egyptian treaty  341342
Anglo-French Entente of 1904  68, 374375
Anglo-French estrangement, 1919–25  135145
Anglo-French staff talks and war plans, 1939  452, 487489
Anglo-German naval treaty  326327
Anglo-German Fellowship  236237
Anglo-Irish treaty  100101
Anglo-Japanese estrangement  118121, 566
Anglo-Japanese treaty  119125, 374375
Anglo-Persian Oil Company  177179
Anglo-Russian Convention, 1907  68, 8384, 118120, 374375
Anglo-Soviet trade agreement, 1921  133134
Anti-Comintern pact  399400, 440, 458
anti-war opinion  46, 232233
‘anti-waste’ campaigners  56
appeasement  712, 161162, 353354
Amritsar massacre  9192
Anschluss  399402
Arab revolt  342345
Archbishop of Canterbury  256, 437
Arcos raid  116
armistice with Germany  7172
comparative strength in 1920s  216220
Field Force  219220, 273, 282286, 289295, 313–315, 352355, 357359, 376379, 382383, 392, 401, 421, 441, 449453, 458459, 461463, 473474, 486, 532533, 569570
functions in 1920  6064
incapable of sustaining British colonial rule by force alone  9495
mechanization  218219
Ten-Year rule  58 See also DRC, General Staff, Territorial army
Asquith, H. H.  34
Attlee, C.  5051, 323324, 333334, 417419, 438, 457, 466468, 499500, 531, 548550, 556, 558560
defence spending in 1920s  110
Hankey’s imperial tour  297
Japan  120121
outbreak of war in 1939  481
reliance on Royal Navy for defence  106
Singapore deterrent  185194
war effort  528529
‘Yellow Peril’  119
backchannel diplomacy  472478
balance of power  2, 2122, 4749, 5152, 6365, 6977, 8081, 114, 123124, 135136, 150, 156157, 159160, 232233, 247, 252253, 255256, 262263, 299300, 303, 310311, 326327, 371372, 382, 384, 392, 394395, 397, 402403, 407408, 417420, 427, 429, 473477, 553554, 564567, 571574
Baldwin, S.  1, 7
Abyssinian crisis  326327
Anglo-German naval treaty  326327
attitude towards USA  38, 8283
character and political beliefs  1618, 3334
Coolidge conference  199200
defence of Low Countries  307309
defence spending  24
DRC  288289, 293294
East Fulham by-election  319320
fear of France  150
foreign and defence policy  233235
general election, 1935  319326
Germany and rearmament  309, 320
Manchurian crisis  252
Ministry of Defence  360361
policy as Prime Minister 1935–7  315326, 352, 367
one power air standard  291
rearmament  325326, 357361
Singapore  295–296
Spanish Civil War  345346
understanding of public opinion and the press  4145
war debts owed to USA  127128
World Disarmament Conference  259260
Balfour, A. J.  34, 26, 5354
Declaration  8788, 99100, 105
League if Nations  8182
Locarno  157
Turkey  8889
war debts owed to USA  127128
Washington Conference  121123
Ball, Sir J.  384, 415
Bank of England  246247
Bank Rate  286287
Barlow, Sir A.  494496
Barnett, C.  3334
Battle of the Falklands  189
BBC  5152, 316, 339340, 415, 442443, 472
Beatty, Lord  6162, 185, 197198
Beck, Colonel-General L.  413
Bell, G.  86
Bevin, E.  5051, 323324, 417418
Bingham, R.  393
Birkenhead, Lord  19, 3536, 8081, 157
Defence of India committee  174176
Bleriot, L.  142143
blockade  56, 68, 196197
1939–40  514519, 537538, 557558
Blomberg, General von  411412
Comintern and fear of subversion of British empire  8687, 170173
failure of armed intervention  8386
Bonar Law, A.  1, 16, 127128
Bonnet, G.  431, 448450, 452, 483484
Borden, Sir R.  102
‘Bore War’  532
Botha, General L.  105
Briand, A.  137138, 140141, 159160, 168169, 210, 220221
Bridgeman, W.  195198, 202
Bridges, E.  238
Bright, R.  4748
British Council  339340
British empire, conceptions of and public support for  4546, 6667, 221222
British Expeditionary Force  555556, 564
British Union of Fascists  231232, 560561
British war debts owed to USA  116117, 125132
Brittan, V.  232233
Brown, E.  363364, 521522
Bruce, S.  164
Bruce Lockhart, R.  8384
Brüning, H.  254
Bryant, A.  475477
Burckhardt, K.  477478
Burgin, L.  462, 519520
Butler, Sir N.  234235
Butler, R. A.  397398, 477478, 513514, 543544
by-elections  56, 8081, 131, 232, 243244, 319320, 414415, 438, 445, 531
cabinet system  19
Cabinet Foreign Policy Committee  375376, 398399, 445446, 452, 466468, 475477
Military Co-ordinating Committee  505
Strategical Appreciation Sub–committee  487488
Cabinet Secretariat  1920, 239240
Cadogan, Sir A.  427428, 430, 497498, 500, 541, 544, 546547
Calthrope, Admiral  88
defence spending in 1920s  110
ethnic divisions  106
Hankey’s imperial tour  297298
Japan  120121
outbreak of war in 1939  482
war effort  528530
Canaris, Admiral  411412
Carson, Sir E.  8788
Carlton Club  131
Cavan, Lord  6162, 159, 181182, 189190
Cecil, Lord R.  1516
British high-mindedness  34
Coolidge conference  199200
League of Nations  115
Manchurian crisis  249
Munich agreement  437
Rapallo  140
resignation  200
Royal Navy  115
stereotypes of Irish and Slavs  3637
‘Watching Committee’  533534
World Disarmament conference  255
Chamberlain, A.  1, 11
appeasement  161162
attitude towards League of Nations and Concert of Europe  5152
China  179185
cold war with USSR in 1927  169179
confidence in British power  3940
Coolidge conference  200201
Dominions  109110
function of diplomacy  2021
German rearmament  206207
Invergordon mutiny  230231
Kellogg-Briand pact  202, 229
League of Nations  5152
Locarno  154164
managing the Locarno system  167169
mental maps  34, 38, 40
Mosul settlement  148149, 566567
public ignorant of foreign affairs  42
public supported League of Nations
public wanted peace  43
Singapore base and war with Japan  187188
spending on defence  5657
USA  201202
war debts owed to USA  127
war plans  62
Chamberlain, Lady I.  384
Chamberlain, N.  7, 11
Abyssinian crisis  338
Anschluss  399404
