Chapter One
“ The New Human Part 1 ”
Kryon Live Channelling
Given in Valencia , Spain
September 19 , 2015
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Some will say, this message is a summary, but I’ve chosen to deliver it so that the elements are together in a way that they have not been before. Between this night and the next, I will present a series called “The New Human.” It’s a beautiful message, and it’s benevolent. The message is about you.
Dear ones, you would not be sitting here today unless you cared about this subject. You wouldn’t be sitting here, trying to understand something that is often elusive information, about what’s happening on the planet, unless you cared. My partner says that you are in a shift. It’s actually more than that. You are approaching an energy that you’ve never been in before. This is not a cycle. Everything on the planet to this point has been a cycle, just like your weather, and just like astronomy, which is in a predictable system. The Earth goes through cycles, but this is not one of them.
Everything changes gradually. You look outside and you hear about the changes of weather over time. You look at the news and you realize there is something different going on from what has happened in the past. My message from the beginning was to get ready for this change, and the biggest change will be within humanity.
The New Human
Human nature is about to shift, and it will be the first time in any of your history where this has happened. More than a shift in Human nature, it is about to become new. Psychologists will tell you that Human nature is static – that is to say, that it does not change. It simply “comes with being a Human Being.” Part of the study of psychology itself, requires that it is static so that it can be studied, and then many can benefit from the gathered knowledge. History reinforces this, and it will show that Human nature is responsible for the same kinds of fear and survival instinct over and over, and that it never changes. History repeats itself in all its dysfunction, drama and war, and you can count on Human nature being the same. Often, when the very phrase “Human nature” is used, it’s in a negative connotation. This very fact shows you that even scholars realize that the intrinsic nature of Humans is flawed.
The idea of a real change in Human nature is, therefore, not seen as possible by the experts. It never changed, so why would it now? So this coming change is a tough idea to accept, for those who are scientifically minded, for there is no evidence yet of what we are calling “The Big Shift.” There is only evidence so far of coincidental s hift, because these things happen slowly. Sometimes shift goes so slowly that you are not even aware of it, but it’s starting now.
The New Attributes
I would like to itemize the kinds of attributes to expect as the New Human starts to appear. You are entering into a new energy that has never been here before, and these attributes of what is happening will eventually change Human nature itself. It’s going to change everything about you, and civilization on the planet. Some will like it, and some will not. Change always does that. It is never easy. We’re going to start with four of seven attributes. I will give you the balance of them tomorrow.
I’ve spoken about some of these concepts before, but never in a list like this. I want you to see how profound this is. Dear Old Soul, are you ready to participate in the evolution of humanity? This will be an evolution taking you to a place that has not existed before – a wisdom the Earth has never seen, and the slow building of a new kind of harmonious peace on the planet. This peace on Earth will simply come along with higher evolved thinking, and is just the beginning of a constant, growing and evolving Human nature. The very consciousness of humanity is about to slowly shift. It’s starting to show itself in small ways, but you’re sitting here because some of you feel it, don’t you? Something is different.
The first attribute is The Human’s Relationship with God. It’s the basic one. Whatever you wish to call God , the concept is The Creative Source of all things . Some have called this concept God , and some have said Spirit . Others say, Source .
Most of humanity believes that their consciousness does not stop at death. Every belief system, even fairly obscure ones, believe and teach that the soul continues somehow after corporeal death. Therefore, you could safely say that most of humanity believes in an after-life of some kind. In general, eighty to ninety percent of humanity does not believe they stop consciousness when they die. This is a strong acknowledgement of an intuitive God inside . Even still, many intellectual thinkers believe it is simply the Human survival instinct extended, and that it is wishful thinking . But throughout the ages, it has instead become the basis for faith, healing, love, peace, compassion, and major spiritual thinking of billions of Humans. So, no matter what the spiritual belief, the idea of existing beyond corporeal life has had strong evidence through miracles and intuition. It was also the intuitive idea of the first spiritual systems recorded on the planet. Life does not end when you die!
So, who or what is God? How can a Human deal with the idea of a greater power “in the sky”? What has happened in the past regarding this subject, is part of an old Human nature. Humans have created a God or Gods that emulate Humans. Humans only have one model of consciousness, and it is themselves. So God, then, becomes a supreme power that has Human attributes. This has created a current system, over thousands of years, where God has become like a dysfunctional parent.
