Crystals, Meditation, and Mindful Manifestation
To create the life you want, your focus must be on what you do want, not on what you don’t want. Whatever you focus on becomes your reality. In other words, all of your conscious thoughts and feelings—as well as the subconscious ones—create the life you are currently living. This basic principle is at the heart of most universal laws, including the law of attraction and the laws of physics. The use of crystals, mindfulness, meditation, and intention can come together in our attempts to achieve whatever goals we are trying to manifest in our lives.
Intention and the Power of Affirmations
In life, we all want to be happy, we want to feel loved and safe, and we want to enjoy abundance and prosperity. Additionally, many of us want to increase our intuition and ability to express who we truly are and deepen our connection to Spirit. Whatever it is we want in life, if we really want to attract it and live the life we envision, we need to clarify our intentions and focus on them.
Everything is created through intention. Our intention is expressed through our thoughts, actions, words, and deeds. Our intentions vibrate out into the world and return to us in the form of our personal reality. Therefore, if you want your life to reflect your highest potential, it is important to set an intention for what you desire and to focus on the positive.
When a gemstone is paired with a daily affirmation, or a positive intention for the day, the stone amplifies that intention and helps you maintain your focus on what you want. In my work with color and crystals over the course of three decades, I’ve found that to use a stone most effectively, it is best to associate an affirmation with it. Therefore, the more information you have about the qualities associated with various stones, the more creative you can be when pairing up these helpful tools with your intentions to improve and make changes in your life.
Keeping in mind that our thoughts create reality, we obviously want to think good thoughts for the best results in life. An affirmation is a positive thoughtform (the manifestation of mental energy) that we can focus on throughout the day and send out into the world. A daily affirmation practice is self-empowering and can foster success in any area of life. When you make a positive assertion or a declaration of intention, maintain mindfulness or awareness of your thoughts, and take the appropriate action to achieve the results, life tends to flow more easily! When you pair that daily affirmation practice and positive thinking with crystal work, your results will be amplified.
To choose the crystal that best fits your positive thoughts and intentions for the purpose of amplifying that intention, simply look at your collection of crystals (and gemstone jewelry if you have some) while holding that thoughtform in mind. Which stone or color does your eye naturally gravitate toward? Pick that gemstone and formalize your intention. For example, let’s say you want to improve your friendship with your friend Beth. Choose any stone among your collection that you are naturally attracted to, then immediately form an intention: “This stone reminds me that I am improving my friendship with Beth.”
Then, every time you look at the stone, touch the stone, or even think of the stone, remember, “Every day my friendship with Beth improves; our relationship keeps growing stronger and closer.” Also imagine or visualize some specific ways you can improve that relationship. Then start thinking about how you might initiate that change or improvement. Finally, take the action and make it so! The idea here is to stay focused on your intention or goal, and use your crystal for support and amplification of your intentions.
Integrate the power of positive thought into your daily life as often as you can. Your chosen stones will serve as important reminders if you keep them on your person or put them in places where you are bound to see them. Wherever your thoughts go, action follows and results are established. When setting an intention, it is always beneficial to add the caveat that the outcome be for the highest good of all concerned.
What Interferes with Manifestation?
When it comes to the law of attraction, you might think, “If I sit on my couch and think, talk, and feel, all my dreams will come true!” Unfortunately, it isn’t quite that simple most of the time. While manifesting is actually fairly simple, it seems to elude people who have self-esteem–sabotaging subconscious programs running beneath the surface of their consciousness that prevent them from achieving great things.
This subconscious programming is not unusual. I’ve facilitated private sessions for hundreds of people over the years, and I’ve experienced that the majority of them have negative beliefs swirling around in their subconscious, interfering with their ability to attract what they say they want. For example, a client may come in feeling stuck in life and wanting to move forward with her plans, but we may discover that as much as she consciously says she wants to take the next step, she’s up against a hidden belief that tells her she will fail. In some cases, these negative beliefs are related to past-life experiences; in other cases, the belief systems were installed in our programming during our formative years. This is not much different from having a corrupted software program running in the background of your computer. It prevents the computer from operating optimally.
If you feel like something in your subconscious is preventing you from attracting what you want into your life and manifesting your true desires, try setting an intention to bring these beliefs to the forefront of your consciousness. The idea is to then remove that old programming through further personal self-awareness work and various therapies as needed. Crystals can help amplify your desires so you can start attracting what you want, while you work on weeding out those old beliefs. Any troubling thoughts that might be getting in the way of your progress are no match for these sparkling treasures from deep within the earth. Meditation and mindfulness in combination with crystals can also help.
