Chapter Five
“ The Hidden Youth Template ”
Kryon Live Channelling
Given in San Rafael , California
December 12 , 2015
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner, I wish you to go slow and measure the words. Make sure the information is correct as it is given. This is the next to the last channel of 2015, and it’s time to bring you more information for your future .
Some will say that this is a science channel, but it really isn’t. If you are listening later, or reading, then you’re listening in the future, as many see it now in the room. However, you don’t think of it as the future, because for you, it’s now. For me it’s now also, but this channelling was really given in your past. For the crowd in front of me, it’s now. How do you like it so far? Whose now is real? The answer is, that they all are. We speak to many of you outside of the time frame that you think is yours, but the information is for all the nows. When you hear a wonderful tune sung by one who has passed, or perhaps it was written by someone who is also no longer here, does it then diminish the tune? NO. The music is forever, and the emotions and excitement from hearing it is in all nows. It remains fresh and fun.
This channel may be brought forward later, and presented in a venue you don’t expect, in order to discuss something you’ve just discovered (in a coming future), or to validate what you now realize is true. However, when this channelling was given, the things discussed were not yet there. Confused yet? It’s that kind of a channel today. My partner gets chills, for he knows that this information is beautiful and it’s appropriate for its time. He knows it’s desired and that humanity wants what is coming now. So he goes slow.
I want to talk about a discovery. It’s a coming discovery and like many, it happens gradually, with other discoveries that will precede it. Before I discuss what it is or how it works, I want to give you some things to think about. Question: Is it possible that there is a template existing in your DNA that carries the secret of your youth? It would be a template that isn’t simply stored data somewhere, but instead, is part of the molecular structure of multidimensional DNA, which could be activated or exposed by certain processes. If that were to happen, it could then change everything about the Human Being to whom it belongs. Is it possible that there is something inside every single DNA molecule, and other specific biology within you, which could keep you alive two, three, four times as long as you’re living now?
Is there a template of birth – a design that can become [manifest into] profound chemistry, but that is simply laying there now as an inactive instruction set? If so, it’s outside of the purview of your three-dimensional thinking about DNA and how it works. It would be very difficult to justify the idea within the existing thinking of the day, and because of how science feels about these kinds of things.
What do you think about the prophets who lived 900 years? I jump right to it. I want you to answer the question inside. If you’re a scientist or a skeptic, go ahead and answer it. Foolishness? A “typo” in scripture? It was reported in many ways and in many places and from different sources: Some of the characters you read about in the scriptures or the history books lived far longer than any other Human Beings have ever lived.
Number one: Is it actually possible? If so, how?
Number two: Would there be some kind of spiritual reasoning for that to occur?
Number one: Is it possible? I am sitting here in the chair telling you that it is not only possible, but it was done in certain cases with certain Human Beings in history.
Number two: It was done with the males only, and they lived grand lifetimes for the procreation of the race, and to promote their consciousness. It is simple mechanics. The male seed is fertile to the end. Females are not, and the eggs have chemistry that is age-related. It was the man who had to live a very, very long time in order to pass the seed through many, many children into a fresh area of the planet, which needed that consciousness. Now you know why.
So, what was the process to keep these special men alive for that duration? How? It’s simple: They had an activated template of youth. Now, I’m using terminology that is not medical, not scientific, but accurate and true. Listen: Right now, there is actually terminology that exists for this – a name for it, because it’s suspected in biology– more than suspected – it’s expected. This means that science has seen the “shadow” of it for years. This means that they know it’s there, but not much more.
When a Human Being has spontaneous remission, or what some have called spontaneous healing, what exactly occurs? You can’t sit there and deny this happens, for it’s very real. Do you believe it? You have to, for current science has seen it. It has been reported and documented. So the big question becomes: How did it work? This has always been the mystery of the ages.
