For all he had drunk, Chester slept badly that night. He had gone to sleep almost as soon as he had hit the pillow, but an hour later—he could see the radium dial of Colette’s travelling-clock—he woke up again, his heart pounding, the tingling emptiness of hangover beginning to creep through him. He remembered swearing to himself tonight, as he sat watching Rydal and Colette dance—dance?that he would make love to her when they got back to the hotel, but tonight it hadn’t been in him, and he hadn’t even begun. Chester cursed his fate. To be tied up with someone like Rydal Keener, just the age and the type Colette liked, to be dependent on him, to have to ask him to stick with him and stick by him!

Still, Chester supposed, it could have been worse. Rydal could have been a crummier type, a type who’d really take advantage of Colette and of him, too, financially. Rydal was a gentleman, ­really. Yet gentlemen went to bed with women, too, of course. And unfortunately Rydal had just the kind of “good manners” Colette admired, that air of restraint, gentleness, gentility, even if it was a little threadbare. Chester set his teeth. Three days. He supposed tomorrow or the next day Rydal would be wearing something Colette had picked and bought for him, a new shirt, a sweater, a tie. She liked buying things for men she liked. That Hank Meyers in New York who’d tagged around with Jesse for a while. She had bought Hank a wristwatch. Jesse had told Chester about it. Chester had ordered Jesse to get rid of Hank, and he had. Hank was a good-looking kid, about twenty-five, too. But Colette hadn’t been to bed with him, Chester was sure. He’d had a real showdown with Colette about Hank, shook her till her teeth rattled and she’d been too scared to tell him anything but the truth, and she said she hadn’t slept with him. Colette had cried for a whole day after that talking-to, and she had carried bruises on her arms for two weeks where Chester had held her, but it was all for the good, he thought. A woman liked to feel that a man cared what she did, that a man would beat the hell out of her if she got out of line. Yes, women liked that, and it did them good, and it did a man good, too. That was Chester’s philosophy.

The next thing Chester knew, Colette was kissing his forehead, wakening him. She was standing by his bed in her robe. There was sunlight in the room. On Colette’s bed was a large tray with two breakfasts on it.

“Ordered a couple of soft-boiled eggs for you this morning,” Colette said, smiling. “I thought you could use them. Go brush your teeth and hurry back.”

“Great. I sure could.” Chester got out of bed and went on bare feet to the bathroom.

After breakfast, Chester called Rydal’s room. It was 8:35. Rydal had already inquired about the buses, and there was one leaving at 10:30 bound west. Rydal was brief, and Chester sensed that he was guarding against possible eavesdropping by the hotel switchboard.

“Why don’t you come in for a minute,” Chester said.

Rydal said he would.

There was a knock on the door a few seconds later.

Colette was dressing in the bathroom.

Rydal had the papers, but he said there was no news at all in them this morning.

Chester smiled. That helped a lot. “No news is good news.”

“I think I should leave first,” Rydal said. “I’m packed, so I’ll take off in a few minutes and meet you at the bus station. It’s a square up the street and to the left, not far from that restaurant by the fountain. You can ask the hotel where the buses for Knossos take off from, because it’s from the same square, I know. I talked to someone on the street this morning about it.”

“Good boy,” said Chester.

“I’ll be there at ten thirty,” Rydal said as he walked to the door.


“Tell your wife to dress simply—if she can,” Rydal said, and went out.

Chester and Colette left the hotel at 10 in a taxi. The square was a grassless area of ground, bordered by a few benches on which people sat with bundles and knapsacks and cardboard suitcases, waiting. The two or three buses that were parked there had no markers on them. Chester saw Rydal standing with a newspaper several yards away, and Rydal pointed to the bus nearest him, then came forward and helped Chester with his luggage. They had already dismissed the taxi-driver. The bus-driver was very nice, and got out and loaded the luggage on the top of the bus for them.

People straggled or ran to board the bus until the last minute—which was a couple of minutes past 11. They lurched off, Chester and Colette sitting midway in the bus, Rydal at the back in a row of five or six men who sat with bundles on their laps and between their feet.