Making Use of Meditation and Mindfulness
If you’ve ever meditated, you know that meditation takes practice, practice, and more practice. While meditation is a personal experience for each practitioner, the ultimate goal of most forms of meditation is to empty the mind of thoughts, thereby allowing for a quiet mind. This state of a relaxed mind or no thoughts is sometimes referred to as no mind.
When you sit down to meditate, it is beneficial to begin by focusing the attention on the breath—the inhalation and the exhalation. The exercise of putting all your awareness on your breath pulls all the attention away from your thoughts, because essentially your brain can only do one thing at a time. Because you breathe naturally without any thought, when you shift your attention to observing the in breaths and out breaths, you are able to relax your mind and become oblivious to the mind’s incessant chatter.
To further maintain a focus on your breath, choose a crystal to hold during your meditation practice to amplify your intention. A clear quartz point works well. Allow the crystal to rest easily in your hand, and while you observe your inhale and exhale, set the intention to clear your mind of thoughts.
Focusing on the in and out breath is just one way to meditate. Other forms include contemplation and guided imagery. Although contemplation and imagery involve thoughts and/or visualization, they are both viable methods to practice the process of quieting the mind. In my crystal work, a favored type of guided meditation is a chakra-balancing crystal alignment. In this type of meditation, various crystals are positioned on and around the body with the intention of balancing the chakra system—the energy centers that affect the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. (See chapter 6 to learn more about this method of meditation.)
Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand. Mindfulness is a practice of staying present in the moment. It also includes being aware of the specific thoughts streaming through your consciousness. Being truly present in the moment heightens your awareness of what is happening around you in any given situation. This situational awareness is a sort of peripheral vision of present circumstances. Mothers and teachers are particularly adept at maintaining this awareness, which is usually referred to as “having eyes on the back of your head.” Mindfulness is an important ingredient in the practice of quieting your mind. It’s the contemplative part of the meditative process. Again, crystals are the perfect companions on your journey to no mind. Hold a celestite, angelite, or lapis lazuli gemstone with the intention of maintaining mindfulness and staying present in the moment. The light blue energy of the celestite and angelite brings heavenly peace and attracts your angels to aid in the process. Lapis lazuli is a dark royal blue with flecks of golden pyrite, so it’s an ideal gemstone to calm inflammation or agitation while helping you to remain grounded and present.
Sometimes we aren’t conscious of the thoughts we are having. A practice of observing your thoughts (or becoming conscious of them) and shifting your awareness to what really matters to you is the first step in designing your personal reality. When you set the intention to know yourself better and to be more aware of your thoughts, you are in a better position to remove the thoughts that are no longer working for your highest good.
Sit comfortably and hold, wear, and/or gaze at a crystal. Allow the crystal to help you focus on your thought patterns so that you can become fully aware of what you are thinking about. The thoughts rolling around in your consciousness create your reality. Your intention, powered by your crystal, can help you decide what changes you need to make.
When you begin to get clarity on the individual thoughts in your stream of consciousness, you can start to do some house cleaning. When you observe the thoughts that are taking up the most room, you will realize why certain life circumstances are predominant and others seem to be lacking or missing in your life. Perhaps you have an unconscious habit of thinking, “That person is a real pain in my neck” or “When I speak, I feel like I am not being heard.” Check in with yourself. If you have frequent neck or throat pain, then it is likely associated with those repetitive messages, at least partly. This is just an example, but if you do relate to this, choose a mindfulness stone associated with the neck or throat area, such as blue lace agate or angelite to help you break that habitual pattern or belief system.
You can also link a specific crystal to a specific intention with regard to your mindfulness and meditation practice. Need to reduce your mind chatter? Place fluorite octahedron or an apophyllite point on the center of your forehead. Need a reminder to meditate? Hold the chosen crystal in your hand, gaze at it, and think, “This crystal helps me deepen my meditation.” Other crystals and gemstones that are good for meditation include agate, black tourmaline, clear quartz points, hematite, lapis lazuli, pyrite, sapphire, and sodalite.
