Chapter 29

Dallas opened her eyes, feeling as if she’d come out of a deep fog.

She was home—in her own bed. For a long moment she lay there, soaking up her surroundings. Her window was open, the sheer white linen drapes blowing lightly with a breeze.

She could hear a multitude of quiet voices outside—ones she recognized. Including Rhys. He was still here—not that she’d worried he’d leave.

Willow wasn’t at her window but Dallas could see her prancing around near the goats. Herding them to nowhere as usual.

She snorted softly and slipped out of bed, feeling as exhausted as if she’d run a couple marathons. She wasn’t sure how long she’d slept but it was daylight, maybe afternoon. So she must’ve slept for twenty-four hours. At least.

She stumbled to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took care of other business and then decided to take a quick shower. She needed it. The cold water blasted her, helping her wake up as fast as coffee would. When she was done, she ran a blow-dryer through her hair, put on some eyeliner then tugged on a loose white skirt, a soft bralette, and a blue-and-white, paisley-patterned flowy top. As an afterthought she slipped in her favorite hoop earrings that had been a gift from Hazel. In her normal clothing, she felt…good. Settled. It went a long way in helping her feel more grounded after everything.

Dressed and ready to face the day, she went in search of Rhys and found him talking with Naomi and Hazel as they sat around her patio table.

Relief bled into Hazel and Naomi’s gazes the moment they saw her. Both her friends jumped up and rushed at her.

Hazel pulled her into a tight hug, with Naomi quickly joining in. Laughing at their intensity, she squeezed back.

“I told you I wasn’t keeping her hostage,” Rhys muttered.

Dallas let out a startled laugh and leaned back. “Is that what you guys thought?”

Willow had joined them now and was happily dancing around, her wings held tight at her back the way Rhys had taught her so she didn’t bang into everything.

Hazel’s cheeks flushed pink as she shrugged and scratched behind Willow’s ear. “The only reason I didn’t storm your house is because Willow seems to like him. She’s got pretty good taste.”

Dallas dropped a dozen kisses on Willow’s face before Rhys scooped her up and tucked her up against him as he sat back down.

She didn’t miss the looks of surprise from either Hazel or Naomi but she was so not commenting on her and Rhys and whatever they were. Because she wasn’t even sure what they were at this point. She enjoyed him holding her, however.

“We saw Willow flying and realized you were home, so we brought over some food. Actually, we’ve only been here about half an hour. Are you hungry?” Hazel asked as she started unpacking a cooler, clearly already knowing the answer.

“I’m starving. How long did I sleep, anyway?”

“A day and a half.” Worry flickered into Rhys’s gaze, his dragon peering out at her for a moment. “Is that normal?”

She was surprised at how long she’d rested, but she felt so rejuvenated. Underneath her, she could feel the magic from her land lifting up to greet her in an invisible caress, happy she was home. “It’s a little longer than normal, but obviously I must have known I was safe to sleep so long.” She’d done big spells before and then passed out, hiding and hoping that she wasn’t attacked in her sleep. But her body must’ve subconsciously known she was safe with Rhys.

“So it seems a lot has changed since you’ve been gone,” Naomi said, curiosity clear in her big eyes as she started pouring sweet tea for Dallas.

Even though she lived in the South she hated sweet tea. But she needed the sugar right now and she wasn’t going to be a dick to her friend so she took it with a smile. “Yes, it has,” she said, laughing lightly as Rhys tightened his possessive grip around her. She settled back against him, liking that he wasn’t shy about claiming her. Deep down, she knew this wasn’t a long-term thing. Even if she wanted it. He would leave once she told him the truth of her parentage. She was trying to mentally prepare for it, but wasn’t doing a great job.

“Well, we’re going to head out of here.” Hazel shot Naomi a warning look when it was pretty clear that Naomi wanted to argue and stay. Naomi was definitely one of the bigger gossips around the farmers. Maybe gossip was the wrong word—she just liked to share information and keep everyone informed of what was happening. “We’ve been taking care of everything since you’ve been gone and have nothing exciting to report. But we are going to want to hear all about your time in the city,” Hazel added as she gave Dallas another quick hug. “Especially since you apparently did some magic that required you to sleep for a couple days.”

Rhys relinquished his hold for a brief moment so she could hug her friends again.

“I swear I’ll tell you everything that I can.” She needed to talk to Rhys, see if he had any updates from King. She just hoped that all those witches involved had been taken care of. She also needed to tell Rhys that Catta was her mother. Though she wasn’t sure how to tell him. She was afraid that if she did, it would make him see her differently. That she’d see loathing in his eyes and he’d reject her. “Thank you guys, for watching over my farm, for all this food.”

