Chapter Two
“ The New Human Part 2 ”
Kryon Live Channelling
Given in Valencia , Spain
September 20 , 2015
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Before we begin with any teaching, I want to sit for a moment with you. I want to re-energize the entourage from Spirit, who is here. It’s still here from the day before. Some of you could feel it when you came into the room today, and you knew it was still here. These esoteric things are energetic. They require discernment and sensitivity to discern, just like the message that’s going to follow.
The entourage who comes with me is benevolent. It does not sit here expecting things from you. It’s a group that is always defined by energy of what is here. It’s all melded together, and it knows you, and it knows itself. The entourage is specific to this room and it sits and watches and participates with you. It’s here for support. If you should have a thought, an intuition, or an awakening, or a healing, it’s ready to help you with all of it. So this is a very good time and place for decisions about your relationship with yourself, with God, and with others.
Last night we began a channelling, and tonight we finish. The subject is the seven attributes of the New Human. Now, there are a lot more than seven attributes, so the seven we examine are only for those who sit here and need to hear it. This is the way of channelling, for it responds to the energy of the now.
Hundreds of Lightworkers sit in front of me [speaking of the Spain meeting]. This is the energy we address, from the moment my partner sat here yesterday, and as we continue today. This channelling is specific to the energy of those who sit in front of me, and who are listening and reading. I’m speaking to you! I expected you. I know what you bring to this discussion, since I know your energies. I see the joy and the celebration among you. I see some of the frustrations, and the unbalance because of them. Spirit sees it all, and in benevolent ways, we desire to take your hand and help you with all of it. We know your name!
Yesterday, we gave you four attributes of the New Human. They were easily understandable, for they were linear. Yesterday, I could list the four and categorize them for you, but tonight, I cannot. In linear counting, I gave you four of the seven, and you would think there would be three remaining. However, this is not correct, since the three that are remaining are actually in a circle. It’s an interactive circle, and the three together represent a conundrum – a puzzle that has the riddle of interactive relativity. In other words, one thing affects another. So, therefore, you cannot list them in a linear fashion, because they all change together, and that spoils the linear idea of a list, since the names keep changing.
It’s hard to put a circle in a list! To a multidimensional mind, it’s not an issue, but you wish to see things in a linear way. So I can list the three for you, but I want you to imagine a circle as we go, and all three parts are at the center. If you affect one, you affect the other two. In fact, there won’t really be a list, and the names of the three swap and change constantly.
Indeed, there will appear to be three subjects here, but it’s not that way. Even as I name them to you, which I must do, you will set up a linearity of what to expect, based on the names I give you. You will wish to put them in boxes that are separate, but you can’t. These things are not what you think. Here are the three remaining in the circle that creates this conundrum for you: Relationships, Earth Energy, and Ancestor Energy. They are together. If you talk about one, you talk about all. The New Human needs to see this. Let us begin.
What is your relationship to your own Akash? Do you have a relationship at all? The New Human will. The New Human will have a remembrance of energy of the past. This is a remembrance that you will count on for help, instead of it being a blockage or difficult karmic energy. It’s a relationship that is personal to only you. I have told you that you are your own ancestor. Think about it: If you have reincarnated in the same place, over and over, the chances are very great that you have been part of your own family tree. You are, therefore, your own ancestor. So, if I ask you, what is your relationship to your ancestors, I’m really asking you about how you feel about your own soul participating in your own past.
How long have you been reincarnating in this area [speaking of Spain]? What if you are several of your own ancestors? What is your relationship today with the Akash that contains all three? What if there were more than three? What if they [your past lives] were different genders?
Now, there are intellectuals here who will try to take this apart and in their linearity, they will confuse biology with the Akash. We are not talking about direct biological ancestry as much as Akashic family. Your Akash is separate from your biological ancestry, but occasionally, they overlap. Occasionally, you might even be your own great-grandfather. Are you confused yet? What is your relationship with this?
