Crystals for Balancing and Healing
In this chapter, we will be looking at how to do a crystal alignment for healing. A chakra-balancing crystal alignment is a deeply spiritual and profoundly relaxing experience, the power of which cannot be overstated. Also known as the laying on of stones, the intention of a crystal alignment is to balance the chakra system. In a chakra-balancing crystal alignment, crystals are laid on and around the body at key energy points. Stones are placed with intention to balance the body’s energy centers, or chakras. This can be done while listening to a guided imagery meditation. It can also be done in complete silence with the intention of quieting the mind while restoring balance. You can perform the crystal alignment for yourself as well as for others.
When to Do a Crystal Alignment
A crystal alignment is an excellent tool for spiritual healing, to assist you in restoring balance to your system and to promote physical healing as a complement to traditional therapies. If you are feeling out of sorts or out of balance in general, a crystal alignment can help you to feel aligned, centered, and focused. It’s a good idea to incorporate a crystal alignment as part of a regular meditation practice. You don’t need to be out of balance to add this wonderful experience to your repertoire of contemplative and meditative practices. Regular tune-ups are highly recommended!
How to Choose Crystals
for a Crystal Alignment
To prepare for a chakra-balancing crystal alignment, establish your intention or goal. If you focus on general mental, emotional, and spiritual healing, the physical system will follow suit when the others are in balance. The seven main chakras are listed below with their associated colors. You can delve into the properties of the various crystals and choose accordingly, but choosing corresponding colors of crystals is an excellent place to begin.
Most often you will want the gemstone to match the color associated with the chakra on or near that part of the body. However, there are circumstances when you may decide you need the complementary or opposite color to restore balance. For example, if someone is experiencing anger, blue or green stones are often better choices than red or orange ones. The cooler colors help to calm inflamed energy. If someone is procrastinating or lacks motivation, use red, orange, brown, and black stones. The red and orange rocks motivate action. Black and brown stones are grounding and can help you maintain focus as you release scattered energy.
Chakra Figure
Complementary Colors
The color pink—a mixture of the root chakra’s red and the crown chakra’s white—represents the heart chakra, which is the bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. The lower three chakras are the part of us that is the human being walking here on this planet doing the earthly work we are meant to do, while the upper three chakras are the part of us that remembers we are spiritual beings. The heart center links heaven to earth and earth to heaven.
Recommended Stone Choices
To take the guesswork out of stone choice, you can use the recommend stones on the next page. This offers a standard chakra-balancing experience and is a good starting point. You can switch out stones as you feel it’s appropriate.
Energy Centers
Within and Around the Body
It’s beneficial to know and understand the chakras when they are in balance, as well as when they are out of balance. This form of understanding can increase your self-awareness, which is key to spiritual development. Ideally, you will want your chakras aligned and vibrating for your highest good at any given time.
Chakras vibrate at different rates for different people. Just because my chakras vibrate differently than yours does not mean that mine are better or even in better alignment. Everyone has an individual experience. Your chakras are vibrating based on where you are right now in your life. As mentioned, the chakra system is connected (in no particular order) to the emotional body, mental body, physical body, and spiritual body. With the exception of the physical body, these bodies are invisible.
You will know when your chakras are in balance because you will feel an overall sense of wellness on all levels. More often than not, when a chakra is out of balance, you will become aware of physical symptoms of an illness. This out-of-balance energy, however, usually stems from emotional or mental stress. If you want to read more about how crystals can assist you—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—take a look at my book The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones. There is in-depth information and inspiration to help you gain insight on various ways to use crystals. When physical symptoms present themselves, it’s likely that the chakra has been out of balance for a while. That’s because when imbalance is present, it affects you before you have symptoms on the physical level.
For example, a common cause of mental stress, which can throw your system out of balance, is allowing negative thoughts to rotate around in your head like a hamster on a wheel. You might not even be conscious of those thoughtforms. When some sort of challenge comes up to the surface (the “hamster wheel effect”), you might wonder where it came from and insist you did not create it. Yet, often, when you take a deep, nonjudgmental look at yourself, you will find that those negative thoughtforms are the root cause of the current challenges taking place in your life. These principles apply not only to illness, but also to undesirable life circumstances and realities that are present in your life. When you rebalance the out-of-balance chakra or chakras through crystal alignment and intention, you should start feeling better and experiencing reality a little differently.
A Sample Crystal Alignment Process
You can guide yourself through this meditative process or perform a crystal alignment for someone you know. However, in this sample, we’ll assume you are guiding yourself. It’s simple enough to modify these instructions to guide another person. Be sure to cleanse the crystals you plan to use of any energy that isn’t for your highest good.
Prepare your surroundings to ensure an uninterrupted experience. Turn off sound-emitting electronics, including landline and cell phones, speakers, televisions, tablets, and computers. Remove your watch and rings, and wear comfortable, nonrestrictive clothing.
