
The guy who’s in charge here is called Lawrence. He reminds me of the guy who was running the Oasis place, what was his name? Oh yeah, Carnegie. He seems like a pretty decent type. Not a total power addict like Everett. We have chore groups just like at Everett’s castle too. Farming, fishing, cooking, foraging . . . repairing fishing nets (hate doing that!).

According to Lawrence, right at the beginning, just after the outbreak, the virus grew feelers up to the gap in the bridge, hung around for a few days, then went away. He said the approach road has been pretty much clear of it ever since – as if the virus has decided there was nothing to see here.

But we think it knows there are people living here now.

The old folks here are getting pretty anxious. They’ve had God knows how many town council meetings, each time it’s the same thing – ‘We have to go!’ ‘Right, OK . . . but where?’

I get why they’re so nervous. This is as close as the virus has ever got to them.

At the last meeting I stood up and told them that the bridge and its six-metre gap is the best defence they’re gonna find anywhere.

We’ve just got to stay calm and sit tight and stop the virus growing across the gap!

That’s me. How about you? Are you out there somewhere writing me letters I’m never going to read?

God, I miss you.