appeasing Germany  384, 386389, 398399, 424426
appeasing Italy  384, 396397, 399, 445447, 458
appeasement after Munich  436438, 442, 454455, 468, 470471
backchannels appeasement  436437, 470478, 501
character and reputation  235236, 371375
choices he faced as Prime Minister  372373, 571
commitment to France  449450, 452453
conscription  458461
compromise peace in May 1940  556557
critics of his wartime leadership  532535, 548549
decision for war  478500
distrusted by Labour party  460461
Eden’s resignation  389397
France  395396
fall from office in May 1940  545550
fortress Britain  382, 384, 449, 451454, 488489, 570
Greek guarantee  458
grand strategy and the DRC  314, 535545
grand strategy of appeasement as Prime Minister  374376, 394397, 434435
grand strategy 1939–40  503519, 532, 535545, 552, 572573
hatred of war  272, 371372, 532533
ignorant of foreign affairs and grand strategy  273274, 374375, 571572
Inskip Report, limited liability, and fourth arm of defence  376384, 557558
Japan  299303, 315, 516517
kitchen cabinet  397398
Land Forces committee  5, 505506
Limited liability strategy  376377, 449450
mobilizing home front  519535
Ministry of Supply  401402, 461462
Munich crisis  402413, 426434
National Defence Contribution  365366
open diplomacy  239
orthodox financier  274275, 365
Palestine  343345
Polish guarantee  456458
Prime Minister  371376, 434435, 564, 571
Prague, significance of German occupation of  454455, 500501
public opinion  272273, 318319, 378, 382383, 401403, 414415, 419420, 445, 459460, 497498, 500501, 548549, 572
rearmament and air deterrent, 1936  355360, 362364
rearmament and 1935 general election  321322, 325326
rearmament after Munich  438, 440442
Rumanian guarantee  458
Scandinavian campaign  535545
Soviet alliance  463472
stereotype of the Germans  3536
USA  280281, 299300, 302, 394395, 493494
Venlo incident  511512
war aims  510514
War Cabinet  503505, 531, 534535
Z plan  426434
Chanak crisis  106107, 128135
Channon, H ‘Chips’  444445
Chatfield, Sir E (later Lord)  1, 6
Anglo-French staff talks  487488
Arab revolt  344345
Abyssinian crisis  329330, 335
DRC  277, 281282, 288289, 291
First Sea Lord  237
Minister for Co-ordination of Defence  397398, 442443, 461462, 464465, 488489, 505, 508, 521522, 525, 534535
Rearmament  351, 390
Chatham House  45, 4950
Cheka  170
Chelmsford, Lord  103
Chetwode. Sir P.  104105
Chiang Kai-shek  181182, 184, 516517
Chiefs of Staff
Abyssinian crisis  329331
Afghanistan and defence of India  173176
air raid precautions  490491
Anglo-Egyptian treaty  341342
appeasing Mussolini  384, 399
Arab revolt  344
avoidance of unnecessary wars  82
‘British strategy in a certain eventuality’  554555, 557562
belligerent rights  201202, 208209
China, 1927  182184
compositions, functions, and members  2730, 237240, 504505
defence of empire  110111
defence of ports  192
Defence Requirements Committee  276290
Dominions  528529
education of public opinion  317
European Appreciation 1939–40  484487, 514515, 536
fall of France  551
fifth column  560561
Geneva Protocol  152153
guarantee to Belgium  307308
Inskip Review  379380
Locarno  161162
Low Countries, defence of  359, 378379, 451452
pacifism  317
Persian oil fields  178179
military balance, 1930  212220
military balance September 1938  420423
Montreux Convention  340341
Munich crisis  406, 419420
relations between members  182183, 192, 237
Red Army  310311, 424426, 466468
Red Sea littoral  167168
Review of Imperial Defence 1926  6364, 282, 294295
Review of Imperial Defence 1932  317318
Review of Imperial Defence 1933  279280
Scandinavian campaign  540543, 546547
Situation Report Centre  242243
Singapore  190191
Soviet alliance, 1939  464468
Spanish Civil War  345347
Strategic Appreciation February 1939  479, 485486
strategic bombing  502503
Ten-Year rule  273275
three-front war  338, 394395, 479, 514515, 563
war plans 1924  6162
war plans against Turkey, 1924  147148
war plans, 1939  450451, 484490
Chilston, Viscount  424426
British concessions  179180
Communist party  180181, 184, 231232
British policy towards in 1920s  179185
Church Times  443444
Churchill, W.S.  19
alliance with USSR  464
anti-Bolshevism  8384
Cairo Conference  9899
Chamberlain, N.  371
committee  5860, 64–65
containment of Germany and ‘grand alliance’  324325, 356357, 404, 434435
Coolidge conference  200
decision to continue the war after fall of France  554562
defence spending  24
excluded from National Government  238239, 269–270, 404405, 442443
formation of government, 1940  550
First Lord of the Admiralty  503505
German air menace  290, 376377
German rearmament  206
German resistance to Hitler  411412, 511512
intelligence  3233
Japan  120
League of Nations Union  404405
limited liability strategy, opposition to  506507, 520521, 527528
Locarno  157160
merchant shipping  524
Military Co-ordination committee  534535
Ministry of Defence  2728
Ministry of Supply  462
mobilization of the war economy  527
Munich crisis  404, 408412, 438
navy’s oil fuel reserves  192193
opposition to Chamberlain  416417, 457, 497
Palestine  99100
post-war army  55, 95
Prime Minister  550562
public support for as war leader  533534, 548549
rearmament  290291, 325, 364
reprisals in Ireland  94
Scandinavian campaign  534535, 537542, 544, 546
Singapore base  186188, 516
Ten-Year rule  57, 202203
‘The Focus’  356357, 416417
Turkish occupation  90
USA  120
war aims  1112, 553554
Shanghai Defence Force  179185
Ciano, Count  241242, 384, 399, 433, 445447, 480, 515516
Citrine, Sir W.  5051, 323324, 418
Civil Deence Act  492
Clemenceau, G.  7476, 8990
Clerk, Sir G.