There are those who believe that the consciousness of the individual who is sick, somehow brings it about. That’s correct – totally correct. Remember that. That is why they call it spontaneous. It wasn’t expected, and there was no indication it was coming. This would mean that through consciousness alone, and perhaps without even knowing it, there was an activation of the template. It healed so fast and in such an amazing way, that it was beyond that which was recognizable as possible in current medical belief or understanding.
It’s almost like the body cleaned itself of the disease. It took it out, and even removed the markers that showed the disease had ever been there! It means that cellular rejuvenation was accelerated greatly for a few days, or a few weeks, to clean out that which did not belong there, and it saved the life of the individual.
Spontaneous, automatic remission of a disease is real, and comes from a place in the biology that is in every single person. Human logic is often funny: There are those who say, “Ah, it’s the Placebo Effect! That’s all it is. ” Okay, what is the Placebo Effect? The Placebo Effect is human consciousness creating healing results through expectation. There you are! In the Placebo Effect, you have consciousness ruling the chemistry of the body, and that’s exactly what we are telling you: Full and complete expectation of healing, activates the template. With DNA working at only about 30 percent (in your existing energy), the Placebo Effect is just an anomaly of a greater process of the Youth Template. It’s something that is actually showing itself, so you can believe it’s possible.
Let’s talk about a little science. There is an area of physics called quantum. It is the study of alternate realities created by particles in a quantum field. Related to this, you also have something called quantum biology. It is a real science discipline, and the premise is this: Biology, which intrinsically has physics, then also has quantum areas. Therefore, the molecule of DNA itself, or perhaps any other molecule, must have some quantum attributes, as well as three-dimensional attributes. Now, for whatever reason, this is controversial. You expect quantum attributes in physics, yet somehow, there is a wall, a barrier, when you talk about biology! It’s as though biology had no physics! In fact, biology primarily is physics. For, chemistry depends upon the very things that quantumness depend on.
The spin of electrons around the atoms that come together to create certain combinations in the chemistry of life, are as susceptible to being affected by a quantum field as any other electrons. In fact, the effect is more profound in a life science than one that is not [non-life science based]. Question: What have the quantum biologists discovered? They’ve discovered that some quantum energies actually change DNA in interesting ways. They don’t know why, but when DNA is placed within quantum energy experiments, it changes the spin of the electrons in the quantum field. Listen: Forget the science talk. Know this: DNA has quantum attributes! Period. So does Human Consciousness. Connect the dots.
Doctors, let me talk to you: There is a suspicion that within certain molecules there are things that should be able to be seen, but so far they are elusive. The results are there in experiments, but you cannot see what is “doing the work,” even through an electron microscope. You say, these things must exist, for the result of the experiments wouldn’t be as they are, but they are “invisible,” or perhaps not where they are expected to be. The truth is that they are partially quantum, and have some multidimensional attributes. This means that they can “move around” in odd ways, similar to light.
So they’re not invisible, they’re just slightly multidimensional. This then, carries us into our next discussion: This beautiful body template that we are discussing, which exists in many molecules, including DNA, is only visible if it is exposed by another multidimensional force. Let’s say it again in different words, my partner. Here it comes again: The suspected quantum template energy in certain molecules will show itself [become active] only when exposed to other quantum energies. Period. This is a premise, dear ones, that you need to study. You need quantum energies to activate, energize, and study other quantum energies. They will only “wake up” when exposed to other multidimensional energies.
So, if you could “see” it, what would it look like? The non-scientific answer is this: It will have cluster patterns. These are patterns that you may not recognize, because you have not seen it yet in a three-dimensional biology. However, you’ve always suspected it would be there. Let’s call it what you think it is: It’s the Youth cluster, or the Youth (patterned) Template. When certain experiments are done, it starts to show itself for a moment, and then it’s gone.
Some have applied magnetics as the multidimensional force, to expose the template. The experiment goes like this: You take the mixture of chemistry and you expose it to a magnetic field. Then you take a look at it the best you can with an electronic microscope. You look for what you suspected was there, and lo and behold – you see a piece of it. It’s there! How many years ago did we tell you about magnetics? How many years ago did we tell you that magnetics is needed for life and is a profound part of biology? However, it’s only when you create and use what we call designer magnetics (custom designed magnetic fields), that it will reveal what you are looking for, but not with an ordinary magnet. A magnet is not good enough. It’s not elegant at all. It’s like the difference between “sound in the air” and “language in the air.” The language is “elegant sound.”
