Chapter Seven
“ Conceptual Consciousness ”
Kryon Live Channelling
Given in Kansas City , Missouri
July 27 , 2013
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. You might notice that my partner doesn’t seem to prepare for channelling. In an older energy, it was necessary to prepare for what happens corporeally to the Human body during the trance. In the past, it often had to be preceded by purification, so you saw a lot of the use of balanced breathing and other techniques to clear and purify certain parts of the brain. It would give needed oxygen to tell the body what was coming, and to prepare for a multidimensional experience. You will see that my partner doesn’t do this.
The Channelling Experience
There are many who have said, “Well, the posturing of the Human Being in a certain attitude, and the development (raising) of certain frequencies using meditation and toning, are needed to channel. This is the logical way it should be done, and it has been done this way throughout history.” They are correct! But you don’t see him doing that, either. This would lead some to say, “He’s not doing it right!” Others will say, “ He’s not doing it at all! ” (Therefore, he is not channelling.) They would then use this as evidence that the channelling isn’t real. We say it again: What does your own discernment say about this, not what others say?
You’re starting to see some big shifts in all esoteric and metaphysical processes, and my partner is very aware of them. Four years ago (2009), he made a large shift: I asked him if he was ready for the next level in vibration. He was surprised, since he felt that the channelling was going well. I told him that he was simply putting Kryon in a box and turning the key when he sat down. He was linearizing Spirit, as so many do on the planet. Instead of reporting to a building on a certain day, wearing nice clothes, and praying or kneeling, he was doing the same thing by making Kryon active only when he was in the chair . I was not there when he was going about his normal life. He had created “Kryon In A Box.”
His first challenge to this was: “What else is there?” This is when I asked him if he felt that the Masters who walked the Earth had God in a box , or if they carried the elements of the Creative Source with them all the time. It didn’t take long for him to say “Yes ” to the meld, and now he fully understands. That step is what we are talking about today. It’s a step that is available to all, and it’s a beautiful gift in this new energy. It’s for everyone! It’s especially nice for healers and readers, and those who are working directly with others. It is a melding of YOU and your Higher-Self, so that corporeally, you don’t have to “prepare” your body to do things that are already there and ready to go. That’s what is new, and that’s what we wish to discuss today. Is it possible that, as you evolve in this new energy, there are parts of you that literally “come alive” with the timing of all this? Parts, perhaps, that have been there all along, but that were veiled in an older energy? Dear ones, the Human is designed to communicate with the Creator! The Human Being is designed to discover GOD INSIDE!
The Meld
The meld starts to change the way you think, and how you act. It starts to change how you age, and so many other things that you have not thought about! This is your future. So, this particular channelling, for the group tonight, and for those who wish to listen right now [the Kryon web site audios], has, again, to do with the changes that are coming in the Human Being. It’s an extension of the information about how Humans are changing and evolving.
Human nature has you in a very strong duality, and you are not even aware of it. You are also in a spiritual box. Pretend for a moment: You are on your way to a spiritual meeting. What’s happening in your consciousness? Some people are critical and complaining right up the place where the meditation starts. Then they are humble and spiritual. Then at the break, the temperature is wrong, the coffee is no good, and they wish there was more of this or that. The attitude is of disappointment and complaint. Then they go back to the meeting and become spiritual again. Welcome to “hidden duality” that many are not even aware of. Do you see the odd unbalance of this?
There are even those here, listening and reading, who don’t fully realize this concept. How many Masters walked around in a complaining attitude? The meld is what bridges the gap in duality, and creates a Human who sees a much different world. Patience is not something you work on, as much as it is self-evident, in a consciousness that is relaxed with the things of Earth.
