For a very long time, science has wondered if the body retains the original blueprint (when you were conceived) that creates a Human Being from a tiny embryo. Could it be, that this blueprint actually still exists within us? Kryon says it does, and that science will find it soon. He even labelled it in a previous channelling “The Genesis Cell.” However, can we use this “Youth Template” now? Is this too odd to be true? Why should it still exist? Isn’t the body done with it? Kryon asks: When you build something really exceptional, do you throw away the blueprints? Even if it’s only built once, do you toss the plans that made it? The answer is no. There are really good reasons to keep the blueprint of original Human development. Part of this is exactly what this channel speaks of: We need it to repair and rejuvenate the New Human in a new energy.
Lee Carroll