So the discovery? You’re going to come up with a far better and more sophisticated, designed quantum energy, to make quantum things vibrate in a way that they are visible or become activated. Magnetism qualifies as a source, but not unless it’s a designed magnetic field. A multidimensional force will reveal the template’s attributes. The template itself represents everything biological in your body. Most of the reason is because it’s part of the programming of the DNA. Spontaneous remission is the template being activated. In most cases, you have seen it being done by the Human’s consciousness, It’s either survival or death, and each Human has their process. Most often, the process is fear, and you’ve seen it over and over. However, occasionally an old soul is faced with this, and the template “kicks in” and you get to see what the body was designed to do. That should give you chills, dear ones.
The Future
One of the things that’s going to happen in biology is the increase in the acknowledgement of the quantumness of cellular structure, and a beginning study of the possibility of a multidimensional life force in every Human Being. This is not what is being studied today. Only the chemistry is being studied today, and the results are obvious: Chemistry (drugs) are medicine’s only answer to body issues. If the body is a chemical system, then chemicals will shape it, repair it, and heal it. This was good logic for an older time, but now things are beginning to change. When stimulated correctly, the Youth Template will show itself. Then things will start to change forever in medicine. The “New Human” will be one that medicine sees as a quantum biological machine, and energy – not chemistry – will be the way of all healing – and consciousness is energy!
Now, let’s turn the page. Scientists, it was nice to have you here. But now you can stop reading, because we are going to talk about things that you will say are eye-rolling to the max. You’ll say, “It couldn’t be this way! It just isn’t the way things work. ” But it is, and now I reveal what Innate really is.
The Smart Body, that which you have called Innate, is in total control of the exposure or activation of the Youth Template. When multidimensional forces are applied, Innate sees this and activates what it should activate. Innate is totally responsible for the success of homeopathy. In this, a tincture (remedy), far too small to have a chemical reaction, is placed under the tongue. It “signals” Innate for what the Human wants, and the healing begins. So, you might ask, “Where is the multidimensional energy-force in homeopathy? ” It’s interesting, is it not, that if a Human doesn’t believe that homeopathy works, the results are often very limited. The multidimensional energy is belief ! Societies all over the planet have believed in it and have been using it very successfully for centuries. The Smart Body is also the one that can be “muscle tested” for answers to biological questions, for which your consciousness has no answers. This science is called Kinesiology. Innate is the Smart Body Intelligence that has no biological source that you would recognize as a source. Innate does NOT come from your brain. Innate is not a brain function.
The brain is a computer that is built for survival, and it works very well. You do something, and it remembers it. If you hurt yourself from some action, you don’t do that action again. You have experiences in the past, that help you survive moment to moment in the present. Your remembering function is in your brain, and your brain gives you existence perception, logic, moral direction, and is the central control of most body functions. It’s a great organ. The creative things that you do (music, art, writing, spirituality) come from your pineal. We have told you this before. The consciousness that goes beyond the brain and the pineal, makes up The Triad (which we have mentioned before) and that includes the heart.
The heart is so important! It actually doesn’t just pump blood. It is involved in some of the things that scientists say the brain is doing, but it’s the heart that’s doing it. There are those who would say, “Kryon, we scientifically know that there are no brain functions in the heart. ” Oh – but there are! There’s synapse in the heart, if you want to look for it, for the heart is connected to the whole body in ways that have not yet been acknowledged by the mainstream. There is also a great amount of magnetism in the heart, if you want to look for it. It’s far more than you think, and there are all manner of things related to the heart that are “brain-like.” However, the heart is not Innate. So what is Innate? How does it work and what’s going to happen?
