Chapter Fourteen
Normally, Jason hated Mondays, since they meant resuming his work with Neil, but this Monday was different. Although both Jason and Anaru had agreed it would be best that Neil didn’t know of their relationship, neither he nor his lover wanted to wait an entire week to see one another again.
Which was why Jason was humming to himself as he packed a small case. He would spend a couple of nights through the week staying with Anaru. The case would have to stay in his car until he had an idea of what was happening that week, then he could confirm with Anaru which nights might work. But if the opportunity presented itself that night, he’d be ready.
After he’d zipped the bag closed, Jason patted it with a smile. At the end of the week there’s a public debate between some of the candidates, and Neil is one of them. But I don’t know what else he may come up with on short notice before that.
Still humming to himself, Jason loaded the case into the car and set off for the office. He’d left a little earlier than normal and the traffic was very light. Not expecting there to be anybody else in, Jason was surprised to see that Neil’s office door was open.
“Hello? Is anyone in there?” Jason called out as he made his way along the hallway.
“It’s me. About time you got in,” Neil replied, his tone terse, and Jason’s shoulders sagged.
What the fuck is he doing in so early? No wonder he sounds pissed off.
“I’m early and so are you.” Jason decided he was not going to let Neil spoil a morning that had started off so promising.
“I had things to organize.” Neil looked up, glowering at Jason from behind his desk. “Speaking of which, where were you yesterday?” Neil drummed his fingers on his desk. “I wanted to discuss something and couldn’t get hold of you. You never told me that you’d be away, and you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls.”
“I’m not tied to you twenty-four seven, Neil. I am allowed time off to do personal things. I already give far more time to you than you pay me for.” Jason tilted his chin at Neil, determined to stand his ground.
“Personal things.” Neil’s scowl deepened, causing the odd growth on his forehead to move as if it possessed a life of its own. “Personal things. If you’re going to be away again, you tell me first.”
There was something so cold about Neil’s tone that any argument Jason had considered died on his lips.
“Okay. Well, I’m planning on fishing next Saturday and Sunday, so I’ll not only be away but also can’t guarantee reception either, so don’t expect me to be replying to calls or texts.”
“Fishing? Since when did you become interested in fishing?” Neil’s eyes narrowed. “Are you seeing someone? That nephew of Gordon Ropata, perhaps? You do know he’s helping his uncle? He’s a rival. The only reason he’d be interested in you is to get information on me. You don’t go any-fucking-where near that bastard. You hear me?” Neil leaned forward and his voice rose in pitch and anger, enough that Jason winced.
Even though Neil was frighteningly accurate with his guess and the barb about Anaru hurt, Jason somehow forced himself to remain calm and shook his head.
“I just need some time out. I used to go fishing with Dad. He can’t come, but that doesn’t matter. I want to get away from everything and have peace and quiet. No one can bother me when I’m on a boat out on the ocean. As far as your candidacy goes, no matter who I was with, I wouldn’t discuss you or it with anyone. If you don’t believe me, fire me right now.” Jason folded his arms and stared defiantly back at Neil. Fuck! I shouldn’t have said that. What if he does?
“Maybe you have balls after all.” Neil sat back, his tone losing the near-hysterical edge. “If you are seeing him, there’ll be hell to pay…later. Right now, I have work for you to do. You know I’m taking part in that debate on Friday.” Neil shoved a pile of papers toward Jason. “Sort though that lot. Research answers for me. I want it all done by Wednesday. I’ll have Thursday to read through it, then the debate’s the following evening.”
“Is that going to give you time enough for all this?” Jason asked, trying not to focus on how much longer it was going to take him to work through it as he scooped it up.
“It’s all I’ll need.” Neil smirked and waved his hand dismissively at Jason. “But you’d best get going. Oh…and one more thing.”
“Yes, what’s that?” Jason asked.
“Wednesday evening we’re going out to the fair again. Pick a suitable family and I’ll pay for another box for the circus performance. And get your friend to take a few casual photographs, as if she’d happened to be there and spotted me. I’m having another reading with the fortune teller. She may have a few pointers for how to work the debate to my best advantage.”
“Sure.” Although the notion that Neil would want to see the fortune teller again surprised Jason, that he’d use the situation as publicity stunt didn’t. “Are you going to see the doctor about that bite or whatever it is? It’s not getting smaller.” In fact, if anything, Jason thought it looked bigger.
“Oh, yes. I’m seeing someone about it this weekend. Now get on with that research.” Neil gestured impatiently for Jason to leave, and Jason was only too happy to make a getaway before Neil demanded anything more from him. I have more than enough to be getting on with.
For the rest of that day, including at home in the evening, then into Wednesday, Jason worked on getting everything done that Neil had asked of him. He had more than the usual motivation for having everything completed by the evening.
As soon as Neil and I have been to the fair, I’m off to Anaru’s place and will spend the rest of the night there. Just the thought sent pleasant tingles throughout Jason’s body. His cock twitched in anticipation and Jason had to muffle the laughter that threatened to burst free.
I’m behaving like a lovesick, horny teenager.
And enjoying every minute of it.