The bus bumped over stretches of bad road, then sped ahead at terrifying speed, and stopped now and then to let people off in the middle of nowhere. The sun came and went, changing the blue of the sky from bright to dark and back again. Tall farmers in boots, with embroidered knapsacks over their shoulders, paused at the roadside to look at the bus and sometimes to wave. Chester held Colette’s hand between them on the seat. She was looking out the window, taking a lively interest in the scenery, commenting on a snow-capped mountain on the horizon, or a string of baby goats trotting along behind a farmer. Chester hadn’t mentioned to her that he had offered Rydal five thousand dollars to stay another three days with them. It was a little strange, he thought, that Colette hadn’t asked him how long Rydal was going to be with them. She was taking it for granted, Chester supposed, that Rydal was going to stay with them, because she liked Rydal, and because she had probably asked him to stay on. Chester intended to tell her of his arrangement with Rydal as soon as they had a moment alone, and he was sorry he hadn’t this morning when they were having breakfast. If Colette knew Rydal was being paid for it, she wouldn’t toy with the idea that his staying on was entirely due to her. He was of half a mind to tell her now, on the bus, among people who wouldn’t understand a word of what he was saying, anyway, but he preferred to do it tonight, when they were in some hotel room. He’d say it in a firm, businesslike way, because it was business. By Sunday, Rydal’s services would be over, and on Monday, or even Sunday night, he could disappear. The hum of the bus began to make Chester sleepy, but when he closed his eyes, his drowsy mind drifted back to that kiss he had seen last night when Colette and Rydal were dancing. Rydal’s lips against her forehead, and his eyes closed—and the sudden fear on Rydal’s face when he had opened his eyes and seen him looking at them. And then later in Rydal’s room, when he had said, “You probably know what I’m going to say—” Yes, Rydal had braced himself for some strong words then, maybe a flat “Get the hell out of here!” and then he had offered Rydal money to stay on. Chester recrossed his legs restlessly and lit a cigarette. He wished he had taken the trouble to dash a note, or rather send a cable, to Jesse in New York, asking him to write or rewrite the latest news to William J. Chamberlain care of the American Express in Athens. But he hadn’t.

They came to a town called Rethymnon, where there was a fifteen-minute stop. Fruit vendors and soda-pop wagons. Nearly all the passengers who were going on got out to stretch their legs. Rydal had got out before him and Colette, and was buying something from one of the peddlers.

“Like a coffee, my dear?” Chester asked Colette.

She held her topcoat around her. The wind was sharp. She had packed her mink jacket into one of the suitcases, as Chester had suggested this morning, but her high-heeled shoes still made her look very chic. Well, she was chic, Chester thought, and he was glad of it. She’d look chic in a house dress and flat shoes.

“Coffee?” he repeated. Then he realized she was looking at Rydal, not staring at him, but more aware of Rydal than of him.

“Yes, thanks. If it’s hot.”

Chester went off to buy two cups. Rydal was standing by the vendor, with his cup and a small bun with a sausage in it.

“May as well buy something to eat,” Rydal said. “I don’t think this bus is going to stop for lunch anywhere.”

“No? That’s too bad.” It was already 1:30. Chester bought two of the more palatable-looking buns from the vendor’s basket.

Colette came up to join them. “Six hours this trip takes?” she asked.

Chester had guessed six hours in Iraklion.

“We should be in Chania a little after three,” Rydal told her. “It’s a hundred and twenty miles from Iraklion or something like that.”

Chester had no appetite for his sweet roll. The Greek passengers, he noticed, had brought substantial sandwiches with them. He nodded towards the newspaper under Rydal’s arm. “You’re sure there’s no news this morning,” Chester said quietly.

“I looked through it twice in my room,” Rydal said.

Rydal was not looking at Colette at all, Chester noticed. He was acting as if she didn’t exist. Chester didn’t care for that, either.

“Well, look at our driver,” Colette said. “I suppose he’s had himself a meal.”

The bus-driver was coming out of a small restaurant near-by, lighting a cigarette.

“You can’t ever tell,” Rydal said, still not looking at Colette. “They tell you it’s a fifteen-minute stop, and it’s liable to be thirty-five.”

But the bus-driver got back in his seat immediately, and the passengers followed suit. They were off again.

