Greetings, I am Lee Carroll. Welcome to KRYON book fourteen!
Well, it actually may not be book fourteen, since I have lost track of how to count KRYON books! Some years ago, many of the foreign language publishers took advantage of the channellings and the Q&A section of the KRYON website, and made other KRYON books out of them, using other numbering protocols. In addition, the last three years have spawned three more KRYON books, which have been compilations of the KRYON channellings over 26 years. So, I guess I should say, “Welcome to another KRYON book”!
This is normally where I explain KRYON, as if you didn’t know, and warn you that strange channellings are coming. But not this time. This is my twenty-sixth year, and if you are actually reading this, then you already are aware of this beautiful, loving energy called KRYON. If you picked up this book by accident ... Laugh out loud! There are no accidents. Keep reading.
KRYON book thirteen was released at the beginning of 2013, and was presented just after the 2012 “marker.” KRYON called this transition a marker, because it was the turning-point that determined if humanity was going to stay or not. The book was called
“The Recalibration of Humanity .” A massive change was about to occur, and the Ancients had predicted it. KRYON was here because of it, and the entire book outlined how all this had happened, and revealed profound information of the ages that backed it up. It wasn’t KRYON information – it was sacred history, and had been the prophesy of original humanity for centuries. I would invite you to read this book if you want a full picture of what has begun on this planet, and the surrounding channellings that took place right before the shift began. []
Here we are some years later, and now we are starting to see differences and feel some changes. For many, this shifting reality comes with fear, misunderstanding, and uncertainty. For most, any change is uncomfortable. This means that the “waiting for the other shoe to drop” syndrome is alive and well, and humanity is slowly moving into an era that has no guideposts of normalcy. We now sit in a major shift, and are being pushed and pulled in many directions, as we start to evolve spiritually.
In order to really give you the core of what this book is about, I’m going to reveal to you something that happened to me, that has been a secret in my life for years.
DECEMBER 21, 2012 –
Sometimes Akashic remembrance can play tricks on you. It can scramble who you are and where you are, and change reality itself. Normally, it does this during dreams; however, if you are one who has given permission and intent for your past life experiences to come forward to your now , reality itself can temporarily shift. Sometimes this can happen, even if you didn’t actually think you gave intent, but instead, you started becoming interested in esoteric things, and studied energies that were new to you. Did you ever have a “brain scrambling experience” perhaps, or find yourself with a sudden change in your life that you didn’t expect? Shhhh ... you didn’t think I knew that, huh? Never tell anybody if this happens to you. That’s what makes psychiatric services so crowded. So of course, this is our secret – reality-shifting Akashic episodes! But it’s actually more common than you think, among Old Souls.
It may only be in movies that you have seen this, where the music gets serene and soft, and the sonorities of the tones seem to target the “change” about to happen to one of the main characters.
Sometimes the screen will be oversaturated with white, and the image will dim into the pixels of brilliance and objects will have slight halos around them. It’s film magic that says “get ready for the unreal.” However, with me there was no movie – and no music – or was there?
I was in Hawaii, which is my heart’s center-point on the planet. It was morning and I was casually walking to a place where 900 people would eventually meet, sing, celebrate, and welcome-in a new era on Earth. It was a major metaphysical meeting, with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys and the Pineal Toning “choir.” I would channel many times throughout the Toning event all day, and I knew it was going to be important, elegant, energetic, and profound. But as I passed a place that overlooked the ocean, suddenly I wasn’t really there at all.
It was a typical beautiful day in Maui, and a gentle warm wind was blowing in from the ocean. It was like the very breath of Mother Nature – Gaia – as she gently caressed the air to provide a benign and benevolent breeze that could soothe anyone in its path. I could hear the eternal, unending sound of the surf, and it started to sing within my Akash – that place in the DNA where every memory of every lifetime is stored. I pondered how those who lived here ages ago had enjoyed the same sound as I was enjoying right now, but somehow, it blended with this moment – I was slowly slipping into a haze of my past. I was here and there , at the same time. This constant, pounding surf had been breaking and turning over on itself for eons, right here where I was. It was an awesome, powerful force that contained the secrets of all history. It had seen everything, and had endured war and storm, and the very dispensation of the ages of Earth itself, and it never stopped.