For instance, you might carry the biological imprint of your great-grandmother, or great-grandfather, and actually carry their attributes, talents and looks. Yet, your immediate past life might be from another culture! I do this to show you that this entire discussion is complex and can’t be linear. So you might say, you have a soul lineage that is sometimes different than your chemical lineage, but they exist together in your body.
Let’s extend this. What is your relationship with the stars? Is there one? Have you isolated yourself to believe that you are simply from the Earth? Do you believe that you evolved from the dirt of the Earth? You’d be surprised, dear ones, for you carry multidimensional DNA, and it is literally the essence of the stars! Is it possible you have family that is not on the planet? We speak of seed-parents. How do you feel about that? Is it too strange?
Let me tell you something. The New Human will be relaxed with this idea, and will join with many of the ancients who believe that the Seven Sisters’ Pleiadian energy is that which seeded the Earth. It did so with spiritual benevolence and cosmic purpose. Let’s go one step further. If that premise is true, did the Pleiadians themselves have seeds from other star systems? If so, are you related to the seeds of your seed parents? Is your Human Akash limited to Earth lifetimes? If you have the beginning imprint from the stars, is it also part of your Human Akash? If it is, what about the seeds of their seeds? Who started them?
How long has this been going on? We’ve told you this before: Planet Earth is young – very young. You are the new ones in the galaxy and the seeds you have from the stars are ancient. Other life is far, far older than humanity, and had civilizations like yours before life on Earth even started!
So think about this: Who are you? What’s in your Akash? What if you are timeless? Perhaps you’re not just an old Earth s oul. What if you are a Universal soul? What would that mean to you today, if it were true? Well, Old Soul, it’s true! Inside you is a growing awareness that you’re from the stars, and are very close to the Creative Source of the Universe itself. The New Human will be comfortable with that.
It gets more complicated. What is your relationship to planet Earth? Now, we don’t mean that which is the dirt of the Earth. Your planet has an energy of benevolence that works with the consciousness of humanity. It’s called Gaia. Beautiful Gaia! Some of you know this profoundly. You’ll go into the countryside and feel it and it speaks to you. You may sit down by a tree or perhaps a stream – and the wind in the trees whispers to you. “We know you– All is well.” Gaia knows you as we do. What is your relationship? Do you even have one? Does it overlap with your Akash?
The New Human will know of the relationship to the Earth. We have told you before about Gaia’s influence on your consciousness. I am Kryon, the Magnetic Master. This is the name I give you, because we have taught you that the magnetic grid of your planet is necessary for your very life. It actually postures your consciousness [allows for it to exist]. We began to channel to you almost three decades ago, and the first information we gave you was, that the magnetic grid would shift and change, allowing new Human consciousness to develop. This was in order to allow a new Human nature to evolve, and even a new DNA efficiency to begin to develop. By the way, it did – the grid shifted exactly as we said, and this is now science.
Your physical DNA chemistry may look the same for centuries, but the multidimensional portion will be changing. The magnetic grid is intrinsically related to your consciousness, and it is Gaia energy. Do you ever talk to Gaia? Do you realize that that’s ALL the Ancients did? There was tremendous respect for Earth-energy with almost every ancient civilization, and it was even the seed energy that the Greeks used to create their mythological Gods. Gaia was the grandmother of Zeus, the highest of their Gods. Gaia was the highest energy before anything else in most of the ancient civilizations, for Gaia has a consciousness of its own that can be felt, and it’s one that supports you. So, again, do you think it’s totally separate from the other esoteric relationships you have, or could it be melded somehow?
Now let me put this forward: What is your relation to the Ancients? Not the immediate ones that we spoke of earlier, but the ones that were here thousands of years ago? Did you know they knew about Gaia? Did you know they celebrated magnetics? You probably didn’t put that together, did you? The Ancients of this planet, in their ceremonies, would often give honor to the east, the south, the north, and the west [not in that order]. What were they doing? They were celebrating the directions of the magnetics of the planet. They were sensing the energy of the grids, which helped to give them balance and life.