Matching Up Crystals with
Intentions & Positive Thoughts
Crystals, minerals, and stones are tools for focusing your thoughts on your intentions and goals. Just as you might light a candle to help you focus on your intention, or tie a string around your finger to remember something, a gemstone can provide that same nudge. The idea is to use crystals alongside two other key tools: visualization and imagination. Intentions and positive thoughts are the products of both. You can energetically match up your intentions and thoughts with crystal and gemstone allies to help you focus on major life concerns and bring what you desire into your life. In this way, crystal intentions amplify the beneficial effects of the law of attraction. We all basically want to attract the same things in life. There are six main areas that are most important to the majority of people. These are:
• Friendship, love, relationships, and romance
• Health and well-being
• Money, creativity, and motivation
• Safety and protection
• Happiness and self-confidence
• Intuition and communication
For each of these areas of life, there are a number of crystals to choose from to assist you with your intentions. Although each life category in the sections to follow includes a listing of recommended crystals, minerals, and stones, I encourage you to use your intuition when choosing your crystals. When you’ve established your intention, incorporate the crystal into your life in one of the following ways:
• Wear the stone in a piece of jewelry. When you’ve set your intention, if you have a piece of jewelry with your chosen crystal in it, such as a ring, bracelet, earrings, or a necklace, incorporate it into your wardrobe. You can even wear matching color clothing.
• Bring your rocks to bed. Place a smooth tumbled stone under your pillow or inside your pillowcase before going to sleep. You can also place it on your nightstand or under your mattress, or hold it in your hand as you fall asleep. A crystal grid on your night table or around your bed may be beneficial as well.
• Create an altar or grid of gemstones. A crystal altar is simple to create. Simply choose a space in your home, like a countertop, a windowsill, or a table. Either place the crystals in a bowl or create an attractive display or geometric formation with your intention in mind. There is a feeling of accomplishment and divine connection when we make a ritual out of working with gemstones. Find out more about creating a grid in CHAPTER 4.
• Place gemstones around your home and office. Keep the crystal that aligns with your intention on your desk as a reminder. Place the chosen stones on windowsills, countertops, end tables, coffee tables, and so on.
Friendship, Love, Relationships, and Romance
Relationships are at home in the heart chakra. That’s why the main colors associated with this category are pink and green. Other colors are representative of this category as well. Pastel blue stones maintain peace and serenity and promote good communication. Yellow gems enable the ability to establish boundaries with ease and grace and to maintain self-confidence. Red stones impart sensuality, sexuality, and passion to the relationship.
This category is very broad because it covers all forms of relationships. In fact, we are all in relationships with everything and everyone. This includes acquaintances, family, friends, business associates, coworkers, romantic partners, and our sweetheart or significant other. All types of relationships need attention and cultivation. It is healthy to want to be nurtured, and it is healthy to want to be nurturing to others. One key in any good relationship is the equal giving and taking. It is crucial to be equally responsible to receive as well as give.
Amazonite: To help you to know your own truth and to help you communicate your truth with ease and grace. Positive Affirmation: I live my truth and honestly communicate what is on my mind. I am heard.
Angelite: To invite angels into the connection you have with each other. As Kahlil Gibran—a Lebanese writer, poet, and visual artist, and author of The Prophet—said, “Let the winds of the heavens dance between you.” Angelite encourages feelings of peace and tranquility. With angelite on hand, call on the angels to help you with your emotional upsets. Positive Affirmation: I feel calm and at peace. Inspiration from my angels and spirit guides comes to me constantly.
Blue lace agate: To orchestrate your life with divine timing, help relationships, and create synchronistic experiences. It is important to be on the same page with each other the majority of the time in order to keep the relationship flowing. Blue lace agate improves your ability to communicate with others and speak your truth. Use it when you want to be heard and truly understood. Positive Affirmation: I am always in the right place at the right time. It is easy for me to express myself. I am understood and understand.
Blue calcite: To help you find your voice in a relationship and find the right way to express feelings. It is a perfect stone to have nearby if the conversation you are having might create a change in the relationship. Calcite makes you more aware of what you say and how you say it. The vibration coming through your voice says as much as, if not more than, the words being said. Positive Affirmation: I am impeccable with my word. I speak with love and kindness.
Citrine: To bring joy, laughter, and self-confidence. Allow the yellow ray of this stone to shine light on your ability to integrate and understand the depth of your relationship. Citrine, the yellow variety of quartz crystals, can help you identify which issues are small enough to let go and which are worth confrontation without anger or hostility. Positive Affirmation: I am confident and courageous. It is safe for me to be powerful!