stereotype of the Czechs  3637
Clive, Sir R.  299, 301, 410
Cobden, R.  4748
Collier, N.  390391
Colonial Office  20, 109110
Colville, J.  428429
Colvin, I.  456457
Comintern  3133, 8687, 165–166, 170173, 180181, 240241
See also Bolshevism
commitment to the defence of France  7477, 105, 137141, 151154, 156158, 162, 164, 220221, 232233, 257259, 262263, 265266, 306307, 317, 405, 567
in 1939  447454
Committee of Imperial Defence
Advisory Committee on Trade Questions in Time of War  252, 420
battleships  117118
origins and British strategy before 1914  34
structure, functions, membership  2530
Committee on Eastern Unrest  172173
Committee of Union and Progress  87
Commonwealth  46
conscription  458461
Conservative party
dissident MPs at Munich  416417
electoral appeal  1618, 4142, 45, 5556, 169
hostility to Lloyd George  130131
post- Munich  437438, 497498
continental alliances
opposition to  4749, 137139
Coolidge naval conference  198202
Corbett, J.  45, 197198
Craigie, Sir R.
Tientsin crisis  479480
understanding of American politics and power  38
Crewe, Lord
stereotype of the French  3637
Crowe, Sir E.  152153, 155156
Crozier, W. P.  232
Cunliffe-Lister, P.  315316
Cushendun, Lord  4243
Curzon, Lord  1, 26, 33
Chanak crisis  129130
Dawes Plan  150151, 566567
Disarmament  194
Germany and League of Nations  140
Japan and USA  119
League of Nations  8182
Locarno  157
Mosul dispute  146149
Rapallo  140
Ruhr occupation  137138
Russo-Turkish treaty  131133
Treaty of Lausanne  145146
USSR  133134
stereotype of the Japanese  3637
Czechoslovakia  7778
Locarno  163164
Czechoslovakia, see Munich crisis, Prague
D’Abernon, Lord
Locarno  150, 156159
stereotypes of the Germans  3637
Dahlerus, B.  477478, 508509
Dáil Ēireann  93
Daily Express  232
Daily Herald  268269, 454455
Daily Mail  231232, 291
Daily Telegraph  4344, 337, 477
Daily Worker  560561
de Robeck, Admiral  8990
Daladier, E.  407408, 423424, 431, 433434, 448449, 460461, 466468, 483485, 500, 512513, 539540, 545546
Dalton, H.  5051, 323324, 337, 411, 497498, 548
Davies, C.  533534, 548549
Dawes Plan  150153
Dawnay, G.  4445
decision for war, 1939  478500
decision to continue the war after the fall of France  554562
declinism  10, 172173, 571572
Defence Policy and Requirements  358360
Defence Requirements Committee
establishment  273276
final report amended by ministers, (DC(M))  286295, 569570
initial report 1934  276286, 317318, 569
reconvened 1935  351361
Defence Policy and Requirements Committee  239240
defence spending in 1920s  212220
defencists  4647
de la Warr, E.  411, 428429, 446447
Denikin, General, Kolchak
De Valera, E.  483
Deverell, Sir C.  376379, 383
Dill, Major-General John  329330
background and beliefs  2022
Dingli, A.  384
Dirksen, H. von  469474
Dollfuss, A.  311
Chanak crisis  106107
defence co-operation after 1918  102103, 106112
DRC’s report & Hankey’s imperial tour  295299
excluded from making foreign policy  164
Locarno  159160, 164
Munich crisis  421422
outbreak of war in 1939  481483
place in British defence planning  111112
reconfiguration of relations with 1919–26  101112
Singapore deterrent  185194
war efforts  528530, 558559
Dominions Office  109110
Drummond-Wolf, H.  475477
Duff Cooper, A.  316, 358, 374, 376377, 401, 427, 433, 438, 442445
Dunglass, Lord  397398
Dunkirk evacuation  551552
‘Easter Accords’  399
Easter Rising  93
Eden, A.
Abyssinian crisis  324325, 332333, 338339
Anschluss  399400
Anglo-Egyptian treaty, 1936  341, 343344
Dominions Secretary  2
Foreign Secretary  334335
Germany, policy of containment  350351, 386387, 389399, 434–437, 571
Iraq  339340
Italy  346347, 384
Minister for League of Nations Affairs  315316
Nyon conference  384
opposition to Chamberlain 1938–9  416417, 442443, 497
Polish guarantee  457
Rearmament  358
resignation  396397
Secretary of State for War  550
Spanish Civil War  348
USA  393394
visit to Berlin 1934  305306
visit to Berlin and Moscow, 1935  309311
Western Pact  349351
revolt of 1919 and 1922 settlement  91, 9698
outbreak of war in 1939  483
Ellington, Sir E.