The emotional release of a warm wind on your face within a stellar ocean setting doesn’t change much over the millennia, at least the feeling you get from it. It somehow carries with it a tincture of moisture from the surf on your face and in your hair, and suddenly, you are part of everything that ever happened there. Sometimes you don’t even want to breathe, for fear it will stop the vision, and other times, you want to take it all in, and you may take the biggest cleansing breath you can. You close your eyes and lift your head in the direction of the sound of the surf – that sound that never stops– and no matter who is with you – you are alone for that moment.
This experience of nature speaks to you in ways that are beyond any known Earth language, if you let it. It can capture you like the siren songs that seafarers have known about forever. It can transport you to places that are only known by the history of the sand beneath your feet. I was aware that, even thousands of years ago, the sound of the waves and the wind on your face on a warm day could stop you in your tracks. It’s almost as if you heard your own music , and the elements seemed to be speaking to you. What were they saying to me today? Was it just wind, or was there another language trying to get through? Perhaps these pristine elements were asking me if I would join them just for a moment? Perhaps they were saying, “ I know you! – I know you!” ?
Suddenly, my dress shoes were gone and I was barefoot. My skin was a different color, even though I had no way to verify it. My hair was thick and long. Sometimes you just “know” who you are, like in a dream where you are transported to another place and you are another person entirely. I knew I had been here, or at least on this island in some way that was not logical or measurable with anything that I could understand. Was I channelling? The feeling was similar, and I half-expected that I would be taken to that magic place where I could actually see the light of creation and hear the music of the other side of the veil. But not this time.
I don’t know how much time passed, but I stopped and faced the ocean. I became slightly dizzy, which isn’t uncommon these days, but it was then. I hung on to a convenient post that was oddly unfinished and rough-hewn. I was aware of this, and didn’t want to get splinters, because the salt water would sting when I entered the water. What? I wasn’t going into the water! What was happening? Was I having an “Akashic moment” or was there more?
This wasn’t the first time I’ve had this happen to me in Hawaii. But it was the first time that it almost “took over” and carried me with it. I kept my eyes open, since a take-over wasn’t something I wanted at this moment. I hoped that by keeping my eyes open, it would keep me in my present reality and help with the dizziness, but at last, I closed my eyes. I had to. The music of the surf was too intense, and the feeling of peaceful serenity was too alluring.
Mom was there, but it wasn’t really Mom. It was her voice, a voice I hadn’t actually heard since her departure forty years earlier. But then it changed and wasn’t my Mom at all. It was my “original mom.” The voice was feminine, but the countenance was divine. Perhaps it was Mother Nature, or even Pele? After all, I was in Hawaii! But a message was given, and I have saved it until now. Even those closest to me have never heard this story, as I will explain. It was just too personal, and I weep when I try to tell it to anyone. I knew I was under some pressure, with what I was going to begin doing in a few hours, so I was ready to have something sweet and peaceful become mine for a moment in time. What was the message? It was something so cryptic that I couldn’t put it together. Did you ever have a dream, and you woke up, but when you tried to talk about it, it was nonsense? That was the case, until now. Until this book.
I don’t get messages with linear auditory voices. I never did. I “hear KRYON” through visions and thought packages. It’s difficult to explain, but I have been doing this for so long, that it’s absolutely normal to me. It’s a language of its own, like an ongoing intuition that stays put, so that I can perceive it, and it’s very multidimensional. To many, it would seem to be “all over the place,” but to me, it makes sense, and I interpret all this in a straight, linear, logical line called Human speech. It’s something I had to learn to do, and those who heard me in the early days know that I sweated with it so hard that I often had to change shirts during breaks between channelling segments. That was long ago.