God loves you beyond measure, you are told, yet He will send you to burn in a dark place forever, if you do something improper. Add to that, there is no consensus of what is “proper.” So you have a God who is much, much less benevolent than you are with your own children! Does this sound like the beautiful, benevolent God that I speak of, or does it sound like something man-made? Indeed, for most of the planet, the very essence of God is the essence of Human nature!
What history has given you is this concept: Human nature is also God nature. Therefore, even in your modern belief systems to this day, there were wars in heaven and fallen angels. God has anger and punishment and judgment, just like Human nature. Whoever you are, reading this or hearing this, think: Does this really make any spiritual sense? Killing each other, and creating wars through disagreement and competition is what Humans do. It is not what God does.
I don’t want to offend anyone here, or hearing this later, but the benevolence of the Creative Source, the One who created the Universe, does not “think” like a Human! The nature of God is pure. It fills every molecule of the atmosphere of this planet with love. It is as pure as anything you can ever imagine. It is beyond anything that you can conceive of, in its benevolence and its care for you. Spirit sees you as family, temporarily on the planet, and eventually coming back. God does not feature punishment – ever! This is a Human concept! God does not have Human attributes of anger or disappointment. God does not have low consciousness, or argue with itself. God is not dysfunctional. You are! That’s old Human nature, and it’s about to change and become more God-like.
The relationship to Spirit (God) is going to change. Some of you are going to start feeling this, and will be wide-open to this change. You’re going to finally understand and realize that the God of the Universe is inside you, and the hand of God is before you, waiting for you to take it.
This is a metaphor that means that a personal God is ready to affirm a relationship with you that will create day-by-day compassion and joy, and an evolvement in Human nature within you. You will begin to act differently because you will change in many ways. When you vibrate higher with an evolved DNA, you will have greater awareness. That’s basic.
The benevolence and greater wisdom of God will start to be obvious to you, and therefore, will be with you in your life. The way you act will be different. You will study the Masters and see what an advanced Human nature they had, and you will realize they had a totally different consciousness. You will begin to emulate that and many around you will see it. The New Human will know who God is, and relate to it, and not be apart from it. That’s one.
The second is Awareness of Self. Who are you? What is your purpose? Right now, I’ll tell you that your lives have all been about survival . Oh, you may believe in these kinds of esoteric things that you are here for today, but as you live with others on the planet, you just survive. Whether you’re in school or going to work, or just living on Earth, you are only surviving. Old Soul, you’re careful who you tell about these things, aren’t you? That’s so you can survive without drama or bias or trouble. Did you realize how much you are in survival? Even in a very sophisticated society, you are in basic survival – just like thousands of years ago.
Dear ones, how do you feel about yourself ? We have spoken of this before, many times. As you have a closer walk with Spirit, the thing you call SELF will change. You will be less afraid. You will become more calm and peaceful about everything. You will not be evangelistic with what you believe. Instead, you will practice what you believe and be a much kinder person. Anger will start to pass away, and the things that irritate you will become far less. You will be more balanced than ever before, and others will want to be with you because of it. You will slowly become the New Human.
Instead of being ready to argue with everyone over something you strongly believe in, you will, instead, know how to be silent and listen. There will be compassion, instead of judgment. It’s almost a full reversal of what Human nature has created so far. You will be balanced!
Finally, when it comes to SELF , you’ll start to evaluate yourself, and you’ll say, “I have a right to be here in this new energy. I was born for this , and now here I am!” How many of you are getting this – really understanding this? Know this: You deserve to be here, and it’s not an accident or randomness of nature that you exist. God loves you and knows every hair on your head. There’s a benevolent bridge between you and Spirit, and you can breathe a sigh of relief about everything in your life.
Listen: As you review your life, you haven’t done anything wrong . Nothing! You have made choices, and God honors the free choices you have made. That’s the design! This is how Humans evolve and learn. There will be no punishment for what you think you might have done. You are able to forgive yourself for what you’ve done, because God does not see things as you do. From God, there is no forgiveness needed. You are magnificent in the eyes of the Creator!