Chania, at 3:30, presented a town square sprinkled with idle men, centered with a cement memorial statue of some sort, and ringed around with various shops and restaurants. It had a backwater, fifty-years-behind-the-times look of certain towns Chester had seen in the United States, an atmosphere that inspired him to wonder how the inhabitants could possibly make a living. Consequently Chania appeared a little sad. It was not nearly as big as Chester had expected. A couple of bellboys in shabbier uniforms than those of Iraklion came up at the sight of their luggage, and hawked their hotels. Rydal said something to them. Both the boys began shouting, evidently each claiming the hotel with the hottest water or the most heat.

“Warter—’ot,” said one boy to Chester, poking himself.

Chester left it to Rydal. Rydal chose the other boy. But both boys began picking up their luggage.

“I offered the other boy twenty drachs if he helps us with the suitcases,” Rydal said to Chester. “He says the hotel’s just around the corner.”

It was the Hotel Nikë, on a paper-littered street barely wide enough for two cars to pass in. The street and the buildings were a light tan, a color Chester associated with Athens also, only here one had the feeling the color had been made by dust and sand blown by the wind into the stone of the houses. Rydal spoke to the pleasant, moustached fellow behind the desk, who attempted English at first, then switched to Greek.

“It’s certainly cheap,” Rydal said when he came back to them. “I asked for a good room with bath for you, so we’ll see what happens. You can give them your passports and sign.”

Chester gave his and Colette’s passports to the clerk, then signed W. J. Chamberlain. He had meant to sign hastily and casually, but he couldn’t, not yet, and make it look anything like the passport signature. Colette, he thought, did better with her Mary Ellen Chamberlain, which she had practiced several times in the Hotel Astir. The clerk copied their passport numbers beside their names. Then he handed the passports back, and Chester put them into his breast pocket.

Chester’s and Colette’s room was so stark it was amusing. A double bed, a table, a chair, and that was it. No waste-paper-basket and only one ashtray the size of a pin tray. It was also cold. The bellboy went over and turned the wheel on a radiator with a triumphant air, said something to them, then waited for his tip. Chester paid him.

“I think this is very exciting,” Colette said. “It’s like camping or something.”

“Um-m. Want to wash up first?”

Colette did.

Chester felt the radiator, which as yet showed no sign of losing its coldness. He had a vision of its being cold tonight also, and Colette staying up all night dancing somewhere with Rydal, instead of trying to sleep. Colette’s energy was astounding to Chester—ice-skating all afternoon in Radio City or riding in Central Park, then dancing till dawn at a party, for instance. The energy of youth, of course. He simply couldn’t keep up with it. His legs wouldn’t hold out. Well, it hadn’t come to that yet, and if the room didn’t get warm in a couple of hours, he’d change the room or change the hotel.

“I’ll be in Rydal’s room,” Colette said as she came out of the bathroom, rubbing lotion on her hands.

They were all going out to have a late lunch in a few minutes. Chester only nodded to her. He washed up, had a Scotch, hung up a suit from his suitcase, then went down the hall to number 18, which Rydal said he had been given. The door was slightly ajar, but he meticulously knocked, holding the knob so the door wouldn’t swing open. He heard Colette’s and Rydal’s voice, and heard Colette laugh.

“Come in,” Rydal called. “We’re comparing notes on our rooms. How do you like that tub?” He nodded towards the bathroom.

Chester went to take a look. The hot-water tank projected over the front half of the tub, leaving hardly any room to sit in it. Chester came back smiling. “And how’s your heat?”

“Coming along, I think,” Rydal said. He put on his jacket.

Chester wandered over and put a hand down on Rydal’s radiator. Definitely on the way to being warm. Rydal’s suitcase was open on a chair. Its lining was worn and coming unglued at an upper corner. Chester saw a sweater, a shirt, a rolled pair of pajamas with a pair of shoes inside them.

“I’m starving,” Colette said.

“Well,” Rydal said, “let’s go out on the town.”

They lunched in a tile-floored restaurant on the square. Bunches of bananas hung down from the ceiling on black chains, with big black hooks stuck through their stems. The portions of their lamb and rice orders were small but adequate, the red wine was drinkable, and Chester felt much better after the meal.

“What’s there to do in this town?” Colette asked.

“I really don’t know,” Rydal said. “But it is a port. We might take a look at the water.”