We’ve talked in the past about the future of humanity starting to change. This change is mostly in consciousness, but since consciousness is a whole-body experience, it involves the new Humans who are arriving. So it’s going to be seen first in children being born with a much more advanced Innate. In other words, the ability to tie together that which you’ve experienced the last lifetime and this lifetime, will be enhanced. What this means is that you don’t make the same mistakes again in the next life! That is an enhanced Innate. I still haven’t told you where it comes from, have I? Oh, I will.
A child burns his finger on a stove, then he never touches a stove for the rest of his life. That’s a great brain function, isn’t it? Did the Innate have anything to do with it? Indeed! You see, the Innate is the Smart Body, agreeing with the brain. It’s all integrated. Now, listen to this: here is what the Innate is going to do with a newborn: The newborn will not touch a stove either, because the newborn remembers from the last lifetime what it’s like. So you might say, he carries it over from the past, and you’re going to call it instinct. Instinct is much like what the animals have – inherited remembrance. Don’t touch the stove. Humans are going to start having that (finally), but next is where inherited instinct stops, and Innate begins.
The newborn is also going to sense, intuitively, the mistakes that were made in his immediate past life, which caused emotional distress, drama, fear, and dysfunction – and then not do them again! The newborn is going to carry in the wisdom from the past life of mistakes made. Part of that whole “mistake scenario” is always physical and emotional. So you might say, it relates to the brain as well. Indeed, it’s the Innate that will tie these all together and help the newborn remember it all in an intuitive way, and pass it forward intact.
Now I’m going to tell you what Innate is, and this is often confusing, because you will tend to always linearize it. You will not be able to understand how this passes from one life to another, because you don’t know how multidimensional things work, especially when it has to do with the soul. Innate is not the soul, but it knows the soul.
There’s a Hebrew word that has many meanings, and some are now spiritual. But basically, the word means “to ride. ”That Hebrew word is Merkabah. The word Merkabah was popularized by how it was used in the ascension story of the prophet Elijah in Jewish history. It is also a word that has come to mean “Spiritual field of the Human Being” or “Vehicle that carries the Human Being.” What is it, and what does it do?
The Human Field
The Merkabah is huge. It is eight meters wide (26 feet), and every Human Being has one. Here’s what it is: The Merkabah is the multidimensional field which surrounds the Human Being. It is created by hundreds of trillions of identical DNA molecules, which also have tiny fields of their own. The DNA molecules are identical, all through the body, and they combine to create a much larger field around the body. The field is a multidimensional field that reflects the DNA’s record of your body’s many facets. Within its field is the patterning of the health of your body, your Akashic energy, your chemical inheritance, and of course, your spiritual attributes and soul energy. It’s almost a full blueprint of YOU now, and in the past. It is this Merkabah that is your Innate. Your esoteric DNA collectively, is Innate.
The Whole Package
DNA cannot be seen as molecule by molecule. It’s not separated from the whole. Think of it: Every molecule of DNA is unique and identical, so it’s YOU. It’s a collective essence of YOU. Let me tell you something: DNA (Innate) “knows” when there is a predisposition of when you are going to die. This is not a programmed certainty, but a potential product of your life lesson (and can always be changed). It’s the field (Merkabah) around you who will “give up the ghost,” not the brain. Sure, if the heart stops, nothing continues and there is death. If you have great body trauma, there is death. However, in other cases, the point at which someone dies is extremely complex. Sometimes it makes no sense at all when death occurs, and those who have seen it over and over in hospitals know that there is something else going on within the body.
Have you ever known a person to die because of grief ? What bodily function caused that? If you say the heart, you would be right, but it’s the emotional heart – which is involved in the Triad, not the biological heart. I’m going to introduce something I will call death intelligence. When Innate sees suffering ahead without hope, rather than go through more suffering, there’s a shutdown command. That’s Innate. That’s the Smart Body, and indeed, it’s really smart.