Emerald: To maintain an open heart. Emerald is useful for healing emotions with an infusion of love. This stone opens your heart to give and receive. Gaze into this gemstone and imagine Divine love enveloping you. Embrace your emotions and allow the green rays of this gemstone to open your heart fully to love. Use this gem to activate compassion, mercy, divine love, and tolerance. Positive Affirmation: I attract kind and courteous people. I earn unlimited income doing what I love.
Golden calcite: To bring clarity and confidence. This stone can connect you with the center of your personal power and help you develop a strong sense of self, which always contributes to a healthy relationship. This stone serves as portal through which unusual spiritual truths are revealed, resulting in new realizations and perspectives. Use it to remember your magnificence. Let your light shine so brightly that your friend or sweetheart can’t miss recognizing it. Positive Affirmation: I recognize my self-worth. My internal brilliance shines. I have the courage to be all that I can be!
Green aventurine: To open the heart to divine love, good connections with all life, and a balanced and healthy view of the world. This green stone helps you make the connection between the earth and your heart. Green aventurine brings good luck and all the good vibes necessary to establish a healthy relationship. Green aventurine is an earthy stone that will help you stay grounded in your relationship. Positive Affirmation: My heart is the center of myself and I intend love in all that I do, say, think, and feel. I am so incredibly lucky!
Green calcite: To integrate all that is involved in your relationship and to help you feel courageous enough to express yourself if you are having a change of heart regarding the manner in which you interact with each other. The soft green vibration of green calcite opens your sacred heart to receive love from the spiritual realm. This stone encourages tolerance, compassion, and understanding. Positive Affirmation: I remain grounded and focused, even when the world around me changes.
Green tourmaline: To bring a strong feeling of true love and loyalty into your relationship. Green tourmaline helps you improve your demeanor and attract new friends or a romantic partner. This stone reminds you that in order to bring more romance into your life, you must learn how to enjoy your own company. Determine what makes you happy and use this stone to attract relationships that will provide loving companionship or a mutually satisfying romance. Green tourmaline is very helpful for career relationships and the relationship you have with money. Positive Affirmation: My actions are heart-centered, and I allow love in my life.
Malachite: To help you recognize patterns in a relationship and to help you understand if any of the patterns need to change or shift in order for that relationship to be happy. This stone reminds you that as patterns are repeated in relationships again and again, there is a lesson to be learned. This stone helps you grow emotionally, as well as mentally and spiritually, as you recognize these emerging patterns. Positive Affirmation: I recognize repetitive patterns. I choose patterns of love, compassion, and kindness.
Pink calcite: To bring gentleness, kindness, and a strong friendship into your romantic relationship. Pink calcite opens your heart chakra so that you can release prior feelings of hurt or fear. This stone can assuage feelings of anger and frustration. It is also a good stone for children who cry or whine often. Give one to a grumpy friend and watch his or her energy transform. Positive Affirmation: I am blessed with nurturing vibrations wherever I go! I am gentle with myself. I enjoy loving relationships.
Pink tourmaline: For kindness and compassion in your romantic relationship. Pink tourmaline’s primary vibration for the emotional body is nurturance. This stone is useful whenever you need an injection of unconditional love, which starts with first loving yourself unconditionally. The stone comforts you when you are emotionally vulnerable. Employ this stone to discover what unconditional love means, how it feels, and what to do to actualize it for yourself. Positive Affirmation: The energy of my own loving vibration nurtures my thoughts and feelings. Unconditional love is mine, today and always.
Rhodochrosite: To bring self-confidence and love into the partnership. Rhodochrosite helps you overcome verbal, mental, and emotional abuse by jogging your memory toward a positive affirmation any time negative thoughts of the past arise. Positive Affirmation: I am grateful for the courage to be all I can be! I am love.
Rhodonite: To heal sorrow or sadness from past relationships. Rhodonite helps to restore balance to your emotional body after a period of grief following a loss or disappointment. This rosy gem also offers grounded support during a time of heartache and sorrow. Allow the gentle pink energy to help you carry on as you journey through a period of unhappiness. Use this stone to feel love. Positive Affirmation: I easily nurture myself. I attract nurturing people into my life. I cultivate a deeper relationship with myself. I am happy.