Naomi made a little scoffing sound. “Please, you would do it for any of us.”

She nodded because it was true. “Thank you all the same.”

“Take a day and rest, but tomorrow I guarantee everyone’s going to be over here wanting to see you and Willow,” Hazel said as she and Naomi headed out.

Willow made a little chirping sound and flew after them as they walked to their car.

“Thirty-six hours, for real?” She leaned her head on Rhys’s shoulder for a moment, soaking up his warmth.

“Yes. I was worried about you,” he said as he reached for one of the sandwiches Hazel had made and placed it in her hand.

Simple turkey and Swiss. And it sounded like heaven. Food in general sounded amazing right now.

“I’m definitely rested. So what did King say?” she asked before taking a bite. Because Rhys would have talked to him by now, probably more than once.

“He questioned all the survivors, and there might be a straggler witch or two out there but no one could confirm that anyone was missing from the group King and his people killed. He sent over a description of all of the dead witches.”

She stopped chewing and turned to look at him. “And?”

“One of them is—was—Catta.”

Her stomach tightened at his words. “You’re sure?”

His jaw tightened. “Not a hundred percent. But from the description he gave, it sounded exactly like her. Flame red hair, green eyes, a beautiful monster. And she appeared to be the leader.”

The muscles in her stomach remained bunched. That sounded just like Catta, but she had no problem changing her appearance, something Dallas knew.

“I know this sounds morbid, but can we see the body? Or see if the scent is what you’ve been hunting all these years?”

“He incinerated her with her own magic.” Rhys quickly launched into King’s description of the battle.

The little food she’d eaten tumbled around in her stomach. She knew exactly what kind of spell Catta had thrown at King. It was one of the earliest ones she’d taught Dallas. It was a dark, dark spell and the fact the King had been able to launch it back at her was incredible. “That sounds like her.”

“Eat,” he simply said.

She ate two sandwiches, a bunch of fruit, cheese, and two protein bars. And she still felt like she could eat even more but she leaned back against him, feeling settled as her energy returned. The magic from her land infused her, settling into her bones.

“So are you going to tell me how you tracked them?” Rhys murmured into the quiet.

Sitting in his lap, she looked out on her garden, her land, all the acres in front of them. A few white clouds dotted the sky, and her trees rustled under the light breeze, but it was quiet, peaceful. “I don’t want to tell you.”


She closed her eyes, knowing she needed to be honest. Somewhat at least. “I’m related to Catta. Part of the same bloodline.” Somehow she couldn’t force herself to tell him that Catta had borne her.

Rhys shifted slightly underneath her but he didn’t curse or act shocked.

She opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. “You knew?”

“I guessed it was something like that. I don’t know a ton about spells or witches, but that scent that triggered the familial recognition was my first hint. And then the spell you did. I knew it had to be more than just a common link from an old coven, but an actual familial relationship.”

“You don’t hate me?” She still couldn’t tell him that Catta was her mother. The words wouldn’t come. Maybe later. But she didn’t want anything to spoil the here and now with him. Because if he knew the truth, she was afraid he would despise her. And Dallas couldn’t bear it. God, she knew that made her an asshole, but she was so damn touch-starved. She just…wanted to hold on to him for a little bit longer. She’d dealt with a lifetime of hiding what she was, of being hated for who she was. She just wanted to keep what they had a bit longer in case he did reject her. Her scars ran deep, no matter how much she wanted to trust that he wouldn’t hate her once he knew the truth.

“Of course I don’t hate you.” He sighed and brushed his lips over hers. “I understand why you didn’t tell me. I was a giant dick about witches before I met you.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t get to take your revenge personally.” It was a weird thing to apologize for but she knew it had been important to him.

He shook his head. “I only wanted justice for my sister. And she’s gone. I thought I would feel different… And I guess I do. Catta needed to die. Clearly. I’m just glad that you’re alive.” He looked like he wanted to say more but stopped himself.


“Nothing. Thurman told me I would need to make a choice. And I’d like to think I made the right one.”

“You mean going with King, or staying with me?” Because it still stunned her that he’d decided to stay with her, to bring her home while King killed Catta and her coven.

He nodded once and leaned forward, brushing his lips over hers again, deepening it this time.

She knew he was going to leave soon. How could he not? So she wanted to soak up every second with him. She wanted to cross that line with him, wanted to feel him inside her. They’d only skated the surface of intimacy and she wanted so much more.

Turning in his arms, she straddled him, clutching onto his shoulders tightly.

“We don’t have to do anything,” he murmured against her mouth, trying to hold her away from him.