Refining a Concept
Before we get into this more, I want to pause a moment. I want to refine a concept for you of what is taking place right now. Where is my partner? Is he in the chair or not? The answer is, absolutely, he is in the chair. Where is my partner’s consciousness, as I channel through him? In an older energy, many would say, “Well, he had to go into the closet to get away from everything, because there is now a take-over of the body.” However, that’s not true. Do you wish to know where he is? He is right in front of you. I am using everything he has to deliver this message. Corporeally, everything he has is filled right now with me, and that’s the difference, dear ones. You don’t throw a switch anymore and become someone else, and then have messages from beyond that are not part of your consciousness. He is still here, enjoying the meld. He is also somewhere else, as he has described before. But WE are working together.
So the meld took place and the difference in him has been noted by some, for as he walks around, he thinks differently; he sees people differently, and he knows it. He didn’t expect it. It has given him a different perception about what things might be, in areas of which he has no knowledge. This is what we want to talk about, and it’s difficult, because it does have minutia that is academic and hard to understand. Sometimes, it does not necessarily translate well into your linear language, but we use my partner’s intellect and his ability to conceive what I’m giving you, and his ability to translate it accurately without filters, the best he can.
A Short Review
Old Souls are the ones who are most prone to listen to this information. Old Souls are the ones who are most prone to be in the chairs in front of me, and it doesn’t matter how old they are physically. Some of the oldest souls on the planet alive today are under twenty. They have to be, dear ones, they have to be. Gone is the tradition that the elder in your group holds the best information. It simply is not the way it is, anymore. Respect your elders for their Earth knowledge and experience; but the Akashic elders in the group are the ones who have been here the longest, measured in lifetimes on the planet. They will have the wisdom of the ages, and will represent the Ancients like no one else can. That’s part of what we want to talk about.
So, let us begin a short summary of what we were talking about last time in channel, when the subject came up about the spiritual evolvement of humanity. In order to cover this properly, we review: Human DNA is only operating at a percentage of efficiency slightly over thirty percent. So, everything that is inside you that makes you YOU, is operating at less than half of what it was designed to do.
This condition is something you developed over eons of free choice, with a duality you created. You developed the balance of dark and light in your own consciousness (called duality). You have selected how well you think, and how much your societies are going to absorb the idea that compassionate thought can heal the planet. You select whether you are high-minded or medium-minded or low-minded. This is the attribute of free choice of the planet. This is the test and always has been. It a test of energy, and balance of dark/light consciousness. It’s the test that is primary and basic, and is the one that is now shifting on the planet.
Dear ones, you’re advancing so profoundly, as we have told you in the past, and evolving so quickly, that you are beginning to see the growth of Human intelligence and compassion in your societies right now. You’re also going to see it at the corporeal level as well, because when Human DNA begins to work at a better efficiency, it’s going to be obvious. We’ve given you other channels you can also study as a reference. The last one was titled “Conceptual DNA.” In that one, we spoke of a corporeal Human Being who went beyond what we would call linear immune reaction . Linear immune reaction is where the white cells of the body see a problem, race to that problem, and fight it. That’s pretty basic, but it’s also as smart a s that particular chemical process gets. The issue is that it may not be enough to solve the problem, because it is beyond the ability of the white cells to perceive the concept of the invader.
Viruses notoriously seem to be intelligent, for they seem to have a plan. However, the white blood cells only know how to sense, fight, and defend. They don’t see any bigger picture. The cells don’t know anything about cancers – how they operate, or that they may be immune to most defense cells! So, Conceptual DNA, then, becomes “smarter DNA,” involving corporeal systems that know concepts. It creates a Human Being who can fight any virus and any disease, because it will have an immune system that is as smart as anything that can invade. It’s conceptual. This is an evolvement of Human DNA, past thirty percent, moving more toward thirty-five and forty.
The Example
How many Masters do you know on the planet who died of a virus? Most of them died at the hands of other Human Beings. The Masters of the planet had DNA that operated far better than yours. Some had the ability to create or alter physical things around them, practicing the process of creating or altering matter though consciousness alone. The Human Being’s mind can manipulate physics, and that was always the design. Consciousness is now understood to be able to alter the way light behaves, and mass consciousness [planetary] can actually alter the strength of the magnetic grid! [Global Consciousness Initiative] So, it’s a “given” in certain scientific circles that consciousness is a “player” on the field of energy.
