Ally: a person or country that is on the same side during a war or disagreement

Buddhist: a person who believes in the teachings of Buddha

Capitalism: a way of organizing a country’s economy so that most of the land, houses, factories, and other property belong to individuals and private companies rather than to the government

Catholic: a member of the Roman Catholic Church

Civil service: the branch of a government that takes care of the business of running a state but that does not include the lawmaking branch, the military, or the court system

Communism: a way of organizing the economy of a country so that all land, property, businesses, and resources belong to the government or community, and the profits are shared by all

Democratic: belonging to or connected with the Democratic Party, one of the two main political parties in the United States

Developing country: a country in which most people are poor and there is not yet much industry

Emigration: the act of leaving your home country to live in another country

Exile: a situation in which you are forbidden to live in your own country

Geopolitical: a combination of political and geographic factors relating to a state

Guerilla war: a war consisting of members of small groups of fighters or soldiers that often launch surprise attacks against an official army

Liberal: in favor of political change and reform

Nationalist: someone who is very proud of his or her country, or who wants to be independent

Nazi: a member of the political group led by Adolf Hitler that ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945

Nuclear weapon: a dangerous weapon that uses the power created by splitting atoms

Pope: the head of the Roman Catholic Church

Rural: of or having to do with the countryside, country life, or farming

Regime: a government that rules a people during a specific period of time

Republican: belonging to or connected with the Republican Party, one of the two main political parties in the United States