“I’ve got to buy stockings,” Colette said. “I left two pairs drying on the back of the john door in Iraklion, damn it. I’d like to get some before the shops close this afternoon.”

“Oh, that should be easy,” Rydal said. “I imagine these shops stay open till seven.”

They strolled in the direction of the sea, which was visible down the street from the main square. The town seemed to offer nothing in the way of beauty. The shops were tiny and poor-looking, there was nothing like a museum or a government building in view. The port was a long curve with a wide wharf going out into the water. The only boats in the harbor were two old tankers.

“Must be a slack season here,” Chester remarked. Colette was holding his arm. He put his hand over hers.

After ten minutes or so, they turned back in the direction of the main part of town to look for a shop that sold stockings. There were shoe shops, women’s lingerie shops of a simple sort with cotton stockings, but no nylons. Rydal pointed out to Colette a cellar tavern with a billboard in front of it showing a buxom woman in a peasant blouse, her mouth open, singing.

“I suppose this is the town hotspot,” Rydal said. “Dancing nightly, it says.”

Colette bent to look down the narrow stairs which ended at a red door. “How exciting. Why don’t we give it a whirl tonight?” She looked at Chester.

Chester saw, or imagined he saw, a taunting in the look: come or not, I’m going. But Colette looked away, and he wasn’t sure. The place looked miserable to Chester, and semi-peasant dancing wasn’t the kind of folklore he was interested in. The gaudy, baubled woman in the photograph looked Turkish or Romany or worse. But he’d go, of course. He foresaw it.

It was Rydal who spotted a stocking shop across a street, Rydal who negotiated for Colette and got the right size.

“What’s the word for stockings?” Chester asked him, and Rydal told him. But a minute later the word had gone out of Chester’s head.

Then back to the hotel for a rest before the evening began. Rydal was to give them a ring around seven, by which time he said he would have bought what evening papers he could find. Chester lay down beside Colette, who was reading on the bed in her dressing-gown. She was reading one of the pocketbook novels they had bought in Athens. Chester put his arm across her waist, but she soon extricated herself and got up.

“I’m sorry you don’t like beards, honey,” Chester said, “but just now I don’t know what I can do about it. It won’t be for long.”

“It’s not the beard,” Colette said with her back to him. “I was just about to do my nails.” She turned around with her box of nail polish in her hands.

She came back and sat on the bed, propped up against a pillow, and Chester fell asleep while she was putting on the polish. When he woke up, it was ten minutes to seven by Colette’s clock on the bed table, and he thought at once of Rydal’s promised call. If Rydal had found anything important in the paper, Chester thought—such as that Chester MacFarland was believed to have left Iraklion this morning—he would have called by now. Then a thought, or rather a disturbing question, occurred to Chester: what kind of a young man would aid and abet a man he knew to be wanted by the police, a man he knew had killed someone, even if it was by accident? The answer was a crook, of course, a young man who expected to play the blackmail game slowly and carefully and for a long time. Chester had thought of it before, but somehow now, after the nap, it hit him with a new freshness. The worst was yet to come. Chester shivered. He was cold. The room was cold.

“Chilly, darling?” Colette was reading beside him.

“Yes. It’s cold, isn’t it?”

“The radiator’s doing better. I just felt it.”

Chester got up and poured himself a Scotch. He saw Colette glance at him for drinking it, but she didn’t say anything. Well, he was stuck with Rydal Keener for the next few days. He thought he would ask Rydal a little more about himself, his schooling, his ambitions, if any, and he could tell a lot about what he was in for by what Rydal told him.

The telephone rang.

Rydal reported no news in the local Chania paper. “I thought you and your wife might like to have dinner by yourselves tonight,” Rydal said.

But Chester’s mind was on questioning Rydal a bit. “Not particularly, unless you’d like to be alone,” Chester said.

“He’s not coming with us?” Colette asked, reaching a hand up for the telephone. “Let me speak to him.”

Grimly, without a word to Rydal, Chester passed the telephone to her.

“Hello, Rydal. What’s this about being alone? . . . Of course not, don’t be silly. . . . Nonsense, knock on the door around eight and come in for a Scotch. . . . Oh, that sounds interesting. Fine, I’ll tell Chester. . . . Okay, see you.” She hung up and said, “Rydal found out that nightclub we saw serves dinner, so why don’t we eat there?”