Abyssinian crisis  286
DRC  277, 283285
Expansion of RAF  354355
Elliot, Sir C.  119120
Elliot, W.  411, 446447
Empire Marketing Board  45
Empire Day  45
Esher, Lord  103
Eyres-Monsell, Sir B.  237
Far Eastern Combined Bureau  240241
Ferris, J.  7
Field, Admiral Sir F.  237
Field Service Regulations  45
Fifth column  560561
First World War  6773
Fisher, Sir W.  2324
DRC  277, 279289, 317318
defence loan  365
Fitzroy, Speaker  549
Fleet Air Arm  2223
Foch, Marshal  7374
Fontainebleau memorandum  7476
foreign exchange, shortages of, 1939–40  495, 507508, 519, 525527, 530, 559560
Foreign Office
News Department and manipulation of public opinion  4344, 415
structure and functions  2022
Forester, A.  410
fortress Britain  376384, 390, 401, 449454, 488489, 570
Abyssinian crisis  328, see also Laval, P.
acceleration of rearmament after Munich  448
army reforms and Maginot line, 927–29  162
British security guarantee  7477, 105, 137141, 151154, 156158, 162, 164, 220221, 232233, 257259, 262263, 265266, 306307, 317, 405, 567
Coolidge conference  199200
Dawes Plan  150153
defeatism, British fears of French defeatism after Munich  448452
declaration of war  448449, 460461, 466468, 483485, 500
fall of  550554
Franco-German non-aggression pact  450451
French air threat to Britain  141145
estrangement from Britain 1919–25  135145
evacuation of Rhineland  168169
hostility to Germany after 1919  113114, 135145
Little Entente  7778
Locarno  149164
Middle Eastern peace settlement  8788, 132
Munich crisis  407408, 423424, 431, 433434
naval rivalry with Italy  210
occupation of Ruhr  137, 149150
reparations  125126
Soviet pact in 1939  466468
Scandinavian campaign  539540, 545546
threat to British security in 1920s  6163
Versailles settlement  7377, 79
war aims  512513
Washington treaty  122124
World Disarmament Conference  253268
Franco, General F.  346349
Fraser, Colonel W.  449450
freedom of the seas  72
French, Lord  9394
Fritsch, General von  411412
Fuller, J. F. C.  67
Gallacher, W.  231232
Gamelin, General M.  423424, 449450, 502503, 528, 542, 551554
GC&CS  3031, 33, 240241
‘Geddes Axe’  5860
Geddes, Sir E.  5859
general elections  1618, 4245, 372373
1918  7374, 93, 130131
1922  131
1924  4950
1929  201202, 207208
1931  231233, 236, 254
1935  288289, 315316, 322323, 325326, 333334, 355, 418, 574–575
1940  355356, 366, 372373, 401402, 414415, 438, 471, 475477, 499
General Staff
British strategy before 1914  34
defence of India  174176, 275
French alliance  153154
German revival  156
Japan  120
Locarno  162163
Mesopotamian revolt  3637, 87
Washington conference  121122
General Strike  3940, 171172, 186187
Geneva Protocol  152153
Genoa Conference  134
‘Gentleman’s Agreement’  347, 399
German East Asia Squadron  189
Genoa conference  133134
Locarno  149164
Rapallo  134
reparations  125126
resistance to Hitler at Munich  411413
revisionist power after 1919  113114, 134136
secret rearmament  132, 205206
threat to British security before and during First World War  4748, 6773
threat to British security in 1920s  62
Versailles settlement and German resentment  7380
Withdrawal from League and Disarmament conference  267
World Disarmament Conference  253268
See also Hitler, A.
Gibbs, N. H.  79
Gilmore, Sir J.  534535
‘Glamour Boys’  533534
Gleichberechtigung  254, 262
Goebbels, J.  39, 305
Goerdeler, K.  411412
Göring, H  383, 408409, 439, 478
gold standard  1618, 45, 5354, 186187, 225, 229231, 245, 249, 269, 286287, 568
Gort, Viscount  383, 450451, 458, 504505, 507508, 552
Graf Spee  546
Grandi, Count  331332, 391392, 396397
grand strategy
changing definitions  46
constituent elements  712, 6667, 564565, 569, 572573
public opinion and  4053, 232233
First World War  6773
Graves, R.  232233
Great Depression  230233
invasion of Anatolia  128129
Greenwood, A.  419, 443444, 499500, 550, 556557, 559560
Greenwood, H.  9394
Grey, Sir. E.  391
Grigg, Sir P.  504505
Groves, P. R. C.  142143
‘Guilty Men’  7, 371
‘guns v. aircraft’  190192
Gwynne, H. A.  158159
Haig, Sir D.  7172
Hailsham, Viscount  237, 262, 289, 294295, 315316, 397398, 428431
Haldane, Sir A.  92
Haldane, Lord  1516, 2628, 62
Halder, General F.  413, 422423
Halifax, Lord
Anschluss  399400, 405
Arab revolt  344
backchannel diplomacy  477478
breach with Chamberlain during and after Munich crisis  430431, 475477
British empire  45
Chatham House speech June 1939  472473
commitment to France  448451, 453454
conscription  460
declaration of war  499501
Foreign Secretary  397398, 550
international morality  498, 501
Italy  399, 445447, 449
Kristallnacht  444445
limited long war strategy  508509, 511512, 535545, 572573
Munich crisis  402413, 426434
negotiated peace in May 1940  554558, 561562
policy after Munich conference  442443, 445446, 451, 454455
Polish guarantee  456457
press  268269, 414415
Lord President of the Council  374
meeting with Hitler November 1937  387389
Munich crisis  405411, 413, 419, 427431
Scandinavian campaign  538539, 544, 573574
Secretary of State for War  315316
Soviet alliance  465468, 497
Spanish Civil War  348349
stereotype of French  243244
Tientsin crisis  479480
USA  493494, 496
Venlo incident  910
war aims  510511
Hankey, Sir M (later Lord)  34
Britain's weakness in 1931  247
Cabinet Secretary  1920, 238240
Continental commitment  358359
