Chapter Nine




Kryon Live Channellings

13 channels given during Kryon Israel Tour


September 30 - October 6 , 2015


Each of these channellings was centered around an alphabetic letter in English. Kryon has done this on several other occasions. The thirteen given letters in this channelling spell: LEARSI NI ECAEP. Only part way into the tour did an Israeli attendee figure out what this meant. It is actually PEACE IN ISRAEL spelled backwards. The backwards spelling is in honor of the languages of the region (Hebrew and Arabic), which are written from right to left.

Highlights of this entire Israel tour can be seen in a profoundly moving 30-minute video at [ ].



Given at El-Burak Steps, The Temple Mount, Old City Jerusalem

– Wednesday morning, September 30, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I know where I am, and I know where you are. There will be many, many listeners who are not really aware of where you all sit today. The series of channels for these days, like so many adventures that we go on together, will each have a letter to guide them. At the end of the series the letters will all spell something profound. The letter today is “L.”

Dear ones, you sit in an historic place [referring to “The Temple Mount” – seated at El-Burak Steps]. We don’t have to tell you anything about it, for it is well known. All the Masters of this land walked in this area. This letter “L” today is going to be about you. It’s going to be about “LIVING TRUTH.” It‘s not about Israel; not about the Masters; not about the stones that you sit on, or about the masses that gather behind you [referring to the thousands of pilgrims celebrating their big yearly Jewish holiday called Sukkot or “The Feast of the Tabernacles”]. It’s about you.

Not all of you are here to hear these words from Kryon. I know who is here. Many are here to simply enjoy the history and ponder the energy. But there are so many listening, who join in this moment [speaking of the vast online listenership for the audios]. I want to ask you if you are living the truth that you believe. What really brings you to this place? This is about you, dear ones. Before any other messages about Israel are given, or what might have happened here, you must suspend all things and consider your own process. Do you believe there is God inside?

I want you to think for a moment of what has occurred within the consciousness of the Masters who walked this area. They had God inside. Some of them had direct communications, and they told you so. “We believe in one benevolent creator.” This is what was taught, and this never changed. God is the same then, as today, and forever. God is inside you. Can you take that information and build something with it? Can you then project this God energy from you to the world? When you look around you, do you see things in your filter, your culture, or do you see God inside of all that you witness? When you see these lands and gaze upon the past, what occurs to you? Were you here? Or if not, were you at least alive somewhere else? And if not, do you relate to the Creative Source that is here? In our next channel, we will remind you of what this really represents, but for now, “L” is for “Living Your Truth.”

Even as you arise in a moment from where you sit, and you look upon those who are worshiping in their cultural way, you will see the many kinds of doctrines, beliefs, rules, and protocol. You will see the beauty of their clothing, and the honor they see in how they present themselves before their God. They’re serious, dear ones, and they’re living their truth. What about you? You are here to plant the seeds of the consciousness of a New Earth. The City on the Hill is where you are! This is, and always has been, the symbol of a New Jerusalem. It’s a place that will represent peace, not a harsh situation. What is your truth today? Do you believe it? Can you believe it? Can it be true with what you see here?

Before you can do anything else here, and before you hear any other channelling on this tour, that’s the message of today. Can you see what is here and understand what we are saying? What is your truth today? Where are you with that, dear Human Being?

And so it is we start the journey, and so it is that the next channel will feature another letter. But let this letter now be first and foremost – Live Your Truth these days, and therefore see what is here with more mature eyes.

And so it is.


The Letter E (ENERGY of the Region)

Given in the Garden of the Tower of David, Old City Jerusalem

– Wednesday afternoon, September 30, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Again, I will state that there is no question of where I am or what has happened this day. There is also no question about what is being experienced by many, even now. To say it is beautiful is a vast understatement. Today you have seen what many never will see [speaking of the tens of thousands worshiping at the Western Wall for the festival of Sukkot]. There is something special, is there not, in watching Human Beings speak in their way to the Creative Source? It’s profound to have such dedication, which is life-long, about that which they believe about the One God. Their God is a historic God, who is beautiful to them and to you.

We continue with the series of letters, and the theme will be an “E.” It’s going to stand for the “ENERGY of the Region.” Now, I want to be careful here, so that you understand where I am going in this discussion. What I am going to speak of briefly is different from what you might think. I didn’t say the energy of Israel, for the borders here have changed over time, and that is what you have learned earlier today. You have now heard the stories of who conquered whom, when, and what happened. You have seen the history of the many temples, and have seen what is left. That’s all about Human history.

I want to talk about the region and what occurred here. I want to talk about the Israelites, the historic Jews, and what really happened here. I want to talk about Abraham and what happened in the region. If you will look at some of the sayings that you may have heard, both in scripture and also from the wisest of people who are outside of scripture, they have used the word “chosen” when they speak of the Jews. I’m going to tell you what this means, and it might be different than you have been told.

Are the Jews “The Chosen People?” Indeed they are, but chosen for what? It’s not what you have been told; for the Jews were chosen to give the Earth something it didn’t have. They did, and it happened right here in this region. The Jews brought together the philosophies of this planet and they found the One God, and they were chosen for this task. Right now on this planet, you have what you would call a monotheistic Earth. This is entirely due to what happened in the region. I want you to think of this for a moment, and the changes that occurred because of this.