This is far different from the spiritual systems on this planet who offer you the “rules of God,” and the judgment and punishment of a dysfunctional Deity, who would torture his children forever, if they break man-made rules. Connect the dots and use some spiritual logic! God is not an extension of Human nature.
Dear ones, you are here working with the energy of the planet, and what you do tests the energy and changes it. You’re not here as a test of your soul. You didn’t come to Earth to suffer! Your soul is forever and belongs to God and always will – always will! Love is the source – the only source, and everything is based around it. You are going to have to re-write who God is in your life, and finally see that there is a hand out to you – a metaphor that invites you to see God inside you. Is it you? Do you feel it? Do you feel the shift and the change away from anger, hatred, and frustration?
Old Soul, you represent the Human who is finally coming out of the cave of survival, looking around, and realizing that there are more elegant things than just surviving from day to day. Love builds a vital and energetic bridge from Human to Human, and compassion is the result. Compassionate action [action by Humans based in compassion and caring] is what will change basic Human nature forever.
Who are you? You are part of the elegant system of creation.
Changes within the Compassion of Humanity: How do you feel about others on your planet? Are you alone in your “bubble” and just surviving, or are you part of the whole of humanity? What is your responsibility? What’s happening on your news? For the first time in Human history, there is going to be a puzzle about the refugees pouring into your areas [remember, this is being channelled in Spain in 2015]. All of the nations around you have this issue, some more and some less. There is horror and unbalance in certain societies on your planet, and families are racing out of their countries into yours. They are afraid for their lives, and the lives of their families, and they push toward you in great numbers. This was foretold to you, when we spoke of the darkness coming forward in these days of shift, causing great changes. This is the direct result of having more light being developed on the planet. Dark consciousness is acting out, and trying its best to pull the planet backwards, back into survival.
What can you do? How is your society going to afford it? Where are you going to put these people, if you let them in? Are they welcome, or are they not welcome? Will you let them die on the border? This is a Human nature problem and the solutions will be different from any solutions that have ever been. In the past, you have simply ignored this kind of thing, and have let your government handle it. But suddenly, there are photos of dead children on your news, and families perishing, trying to escape.
Right now, there are no viable solutions, since you have never developed a compassionate plan for this. It’s so new, that there is no infrastructure for any of it, and no funding. There is much frustration and fear, and there are some Humans who are practicing the old Human nature, saying, “It’s their problem, not ours. Let them solve their own issues.”
Part of the New Human will feature a totally different reaction from that of the past: Compassionate action will start to be seen on a mass level, and there will be those who will work on solutions, because they see the refugees as Human family . A more benevolent and soft consciousness will say, “Look into the eyes of the children . They’re just like ours.” Compassion will then start to create wise solutions that are fair, and this will lessen the suffering.
In any shift, there is objection to new thinking, and fear will be the result. There are many who will say, “I understand, but if we let them in, they are infiltrating terrorists within their numbers.” Dear ones, this is not a reason to turn them away, but instead, this is a reason to find a solution to sort out the terrorists. It is well within your abilities to do this, but you need to fund it. You will figure this out.
Solutions that make sense will slowly be developed by those who are starting to think differently and who are using compassion as their goal and their guidelines for legislation and action. This is new! As Humans consider how to implement compassionate thinking, solutions that have never been needed before, or tried, will manifest themselves. This is basic metaphysics, where the action of conscious focus, then creates the answer. It almost is like the answers are “released” instead of developed – like they were there all along, but higher consciousness was the key that turned the lock of wisdom and awareness.
There will be intellectuals and linear thinkers who will say, “Well, compassionate action hasn’t worked before, and it’s not going to get us the money we need to afford to fund this issue!” They will call you esoteric fools, and roll their eyes at anyone who thinks you can “love everyone into solution.” Welcome to old Human nature. They don’t know what they don’t know. Just because they have never seen something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Wisdom and invention are like this. It lies there hiding, ready to be discovered by those who are courageous enough to shift their thinking.