Defence Requirements Committee  275286, 289, 294
Dominions  109110
German rearmament  266267, 320
grand strategy, lack of  317, 367, 434435
Imperial tour  295299
League of Nations  34
Munich crisis  432433
Minister without Portfolio  503
National Government  229230
opposition to Ministry of Defence  30
pacifists and pacificists  313, 317319
post-war defence commitments  6162
post-war economic policy  56
post-war problems  113
rearmament  358359
right of blockade  197
Scandinavian campaign  545546
Spanish Civil War  345346
Ten Year rule  273
USA  128
Washington conference  123124
World Disarmament Conference  256, 262
Harding, President W.  121122, 194
Harington, Sir C.  130
Harvey, O.  396
Hearst, W. R.  39
Henderson, A.  2, 1819, 208209, 230231, 254255
Henderson, Sir N.  34
agreement with Chamberlain  386387
appeasement  372
balance of power  371
conveyed proposals to Hitler March 1938  398399
declaration of war  462, 471, 474, 497498, 500
distant relations with Hitler and Ribbentrop  387
Munich crisis  408411, 413, 427
stereotypes of Slavs and Germans  243244
Henlein, K.  408409, 427
Herriot. E.  151152
Hertzog, General J. B. M.  296297, 421422, 482483
Hilton, J.  437
Hitler, A
attitude towards Britain  398399, 409410, 443444
Anglo-German naval treaty  326327
Anschluss  396402
comes to power  263264, 266267
Czechoslovakia, final destruction  439, 454
Four-Year Plan  349350
Hossbach memorandum  387388
ideology and aims  263265, 272273, 387388, 404405
intelligence of his ambitions before 1933  247
invasion of France and the Low Countries  550
made policy on the hoof  284
meeting with Halifax  388389
meeting with Simon and Eden  309
misunderstanding of his ambitions and methods  305, 309, 336337, 374, 383, 439, 468
Munich crisis  403, 405411, 424434
Norwegian campaign  546
peace offer October 1939  508509
Poland  456457, 469470, 478479, 498
rearmament of Germany  255256, 278279, 305, 309
remilitarization of Rhineland and aftermath  336338, 350351, 365366
repudiated Treaty of Versailles  309
sought Anglo-German alliance  304, 335336
Nazi-Soviet pact  471472
Spanish Civil War  339
Stresa front  304313, 335336
war aims 1939  514, 561562
war plans 1939  439440, 443444, 447448, 469470
withdrawal from League of Nations and Disarmament conference  275
Z plan  409410, 439
HMS Hood HMS Royal Oak  532533
Hoare, Sir S.
DRC  293294
Locarno  157158
Ten-Year rule placed on rolling basis  202203
Trenchard  29
World Disarmament Conference  205
Hoare-Laval pact  39, 265, 333334, 346347, 360361, 417418
Hodgson, R.  146
Hohenlohe, Prince M. von  477478
Home Intelligence  559560
Hong Kong  120, 186187
base for war against Japan  188
HMS Hood  115
Hoover, President H.  196197, 207210
Hore-Belisha, L.  374, 382383, 430431, 438, 441443, 449450, 453454, 458459, 461462, 483484, 489491, 496, 499500, 503507, 511, 529530, 534
Horne, Sir R.  126127
House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee  25
Howard, Sir E.  109, 152153
Hudson, R.  475477
Hughes, W. M.  7172, 102, 106108
Ibn Saud  177178
Imperial Conference, 1921  8182, 107108, 120121
Imperial Conference, 1923  1, 107108
Imperial Conference, 1926  160
Imperial Conference, 1930  210211
Imperial Defence College  2930, 4243, 244
Imperial Maritime League  4647
Imperil War Conferences, 1917 and 1918  102
Ingersoll, Captain R. E.  393394
Birkenhead committee on defence of  174177
defence co-operation after 1918  103104
Government of India Act 1919  9697, 103105
Indianization of the Indian army  104105
revolt of 1919  9192, 9697
Round Table conference, 1931  104105
India Office  20
Indian Political Intelligence service  3031
Industrial Intelligence Centre  242, 244, 310311
industrial mobilization
before 1939  360366
Inskip, Sir T.  346347, 360361, 364, 367, 379383, 392, 398401, 410411, 428429, 442443
Inskip Review  376384, 401
Intelligence bureaucracy  3033, 170, 240244
Invergordon mutiny  230231
Imposition of King Feisal on  9899
Relations in 1930s  339340
War of independence  9394, 100101
See also Eire
Irish Republican Army  9394
Ironside, Sir E.  3536, 232233, 457458, 504505, 536537, 546547
Ismay, Sir H.  238
Anglo-French war plans against, 1939  488490
anti-British propaganda in Arab world  339340
First World War  8788
Locarno  159, 161162
neutrality 1939–40  514516
revisionist power after 1919  2, 113, 167168, 229, 253254, 272273
Stresa front  311313, 349350
Washington Naval conference  122123
see also Mussolini
Jackson, P.  244
Manchurian crisis, and departure from League of Nations  247253, 263264
Leith-Ross mission  299304
naval competition and Washington treaty  118125
neutrality 1939–40  516519
Second London Naval Conference  299304
Twenty-One Demands  118119
Joint Intelligence Committee  33, 242243
Joint Oversea and Home Defence Committee (JOHDC)  189192
Joint Planning Staff  6, 2930
Jones, T.  317
Joynson-Hicks, Sir W.  170172, 181182
Kellogg-Briand pact  202, 210, 220221, 229230, 249250, 271272
Kemal, Atatürk  87, 90, 128132, 145146, 246
Kemsley, Lord  477478
Kennedy, J.  427428, 454455, 530
Keyes, Admiral Sir R.  548549
Keynes, J. M.  437
‘King and Country’ debate  320
Kitchener, Lord  55, 6770
Kolchak, Admiral  8486
Kristallnacht pogrom  443445
Kuomintang  180184
Labour government
collapse of in 1931  230231
Labour party
conscription  460461