Listen: The same Innate is coming back in the next lifetime, because it’s connected to the soul, and the pineal, and all that is. Your Merkabah has attributes of your life in the past, just like your soul does. It is the same one as the last time. You carry around a differently patterned Merkabah each time you are on the planet, but you have the same one as you did in the last life. Now, go figure that out! As I mentioned to you, this is difficult, because this is the mechanics of a multidimensional reality. Spiritual things are ALL multidimensional, and it’s so beautiful to know that the you, the core of you, and who you are, gets passed to your next body over and over. Now you know how you can sense that you are an Old Soul. Your Innate knows.
If you could really meet you in a past life, and many of you have, you meet each other. You have different faces, but the same Merkabah, same soul, same Innate. Innate knows everything about every single lifetime you’ve had. Innate knows you better than you know your own self, and when you start getting in touch with Innate, this is when things start to happen for you. This includes the ability to activate the Youth Template. Are you listening? It’s going to happen.
Longer Life Is Ahead
Humanity is going to start living longer for a number of reasons. There will come a day when quantum energy can be used for amazing life extension and healing. This will be artificial activation with other fields that are quantum, and partial rejuvenation will be the result. This will echo that which was done in Lemuria at the Temple of Rejuvenation. We told you it was coming back! Some will say, “Kryon, I thought we would be able to do this for ourselves? Why should we have any kind of outside rejuvenation machines? ” Dear ones, it’s the same reason that you needed them in Lemuria. There were no “Old Souls” back then, and it was like training the DNA of those who were first timers, so they could rejuvenate and last longer. In the future, you won’t just have Old Souls on the planet. Hardly! Those who are just arriving, and many who have only had a few lifetimes won’t have the spiritual or Earth experience to work this puzzle for themselves. There will be those who can, and those who can’t, activate the Youth Template. This should make sense to you. Not everything is generic, and the “same pill for everyone” strategy you have in chemistry-based medicine won’t work. This is the linear approach that gets you into so much spiritual and moral trouble on the planet now. “One way for everyone.” How has it worked for you so far?
For the Old Souls reading, this is your legacy: To become Human Beings who have DNA working in a far higher efficiency than now, and to be able to activate your own template, and live very long lives. How many times have we told you this? The consciousness of the Human Being, when fine-tuned, will take on the attributes of what you have called “the Masters of the planet.” You will live a very long time. Now you know why the Masters and prophets lived so long. They had a Merkabah – an Innate – working at a very high percentage. And ... they were humans, just like you. Connect the dots. This is your future.
Stem Cells – Secrets Are Hiding
“So, Kryon, where do stem cells fit into all of this? ” [Kryon laugh] Dear ones, that’s where the templates are! That’s where the templates are! What you call stem cells are in every single cell you have. You searched for this in a very linear, but logical way: You tried to gather them from embryos, since this is the start of life. Then you found they were in the umbilical cord – same logic. Now some scientists are saying they are everywhere! Basic stem cells are the blueprint for the body, and the Youth Template is within them.
Working with stem cells is the future, for that’s where the template is. It is being investigated all over the planet, but many are still turning to outside cell sources. Instead, there will come a time when you use only your own stem cells, instead of from any other source, because it is your own cells that have the template that you really want. It’s the ONLY template that will bring full rejuvenation. When you call someone else’s phone number, you may get results and information. But when you call your own number, you get ... YOU.
Remember the information given above? Quantum sources are what activate quantum cellular processes. This is the key to the activation of the template. Your consciousness is quantum, and so are some things that researchers are discovering.
What Is Coming
There are things coming you don’t expect. “When are they coming, Kryon? ” The answer is, yes. The actual answer is, “When you allow them to come.” When there’s enough light on the planet, when these discoveries will not be weaponized, that’s when you’ll get them. “When will that be, Kryon? ” When you create it, dear ones.
