Chapter 2: Mirror, Mirror of My Heart


• a full-length mirror

• a handheld mirror

• small mirror pieces (from a craft store)

• notebook paper to pass out

• plenty of pens or pencils

Direct the girls to look at themselves in the full-length mirror. Then have them look at their faces in the handheld mirror. And finally have them look at a small part of their faces with a small piece of mirror.

• “Which of the mirrors was easiest to use?”

• “Which was hardest?”

• “What are the differences between the views you saw?”

Discuss how all three items are a reflection of what they look like, but the small piece focuses on something close and personal. It’s harder to see a pimple in the full-length mirror, but if the small mirror reflects only a blemish, it becomes all they see.

• “What do you notice about yourself when you quickly glance in a mirror or see a photo of yourself?”

Discuss our tendency to zoom in on a negative aspect rather than a positive one. Ask why they think it’s easier to focus on the negative.

Have one of the girls read Psalm 139:13-18.

• “How do these verses change how you see yourself through God’s eyes?”

• “Which of these promises spoke to you this week?”

Encourage the girls to consider God’s way of looking at them. Remind them that He looks at the heart first. Point out that God sometimes shines His magnifying glass on our blemishes because He wants us to work on certain areas. He does that because He cares about every detail of our lives.

Discuss the difference between caring for your body and being obsessed about appearances.

• “How do you see this difference at school?”

• “What changes do you want to consider making in your life?”

Discuss the book of Esther. Encourage the girls to share their insights.

• “What did you learn from Esther’s story?”

Here’s a great activity to illustrate God’s love and grace for the girls.

• Distribute a blank piece of paper and writing implement to each member.

• Instruct the girls to fold the paper in half lengthwise.

• On one side, ask the group to list “Things I can do that will make God love me more.”

• On the back, have them list “Things I can do that will make God love me less.”

• After giving them a few moments, ask the girls to open the paper and look at the inside. It’s blank! That is the correct response to both questions.

Discuss how it feels to know there is nothing they can do that will make God love them less or more.

• “How does God’s unconditional love change your view of your value?”

Encourage each girl with a personal comment on one of their inner qualities you see as beautiful.

Close in prayer.