foreign policy  5051
defence policy, 1931–35  322324
Munich crisis  417419
Lampson, Sir M.  4445, 181182, 184, 330331, 344
Land Forces committee & 55 division programme  505506, 519521, 528
Lansbury, G.  5051, 322324
Lausanne conference  33
Laval, P.  328, 333334, 346347
League of Nations  4753, 8083, 167169, 232233
disarmament  194196
scepticism towards  51, 232233
League of Nations Union  4951, 356357, 404405
Manchurian crisis  250253
opposition to French alliance  138139
see also Peace Ballot
Lee, Lord  120
Leith-Ross mission  271272
Lenin, V. I.  8384
Lindley, Sir F.  8384, 249, 277278
Lindsay, Sir R.  146
Liddell Hart, B. H.  67, 277, 437
Little Entente  7778
Litvinov, M.  310311, 466468
Lloyd George, D.  1
adroit diplomacy  113, 566
Anglo-French relations  135145
Armistice terms  72
Bolshevik Russia  8386, 133134, 139140
British empire  46
Chanak crisis and fall from power  128135
character  16
confidence in British power  3940
Dominions  102, 105
Freedom of the seas  115
French chauvinism  138
Genoa Conference  134
India  9697
Indianization of Indian Army  104105
Irish War of Independence  9394
League of Nations  8083
negotiated peace  509
Paris Peace Conference  7380, 115
Rapallo  134135, 139140
Soviet alliance in 1939  463464
Ten-Year Rule  5758
Turkey  8891, 128135
war aims and suspicions of Tsarist Russia  69
Washington treaty  117118
Lloyd, G.  371372
London Naval Conference, 1930  207212, 568
London Naval Conference, 1936  271272
Londonderry, Lord  236237, 244, 291, 305306, 315316, 356357, 411412
Long, W.  169170
Loraine, Sir P.  177, 515516, 553554, 556557
Lothian, Lord  493, 511, 519520, 525, 532
Luftwaffe  285286, 309, 349350, 352, 357358, 376377, 380381, 420421, 439, 449, 485, 490491, 502503, 505506, 520521, 547548, 550, 556558, 561562, 570
Lytton report  263264
MacDonald, M.  397398, 428429, 481
MacDonald, J. R.
character & political beliefs  1819
conscious of Britain’s weakness  269–270
Dawes Plan  151152
disarmament  195, 207210, 254255, 258259, 262, 265266
DRC  275276, 288290
Germany  267268, 309
guarantee to Belgium  307308
National Government  233247
open diplomacy  5152, 265266
opposition to French alliance  138139, 210
public opinion and grand strategy  4041, 272273
reluctant to rearm  319
retired from premiership  315316
Stresa front  312313
trade and diplomatic relations with USSR  170171, 179
Maclean, D.  3233
Mackenzie King, W.  45, 106, 167, 432433, 482483
McMahon, Sir H.  8788
Macmillan, H.
Macmillan, Lord  531532
Mahan, Admiral A. T.  197198
Maisky, I.  310311, 423424, 466468, 514, 543544
Manchester Guardian  9596, 232
Manchurian crisis  247253
manpower policy, 1939–40  521522, 526527
Margesson, D.  416, 497, 503504
Mason-MacFarlane, Colonel  432433
Maughan, Lord  428431
‘Mediterranean Locarno’  258
Memel, German occupation of  456457
merchant shipping  522524
revolt 1920  92, 9899
MI5  3031, 339340
Middle East
post-war settlement  8791
military balance 1930  212220, 567
military balance after Munich  436437, 455456
Milch, General E.  366367
Milne, Sir G.  2223
defence of Afghanistan and India  173176
Kellogg-Briand pact  202
stereotype of the Japanese  3536
World Disarmament Conference  262263
Milner, Lord  8384
Mission to Egypt  9698
Ministry of Defence
agitation for  2728, 30
Ministry of Economic Warfare: see blockade
Ministry of Food  524526
Ministry of Information  531532, 534
Ministry of Shipping  522524
Ministry of Supply  364, 401402, 418419, 441, 505506, 524526
mobilizing the home front, 1939–40  519535
Molotov, V.  466469, 471472
Monroe Doctrine  115
Montagu, E.  9192, 9598, 103
Montgomery-Massingberd, Sir A.
DRC  279280, 282283, 289, 306307
defence of the Low Countries  358
Morning Post  4344
moralism  436437, 444445, 472, 498
Morrison, H.  548
Morton, D.  244245
Mosley, Sir O.  231232
Mosul settlement  146149
Munich crisis  402413, 426434
military balance  419426
Mussolini, B.
Abyssinian crisis  327338
decision to declare war in June 1940  553554
‘Gentleman’s Agreement’  347
glorified war  263264
hostile to League of Nations  168169
meeting with Lady Chamberlain  384
Munich crisis  433
naval rivalry with France  210
occupation of Albania  458, 465466, 485
Red Sea littoral  167168
reluctant to go to war in 1939  480
Rome-Berlin Axis  346347
Spanish Civil War  339, 346347, 384
Nadir Shah  176177
Nanking, sacking of  183184
national service  4647, 176177, 413415, 441443, 460
National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship  42
Naval Staff  56
Abyssinian crisis  329330
French alliance  153
stereotype of the Japanese  3536
war plans against Japan  188, 197198
Washington Conference  121122
Second London Naval Conference  300301
see also Admiralty
Navy League  4647
News Chronicle  477
Neurath, Baron von  384, 411412
Newall, Sir C.  504505
New Zealand
defence spending in 1920s  110
Hankey’s imperial tour  297
Japan  120121
outbreak of war in 1939  481
reliance on Royal Navy for defence  106
Singapore deterrent  185194
war effort  528529
Nicolson, H.  34, 416417, 437
Norway debate  547549
Norwegian campaign  546547
Noyon conference  384
Ormsby-Gore, W.  343344
Ottawa conference  45, 246247, 393
pacifism and pacificism  4950, 232233, 263264, 317318, 320, 356357, 417418
Pact of London, 1914  68
Pact of Steel  439440, 469470
Paine, T.