Rose quartz: For kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness, and to help you think as a “we” instead of an “I” in your relationship. Rose quartz is the perfect stone to help you attract romance and love into your life. It aids in attracting your soul mate. Positive Affirmation: I am compassionate and kind. I give love to others and readily accept theirs in return. I accept my perfect partner in life!
Ruby: To encourage a healthy sex life. Ruby increases your passion for life when used with conscious intent. Use ruby to help you take steps to improve your endurance and overall health. Recharge your energy centers and renew your passion for living a vibrant life. Positive Affirmation: Vital life force flows vibrantly through me. I am strong and healthy. I am grateful for a healthy sex life.
Ruby in fuchsite: To encourage you and your partner to engage in nurturing sensual activities. It vibrates with the energy of spiritually aligned romantic love. Ruby in fuchsite is a reminder that you are capable of profound feelings of love and well-being. Positive Affirmation: I am blessed with a great partner. I willingly share my love and my life with that person.
Tabular quartz: For good communication, which is key to a healthy relationship. Tabular quartz is a clear quartz crystal that looks flatter than most quartz because two of the six sides are much wider than the other four. It is ideal for communicating directly from your heart and mind to the heart and mind of another through the use of mental images. This stone amplifies effective listening skills and communications skills. With this stone in hand, you are better able to transmit the feelings associated with the words you are speaking to improve the communication between yourself and another person. Positive Affirmation: When I speak, people listen and understand me. I communicate from my heart to the hearts of others.
Unakite: To maintain balanced emotions for calm experiences in your relationship. With its pink and green energy, unakite reminds you to set your intention on love, compassion, and kindness. Positive Affirmation: My emotions are balanced. I am able to observe my reactions to others in an objective and loving way. Love allows me to awaken my consciousness.
Watermelon tourmaline: To help you remember that love is the center of your connection with each other. With its pink and green energy, watermelon tourmaline is the ultimate heart chakra stone. This stone epitomizes the Divine, as the cosmic forces accept you with unconditional love and embrace all aspects of your human nature. Positive Affirmation: My heart is open to giving and receiving love. Every word I say and thought I think travels on the frequency of love.
Health and Well-Being
The phrase health and well-being represents physical wellness as well as mental and emotional alignment. Inner peace and calm are the keys to a healthy, balanced life. The stones listed here can be used to help you maintain your awareness of your habits of health, and to help you create a stress-free life.
Covellite: To keep emotions balanced. When used with conscious intent, this stone helps when you are dealing with anger and frustration. It helps you to gradually accept the emotions you are feeling, embrace them, and then allow them to help polish your spirit and personality. Positive Affirmation: I am blessed with good health, peace, and calm.
Epidote: To assure you that all of your basic needs are met, with an abundance left over to share with others. It helps you relax into the knowledge that nothing is lacking. Use this stone to increase good health, abundant wealth, and the ability to love fully and completely. Positive Affirmation: My thoughts and actions create beneficial results. I am healthy and abundant. All that I need is available to me.
Green aventurine: To help you stay focused on eating healthy and exercising regularly to maintain a healthy heart. Green aventurine aligns you with the right health care and practitioners. Use it to maintain focus on the fact that you are in optimal health. Positive Affirmation: I am healthy, whole, and complete. I am aligned with optimal health.
Ruby: To align you with your core inner strength. This gemstone, due to its hardness and red energy, revs you up with the fuel required to live life to the fullest. This is a good stone to keep on your person when you are healing, to encourage vitality and endurance. Positive Affirmation: Vital life force flows vibrantly through me. I am strong and healthy.
Rutilated quartz: To improve your energy level. The red and golden rutile inclusions enhance your physical endurance. This stone adds chi or life force to the body, mind, and spirit. Some legends say that this stone slows the aging process. Positive Affirmation: I am grateful that my vital life force provides me with the energy and motivation to live life to the fullest!
Sodalite: To balance rampant emotions. Sodalite supports efforts to reduce inflammation in the body, helping to relieve inflammatory conditions such as headaches and muscle strains. This stone also helps support efforts to reduce acid in your system for a more healthful acid-alkaline balance. It also supports your efforts to lower your blood pressure. Positive Affirmation: I am relaxed and all is well. I sail through life on calm, nurturing waters and enjoy good health.
Money, Creativity, and Motivation
Money is often at the forefront of someone’s consciousness. This is because all that’s involved in living on this planet, including food, shelter, and water, requires that we have enough money to obtain them. The focus of this section is not only on manifesting money, but also on manifesting the creativity and motivation it takes to earn plenty of money—with some to spare and share! It takes great courage to be wealthy. Are you ready to be abundant and have financial freedom? Take some time with these gems and get clear on your intentions.