I got the vision, and it wasn’t what I thought it would be. I was fully expecting what I had seen before – a revelation of my role as a runner on Maui to the top of the mountain to the Temple of Rejuvenation. This was a common image, and very real to me. But what came next was different – really different: It was me in the ancient past – again, and me in the now, but then something was odd and strange. The motherly voice was droning in the background, but the words were not clear. Instead, I got pictures – and they were all over the place.
My body was old, but not old. It had years on it, but not age. How do I explain this? Suddenly, I was a “future Ancient,” and that made no sense. I guess if you measure age in “Moses years,” then it’s not really relative to our own perception of age. I was in a young body with lots of years on it. It was measured in centuries! I felt that all the experiences of my Akash were within me, alive on the Earth. I felt so empowered that I could almost fly, and I absolutely knew it. The motherly voice droned on, and I didn’t hear any of it clearly. I realized that this voice was simply the bed of energy within which this vision needed to exist. My wisdom was so great, I could write volumes of books about almost anything! I had control over my health and how I aged, and physics was mine. I knew it all, and felt I could control it.
In my mind, and at that time, there was only one explanation: I had been an Ascended Master on the planet! Now I understand the real interpretation, and feel so foolish at my lack of perceptive understanding. But now you know why I never talked about this. All these years, I felt it was an “ego” vision, completely and totally manufactured by that part of me which I try to suppress in my life. I was never going to tell anyone that I had a vision of being a reincarnated Ascended Master! That would be the worst thing I could think of for anyone to hear, and would put me squarely in the same category as all those Gurus who want to charge you money to forgive your sins, or have you sit at their feet for $5,000 an hour while you contemplated your navel (or theirs). But now I know what this message was really about. Finally, I now more fully understand what had happened that day.
The Akashic Record of your body is multidimensional. Although we feel it is linear, and like some kind of history book, it is not. It deals with, and remembers, the energy of lifetimes of emotion, compassion, and lessons. But that’s not all. It projects, too. In a multidimensional state, there really is no linear time, as we know it. It’s time in a circle, with potentials of repeating energy. A circle never ends, and time never ends. There is no beginning or end to a circle. So, does that mean that our future is contained in that closed circle? How could that be, since we create our own future as we go, and events haven’t happened yet? The answer is one that is difficult, if not impossible, to teach. Think of it this way: In the circle, an infinite amount of possibilities are already there for an infinite amount of time – all possibilities. As we create things, we activate certain possibilities that are already there as potentials waiting to be activated. But in the process of activating something new, we also create the activation of a bunch of other possibilities to come, which naturally are related to it.
I borrow from Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden when they talk about how the string of a guitar will harmonically vibrate, if a frequency close to it is loud enough, and is the same frequency or note in music. So, without being touched, a string can vibrate at a resonant vibration, as the other string is sounding close to it. Time is similar, and if you create something profound, such as a world changing invention, it creates resonant vibrations with potentials of the future, now that the invention exists. Those resonances are not predictions or prophesies, but rather, they are simply resonating things on the circle of time to come. Confused? Okay, here is a metaphor for you:
Think of it this way: In baseball, pretend you have a championship game, it’s a tied score, and you have a man on third base. In this pretend scenario, this could be the “winning run” of the game, and it’s a setup for the future. All the fans resonate to the setup of winning, and they are anxious and cheering. What happens next is not guaranteed, and many things could change it. But having the man on third is a strong potential of a victory. So if someone says, “I think we will win!” Is that telling the future? Is it wishful thinking, or is it sensing the energy of the potential that is there? Having the man on third is resonating to a coming potential of a victory – in the future.
Passing the marker of 2012 was more than just a time when we went past a critical point in our history. It was a set-up for the future, and everything started to resonate in that multidimensional circle of time. According to quantum physicists, this is the paradigm of the way time really works. Time is also variable with speed, gravity, and who knows what else at this point. We are discovering new things about our reality with each passing year.
