Latin words
Vade retro, daemonium—Step back, demon.
Recta via ad infernum—Go to hell.
Expergisci—Wake up.
Maori words
Ma te Atua koe e manaaki—God is watching over you.
Ināia tonu nei—Right now, instantly, this instant.
About Maori tattoos
Manuah—The main outline of a tattoo, meaning ‘heart’. These represent a person’s life journey, including past achievements and future plans.
Koru—Spiral shapes branching off the manuah lines. The form is an unfurled fern leaf and means growth, new beginnings and harmony.
Hei matau—This is a semi-abstract, stylized fishhook.
Mangopare—The traditional Maori symbol of strength, courage, tenacity of life, unrelenting determination, vigor and wealth. It is also revered to combine the feeling of two devoted lovers embraced as soul mates.