Citrine: To amplify the courage and confidence to be prosperous and live your career passion to the fullest. Citrine is known as the merchant’s stone. Keep this stone, along with a green aventurine, in your wallet, pocket, piggy bank, cash drawer, or wherever you keep your money, to remember your intention to accept prosperity, abundance, wealth, and good fortune into your life. Positive Affirmation: Prosperity abounds in my life. Goodness multiplies. Whatever I desire, imagine, and passionately act upon becomes a reality.
Garnet: For motivation and to take charge of a situation and make things happen. It is a good stone to work with when you are in the process of manifesting. Use this gem when you need to ground your intentions and take action. Positive Affirmation: I am determined. All my needs are met. I am grateful for all my creative and business skills. I earn unlimited income doing what I love.
Green aventurine: For good luck and good fortune. Green aventurine is the shamrock of the gemstone kingdom, so hold onto it and form the intention that you are very lucky. This stone of good fortune can amplify your intentions to create more abundance in your life. Positive Affirmation: I am so incredibly lucky! I have many blessings in my life. Abundance and prosperity are constantly flowing in my life.
Jade: To amplify the blessings and prosperity you have. Jade is historically associated with good luck and favorable results. It reminds you to think positively and stay focused on good outcomes. It is also helpful for visualizing ideas. Positive Affirmation: I am healthy, happy, and prosperous. I am extremely lucky. Good health is mine. I am grateful for all of the gifts that come into my life.
Pyrite: To help strengthen courage and self-confidence. Such strength is needed to allow yourself to manifest money in your life through your creative efforts. Pyrite often forms in cubes and therefore has a geometrical connection to creating a strong foundation for anything you do. Positive Affirmation: My confidence is rock solid. I focus on my intentions and take positive action to manifest my goals.
Red tiger’s eye: To help you to stay focused on the goal and deflect negative distractions. Red tiger’s eye is a useful grounding force. It amplifies your business acumen and triggers your inner entrepreneur. With its ability to amplify your determination, it helps you think outside the box and implement your ideas into action. Positive Affirmation: I have the courage and self-confidence to create my world. It is easy for me to take action. I earn unlimited income doing what I love.
Safety and Protection
Safety can be represented in many ways, but more than anything, safety is a feeling. It’s knowing that you and your loved ones will be okay. Focus on the feeling of security, of knowing that you’re protected. Now, with your imagination and a little creative visualization, see all those whom you care for in that place of safety with you. See yourself and those you love as protected, and know all is well!
Amethyst: For transformation and transmutation of challenging situations. The purple vibe is powerful, so use this purple quartz crystal to set the intention that you are safe and sound. Remember that you can always choose to be divinely protected, and you will be. Positive Affirmation: I am divinely protected. I am grateful that I feel safe and secure wherever I am and wherever I go.
Black tourmaline: To deflect negativity. With negativity banished from your life and your consciousness, you automatically increase your feelings of safety. Black tourmaline is also helpful to deflect electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices. Positive Affirmation: I am safe and sound. I am out of harm’s way. I am enveloped in a sphere of goodness and well-being.
Clear quartz: To amplify your intentions. Use it specifically to increase feelings of well-being and love. With your focus on the positive, you automatically set up your life to consciously create circumstances that are positive, safe, and rewarding. Clear quartz helps you stay focused on the goal at hand. Positive Affirmation: I am a clear channel of love, light, and well-being. All is well in my life.
Snowflake obsidian: To help you gain clarity from the contrast of life experiences. The white snowflake-like flecks in this black stone emphasize the enlightening nature it generates when the right intention is set. Find the lessons within the darkness and the light and move on. Positive Affirmation: I am aligned with the light. I see myself, my situations, and others clearly. I easily transform the negative to the positive.
Sodalite: For calling in help from the angelic realm when you need or want protection or feelings of safety. Use this dark blue stone with calcite inclusions to amplify Archangel Michael’s presence with his blue energy and his sword of love and light. Positive Affirmation: The protective energy of Archangel Michael surrounds me. I am divinely protected.
Gold tiger’s eye: To help increase your courage. With courageous energy around you, you are less likely to encounter negative or challenging situations. Gold tiger’s eye also repels jealousy and bad intentions from others. Positive Affirmation: I am safe. I have constant protection surrounding me. I have the courage and self-confidence to create my world.