As Chester had foreseen, Rydal and Colette were dancing at midnight, he himself was beginning to feel tired, and he had found out very little more about Rydal Keener. He had gone to Yale and taken a law degree, he said, and then he had done his army service. The two years he had spent in Europe were a present from his grandmother, who had left him ten thousand dollars when she died. Chester believed him about the grandmother, but he was not sure about the law degree, or Yale. Chester had only a superficial knowledge of the Yale campus in New Haven, from one visit. He had gone to Harvard for two years. Chester had no questions he could ask Rydal that would prove he had gone to Yale or not. At any rate, Rydal Keener had never worked, and that was a bad sign. Chester looked every few minutes at Rydal and at Colette in her bright-blue dress, dancing on the small floor. The place was dimly lit. Rydal and Colette stood out, because everybody else was dancing faster than they. Chester ordered his fourth Scotch. When Colette and Rydal returned to the table, Chester said:

“What do you say we take off? We’ve had a long day.”

“Oh, darling! At twelve thirty they’re having another floor show. A different one. Can’t you wait that long?” She sat down.

Chester sat down, knowing he would wait that long.

Rydal continued a conversation he had evidently been having with her on the dance floor, about Greek tavern music and dances, and why men sometimes danced with men. Chester had heard about that. Some shyness between the sexes, perhaps. There were two men couples dancing here, not touching each other, dancing very lively steps. It was not very interesting. But Colette was listening to Rydal as if fascinated.

“That’s mentioned in our Guide Bleu,” Chester put in.

But it made no stir in their conversation, because Rydal was talking about something else now. Lace blouses, something like that. He was so full of information, Chester wondered if it were not all made up.

“Have a drink?” Chester asked Rydal when his Scotch arrived.

Rydal looked at Colette. “A drink?”

“No. Oh, maybe I’ll have a beer,” she said.

Both she and Rydal ordered beer.

The floor show at last arrived. It consisted mostly of patter and jokes, judging from the laughter, and Chester understood not a word of it. He was terribly tired of sitting, sitting on the bus all day, and now this. At last the floor show was over, and though he had meant to ask Colette to dance—they had danced only once all evening—he was just tired and stubborn enough not to ask her to dance now, and to show by his sullenness his displeasure with Rydal and his boredom with the whole evening.

“How about it? Shall we take off?” Chester said to his wife.

“One more, darling, and I promise you,” Colette said, standing up.

She was asking Rydal to dance, Chester saw. Rydal hadn’t said a word to her or made a sign. He watched them go off with a deliberately indignant expression on his face, which, however, neither of them looked back to see. Chester brooded over his drink. He thought of the letters waiting for him in Athens. There were bound to be letters. He was expecting reports from his man in Dallas, who was also an accountant, on Unimex’s current situation. Was it being investigated? Then there was Jesse in New York, Jesse who knew his real name, Chester MacFarland. Jesse might have seen it in the papers by now, if it was in the papers. Jesse might panic, if he didn’t get a reply to some letter he’d sent to Athens. What were the papers in New York saying about him? That was what mattered. In Iraklion, even a Paris Herald Tribune was unobtainable.

The music was now soft and slow, nothing but a violin and an accordion, playing as if they played for Colette and Rydal alone, and Chester saw to his annoyance that they really were the only couple on the floor now. Chester set his teeth and reconciled himself to the possibility that the music might go on for another fifteen minutes. The musicians were looking dreamily at Colette and Rydal, or so Chester thought. Chester went to the men’s room.

When he came back, Colette and Rydal were sitting at the table talking, and the music had stopped.

“Shall we go, darling?” Colette asked him.

“If you’re ready,” Chester said with a taut smile.

He and Rydal divided the bill and the tip, which Rydal said should be about a hundred, and Chester casually added another fifty to his share. They walked back to the Hotel Nikë, disturbed a snoozing bellboy to take them up in the elevator, and said good night to Rydal in the hall.

“Good night. Pleasant dreams,” said Rydal, waving a hand as he walked away.

Chester thought his smile cocky.