Did you know that many of the Ancients actually hunted the animals they needed for food, using grid lines? This was possible, because they knew the animals tended to create paths that aligned with the directions of the compass [migration lines]. The Ancients counted on Gaia for survival in ways that you’ve lost in your day. I ask it again, what is your relationship to the Ancestors, and to Gaia? Do you see the puzzle before you? This is not three attributes we are discussing, but rather a circle of blended energies, and it’s beautiful. I’m asking you: Who are you, really?
Relationships are interesting, and now it really gets personal: What’s your relationship to the Creative Source [God]? Do you believe it’s real? Do you believe that there is a single, beautiful, benevolent God who is never judging you, but who loves you? Do you have that relationship-awareness yet? What is your relationship to the smart body [Innate]? Have you ever talked to your Innate? Have you ever spoken things, knowing that the Innate within you is listening? Did you know that your Innate knows about your ancestry? Your Innate knows about your relationship to the stars, too! It gets complicated, doesn’t it? Well, dear ones, it doesn’t have to be.
All the things we are giving you are automatically activated, without intellectual examination, and without having to figure them out. This circle I have just described is all part of the energy of your Merkabah. All of the relationships we have mentioned: your past lives, your ancestral lineage, your Earth-energy knowledge, and your seed biology, are contained in something that is a part of you.
Dear ones, you walk around with an enormous field that is multidimensional. It is eight meters wide and is called The Human Merkabah . It is a beautiful esoteric blueprint of YOU. If you could see it as I do, you would see the sacred geometry within it. This is who you are, and you never have to worry about the details of any esoteric system, or figure them out. Once you commit to your belief that this is the way things work, you actually activate your own awareness.
Synchronicity is always on the move, and is dynamic, depending on how often you listen to intuitive potentials that are given to you. There will always be people for you to meet. There are always good things available. Synchronicity is a benevolent energy that is designed to help you. Are you taking advantage of this?
If you start connecting in the ways we have given you tonight, elegant, mysterious things start to come into focus. All of these things we bring you come together in a package called the New Human. It’s not anything that you have to list, or write down, and the only reason we have done so tonight is so you will see the enormity of the issue, and appreciate the complexity.
How beautiful this is! Imagine the wisdom that may come in the future. Imagine children being born with actual understanding of who they may become, and as soon as they are able to speak and think, they know where they are going. The children will start remembering past experience!
It’s time to honor Gaia, even if you live in the city. You can honor Gaia through that which is your consciousness. It’s time to honor the ancestry, which is you, and all the things that might have happened in the past. It’s time to honor your Akash, which is the relationships that you have with your past lives on this planet. The things that used to be blocks for you are now going to be enhancements for you. Pay attention to your dreams, especially the ones that leave you feeling wonderful and soft-hearted. This is a new energy, only now just beginning to work with you in a different way than before.
“Kryon, you often speak in puzzles and we don’t understand what’s happening .” Take a deep breath. I told you this message would leap around a bit, and be in a circle. So, here’s my message:
The three remaining attributes of esoteric relationships will start to develop in the New Human. This is going to enhance awareness and compassion. They will all meld into a balanced Human, and create one who knows that life is all around and is part of the complete picture of everything.
Dear ones, would you please sit down and stop working the puzzle? Just sit and ponder this: Do you understand love? Not really. No Human does. However, can you love? Yes. You can’t intellectualize love, so we are telling you to just sit and let some of these things be . Let them slowly come into focus, and perhaps you will have what we will call the aha experience : “I know now! I understand it by myself, automatically, because I let go of it.” The best inventions of history have happened when the inventors let go of the puzzle. The best solutions to problems come when you stop analyzing them. This is the benevolence of Spirit.
The New Human is beginning to awaken on the planet. The children will carry attributes that you did not. However, the Old Soul has the wisdom to begin to use these new attributes in this time on the planet. These are attributes that were not there before.
Expect it all! Expect benevolent change. Awaken with hope that things will be different today and tomorrow for you. Let compassion be your guide. These are the things we speak of and are the things we spoke of earlier. Dear ones, I represent the Creative Source. I’m in love with humanity, and again: Now you know why.
And so it is.