What do you think about spontaneous remission? What is it? How does it work? Does it require outside influence, or is it created internally? The answer is this: In spontaneous remission, you are seeing the DNA of a Human working close to one hundred percent, just for a moment. When it happens, it is unexplainable and miraculous to you, but you can clearly see the results, recognize it, and even document it. The Human can clean themselves of almost any disease, almost overnight! That was the review.
The Potentials of What Is Next
I want my partner to go slow here, for just recently, there have been channels in which I’ve given him information, but there were simply no words to explain it. When there is no definition or nomenclature for what he discusses, he must dance around it, in order to try to translate new concepts. Perhaps, he even makes up words or phrases to get across what we want you to know. Dear ones, we are giving you this channel in honor of the potentials to come. We want you to know that you’ve done something special on this planet. We want you to recognize that, over a period of time, humanity has always had the potential of shifting into far greater kinds of Human Beings than you’ve ever seen. This concept runs contrary to everything you’ve ever been taught. It runs contrary to some of your belief systems, that tell you you were born unworthy, and that God has judged you as such. It runs contrary to what people have said of the future of the planet. Ingrained in you is the idea that you’re not going to make it. You’re going to have to get over that, and this is part of the New Human.
I’ve got three concepts for you, which really continue the main concept of the evolution of Human DNA. However, instead of being called “Conceptual DNA II,” this particular channel will be titled, “Conceptual Consciousness .” You have to understand that your DNA is responsible for the very synapse of your thought processes, and the instructions of how your brain works. The blueprint of how you cognize things, and how you work with each other, is in the DNA. Your DNA doesn’t think for you, but rather, it establishes the construct of how everything works together. Can you conceive that the actual blueprint is changing? If so, can it now include more esoteric and multidimensional instructions? Let us discuss some esoteric things that are already present in your body, in order to give you the concept, that much of it is already in place.
We have mentioned in the past, that part of your body is called “Innate.” You have called it the “Smart body,” and it’s the part that you muscle-test for information [kinesiology]. The Innate is beginning to meld with common consciousness at a three-dimensional level. All this means is, that eventually, you will have a far better idea of what is going on at the cellular level of your body, than ever before. This is coming. Doesn’t it make sense, that this would be one of the evolved steps? There is a profound relationship, however, that is very esoteric, which is not necessarily on your mind at the moment. It is all about the Akash.
Akashic Conceptual Remembrance
The first evolvement attribute we wish to speak of is what we are going to call Akashic Conceptual Remembrance. Let’s look at the Akashic Record within your DNA, and how it functions.
How many of you are aware of your past lives? The answer will be, “not many.” You are here in an attitude of belief, knowing you are an Old Soul, but you can’t necessarily identify your past lives, or pull out the ones that are most important or dramatic. At the moment, the Akashic Remembrance in your cellular structure is not all that smart. All it gives you is that which emotionally sticks out, due to it being dramatic. For Lightworkers, it often delivers a feeling of a lack of self-worth, because of these things that stick out. Old Souls, these are most often the feelings of your many battles with the old energy that you didn’t win. So you sit here in an audience [those reading and listening] where most of you have something in common [lack of self-worth], which is something we have discussed before.
However, why is it that, seemingly, only dramatic issues of the past come to the surface of today’s reality? The reason? It’s because there is a linear remembrance in your Akash, which only allows for the negative things to stick out. What about the good parts? What about the many celebrations and joyful things in the past? They get beat back by the dramatic parts. The reasons is that the dark/light balance of the past was heavier than today.
You have a tendency to remember and dream about your past lives, where the issues of the past create some blockages today. Many times your past experiences were so profound in a past life, that there is still a residual of that same experience with you today. These issues become part of the healing that a past-life reader will help you with.
Now, consider for a moment, that all this is the way it works with DNA performing at only thirty percent or so [speaking of how DNA is not operating at full potential]. What if the Akashic and the Innate begin to work together, to create something that is more conceptual? An evolvement in DNA will begin to do just that. What if your Akashic Remembrance started to know what’s good for you, instead of simply blasting you with issues to correct, or things that you must “go through” that are ultra-dramatic?