Happiness and Self-Confidence
Where is your happy place? A tropical beach, a desert oasis, a mountain retreat? Visit that place in your mind and then in your life. Imagination is fuel for happiness. Clarity of intention, determination, and action are the ingredients you need to design a happy life. You design your reality. Allow your mind to wander to all of the experiences you want to have, and imagine yourself joyful. The imagination and the practice of make-believe are powerful, so see yourself in your favorite place, doing your favorite things. Let your imagination be your ally to create a life of confidence and happiness.
Citrine: To activate self-confidence and joy. Use this stone to help you out of depression and relieve any feelings of inferiority or unworthiness. Citrine activates the golden flecks of light vibrating in your halo, which shimmers and connects you with your Divine nature. Positive Affirmation: It is easy for me to expand my self-confidence and awareness of my personal magnificence. I exude joy, enthusiasm, and happiness. I shine my light.
Clear quartz: For any and all spiritual pursuits. This quartz carries within it the full spectrum of light. It transmits and transduces energy. Clear quartz is a crystal that essentially supports your overall well-being. Whatever you focus your attention or intention on while holding clear quartz will be amplified. It extends a hand of support to increase your ability to be successful in all endeavors. Positive Affirmation: I multiply goodness and well-being. It is easy for me to amplify loving kindness. I increase clarity, peace, and understanding in my life.
Golden calcite: For when you want to be more optimistic. Associated with the solar plexus chakra—the place where we hold our self-esteem and positive attitude—this stone can connect you with the center of your personal power. With a strong sense of yourself, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Positive Affirmation: It is easy for me to establish healthy boundaries with others with ease and grace. I maintain focus on all that is good.
Golden topaz: To raise your self-esteem and help you maintain focus on all of your good qualities. Golden topaz increases the courage you need to embrace the magnificent person you truly are and put good thoughts into action. This is a stone of positive energy. It is a helpful adjunct to raise you out of depression and renew your self-confidence. Positive Affirmation: I have the courage to step forward with joy and enthusiasm. I see my path shining brightly before me.
Peacock copper: To help you raise your self-esteem and encourage the development of a happy, optimistic outlook. The many colors of this stone increase your ability to be enthusiastic and spread sunshine and happiness. Positive Affirmation: I confidently show my true colors to others. It is a fabulous feeling to be all that I can be! I am full of life-enhancing joy and goodness.
Prehnite: To help integrate the spiritual teachings of the impermanence of all things into your everyday life. It aligns you with the vibrations of peace and renewal inherent in the constant changes of the Universe and releases the feeling of being challenged by them. This stone of transformation can help you see and feel how the end of certain conditions can be purposeful for the evolution of your body, mind, and spirit. Positive Affirmation: I embrace new opportunities and new friendships. Great happiness is normal in my life. I have the support of good friends.
Pyrite: To help you remember your magnificence and feel empowered. You are powerful, so use this gemstone to remember who you truly are and watch your self-esteem increase. Pyrite grows in block formations, and this stone inherently offers a strong foundation to improve some of your core beliefs about yourself. Use this stone when you need the guts to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. This golden gem offers the opportunity to allow the reflection and expansion of the positive qualities within you. Positive Affirmation: My confidence is rock-solid. I focus on my intentions and take positive action to manifest my goals.
Sapphire: To increase inner strength and improve your self-
esteem. With a greater understanding of yourself and the further inner exploration of your finer qualities, self-confidence increases and general happiness ensues. This calming stone also relieves anger and frustration. Positive Affirmation: I have great poise and grace. I am wise. I have a clear view of the truth. I am grateful that I have mental clarity.
Sunstone: For spiritual fortitude and self-confidence, so you can develop your spiritual gifts. Sunstone’s luminosity offers mental clarity and connects you with positive thoughts. Just like the sun, this stone sheds light on obstacles and brings luck and good fortune. It is the stone of manifestation and of the power of the mind to create reality. Positive Affirmation: I am self-confident and recognize my value and worth. I shine the light of compassion, kindness, and love from my heart.
Intuition and Communication
Intuition and communication go hand in hand. You communicate without the use of the spoken word on a regular basis. Communication includes body language, facial expressions, and energy. Telepathy is a form of mental energy used for mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart communication; a lot of information and feelings are sent telepathically. Think of all the times you’ve thought of someone and then a short time later they call you or show up. Using both verbal and telepathic communication consciously will help you be a better communicator.