In their room, Chester removed his jacket, and drew a glass of cold water from the tap. He would have preferred a nightcap of his own Scotch, but he thought with a glass of water he would make a soberer impression on Colette when he spoke to her.

“You didn’t have much fun, did you, darling?” she asked, hanging up the blue dress she had just pulled over her head.

“I don’t think it’s very wise of you to get chummy with a blackmailer,” Chester said quietly.

“A blackmailer?” She turned her innocent, lavender eyes on him.

“A potential blackmailer.” He moved closer to her, and spoke as softly as if Rydal were trying to listen at the door, and it occurred to Chester that he might be. “Last night in Iraklion, I offered him five thousand dollars to stay with us three days.” Chester sipped his water, looking hard at Colette. “He accepted it, you can be sure.”

“Well—he didn’t ask you for it, it seems.” She hung up her dress and walked towards the bathroom. “You offered it.”

Chester was momentarily distracted by her black panties and her bare back with the black strap of her bra crossing it. “I can’t talk to you if you go into the john,” he said with annoyance, but still softly.

“I’m only getting my dressing-gown. Goodness, what’s all the ­excitement about?” She came back, tying the belt of her dressing-gown.

“Just this. I don’t know what you’re saying to him, but . . . he already knows enough. After Sunday night, he’s leaving. After Sunday night . . . I’ll feel a little more secure. I’ll feel quite secure when I see the last of him.” He nodded in the direction of Rydal’s room.

Colette said nothing, only lifted her eyebrows. She sat down on the edge of the bed, picked up a nail file from the night table and began filing away at a nail, waiting for more from him.

“He’s plainly getting chummy with you. I don’t like it, and I want you to watch what you say to him. You understand, Colette, don’t you?”

“Um-hm,” she said coolly. “I don’t understand why you’re so upset, though.” She went on filing, staring at her nail.

“It’s quite simple,” Chester said, moving closer to her. “I’m not sure I can get rid of him Sunday night. If he chooses to stay on, ask for more money, what in hell could I—”

“He hasn’t asked you for any yet.”

“Why’re you defending him? He’s already taking advantage of the situation by smooching with you every night!”

“Chester, don’t be silly! Smooching!”

Chester snorted, went to his Scotch bottle and poured a little into his glass that had some water in it. “What I’d like to know, so I’ll know my own position, is what you’ve told him already.”

“About what?”

“About my affairs. About us. About anything.”

“Darling, you’re getting red in the face, and I think you’ve had enough Scotch. I haven’t told him anything,” she said positively. “I bet not as much as you’ve told him after a few drinks. Matter of fact, tonight he did most of the talking. He was telling me about a girl he’d been in love with at fifteen.”

“At fifteen?” Chester frowned.

“Yes. She was fifteen, too. His cousin. Agnes. She was visiting in his family’s house over Easter holidays, and they had an affair together for about ten days, and his mother and father found out about it and had Rydal thrown out.”

“Hm-m,” said Chester, only mildly interested. “Thrown out? Disowned? And that’s how he got through Yale?”

“No, he wasn’t thrown out right away. He was severely reproached by his father. He was accused of seducing the girl, though Rydal said it was a mutual thing. The point was, the girl came to his mother, after the family found out, and said Rydal had seduced her and she was trying to get away from him and all that, and she asked Rydal’s parents to keep him away from her. Isn’t that awful? And Rydal had thought they were both in love and they’d been planning to get married as soon as they got of age. I mean, it’s an awful betrayal for a boy of fifteen, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know.” Chester lit a cigarette.

“Well, I think so. It nearly wrecked Rydal. He robbed a grocery store just after that, and then his father really cracked down on him and managed to put him into reform school.”

“He must’ve learned a lot of useful things there.”

“Why’re you so cynical? No, he hated it. He was there two years. Can you imagine, the son of a Harvard professor?”

“Is that what he says he is?”

“Yes,” Colette said firmly. “Then, after the two years, his grandmother helped him to get through college, because she still believed in him, you see, and his father—well, he said his father contributed a little bit, but they never were really reconciled again. Agnes, he said, got married at seventeen. A shotgun wedding in her home town. Great Barrington.”

Chester sank into an armchair. “Well. You seem to’ve heard a real saga tonight. All this on that noisy dance floor?”