This is a new paradigm, involving a more elegant role for the Akash. Instead of delivering older dramatic energy, the Akash starts seeing the Human Being as an evolving spiritual part of the entire planet, and begins to deliver the things that you should remember , t hat are going to help you push the envelope of evolution and belief.
An Example: Let’s say that you come into the planet in your next incarnation, and as you grow up, you start to remember the concepts of your past issues, and not the emotions of them. Instead of remembering snapshots of problems, it [the Akash] delivers to you the solutions you learned from having the problems. Do you understand what I’m saying? An Akashic Remembrance that is conceptual, working with Innate, will deliver to you the wisdom that you have as an Old Soul today, from the experiences you have had [in past lives]. For instance, let’s say you severely burn your hand on a stove when you are a child. For your entire life, you won’t touch a stove. When you reincarnate, instead of the Akash bringing you the drama of a burn, with all the pain, confusion and frustration, it remembers, “Don’t touch a hot stove.” In other words, it remembers concepts of wisdom from the past, instead of the elements of drama that were involved in the lessons . Some of you will have this by the time you are eight. For some, it will take a little longer. That’s just one thing that’s in store for the Old Soul the next time around. It’s a potential for a real change in the way the Human body thinks and works.
“Kryon, is this new?” Not really. It’s new to you in this age, but this is the way your DNA was designed and supposed to work, had you allowed it. Do you understand that, by passing the marker of 2012 into this new recalibrating energy, you have given permission to start a climb of efficiency in your DNA? It’s important that you understand the changing potential of this planet at this time!
Be aware that this may take generations, dear ones, for your DNA to slowly change in this way. I’m giving you information that is going to happen on a timeline that you’ll create through free choice and allowance. How hard is the old energy going to push back? As hard as you allow it to, within your changing energy. Yes, it will often slow you down, and we told you that. But spiritual evolution cannot be stopped and you’re going to start to see it slowly happening. I’m not done. That’s number one. Number two is the hardest one.
Future Potential Reasoning
Now, my partner, I just want you to go slow. [Kryon admonishing Lee to slow down.] I’m about to give you a concept that you’ve never experienced or thought about before, and it’s the way synapses works in your brain. I’m even going to try to give you a name for it. Future Potential Reasoning .
The way Human Beings think, at the moment, is linear. Now, the brain is a beautiful computer and it’s the fastest one on the planet. You’re not aware of what it goes through to do what it does, but let me just briefly tell you about it: The Human brain is based upon experiences. It’s a storehouse of everything you’ve ever done, to enable you to survive. It’s simple, in some ways, and complex, in others. When a Human approaches a flight of stairs, the brain sorts through everything it has ever seen in order to recognize the stairs. When it recalls “stairs,” it knows how to climb them, based on past experience, and all is well. If it had never seen stairs, your reaction would be entirely different.
You can imagine, as a baby develops and grows up, how many experiences the brain would have to have in order to remember and navigate normal things. All of this is linear. No matter what you do you in life, you are presented with all of the images and memories of your past, and the brain sorts through them at lightning speed to give you options. Then it calculates for you what to do next. You come into a room like this, and you see other people, chairs and other furniture you recognize. It’s not a mystery. Your brain puts it in a perspective you have experienced before, so you can sit down, and you know how to do it. It’s automatic.
Do you have any idea the amount of computation power it takes to do that? Imagine sorting through your entire life experience, so you can sit in a chair! That’s what the brain does for you, and it’s good at it. It’s survival; it’s protection. It helps you when you meet people, to say the right things that create friends and not enemies. Your brain sorts through reactions that you’ve had in the past, to conversations you have had, and the correct words you spoke that made a difference in the past. This is the linear brain at its best, and it suits you very well.