The Rights of Man  4748
Arab opposition to Jewish immigration  99100
British mandate of  99100
pan-Islamism  87
pan-Turkism  87
Papan, F. von.  261
Parker, R. A. C.  404405
parliamentary Air Committee  142143
Paris peace conference  910, 7280
Parrott, Sir E.  46
Passport Control Officers  3132
Peace Ballot  320321, 569570
Peace Society  325326
peace, fundamental British objective  12
Peace Pledge Union  356357
Peden, G.  286287
Peel, Lord  342344
perfidious Albion  3839
Perth, Earl of  241242, 433
Phipps, Sir E.  243244, 278279, 305, 352, 404405, 421, 429, 449450, 460
Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Admiral Sir A. R.  469
Poincaré, R.  137138, 140141, 149150
Poland  7778
British guarantee  455458, 474
Locarno  163164
Refusal to co-operate with Hitler after Munich  440
policy-making elite
composition & structure in 1920s  1533
composition and structure in 1930s  230247
diminution in confidence in 1930s  167, 229230, 245248, 269–270, 273275, 355356, 407, 426, 441, 564, 568, 574–575
mental maps  1516, 3340
post-war economy and deflation  5556
Post-War Questions Committee  117118
Pound, Admiral Sir D.  198199, 504505
Pownall, H.  286287, 289, 293294, 449450, 462463
Prague, German occupation of  454455, 500501
Pratt, Sir J.  249250
Prussian militarism, reaction against  5253, 9596
public opinion
construction of  4145, 232
influence on grand strategy  4053, 272273, 318319, 569570, 572
Munich crisis  413415
post-Munich to outbreak of war  437, 444445, 457, 460461, 464465, 497500
Phoney War  509, 530532, 545546, 548
summer of 1940  559560
public opinion polls  4142, 413415, 445
Pulford, Sir A.  23
Raeder, Admiral K.  409410
Radar  380381
Rapallo, treaty
significance of  128135, 566567
destruction of by Locarno  158159
rationing  530
Rawlinson, Sir H.  104105
rearmament  351361, 367–368, 401
after Munich  440442, 461462
see also DRC, Inskip
Reith, Sir J.  534
Reparations  72, 76, 125126, 160
Red Army  310311, 423426
Reynaud, P.  545546, 553555
Reza Khan  177179
Rhineland, reoccupation of  336337, 349351, 366367, 570571
Ribbentrop, J.  304306, 387, 398399, 411, 439440, 447448, 456457, 469473, 480
Robertson, Sir W.  56
Rothermere, Lord  4445, 157, 187, 231232, 291, 326327
Roosevelt, President F. D.  392397, 451, 478480, 492496, 511, 514, 517518, 553557, 559
Royal Air Force
air policing  143144
comparative strength in 1920s  213216
functions in 1920  6064
Home Defence Air Force  141145, 273
strategic bombing  149
struggle to maintain its independence in 1920s  2223
Ten-Year rule  58
Royal Flying Corps  2223
Royal Naval Air Services  2223
Royal Navy
challenged by IJN and USN  114128
comparative strength in 1920s  212214
defence of its world-wide basing system  189192
functions in 1920  6064
oil supplies  192193
Singapore deterrent  185194
Ten-Year rule  5860
war 1939–40  505507, 514, 518519, 537538, 546, 557559
Ruchcliffe, Lord  497498
French and Belgium occupation of  137138, 149150
Rumania  7778
Rumbold, Sir H.  33, 128129, 131132, 230, 257, 267
Mein Kampf despatch  264265, 278279, 320
Runciman, Leslie  477478
Runciman, Lord  300, 374, 397398
mission to Czechoslovakia  410, 427, 429
Russo-Finnish war  538539, 543544
Russo-Polish war  8384
Russo-Turkish treaty  131133
Saarland  309
Salisbury, Lord  1112, 1516, 566
committee on the future independence of the RAF.  2223, 9798
disarmament  194, 207
‘Watching Committee’  533535, 547548
Samuel, Sir H.  99100
Sanders, R.  1516
Sassoon, S.  232233
Scandinavian campaign  535545
Schacht, H.  349350, 386387
Schuschnigg, K.  399400
Scott, C. P.  9596
Seeds, Sir W.  465466
Selby, Sir W.  1819, 257
Seligo, H.  471
Serbia  7778
service departments
impact of Ten-Year rule and Churchill committee on  5860
inter-service relations  2223, 29
post-war plans for force structures  5455
Seton-Watson, R. W.  437
Seyss-Inquart, A.  399400
Shanghai  182183
Shanghai Defence Force  179185
Sharif Husein of Mecca  8788
Sheppard, Reverend Dick  356357
signals intelligence, see GC&CS
Sinclair, Sir A.  556
Simon, Sir J
Chancellor of the Exchequer and rearmament  374, 379381, 401402, 441, 453, 459462, 495496
East Fulham by-election  286, 313314, 319320
Foreign Policy committee  397398, 410411
Foreign Secretary  237238
foreign exchange shortages  495496
Home Secretary  315316
Japan  299300, 302303
Manchurian crisis  250252
Meeting with Hitler  309311
mobilizing the home front  519, 521522, 525526, 528
Munich crisis  410411, 427428, 432433
outbreak of war  500
peace terms  508509
Stresa front and containing Germany  263, 304, 306308, 312313
USA  302303