Well, just in snatches. Rydal told it to me in less words than I’m using, probably. But it’s the meaning of it you don’t seem to grasp. How a young man—a boy can have all that happen to him and still come out decent, I think that’s something. Still finish law school at Yale, for instance, that’s something, isn’t it?”

Chester could see that Rydal had totally won her over. It was even worse than he’d thought, though rather amusing, he supposed. “And how do you know every damned thing he says isn’t a lie?”

Colette put the nail file back on the night table, and looked directly at Chester. “Because of the way he says it. Said it.”

“Hm-m. It doesn’t sound like a true story to me. And what brought it on, I’d like to know?”

“He said—Oh, you’re not going to understand, and you’re just going to get mad.” She got up, turned her back to him, and began to unfasten her stockings.

“What brought it on?” Chester asked slowly, braced.

“He said I reminded him of Agnes. Not the way I look, but something about my personality. Build.”

“Build? Hm-m. He knows a lot about your build?—Well, I suppose he does. He dances pretty close, doesn’t he?” Chester stood up suddenly, wanting to hit something, tear something, anything, but he only flailed a fist through empty air. Colette saw it.

“Calm down, darling, please. And go to bed,” she said gently.

“I don’t want you to have another dance with him, do you understand? Not one more dance.” Chester pointed a finger at her.

She looked back at him, blank and calm. “I think that’s absurd.”

Chester saw in a flash that they could both blackmail him. Both. Colette trailing along in Rydal’s lead, Rydal having his money and his wife, too. “It is not absurd, and I have a moral right not to have to . . . not to have to watch my wife being mauled and fingered and even kissed every night by some gigolo we had the bad luck to pick up.”

“We picked up?” Her eyes flashed as she lifted her head. “And who’re you to talk about moral right? You who killed a man,” she said softly, coming towards him. “You can kill a man and think nothing of it, and you’re trying to lay down the law to me about dancing?”

Chester had never heard her talk back before, and he was so astounded he couldn’t say anything for a moment. He realized his hand with the glass was shaking. “So, he’s been talking to you—talking to you a lot, hasn’t he?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, still aggressive, frowning.

“He’s got you on a line of reasoning there that isn’t yours. He’s trying his best, isn’t he?”

“I think you’re insanely jealous. Or maybe just insane.”

“I know when you’re quoting someone else and when you’re thinking for yourself,” Chester came back.

“I don’t want to be challenged on my morals by a murderer,” Colette said. “I don’t like being married to a murderer, if you want to know the truth.”

“Don’t use that word, because you know damned well that guy’s death was an accident.”

“It’s still a death, and it’s horrible!”

“There’re more horrible things!”

“What, for instance?”

This, Chester realized, was Colette being herself, not playing dumb, or innocent, or pliable, nor using any feminine wiles to make him feel more of a man. He might as well be up against another man. No, he thought, that wasn’t true. Chester swallowed, with difficulty. “Just what’re you getting at?” he asked in a deep voice.

“I’m getting at that I don’t like taking orders from you anymore. Orders like this.”

“Are you in love with that jerk?” Chester asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t know?” Chester felt a silent cannonball explode in him. It left him empty. “What . . . what kind of an answer’s that? Because if you are, we’re getting out of here right now, you understand? Right now. Tonight!” His voice became a loud growl.

He saw that he had frightened her. It appeased him a little.

“I am not in love with him,” she said quietly. “And if you don’t tone your voice down, we’ll get thrown out of the hotel tonight.”

He lit a cigarette and flung the match in the direction of the tray on the night table. “That’s better,” he said.

She turned as if the words made her angry all over again. “Why? I still haven’t promised you anything. I still don’t care to take orders from a—” She stopped, tears starting in her voice. Then she controlled herself. “I think he’s a nice young man. I don’t want to hear him called a this and a that that he’s not. I like him. And he likes me.” Her look at him was like a challenge.

But Chester was spent. He was suddenly tired enough to have dropped on the floor by the bed. He put on a frown, sat down heavily on the bed, and started removing his shoes. No more tonight, he thought. Tomorrow was another day. He loved Colette, and he was going to hang on to her. He was married to her. Marriage was nine points—Marriage was ten points, God damn it!