In Maui, I wasn’t being shown who I was in the past, I was receiving a message of what was coming! I completely missed it, and now I get chills to think of what the real message was. This was the NEW HUMAN! We were starting a DNA evolvement, and would eventually become masters of age, health, physics, and our own reality. This was going to become a planet in “Ascension status,” something that KRYON has talked about since his arrival in 1989. It was a prediction!
The post I had been hanging onto became fine polished marble, as built by the hotel. My dress shoes were back on, and I stood there mystified. I was also a bit aggravated, since my hair was now mussed up from the wind – I was always trying to keep my very thin hair under control. Now I really knew I was back to reality. My odd and curious mind wondered if Masters had better hair.
Why did I get that amazing message? Ego-driven self-importance is equivalent to a spiritual death sentence in all my teaching. KRYON says it stops growth and takes you in odd directions. Often, it is self-destructive. I’ve seen it within my own professional circles! So why did I get a message that seemed to put me on a pedestal? It’s because I wasn’t ready to understand it, and now I do.
As the KRYON channel, I now feel like a rank beginner to have missed this totally logical message. It was very logical that I would receive this message, with what I was about to do: I was about to participate in the celebration of passing this very important marker for humanity, which would then set up ripples in time, like the winning run in baseball! I knew what it meant, since the potentials of it had been channelled over and over. So, on my way to the event, KRYON was trying to give me a stellar and profound message of what we all could eventually achieve. He was showing me a Human who would be totally different than we could ever conceive. What did I do with this elegant message? I suppressed it as an ego message, and I never let it out. Now I write a book about it.
Humanity is on the edge of a major consciousness shift. It will take a long, long time, but time is guaranteed and abundant (according to KRYON). Time goes by, and we learn and grow. But now our paths will be different, and that’s what this book is about, for channel after channel, KRYON has given some of the potentials that are coming our way, as we evolve into a new consciousness for the planet. Now you know why it is called “The New Human.” It’s the long overdue evolution of the consciousness of humanity.
Oh, by the way, I asked KRYON if I would have better hair next time. The answer sounded like it came from my own brain. Okay, it did. Sometimes I feel I have some kind of really inappropriate comic Tourette’s Syndrome, and things just fly out of my brain unchecked.
“Hair today, gone tomorrow,” was the answer. Next time, I’ll probably have no hair.
The Metaphor of the Playground
All through the channellings of this book, there are references to “getting out of the playground.” This is a constant metaphor that KRYON has used, and I wish to explain it. It makes total sense, if you think about it.
If one hundred percent represents mastery, for eons our consciousness has been working at about thirty percent. We call it “Human Nature,” but it’s really a consciousness of dysfunction. We are built to be so much more efficient in so many things, including how we age and the very efficiency of our DNA, but we are stuck in the low thirty percentages.
Real proof of this, is the history of humanity. We never evolved. Oh, we got new toys and inventions, but we never evolved. We have been in basic survival mode since the beginning, and only now are we starting to climb out of it. We started killing each other for resources and power, or the whims of the Royal few, right from the start of history. We gave each other the horror and sorrow of war, and the death and suffering of millions. Then we did it again and again and again. It’s almost like we never learned that it just didn’t work! One war led to another, and often, it was the same war, with the same players, in a serial fashion.
Throughout history, great philosophers have given us many aphorisms that basically say, it is the fool who tries the same thing over and over, expecting different results. We are the fools. Over and over, war created more war.
It was almost like countries existed to produce conquering armies and navies, and if you look at the major countries of Earth, they ALL did it! We are a warring society, and the sad part of it is, that we still expect to be. The “ripples” of time say we are “overdue” for another war! It’s so ingrained in us, that it has become normal for humanity. We are actually expecting the next installment of our dysfunction.... Until now.
I’m not going to review what happened to change all this. That was done in KRYON Book 13, “The Recalibration of Humanity .” The Ancients actually predicted that if we got beyond the expected Armageddon of the year 2000, and passed the precession of the equinoxes of 2012, we would begin to have the potential of higher consciousness. This prophesy was written in their calendars, etched into the walls of their buildings, and scratched into the rocks of the mountains where they lived. It was everywhere!