World Disarmament Conference and German rearmament  258259, 261263, 266267, 269–270, 353354
Singapore base
Abyssinian crisis  331, 335, 338
as deterrent  185194, 488, 490, 493494, 516, 567568
London Naval treaty  210211
work on stopped by Labour government  62, 186187
DRC  280282, 285286, 291293, 295299
Sinn Fein  9394, 130131
SIS  3033, 171172, 240242, 445446, 511512
Smuts, J. C.  7172, 120121, 137138, 158, 296297, 482483
Snowden, P.  42
Society of British Aircraft Constructors  362363
South Africa
defence of its ports  191
defence spending in 1920s  110
ethnic divisions  106
Hankey’s imperial tour  296297
outbreak of war in 1939  482483
war effort  528529
Soviet alliance, failure to secure in 1939  463472
Spanish Civil War  339, 345346, 371372, 384, 396397, 399
Stanley, O.  397398, 405, 411, 428431, 534
Steel-Bartholomew report  380381
Stalin, J.  174175, 243244, 310311, 388, 419420, 423426, 428429, 456457, 465466, 468, 471472, 478480, 543544
Stamp. Lord  519, 525527, 534
Steed, H. W.  437
stereotypes of foreigners  3438, 243245
Steward, G.  475477
Stimson, H.  250251
Stirrup, Sir J.  25
Strang, W.  427428, 468
Stresa front  304313, 328, 366367, 570
Stresemann, G.  156157, 159160, 162163, 206, 220221
Supreme War Council and Anglo-French strategy 1939–40  488, 502503, 505, 539540, 542543, 546547, 551552
Swinton, Lord  315316, 360362
Sykes, Sir F.  5455, 101102
Sykes-Picot agreement  8788
Tangku treaty  252253
Temperley, Colonel A. C.  266267, 306307
Templewood, Lord  
Ten-Year rule  78, 5358, 64–65, 116117, 574–575
demise  273276
placed on rolling basis  202203
Territorial army  68, 144145, 176177, 219220, 282283, 286, 291, 294295, 318, 354355, 359, 376379, 382, 441, 450, 453455, 458462, 469470, 473474, 501
Thomas, J. H.  5051, 342343
Thyssen, F.  539540
Tientsin crisis  479480
Times  4344, 142143, 265266, 277, 321322, 333334, 415, 454455, 477478, 497498, 532533, 548549
Trans-Jordan  99100
defence spending and policy  2325, 56, 5859, 286288, 300, 365–366, 379, 401402, 462463, 495496, 507508, 518523, 526, 528
Treaty of Lausanne  145149, 566567
Treaty of Locarno  149164, 566567
Treaty of St Jean de Maurienne  88
Treaty of Sèvres  9091
Treaty of Versailles  7980
Trenchard, Sir H.  29, 4445, 62, 95, 108, 143144
TUC  171172, 323324, 346347, 363364, 418419, 460
Montreux Convention  340341
Nationalist uprising  12835
Tripartite treaty with Britain and France  462463
Treaty of Lausanne  145149
Treaty of Sèvres  8891, 128
Nationalist uprising  128135
Tyrell, Sir W.  3839, 4142, 8283, 161, 164
Union of Democratic Control  4849
United States of America
Contested British naval superiority 1919–22, challenged by IJN and USN  114128
place in British grand strategy in First World War  6970
rejection of Versailles treaty and League of Nations  8283
containment of  169179
Munich crisis  403406, 419420, 423426, 432433
Red Army  174175
see also Bolshevism
Vansittart, Sir R.
Abyssinian crisis  331332
Anglo-French relations  243244, 257
Defence Requirements committee  236238, 240243, 245
Eden’s cold war policy towards Germany  391
Germany  266267, 383, 386387, 511512
Great Depression  269
Henlein, Dr., K.  408409
Japan  299300
Manchurian crisis  250251
Munich crisis  426428
public opinion  318
private intelligence organization  240, 411, 426, 447448
PUS Foreign Office  1819, 238, 415
Rearmament  367
Ten-Year Rule  233
USA  299300
USSR  310311
World Disarmament conference  253254
Venizelos, E.  8990, 128129
Voroshilov, Marshal  471472
‘Wafd’  86, 91, 9495, 341
war, attitudes towards  4053
war plans  6064
against Turkey, 1924–5  147148
war scare in winter 1938–39  447454
Washington Naval Conference  33, 114128, 196197, 566
Wauchope, Sir A.  342343
Watson, A.  56
Wavell, Field Marshal Lord  45
Weir, Lord  5455, 357358
Wehrmacht  424426, 439, 457458, 478479
Weizsäcker, E. von  411412, 471
Wellesley, Sir V.  180181, 243244, 248, 251
Wells, H. G.  437
Wells, S.  393394
Wenner-Gren, A.  477478
Western Pact  349351
Weygand, General M.  553554
Wiedemann, Captain F.  410
Wigram, R.  3536
Wilson, Sir A.  9899
Wilson, Sir Henry  5455, 59, 9395, 218219
Wilson, Sir Horace  371, 397398, 414415, 427428, 431432, 458459, 475478, 497498, 503504
Wilson, H. W.  45
Wilson, President W.
Fourteen Points  4849, 79, 86, 114115, 125126, 165–166
League of Nations  4849, 8083, 115
strategy and war aims in First World War  2124
USN  115
Winterton, Lord  401, 411, 428431, 442443
Wohlthat, Dr. H.  475477
Wood, Sir K.  401, 441, 443444, 532533
Woodhead, Sir. J.  344
World Disarmament Conference  204207, 253268, 568
Young Plan  160, 168169
Yugoslavia  7778
Zaghlul, Sa’d  91, 9798
Zinoviev letter  170171