Note: Page numbers correspond to the print edition.
aizuchi 28
amae 19
apologizing 104–106
appreciation 107–109
arts and crafts 132–134
Ashikaga, Yoshimasa 92
attire 118, 122, 146, 147
avoiding confrontation 20, 166–167
bath protocol 73–80
bereavement 83, 86, 120–123
birthdays 83, 180
bowing 37–40, 41, 164–165
Buddhist traditions 120–121, 126
business contacts 158
business titles 35–36
cell phones 63–67, 186
chopsticks, using 47–49
class, social 22–23, 25–26, 34, 161–163
compliments 172–174
consensus 20, 143, 167
contracts 144
creation myth 17
crime 60
criticism 20, 169–171
dating 110–113
decision making 20, 167
dialects 27, 28
dining 45–50
displaying affection 61, 111
dress, see attire
drinking 51–54, 155, 168, 171
eating in public 62
electronic etiquette 63–67
e-mail 65, 187
enryo 20
entering a home 87–89
eye contact 145
face (kao), saving/losing 19–20, 55, 170–171
face masks 59–60
fax 67
festivals 99–103
foreigners in the workplace 153–156
formality 143, 147
funerals 120–123
get-well gifts 84
gift giving 81–86, 90, 109, 181, 183
goodbyes 175–176
graduations 84
greening of Japan 139–141
greetings 37, 109, 163–165
group mentality 112, 157, 167, 171, 173, 174
guests, treating 35, 43–44, 53–54, 55, 179, 181, 182
harmony (wa) 19–21, 81, 104, 107, 108, 133, 166, 167, 184
hierarchy 22–23, 34, 149, 161
home, visiting 87–90
honne 166
hospitality 55–57
inn baths 75–77
inns (ryokan) 75–77, 79, 80, 129–131
interjections 28
Internet 187
introductions 157–159, 161–165
IT terms 186–188
Japanese alphabet 8–12
Japanese language 8–12, 27–28
kanji 8, 30
kotatsu 90
language 8–12, 27–28
lifetime employment system 150
logic 145
love 19, 110
memorial services 120–123
modesty 173
money 57, 117, 121
Murata, Juko 92, 93
name cards 161–165
names 30–33
navigation apps 66–67
nemawashi 144
new immigrants 155–156
“non-regular” workers 150
parties 54, 55–57
paying the bill 55–57
people-watching 135–137
pouring drinks 53
praise 172–174
predictability 21
private baths 78–79
pronunciation 8–12
public baths 73–78
public etiquette 58–62
public transportation 65, 69–72
refills 50, 53, 177
“regular” workers 150
relationships 157–159
respect 17, 27–28, 145, 147
respectful language 27–28
restaurants 55–57
Rikyu, Sen no 92–93
sabi 92
sake 51
samurai 25–26, 161–162, 169
samurai code 25–26
seasonal gifts 82–83
seat of honor 43–44, 89
seating 43–44, 89, 112
self-sacrifice 14
seniority-based system 147–148
sensitivity 20–21, 27, 105, 113, 159, 169–170, 174
shaking hands 41–42
shame 169–171
Shinto 17, 99–100, 115–116, 125–127
shoes, removing 88–89, 90, 95, 127, 130
shogun 25–26, 27, 45–46, 81
shrines 125–127, 99–103
sitting 49, 89
slippers, wearing 80, 88–89, 130
smartphones 63–67, 188
SMS 65
stress 20
tatami mats 49, 87, 89, 130
tatemae 166
taxis 67, 72
tea ceremony 91–97
temples 125–127, 99–103
titles 34–36
toasting (with a drink) 54
toilet protocol 79–80, 130
tokonoma 89, 95
Tokugawa shogunate 45–47, 55, 57, 75, 169, 172–173
Toyotomi, Hideyoshi 93
transportation 69–72
vague language 166–168
vertical society 22–23, 34, 43, 58, 161
visiting customers and suppliers 109
wa 19–21, 104
wabi 92
wakes 120, 122
weddings 85–86, 115–119
wedding gifts 85–86
wedding invitations 117
working late 149
World War II 23, 38, 59, 110
yakuza 28, 185
younger generation 147–151
yugen 92, 133
Zen 25, 92