Now I’m going to present something new. Let’s talk about chess. The chess master sits at the board. Now, this is a metaphor. The board represents the puzzles and realities of life which we’re going to call 3D [even though it’s 4D]. You live and you walk in 4D and the puzzles are based upon height, depth, width and time. All of these things are your reality, and this is how you think and work and play. You fit all of this into “the chess board of life,” and your brain helps you to calculate what to do next, and you do it. It is all based on momentary survival. But now enters the chess master. A chess master evaluates the potential reaction of many moves [actions], and works a huge puzzle of “what if ’s.” There may be five or six moves to intuit and project, depending upon the puzzle, before action is taken. How many people are involved in the puzzle, and what are the potential results?
Next, let’s change the game: Instead of winning a chess game by capturing the other’s players, the chess master will, instead, look at the highest potential of solution of benevolence of the situation. That will be the move that is selected. In other words, the winning move is now the move that will create solution of situation, instead of capturing a player’s assets.
So, the first idea is, to measure or intuit immediate potential reaction to each of many moves. Now he looks at what might happen after he moves this way or that, and then does it again. He measures the potential future of what might happen, based upon his projections and experience and intuition. He’s calling upon an innate ability that not many have. He has a mind that computes future potentials.
Now he’s on his third move projection after the first potential moves. What will happen if this took place, or that took place, or he moved here or there? It requires a myriad of possibilities and potential reactions. But, instead of rules of the game, he must use intuition of what the players around him would do. Based on that, what is the highest potential of a solution around the move? What will others do?
Do you see where this is going? You’re not a chess master unless you’ve got [at least] five moves ahead. The chess master of today has a certain amount of time to compute all this, and as he sits there, you can watch his brain working, as he looks around the board and examines his next moves [potential results]. However, in this new scenario, the new chess master (you) must look at every potential that might occur and what might happen – happen very quickly – and automatically make good, compassionate decisions, using a higher performing DNA. Can you imagine the brain power it will take for this?
Let’s make this practical: Many of you have children, so let’s use a common situation as a metaphor: Two young siblings, approximately a year to a year-and-a-half apart, are eating together. The dynamics are often the same anywhere on Earth, and the gender doesn’t really matter at a certain age. They are natural adversaries. They are sitting at the table, and one does something the other really doesn’t like. One hoards food, and won’t give the cookie to the other. Parents, you have seen this many times. So the other, who is now irritated, yells, complains, and will grab at or take away the hoarded cookie. The first one will grab it back. Then the first one will swat the other and the other will swat him back. Soon, there’s a contest going on, and discomfort, injury, crying, drama – and the mother must step in [and intervene]. I think you’re familiar with the scenario and it’s endless. It goes on all the time until maturity comes in through age or experience.
Now, I want to run the process again, and I want you to pretend that these children have evolved in a way that I have just described is possible. Think how this might be: The one child does something that the other child does not like. This is the same scenario, but right away, instead of grabbing the cookie, the hungry child has intuitive Future Potential Reasoning. With lightening speed, he runs the scenario of what happens if he grabs the cookie. He may not have the experience or the maturity, but he’ll have potential reasoning and he will see that it will end badly, and he won’ t get the cookie. Not only that, he might have to go to his room because of an angry mother. He might even lose all cookie privileges! He got all the moves in a flash of understanding – so he does nothing – or he may simply leave the table. The cookie? He still wants it, and may find a way of getting it, but not by grabbing it from his sibling. The cookie will be eaten another time, perhaps by method of “reward” when there is no drama or competition [Kryon smile]. Smart kid! He also has the concept that there is more than one cookie, somewhere.
Why do I give you this? Why am I concentrating on this? Because, Human Being, this is a shift of basic Human nature! If you get to that point, do you understand why you’re not going to war anymore? You won’t, because you will know the future projection of death, destruction, sorrow and a bad outcome. So bad, you may even repeat it, to try to get back at the one who started it. A Human race, whose propensity and wisdom to walk away from the [action that] sparks conflict, will be a new Human race! I’m telling you that this is not that far away. Have you seen the hold-outs that you have right now in the world in the various countries that still want to make trouble? They represent a very old energy of the past. The planet looks at them and thinks, “Why don’t you join the Earth? That’s not what we do anymore.” It’s already occurring. That’s a hard one.