Is it possible to create funding for situations that are outside the scope of anything you have seen before? Why should this be any different from your technical advancements? You actually “schedule” your future for inventions that haven’t happened yet! Yet, you feel that it’s impossible to create answers to social issues. That’s because social issues are ones that push the envelope of an evolving Human nature.
Can it be done? Can countries start something that has never been done before, which will help those who are not part of their own societies? How about a “department of compassion” in each government, which is funded the same way weapons are? The answer is yes, you can do this, but majority consensus is the key, and that’s what is starting to change world-wide among first world cultures. If you want it bad enough, it can be done.
Every objection to this issue can be met and solved with the New Human, who looks first at the compassionate action attributes of the puzzle and thinks out of the box on how to solve it. Many of the solutions may surprise you, and each country has its own ways of doing it, but all countries are now part of it. It’s the first time in history that multiple countries are all involved in the same issue of pure compassion.
I wish you could see what it’s going to be like in fifty years. You’ll look backwards, and refer to it as the great compassion experiment, or the great integration. Then you’ll realize that this massive historical attempt saved many, many lives without the negative warnings that were given. Those saved will be able to give back in ways you haven’t even considered yet. The mold will be cast for the future, and countries will be proud of their ability to work a humanitarian puzzle in a very personal and positive way. It goes way beyond “foreign aid,” or even the work of your United Nations. For it will be an intrinsic part of each government.
There may be some things coming that may surprise you, for light will win over darkness and Human nature will not rise up in negative uncaring ways like it used to. You will no longer fear others the way you do now, and you will begin to rise out of survival. Dear ones, I want you to breathe. Is there anything too complex for God? What does your heart say? You are the New Human.
Here is the final attribute for this day: Integration of the Shift.
What does the New Human feel within the new energy? It’s almost everything I’ve given you today and more. The issues are in front of you regarding a major shift, yet so many just see these things as more problems on the planet. “Here comes another problem,” they say. The weather is shifting – “Here comes another problem.” Most of humanity does not understand that the shift is actually creating these things.
The New Human will start to evolve. The ones who sit here as Old Souls, and who are reading this, are the ones who will have the answers first – not just those in Spain, but the family of Spirit throughout all the countries on the planet.
What do you think of the new energy? Let’s be honest, Human Being. You signed up for this current life of yours. You made an appointment for this. You’re in the right place at the right time, and the shift is here as designed. Energetically, it’s frustrating. You’re seeing things you didn’t see before, and it’s frightening. You’re seeing pure evil sweep over certain cultures, and you don’t understand it. You didn’t expect it. Did you know that this is the first time in Human history in which you’re about to fight a battle with evil? It’s not a battle with another country or culture. Instead, it’s a very low consciousness group that has no borders and no common language. It represents very old ways of thinking, and it depends on fear to exist. It wants to frighten you into staying the same as you were before, and we predicted this scenario in 2012.
We told you that when the shift came, light would increase on the planet. That’s a metaphor for enlightenment and new thinking. Old souls would start to feel it and be frustrated, because things were not the same. Change often leads to fear and misunderstanding. We told you that the darkness of old thinking and ancient ways would take advantage of this, and would pull together everything they could, to stop the shift of light. Those were our words back then, and these are now the things on your news today.
You think this is all a surprise, a coincidence, perhaps? It’s right on schedule, Old Soul! You see, light is going to win and the New Human is going to have new wisdom to provide that light. It’s not just more war this time. It may, instead, be the final battle.
It’s frustrating when you have changes. Some of you are feeling health issues, because your actual body is shifting and moving toward a new vibration. Some of you are not sleeping well. Some of you are worried and don’t even know why! That’s what happens when Human nature starts to shift. The huge differences that are happening make the New Human uncomfortable.
So, how does it feel, so far? I’m telling the truth today, and many are nodding their heads in agreement. What can you do about this discomfort? I want you to relax a bit right now: Be still, and know that you are a piece of God. I wish you to know that everything you see around you is part of a massive correction of the balance between dark and light. Over time, you’ll see it, and you’ll feel it. Some of you in this room may even have a healing, in these two days. It will be a healing from anger, hatred, and frustration. You will realize you can throw that all away, and begin to understand that God cares about you, the New Human. You are here as an Old
Soul on this planet for a reason – for a reason!
And so it is.