“I’m fine,” she said, smiling. He stared into her eyes, the concern there slaying her. “I promise.”

“Do you think Willow will be okay if we do…anything out here?”

Need punched through her at his question, at the hunger she saw mirrored in his own eyes. She glanced over her shoulder and saw her dragon doing little dips over the pond in the distance, splashing up water with her wings and amusing herself. She didn’t think Willow would care one bit what they did. Turning back to him, she reached for the hem of his shirt and tugged upward, needing to touch him. Needing skin to skin.

He grappled with her light top and bralette, doing the same, tugging it up and tossing it somewhere.

She stroked her hands up his chest, savoring the feel of all that raw power underneath her fingertips as she kissed him—and was kissed right back. She swore she’d missed him even in sleep. She felt consumed with the need to have him inside her, claim her.

It wouldn’t be a real claiming but she would take this time with him and hold on to the memories of it when he left and she went back to her regular life.

He was glowing again, she realized. She sucked in a breath as she took in his soft blue glow. She stared at him even as heat rushed between her thighs. It didn’t feel like magic, not like hers anyway, but there was a charged quality to the glow he was giving off.

His eyes were dark indigo, hungry with need. “It’s a dragon thing,” he said, as if she’d asked a question. She’d seen the glow before, but it was no less awe-inspiring.

He clutched her hips tightly, his long fingers clenching against her.

“It happens during sex?” she asked.

“It can,” he said carefully. “It’s never happened to me before. Not until you.”

She felt like there might be something he was leaving out, but she didn’t even care at this point. She was just glad that this beautiful glow was all for her and kissed him again, harder this time as he reached between them and slid her skirt off.

Soon they were both naked, their clothes piled on the grass as she was straddling his lap. His cock arched up between their bodies, thick and beautiful. As she looked down at the beauty of him, heat rushed between her legs. There had never been a more perfect male than him.

He cupped her mound, groaned in appreciation as he slid two fingers inside her with ease. “You’re so wet,” he growled out against her mouth.

Desperate for all of him, she lifted up on her knees as he guided his thick cock to her slick folds, teasing for just a moment.

When she sank down on him, it was like coming home, like this was exactly where she belonged. Where he belonged. Right with her.

“Fuck,” he groaned out as she rolled her hips and tightened around him.

She sucked in a breath as she took all of him, enjoying the feel of him inside her. She tried to get out of her head, to stop thinking about the future, about losing him, but she desperately wanted one with him.

He nipped at her bottom lip and her inner walls clenched around his thick length in response.

No more thinking, now she was just living in the moment. She started riding him and all thoughts of the future ceased. The only thing that mattered was the two of them and pure pleasure.

His glow grew brighter around them, the soft blue a bright beacon casting its light all around her yard. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, as if they were surrounded by pure magic manifesting from the two of them.

She really did care for him—more than just care. She knew she loved this big dragon, but was too afraid to tell him. Way too afraid that she wouldn’t be enough, that he would be another person to reject her. Especially when he found out who her mother was.

She rode him faster and faster even as he grabbed her hips and thrust upward to meet her stroke for stroke. He seemed as manic as she was to find release together.

His big hands stroked all over her—her back, her breasts, anywhere he could reach. It was like he just wanted to touch her.

She hadn’t realized exactly how touch-starved she was until now, until she soaked up every single graze from his callused fingers.

He kissed a path down her neck, growling against the sensitive spot behind her ear. His growl reverberated through her, sending delicious shivers to all her pleasure points. Then he reached between their bodies and teased her clit, immediately setting her off. He’d learned her body so quickly, seemed so in tune with her.

She surged into orgasm, waves and waves of pleasure punching through her. As her climax rose, he increased the pressure, growling against her neck as he did. The extra sensation sent waves of heat and pleasure rushing through her as her climax built harder and harder until she finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

“No more,” she said, practically shoving his hand away. She didn’t realize there was such a thing as too much pleasure, but her body was trembling with it.

“It’s never enough,” he growled against her neck even as he grabbed her ass tight. And that was when he let go, crying out her name as he thrust up hard inside her, finding his own release in long, hard strokes.

They both came down from their high together, the sun beating down on her back as she looped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I could stay like this forever,” she murmured, slightly drowsy.

“Let’s get you inside in case more of your neighbors stop by,” he finally murmured, making her laugh lightly. “I don’t want anyone else seeing you naked.”

“I think you’re going to have to carry me,” she said, because she was completely boneless. She figured she could probably go back to sleep again.

Laughing, he stood and lifted her into his arms.

And there was no place she would rather be in that moment. Unfortunately she knew things would change once she told him the truth. The full truth.

Which she would. As soon as she worked up the courage.