Lower the lights. Inhale a pure essential oil. Choose an essential oil known for relaxation, like lavender, or heighten your meditative experience with an oil such as frankincense. Essential oil adds another dimension to the experience. You may want to use one of the mists you prepared specifically for this purpose (see CHAPTER 3).
Place all the crystals you will be using next to you, near the appropriate part of your body, as follows:
For the root chakra: Place amethyst about six inches below the soles of the feet. Place black tourmaline on the outer side of each ankle. Place hematite between the knees. These stones are grounding and calming.
Alternate options for the root chakra: Place selenite about six inches below the soles of the feet. Place red jasper on the outer side of each ankle. Place ruby or garnet between the knees. This combination helps you maintain an earth-centered connection and motivates you to take action.
For the navel or sacral chakra: Place carnelian on the belly near the hipbones.
For the solar plexus: Place citrine at the center of the solar plexus. Place four pieces of malachite in a circle around the citrine to create an outer circle.
For the heart chakra: Place a rose quartz over the heart. Place four pieces of green aventurine around it to create an outer circle.
Alternate options for the heart chakra: Place pink calcite (or pink tourmaline) over the heart. Place four pieces of jade (or green tourmaline) around it to create an outer circle. (Basically, you will want to have pink and green stones at the heart.)
For the throat chakra: Place angelite or aquamarine over the throat.
For the third eye: Place lapis lazuli on the center of the forehead.
For the crown chakra: Place a clear quartz point or tumbled quartz above your head. If you use a clear quartz point, place the point facing your crown.
For the hands: Hold a large clear quartz point or wand (such as kyanite or selenite) in each hand. Holding onto wand-sized points during a crystal alignment has been said to result in a more profound experience.
After you’ve placed the gemstones in the designated areas, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Set your intention on receiving healing and balance. The crystal alignment experience is very relaxing, healing, and profound. The keys are your breath, your ability to imagine, and your willingness to relax deeply. Give yourself permission to fully engage your imagination during this experience. Imagination is a powerful tool to activate a profound spiritual experience. You can use a guided meditation to bring you through a deep relaxation experience or you can direct yourself by focusing on each one of your chakras and their function in your consciousness—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You can also meditate in silence if you’d like to, or use the sample script below and allow it to guide you.
Sample Script: Guided Imagery
and the Power of the Imagination
Whether you are doing the chakra-balancing crystal alignment for yourself or someone else, you can use the following sample script. You can record the script and play it back or speak it aloud in real time for someone. Alternatively, you can get a copy of one of my spoken audios, Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment, Color Meditation: Align Your Chakras, or Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation. If you are using different crystals than the ones mentioned in this script, remember to use the correct name if you are making your own recording.
When receiving an alignment or doing one for yourself, give yourself permission to fully use your imagination during this crystal healing experience. The imagination is a powerful tool for activating a profound spiritual experience.
It is now time to align your chakras using the energy of the crystals.
Put all of your attention on your breath.
Become aware of what it feels like to bring your breath into your lungs and to release the air from your body.
Your only focus right now is on your breathing. If any thoughts other than focusing on your breath arise, just observe them and let them go. You can even tell those thoughts, “Not right now. I’ll think of you later.” Then return your full attention to your breath.
Watch your thoughts float away and then bring your attention back to your breath, the inhalation and the exhalation.
As you breathe, become aware that you are breathing in love and well-being on the in-breath and then, on the out-breath, you are releasing all stress, tension, and negativity.
Root Chakra: Imagine there is a red sphere of light at the base of your spine. Connect with the black tourmaline and hematite near your ankles, as well as the amethyst point below your feet. These stones will help to keep you grounded, protected, and present in your body during the experience. With every breath you take, this sphere of red light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your root chakra, the color red, at exactly the right speed. It spins off fear, worry, and financial stress, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing security, stability, and focus.
Navel/Sacral Chakra: Imagine there is an orange sphere of light a few inches below your belly button. Connect with the carnelian on your belly. The carnelian will help you rebalance this chakra. It promotes creativity and action. The carnelian will help you feel safe and strong enough to set boundaries with others (and therefore say no when it is appropriate). With every breath you take, this sphere of orange light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your sacral chakra, the color orange, at exactly the right speed. It spins off stuck emotions, abusive treatment, abandonment, and rejection, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing balance and calm.
Know that the red at the root and the orange at the navel are in alignment with each other.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Imagine there is a yellow sphere of light at your solar plexus. Imagine there are beautiful, golden-yellow rays of light shining brightly from your solar plexus—in front of you, behind you, and out the sides of you. It shines brightly, like the sun shining on a relaxing summer day. Connect with the citrine and malachite on your solar plexus. These stones will help you re-empower yourself and increase your self-confidence. The malachite will help with healthy, easy digestion on all levels—mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. With every breath you take, this sphere of yellow light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your solar plexus, the color yellow, at exactly the right speed. It spins off lack of self-worth, lack of self-confidence, depression, and any inability to digest life, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing joy, happiness, and high self-esteem.