The definition of higher consciousness is a consciousness that would begin to work together in compromise and cooperation, to make society function without war. No more war would be a “given” and not the end-all, or main goal. It would be the beginning of a new world, and new thinking. KRYON has even predicted that eventually, historians would look at history and call everything before 2012, “The barbarian era.” There is even a chance that we might again designate time from this point, just as we did with BC and AD – representing a profound event that changed the energy of the planet. Only time will tell, but meanwhile we are in transition – a great shift.
I ask you, Old Soul, who wants war? In an energy of “no more fence-sitting” (as KRYON has said), you can see who wants it. The lowest and most basic survival consciousness on the planet is still doing it, but now we all get to see the differences in thinking, and the “black and white hats” are getting more obvious to all humanity. It’s almost that delineated right now, on our evening news. There are now armies without borders or even a common language, who simply want to destroy peace, kill anyone who is around, behead family members on TV, and create havoc in public places with bombs that tear apart bodies. This kind of terrorism is new, never before organized in this way. These are new times, in which the darkness on this planet is raging against the new enhanced light starting to develop in the millions of awakening Old Souls everywhere. The dark is losing strength, and they know it.
Most of you reading this have children. In fact, we all were children at one time. Do you remember what happened at school on the playground when you were about eight years old? Your psyche wasn’t developed yet. Most children are just discovering how social interaction works with non-family members. Self-worth is an elusive and graduate concept, not yet developed in most eight year olds.
The result is a microcosm of how humanity works. Many choose their friends carefully, and “circle the wagons” against other groups of kids from another sex, race, religion or neighborhood. Then there are the bullies, rock-throwers, or verbally abusive kids, who seem to gain power from calling names or being unkind about clothing or looks in general. It goes on and on. This is where children come home over and over in tears about who did what to whom, and it’s sorrowful and difficult for them. Then there are the trips to the principal’s office of the school to discipline or mediate hurtful situations. At that age, we were all simply pushing the envelope of growing up. Some were faster than others at learning how to take advantage of their peers’ weaknesses, and often took control. Sound familiar?
Now, turn the page. Your children are eighteen. It’s only ten years later and suddenly, everything has changed. There is a greater maturity of self-awareness, and now these young adults are more comfortable with others. They are involved with social media (or whatever was the rage of social meeting places in the past). They have cars and are more secure with their own abilities. They come and go freely, and they are interested in each other, the hobbies and clothing, and who is doing what. They are no longer isolated and surviving in anxiety, fearing the unknown – they have matured, and some are even finding an elegance in their relationships that is rewarding. Some bullies are still there, but they have isolated themselves into groups of other bullies. The mold is set for everyone on their ideas of how to “get along with others.” High school and universities are play time , and are often memorably the finest years of a young person’s life. Only ten years, and so much has changed!
KRYON says that this is the metaphor of what is happening on the planet. We never grew up, and have been stuck in the playground of consciousness. We have done it for so long that we just assume that Human Nature is this way, and often assign that term to a negative attribute of behavior. We never experienced anything else, so there is nothing else. But what if there were?
When you are eight, it’s a complex and difficult world of unknowns, and the concept that it will all clear up some day is simply not there. KRYON has a saying that has been used over and over through the years: “You don’t know, what you don’t know.” It’s simply a way of saying that you can’t think beyond your existing knowledge, to a higher knowledge that you have not experienced yet. So humanity in general has no idea of what is coming, or how thinking may change. For that matter, how everything may change.
This book makes an assumption that we are coming out of the playground, and the channellings begin to tell us what might be next. This is all based on what we have already started to see: Enter the Indigo Children.
The Indigo Children Revisited
Over fifteen year ago, Jan Tober and I wrote a simple little book called “The Indigo Children .” The title was based on an observation by a woman named Nancy Tappe, who “saw” a new indigo color around recently born children. Nancy had a form of synesthesia, in which her enhanced brain function would see energy as colors and shapes. With her permission, we introduced the concept that children with these new colors (indigo was one) represented children of new consciousness being born on the planet.