Amethyst: To stimulate the third eye and all six “clairs,” or sensory gifts: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairolfaction, and clairgustation. These are terms for the abilities to spiritually see, hear, know, sense, smell, and taste the truth. Use this purple-toned quartz to ward off nightmares and encourage sweet dreams and restful sleep. Positive Affirmation: I use my intuition and follow my hunches. I pay attention to my dreams and interpret their messages easily.
Apophyllite: To assist you in accessing the Akashic Records (the history of the cosmos), in past-life recall, in the ability to see and read the aura, and in spiritual healings. It is a stone to use to connect with Archangels Metatron, Sandalphon, and Seraphiel. Use it during energy-healing sessions such as Reiki to help you stay focused on allowing the Universal Life Force to flow through you. Positive Affirmation: I meditate regularly. I am insightful. My connection with Universal Wisdom guides me daily.
Celestite: For angelic or heavenly communication. Use this stone to quickly reach the angels when you need things in your life to be a little easier. This lovely stone helps you recognize the heavenly messages in everything, from billboards, TV shows, and news headlines to innocent eavesdropping, number sequences, songs, dreams, and the voice within. Celestite can be used for communication with loved ones on the other side as well. Positive Affirmation: I hear, see, notice, and understand the messages from the angels. I interpret the signs from above with great accuracy.
Kyanite: For activating your innate ability to communicate telepathically. The soothing blue shades of this stone align the spiritual being within you with the higher realms of consciousness, enhancing your ability to receive and transmit information on all levels. Positive Affirmation: My chakras are balanced. I am balanced. My body is calm and relaxed. I receive Divine guidance simply and clearly.
Labradorite: For meditation, lucid dreaming, psychic development, and spiritual awareness. It is a good stone for metaphysicians or those interested in New Age thought. It expands the awareness of the heart and mind. Labradorite is the philosopher’s stone, helping you to examine the recesses of your mind. Use this stone to shine light on the knowledge and wisdom within you. Positive Affirmation: I take the time for reflection. I observe how the world around me is a mirror of the world within me. I perceive life from a higher perspective.
Lapis lazuli: To open the third eye and stimulate the intuitive senses when used with conscious intent. This is a good stone to help you remember your dreams and promote clarity during dreamtime. Use this stone to channel the other side, for mediumship, and to access the Akashic Records (the history of the cosmos). Positive Affirmation: My entourage of angels orchestrates my life. I receive messages all the time and follow my internal guidance system. I follow my intuition.
Lepidolite: To hone psychic skills, including channeling and mediumship, while fostering a reasonable hold on this reality. It helps you open up neural pathways in the brain to access higher realms of consciousness, as well as information from other realms of existence. Positive Affirmation: I am calm. I am serene. Tranquility and peace are mine. I enjoy quiet contemplation on a regular basis. I attract loving, balanced friends and family into my inner circle.
Selenite: To align yourself with higher consciousness—love. This gemstone is a heaven-sent tool that activates your connection to ancient wisdom and knowledge. Use it during meditation with the intention of aligning your awareness with spiritual master teachers, ascended masters, angels, and spirit guides. With this stone in hand, allow your intuitive nature to meld with your intelligence, combining your knowledge with spiritual wisdom. Positive Affirmation: I am aligned with the Divine. I am a spiritual being of divine love and divine light. I have access to the ancient wisdom stored within me. I have a quiet mind. It is easy for me to meditate.
Seraphinite: To help you communicate with the angelic realm, including Archangel Raphael, by aligning you with the higher planes. Seraphinite is named for the seraphs, winged angelic beings in God’s service. This stone helps you stay connected to the Divine spark within yourself, as well as with the outer aspects of God. This is a good stone to work with to stay grounded as you aspire toward enlightenment. Positive Affirmation: I feel and know the Divine within and around me. My friends and colleagues are people of integrity. I have extraordinary good fortune in all aspects of my life. I am divinely connected to all life.
Now you have some great ideas and tools to help you create vibrationally matching thoughtforms with the crystals you chose with a specific intention. Instill your thought and hold the vision for your personal creation of reality. Stay aligned and focused and you will find that life becomes so much easier. Next let’s infuse our crystal work with further vibrational energy and aromatherapeutic properties.