Know that the red at the root, the orange at the navel, and the yellow at the solar plexus are all in alignment with each other.
Heart Chakra: Imagine there is a green sphere of light at your heart. Connect with the rose quartz and green aventurine around the center of your chest. Imagine, know, and trust that all the love that you are is expanding. Imagine a sparkle of light at the center of your chest. Using your imagination, intend that the light at your heart center is getting brighter and brighter, expanding and shooting out rays of amazing brilliant light. Know that any and all of the challenges you thought of earlier are now being transformed by this light and by the pink and green stones that are resting easily on your chest. Be aware of your breath and know that all is well. Remember that you are love. With every breath you take, this sphere of green light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your heart chakra, the color green, at exactly the right speed. It spins off anything that isn’t aligned with love, joy, and happiness, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing renewed connection with self-love, compassion, and kindness.
Know that the red at the root, the orange at the navel, the yellow at the solar plexus, and the green at the heart are all in alignment with each other.
Throat Chakra: Imagine there is a blue sphere of light at your throat. It is blue like the sky. The pastel blue angelite placed on the center of the throat will encourage assistance from your angels in the heavenly realm. Ask them to help you to be at the right place at the right time, connecting with the right people in a synchronistic way that is good for all concerned. Imagine an angel is ready to help you. Imagine, know, and trust that you are now rebalancing your throat chakra to support yourself in speaking your truth, being your truth, and living your truth. Intend that your life should flow easily, allowing you to consistently meet people with whom you can develop a mutually beneficial relationship. With every breath that you take, this sphere of blue light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your throat chakra, the color blue, at exactly the right speed. As it shines, it brings forth your personal truth. It spins off any inability to express yourself, any inability to say what you need to say or write what you need to write, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing confidence to communicate and express yourself in truth, love, and balance.
Know that the red at the root, the orange at the navel, the yellow at the solar plexus, the green at the heart, and the blue at the throat are all in alignment with each other.
Third Eye Chakra: Imagine there is an indigo sphere of light at your forehead. Put all of your attention on the center of your forehead and visualize that indigo, a deep purple-blue. Imagine looking at a midnight sky through a portal, a portal into yourself. Visualize a space behind the center of your forehead and bring a sphere of light into that space. Put all your attention on the lapis lazuli on the center of your forehead. Get in touch with the intuitive part of you that knows what you need and what to do. Know you can trust your intuition. With every breath that you take, this sphere of indigo light gets brighter and more translucent. It is spinning at your third eye chakra, the color indigo, at exactly the right speed. It spins off distractions or anything that obstructs your intuitive vision, releasing it to be transformed and transmuted. As it releases, new, clear light of love refills that space, bringing clarity and insights.
Know that the red at the root, the orange at the navel, the yellow at the solar plexus, the green at the heart, the blue at the throat, and the indigo at the third eye are all in alignment with each other.
Crown Chakra: Visualize a golden-violet flame at the crown of your head. Make it your intention to activate a beautiful globe of white light around your whole head. Just like the halos depicted in iconic artwork, use your imagination and make believe that you feel and sense a halo of light with golden light particles sparkling in your energy field. Place your awareness on the crown of your head and on your halo.
Have faith and know that all your chakras are now aligned. Allow this aligned energy to integrate into all your subtle bodies, balancing and aligning you physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
Return your attention to your breath and establish the intention to complete this experience. Seal in this experience as you imagine golden-white light coming in through the crown of your head, flowing through to your third eye, your throat, your heart, down and aligning through your solar plexus, through your navel, through the base of your spine, and down through your legs, all the way to your feet. Visualize rays of light shining out from the soles of your feet and the tips of your fingers into Mother Earth. Allow this light to ground you, integrating the alignment of your chakras and all your subtle bodies.
Bring your attention to your hands, your feet, and your breath. Wiggle your toes and wiggle your fingers. Take a few deep breaths and return your awareness to the room.
When you are ready and fully present, gather the crystals. If you guided yourself, take some notes or journal for a while about the thoughts and realizations that came through your mind and heart during the experience. If you facilitated the process for someone else, encourage that person to journal about the experience or invite them to share their realizations with you so they integrate and remember their experience.
Most people feel lighter and clearer after a chakra-balancing crystal alignment. They say they feel relaxed and motivated to continue to improve their life. Remember, the crystals are simply the tools for amplifying the experience. The power of your intention, matching thoughtforms, and the potential uses of the stone team together to create a profoundly healing and balancing experience.