The book that Jan and I wrote was the best-selling book at Hay House for that year. Who knew? It went mainstream! Why? Because millions of parents all over the planet were seeing it, relating to it, and it was causing major behavior issues that started the whole industry around ADD and ADHD. The kids were changing, and our book was the first one to publicly give it a name and identify what was going on. These children were pre-cursors of a difference consciousness, and we pegged it.
“But wait,” some of you say. “How can that be? We hadn’t passed that 2012 marker yet. Many of them actually were coming in during the Cold War during the sixties, seventies, and eighties!” The answer is now easy to explain. Read the above explanation in this chapter about the potentials of time. These different consciousness kids were “The potential winning run on third base.” They represented a potential future of what was coming for us all. Again, this is the way time works, and although it may be confusing to you, it has been seen in history over and over. Did you ever wonder why our major inventions, including the telephone and powered flight, all seemed to occur at the same time on the planet? Often, one inventor beat out others by only a week, or even hours? It was so close with the invention of radio broadcasting, that there is still controversy about who did it first! It seemed like new, revolutionary ideas were somehow presenting themselves at the exact same time all over the planet. That’s the “ripple effect” of potentials that we are speaking of.
The Indigo Children were not difficult, but different. They had far more self-worth at an earlier age. This made them seen headstrong, but they simply knew more about how things work, and systems dealing with an older energy were not working for them.
What made that difficult for parents and society was they acted out when they were put into dysfunctional systems (such as current school education and old linear parenting practices). I invite you to find and read this book. Actually, there are now three Indigo books by Jan Tober and myself.
The most recent Indigo book is my favorite, because industry and education was starting to see it, and react. I loved the reports from major fast-food chains, whose managers were pulling out their hair and asking, “What’s wrong with the young people today?” It seems that first-job positions, usually working in the back room of hamburger production, were in trouble. These young people, being trained to go from step A to B to C to D, were universally rebelling. They would say, “Hey, this is dumb! You can skip step B and C if you simply did this and that.” Naturally, the reaction from the establishment was, “ Behave! We have been doing this almost before your parents were born, and it’s a refined process that has been proven to work over and over. Just come to work and do what you are told.” The reaction? “WE QUIT!” You see, it’s abhorrent to a higher consciousness to do inefficient processes, when it “knows better.” Many corporations were seeing this effect, and it was even making the pages of internal memos about how to treat the new generation. You see, the Indigo Kids were now growing up and were seeing better ways to do things.
The evolution of consciousness has already begun, and it’s easy to spot. It comes in a package that looks like rebellion over old systems, in every aspect of our society . Is it headstrong immature rebellion (as some call it), or is it advanced, elegant thinking that simply shows impatience at dysfunction? Let me ask you, how would you feel if you were put back in school right now, to go through hours and hours of learning something that you already knew, in a sufferingly long process that was way beneath your intelligence? Do you understand how this might create a melt-down?
Watch for major changes everywhere, for it will affect every system you think is untouchable. Politics is broken (did you notice?). They are in the playground throwing rocks as usual, and it looks old and ugly. Watch for an eventual elegance of grace with those who no longer call names and play ugly games. Instead, they will run on the premise of being good negotiators, so that they can get things done among opposing sides. What a concept! Right now, politics is a war, where winner takes all until the next round. Imagine a system in which someone would run on a win-win platform?
Big Pharma is broken, and keeps people sick and dying for monetary gain. Watch for this to fall over. Banking has already taken a “hit” for integrity reasons in the USA. Who thought that integrity would ever matter in big money? It did, and the system had to be reformatted for the next round. It was simply unconscionable to sell mortgages to people who bankers knew would lose their houses and all their assets in a few years. The “anything for a sale” system of greed collapsed. But this was the old Human nature, and it had lasted for decades and decades. Why now? “The potential winning run was on third base.” The potentials were starting to change us, even before we had won the game.
Lee Carroll