Outline of Haggai

A. Exhortation to Rebuild the Temple (1:1–15)

1. Superscription (1:1)

2. Prophetic Message (1:2–11)

3. People’s Response (1:12–14)

4. Subscription (1:15)

B. Encouragement for Restoring the Former Glory (2:1–9)

1. Superscription (2:1)

2. Identifying the Issue (2:2–3)

3. Prophetic Encouragement (2:4–5)

4. Promise of Future Glory (2:6–9)

C. Prophetic Message on the Day the Foundation Was Laid (2:10–23)

1. Superscription (2:10)

2. Past Defilement (2:11–14)

3. Present As Transformation from Past Curse to Future Blessing (2:15–19)

4. Superscription (2:20)

5. Future Triumph (2:21–23)