





Many individuals have allowed me to use their private notes, diaries and correspondence written during the campaign, others have spent hours in conversation; inevitably, much of a personal nature — opinions and feelings — emerged but could not be disclosed, even though this would have given depth to an often dry narrative. A number of contributors wished to remain anonymous and I have therefore decided that none should be named, trusting that any disappointment that this may cause will be eased by the rather fuller accounts of their ships’ and squadrons’ activities which their assistance made possible.

Published Sources

Many published sources were consulted in the preparation of the book and are acknowledged in footnotes. Those which follow were considered to be the most accurate and informed.


Aerospacio bi-monthly (Buenos Aires)

Air International monthly (London)

Air Pictorial monthly (Windsor)

Air Sonic monthly (Madrid)

Armas y Geostrategia quarterly (Buenos Aires)

Defence monthly (London)

Globe and Laurel the quarterly Journal of the Royal Marines.

International Defence Review quarterly (Geneva)

Royal United Services Institution Journal quarterly (London)

US Naval Institute Proceedings monthly (Annapolis)


Buxton, C. & Price A., Survival South Atlantic (Granada, London, 1983)

Ethell, J. & Price, A. Air War South Atlantic (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1983)

Frost, J., 2 Para at War (Buchan & Enright, London, 1983)

Kon, D., Los Chicos de la Guerra (New English Library, London, 1983)

Lockett, A. (Ed.), HMS Endurance 1981–82 Deployment (Lockett, Gosport, 1984)

Moro, R. O., La Guerra Inaudita (Editorial Pleamar, Buenos Aires, 1986)

Muxworth, J. L., CANBERRA — the Great White Whale goes to War (P&O, London, 1982)

Planchar, R., La Guerre de Bout du Monde — Iles Falkland 1982 (Denel, Paris, 1985)

Romero Briasco, J. & Mafe Huertas, S., Falklands, Witness of Battles (Domenech, Valencia, 1985)

Southby-Tailyour, E., Falkland Islands Shores (Conway Maritime Press, Greenwich, 1985)

Thompson, J. H. A., No Picnic — 3 Commando Brigade in the

South Atlantic 1982 (Leo Cooper, London, 1985)

Villar, R., Merchant Ships at War — the Falklands Experience (Conway Maritime Press, 1984)

Villarino, E., Exocet (Siete Dias, Buenos Aires, 1983)

British Government Publications

The Falklands Campaign — the Lessons: Secretary of State for Defence, 1982 (Cd. 8753)

Falklands Review: Franks Committee Report, 1983 (Cd. 8787) 1

Admiral Sir John Fieldhouse’s Despatch: Supplement to the London Gazette, 13 December, 1982