What about relationships? You won’t have to guess as much, anymore! It will be instinctive and intuitive. Future Potential Reasoning will be lightning fast, and you won’t even know you have it, except that you will think differently. When you meet someone for the first time, there’s a protocol that Humans have. There’s a small wall between the two of you that you have to work on, and test and try. All this, to see if another person could possibly [become] your partner. What if, instead, you were able to look inside and see the God in them first? What if you could recognize past relationships! That’s intuitive Akashic Remembrance at its best! It’s coming. The very way you greet each other, what you can see within each another, and the ability to love one another, will almost be an open book to both of you. It’s all going to eventually change, but I can’t tell you when. I can’t even tell you if you are going to be here in your current corporeal body. That’s up to you, or how fast you change things. But I can tell you, that this is what’s happening.
Subconscious Awareness
Here is a final concept: Control Over Subconscious . Right now, you don’t have it. What some have called the not-self, and others have called the subconscious, is what we speak about. It’s the part of you which is not you totally, but which lies under your thought. It’s important, since it’s often an irritant in your personality, because it gives you fear and mistrust, and affects how you live. It’s often the “what if ” part of your brain. “What if ” you don’t present a good face? “What if ” you catch a disease? What if, what if, what if – so you stay at home and you do nothing. With help, you eventually realize that it isn’t even you talking. The subconscious represents a very active duality. In the future, the conceptual Human is going to see all this for what it is, and put it into the back seat, where it belongs. That’s a metaphor.
As you grow up and move forward in life, you won’t have disturbing fears. For some of you, the agonizing doubts that you’ve tried to conquer all your life will be seen for what they are, and will be dropped. I know who’s here and who is reading! Wouldn’t it be nice to just identify it all and put it away? This will represent profound self-balance. These things I’ve just given you are starting to occur in humanity, and you’re going to see some [people] with it, like many of the other changes I have spoken of.
Over a decade ago, my partner started talking about the new consciousness of children on the planet [Indigo Children]. At that time, there were already a lot of them. Now, most of them are that way. This is the way Human consciousness will evolve – generationally. Already on the planet, you’re going to see these things, but within ten to fifteen years, the potential is, that it’s going to be a lot more obvious than it is now. What it means, dear Human Beings, is that Human Nature is, indeed, changing. You’ll call it many things. Psychologists will call it increased maturity. Indeed, that is the way it will look.
Scientists will also take a look at how you fight disease. The Human Being is developing immunity that is new, and part of a better performing DNA, but the scientists will never go to where I went today. A DNA that is starting to see the instructions clearer will work better. Oh, there’s more, but not today.
The Old Soul
If things only changed in the ways I told you today, it would be enough to create a life that would be amazingly different than anything you’re used to now. But there is much more. The final thing I will say to you is that you don’t have to have another body in another life, to make this happen. If you believe in spontaneous remission, you know that anything we’re talking about right now is available to you in real time, Old Soul.
We don’t want you to have to leave this life and come back, in order to facilitate these things. We want you to create them now. See these things as possible in your bodies, dear ones, and claim them! There are those in this room who have healed themselves from disease, so why do you stop there? Take a look at what the potentials are. It will change your countenance, your fears, how people see you, how you react (or don’t) and help you become a model of the future Human. That’s what Old Souls are here for. That’s my message of the day.
There is such an honoring of your process! Do you know how I can tell you these things? I’ve seen it before! You’re not the first planet to have graduated into this situation. Did you know that life in the galaxy is based on DNA? You’re going to see this, and laugh at your presumptions. It’s everywhere, and you’re going to see that as well. As soon as you find any other life that’s microbial anywhere on any moon or planet in the future, and analyze it – you’re going to find the double helix. Get ready for it. We’ve seen this before, so we know the potentials before you.
And so it is.