Right now you are in a profound transitional energy and you are in a struggle with basic light and dark. You know this. Some say, “Kryon, you paint a much too simple picture of what is happening. ” Not really. Currently, it’s really basic: Will you choose slavery, horror, control, war, drama and death as your living scenario, or will you choose a consciousness of benevolent compassion and caring for each other? Will you allow others to select what you believe, and hold death over your families as punishment for noncompliance, or will you choose a higher road? Will your society learn a more elegant compassionate way to work with the puzzle of how to protect yourselves from lower consciousness action [crime], or not? Look at your news. You call that elegant? It’s simply basic light and dark.
There are inventions coming that will forever make police work more workable for both sides. There will be far more humane ways of controlling those out of control, which will never result in death or bodily damage. There will be systems of vetting those who have authority, so it will be known how they “think” about others. All this seems to be science fiction now. But you will see what I’m speaking about. What do you think will happen when the Merkabah can be seen and analyzed? This is a hint.
When this transition time is over, and light is more predominant on this planet, that is to say, when integrity starts to win over non-integrity, things will begin to shift dramatically and very fast. You will see it in business, in government, and in how people treat each other. You’ll start to see shifts of what people will accept and what they won’t. It’s the people who will then start to change the systems that have been unchanged for hundreds of years.
These things are in the works now. Some of what we speak of has actually been discovered now. I can tell you this, because Kryon does not reveal things that are not yet discovered. They have to have been discovered or thought of by humanity first, and typically, they’re at their infancy and it will take a long time before they are refined. You should know that the template has been seen.
“Kryon , what will the template do biologically? ”
The answer is, “exactly what you think it will do.” Eventually, cell rejuvenation will be almost perfect throughout the body. This is the design of the template. The telomeres will not shorten, and the body will not age. Death will occur because it’s time, and not because systems stop functioning. “Kryon, this is going to create social problems! This won’t work. Population explosion is exponential! Too many people right now, and not enough food. That’s crazy talk about living hundreds of years. ”
May I say this one more time? “Oh how 3D of you!” Listen, eventually you’ll figure out what creates babies, and you’ll be wiser for it. Other planets have done it, and even your own Ancients did it! A wiser Akash creates a wiser procreation scenario. Look for close to zero population growth even now in some of your first-world societies. Population growth numbers are only exponential, because you have made it so with low consciousness. It’s not some mathematical formulation over which you have no control.
Discoveries are also at hand regarding how to create food for the planet in multidimensional ways. Food has DNA, too – connect the dots. Do you know what happens when you expose seeds to multidimensional energies that are benevolent? It’s not a GMO. The plant itself accepts it as a benevolent sign, just like Innate with its template. Do you think that the life force of plants might also have something like you have? Can you imagine growing perfect crops, five, six times the yield, with no pesticides at all? What a concept! Is it possible that Human consciousness can be even extended to affect plants and animals? Experiments already show it can be done. This is just the beginning.
I have given you a glimpse into a beautiful future. Many who hear or read this say, “I wish it were true. But Humans have always messed it up. ” Dear ones, if you have an attitude such that you don’t expect much from others, then others won’t give you much. This is how all consciousness on the planet works, but especially now. Your expectations are the rudder on your boat of life. If you expect storms, then they will come, as ordered. If you expect benevolence, even though there is not yet an indication of solution, you are actually creating the solution by your expectations. This is metaphysics, and it’s what many of you have been teaching for years. So now is the time to practice it!
Those in front of me who are listening to this now, are Old Souls. They are all saying the same thing: “Oh Kryon, it can’t come too soon. Please, let’s have it now. Kryon, when, when, when? ” I want you to be quiet for a moment. Relax. All of you will be there. All of you! Remember, this is your future. When you experience it, you may look a little different, but you’re going to be there. [Laughter]. You are not going to miss this!
Dear ones, you are an Old Soul, if you are reading this. You are not finished with this planet. You’re going to be in this future, do you hear me? I want you to get ready for it; I want you to celebrate it; it’s going to happen. I want you to see the truth in this channelling. I want your Innate right now to check me out. Your Innate is a powerful discernment engine, and it will let you know if these things are true. When you get the chills that say “yes,” then join me in celebration of what is to come.
And so it is.