Chapter 27

“You can stay with us while you heal,” Lola said as she sat next to Dallas at the table outside, wearing a slightly pouty expression. “We barely got to hang out and last night was so fun—and your friend Javi was so hot!”

Dallas half-smiled, despite the exhaustion humming through her. Lola seemed to think every guy was hot. Rhys had left her sitting outside with Willow so he could go pack all of her stuff—and ordered her not to move from her spot. “Trust me, it’ll be better for me if I can go home.” She took a sip from the soothing peppermint tea infused with a whole lot of healing juice.

“Well whatever you need, we can just go get it for you. We liked having you here,” Lola continued, and the others nodded.

Bella reached out and laid the back of her hand on Dallas’s forehead and frowned. “I think you’re running a fever.”

“Yeah, I think you should stay,” Harlow said, arms crossed over her chest.

All their caring and concern was about to undo her. She was so weak right now and this was pushing her over the edge. “Seriously, guys, I’m going to start crying.”

Brielle looked horrified at that thought. “Please don’t cry.”

Harlow snorted. “Yeah, my twin can’t handle tears. It’s the quickest way to make her run from you.”

Her twin elbowed her with a sharp jab to the side.

The only reason Dallas was even still upright at all was because of the healing tea Thurman had given to Rhys. He’d also given her a couple spelled cookies—macadamia nut, thank you very much—that had not only tasted delicious but had given her an extra burst of energy as well. It was like she’d taken a bunch of super vitamins but she knew the crash was coming soon. And she needed to be on her own land when that happened. “You guys, I swear, I’ll come back with Willow soon. Maybe a week or so.”

“Look, we like Willow,” Lola said. “Okay, we love her. But that’s not why we want you to stay. We like you. And we don’t like everybody.”

The others nodded in agreement. Even Axel. Instead of the normal easygoing smile from him, he looked worried for her. She hadn’t looked in the mirror yet, but Dallas could imagine how pale she was right now. And her eyes were probably dull as well. It was what happened when she expended so much damn energy so quickly. And that finding spell had been insane, penetrating through layers and layers of dark magic to hit home.

Lola glanced down at her phone when it dinged and her eyes widened slightly. “Holy shit, Aurora just texted me. King and his wolves hunted down those witches.”

Dallas stirred in her seat, her gaze straying toward Rhys. He was walking out of the house now, bags in hand. She was so glad he’d made the choice to come with her instead of hunting down Catta. Even though she wanted him to get the closure he needed, she needed him right now. And he’d chosen to stay with her. That knowledge was almost too much to bear. Goddess, she was about to start crying just thinking about it.

“What happened?” She turned back to Lola.

Lola read from the screen. “There were half a dozen witches in a basement. They were draining the blood of vampires and humans. A couple humans didn’t make it, but almost everyone else is alive. Except the witches. Every single one of them died.”

Relief coursed through Dallas at the news. She’d thought that she might sense it when Catta died, but she could barely feel her own magic right now. It was deep inside her, just a tiny spark flickering as her energy rejuvenated itself.

“That’s great news,” she said, reaching out a hand for Rhys, who now stood by the side of her chair.

He took her hand in his, linking their fingers together. “Ladies. Axel. I need to get Dallas home.”

“It’s clear we can’t change your mind, but if you need anything let us know,” Lola said.

“Rhys packed some cookies I made,” Bella said. “So don’t let him ‘forget’ to give them to you.”

“Chocolate chip,” Rhys added. “And I promise I only ate one.”

A smile tugging at her lips, Dallas forced herself to her feet. “Tell Aurora goodbye for us. But I’ll be back soon, I promise. I just need to be at home in order to heal better.”

Everyone hugged her, and then everyone hugged Willow as well. Her sweet dragon soaked up all the love, dancing around everyone, but it was pretty clear that she was ready to go home as well.

By the time Rhys had shifted, Willow was already in the air, ready to head out to adventure unknown. Any time Rhys flew, it seemed that Willow was ready to go with him.

Now that her mother was dead, Dallas knew that her time with Rhys had almost come to an end. He’d told her that he would go home once he had his revenge. Or he’d hinted at that anyway. At least she knew he would stay with her until after she healed since he’d promised.

Damn, she was just too tired to think about anything, let alone the future. She held on tight to his neck as he launched into the air, soaking up every last second she could with her big dragon. Because soon he would leave. And that was going to hurt both her and Willow.

At that thought, she leaned forward and hugged him even tighter. She was unable to stop the tears that fell, splashing onto his scales as he soared over treetops.