Chapter One
Almost trotting to keep pace with Neil, Jason caught a glimpse of yet another kitschy poster advertising the fair coming to town. As he looked back toward his cousin, he gave a shout.
“Watch out!” However, Jason’s warning came too late as Neil barreled into the gaudily dressed woman, and with a roll of his eyes, he hurried to help them both.
“Why the fuck didn’t you watch where you were going, you stupid bitch?” Neil snarled at the woman, who regarded him silently.
“You’re a man of great ambition. I see great things for you. You’ll make a great leader.” The woman scrawled something on a couple of flyers for the fair then held them out to Neil. “For such a man, free entry to the fair and, more importantly, VIP treatment to see me, Madam Morena, Lady of Mystery.”
For a moment Jason held his breath, waiting for another furious outburst from Neil, but instead, his cousin took the flyers.
“VIP? To include what exactly?” Neil glanced back at Jason. “Write it down.”
From an inside pocket, Jason drew out his mini tablet and activated it, ready to tap in a verbatim account, as Neil would expect. Morena smiled at him, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. They remained dark and fathomless.
“You will have your photograph taken with the owner of the fair and our top performers. You’ll have a box of honor inside the big tent, with a bottle of champagne. And for my personal offering, I give you free readings for the future. I will see those who stand between you and that which you desire above all else. I will show you the way.”
At the woman’s voice, Jason shuddered. He knew it was all an act, but she’d done her part to perfection. She’d pegged Neil instantly. He was ambitious and could be very charming and charismatic, but he was also quick-tempered, ruthless and lacked empathy.
However, despite his lofty political aspirations, he was still lagging behind others who were standing for the local council, due to failing to engage with the very people he needed to vote for him.
The main issue for Neil was that most of the other candidates were long-standing or previous councilors, all well-known and respected, as well as long-term residents of the town. A newcomer like Neil is always going to find it difficult, even if he could charm the birds out of the trees. Jason sighed. From local council to regional, then a place on the list for Parliament, Neil had his future all planned out.
“Did you get that down, Jason?” Neil passed the flyers to him and Jason tucked them away.
“Uh, yes.” Jason glanced quickly at his handheld tablet and nodded.
“Good. Now, make it two boxes. You don’t need anything special for the second one. Agreed?”
“Very well.” Morena bowed.
“Right.” Neil gave a curt nod. “We’ll be there opening night. Jason, make sure there’s someone from the local rag to report on it, and organize a family to be in the second box. Get that out on Facebook and to all my other media accounts. A random comment… You know the drill. Pick a good family and say it’s a gift on my part—a photograph with me at the fair, Mr. Nice Guy, showing the family to their box seat. That’s not only excellent publicity for me but good for your fair, too.” Neil flashed one of his most charming smiles at Morena. “A win-win situation for both of us. And I’ll even take you up on the fortune-telling spiel. If people see me going into your booth, tent or whatever, I’m sure they’ll follow suit.”
“You’re a generous man. The pleasure will be all mine, I assure you. Until opening night…” Morena bowed again, gave Jason another ice-cold smile, then turned away in a swirl of black and purple.
“Well, that worked to our advantage. I’m glad I ran into the clumsy cow.” Neil’s triumphant expression didn’t immediately dispel the chill Jason felt.
If Madam Morena’s smile had been cold and humorless, Neil’s reminded Jason of a great white shark—a predator before it strikes.
“Yes, I’m sure you are,” Jason murmured then raised his voice. “I’ll get on to my contact in the local paper when we’re back at the office and tee up the time and date. I hope you have a nice evening.”
“You’ll be there, too.”
“What?” A fair was the last thing Jason wanted to go to.
“I want to leave nothing to chance.” Neil slowed down enough to pat Jason’s shoulder. “You’ll enjoy it. Just make sure there are photo opportunities for me, then the rest of the evening’s your own.”
“Thanks.” Jason glowered after Neil but doubted the man had even noticed the sarcasm in his tone. My stepmother was right about Neil. He was her nephew and had inherited the narcissistic streak that ran in the male side of the family. If it weren’t for Dad, I’d walk out tomorrow. But he needs me working or we risk losing the farm. And because I’m ‘family’, Neil is generous with my salary.
However, sometimes, when he saw the worst side of Neil, Jason wasn’t sure the salary was compensation enough. Those were the days when he imagined his father’s heartbreak if the family farm was lost. That was inspiration enough to keep going.
Just a little while longer. Once the elections are over, I won’t care about Neil and the farm will be safe.