So the Jews gave Earth the divine principle of the One God and it spread around the globe. For this message, they have paid dearly in so many ways, and many in the region have paid along with them. Let me ask you, where are you from? What did your parents believe in? What did you believe? Are there many Gods, or one? All over the lands that you came from geographically [speaking to the 300 attendees], there is, indeed, the belief in one God. It happened because of what took place in this region.

So “The Chosen Ones” were chosen to give the planet a unity that the planet continues to believe and enjoy to this day. That unity is the oneness of Spirit. I speak to you from the Creative Source, to a monotheistic Earth because of the events in this very place. The lineage of Abraham is what we celebrate, which became the lineage, really, of the planet, spiritually, and that’s what I want to tell you about – perhaps a little differently than you think.

With this message, came the creation of strife for all those in the area, and it has lasted for years and years – even to this day. There are religious wars over how the One God should be worshiped, and who the One God would look upon with favor. These arguments became the issue. But the Jews were chosen to give the Earth a unification principle, even though it stirred the pot of Human Spirituality.

This oneness that was given then, now has an opportunity to expand and mature. This, again, falls upon the Chosen, and you’re going to hear me talk about this more when the time is right. Those who listen to (and read) this now may understand what this means at this time in history. The new energy past 2012 was prophesied to create a new kind of unity between Humans. It will take time to grow up within this energy, and to mature within this new energy, and to have the belief systems morph within it.

But the Chosen, the lineage of Abraham, will then be tasked with creating the “rest of the story.” They will be the ones to create a unity within their land, with their enemies within and outside of their borders. Again, they will give this planet something it needs. Who better to do this, than the ones who gave us the One God? They are the ones who must do it. They’re postured for it, and they’re ready for it. They must unite those around them for a real Peace on Earth. How can this possibly be done? How can anyone change things as you see them here? How can you deal with the walls that are here, the differences, the frustrations, the history?

There will come a time, dear ones, when this land, which has been the same for thousands of years, will actually move off of sameness and you will see breakthroughs in consciousness. They will be small, but you will see the beginning of compassion, one with another, and although it will be small, it will grow. The idea of borders being open because of trust, which has never happened, will happen. When? What will be the catalyst for this? How can it change? Those answers will come partially because you’re here, dear ones. This week you are planting the seeds of a new consciousness. Indeed you’re learning about the Chosen – not what they did, but what they are chosen to do.

This is the new task of the Israelis and the Israelites – new and old, and this is what we have now said for twenty-six years. We sit here now, and we make the statement once again in this new energy: “As go the Jews, goes Earth.” Listen to that. What are you going to do with it? I want you to take that message home and to every single one who you meet in this land, I want you to take these people home in your heart, and honor them for the task they must do. I want you to remember the faces. I want you to remember the regalia and the ceremony. It may not be what you thought it would look like here, or what you would choose for your own spiritual path, but I want you to remember the compassion that they have for their God. Dear ones, it’s going to start shifting into the compassion they have for humanity, and their God.

God is within you. This is Letter E.

And so it is.




Given in Masada – Thursday morning, October 1, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am KRYON of Magnetic Service. I know where I am, and for those listening, we are in Masada in Israel. If you don’t know what happened here in history, you should find out. For Masada is profound history for the Jews in this land. It is more than profound, for it sets the attitude of the civilization living here. I’m going to reveal some things here. Some items may be controversial, and some may not agree with what historians have told you.

We’re going to examine the letter “A” today, and it will stand for “ASSIMILATION.” Before I do this, I have a history of revealing specific and profound Human history and will do it yet again today. All you can do is read about it here, since none of you were there. Spirit was! We saw humanity within a lower energy of survival, and we watched the Jews right here. I have revealed history in the past that has been controversial. I did it in Bolivia not too long ago within a historical site thousands of years old. Those digging could not figure out why they found artifacts that did not belong. They made assumptions that were completely and totally wrong, and in my channelled message, I reminded them that no matter what the society, no matter how old, they had museums of their own. The archaeologists had cracked into the historical site’s museum! There they found things from other places. This is typical of any museum anywhere. Even the ancients honored their ancestors and their past. Let those who study archaeology be aware that not everything is as it seems simply because it’s in one strata or layer in the dirt. Not everything is as it seems here, either.



Oh, the stories are accurate and the basics are well known about this historic place. There are heroes here, much courage, and assimilation. Let me tell you what happened – a story within the story. The overlay of what you should know about this grand story will give enhancement to the known story. It gives it pure glory, and a splendor that you might not appreciate: These were Jews, and on this mountaintop they all knew something: They had assimilated the truth of the lineage of Abraham. They knew about the One God, and they knew of their own history. They knew of the One God that could be spoken to, and the One God who they could receive commandments from. They knew the reality of what happens after life – they knew it. The Romans had nothing. This was before a monotheistic planet. The Romans had their God and it was a dysfunctional Human! The Romans didn’t know what the Israelites knew.

I want you to think for a moment of how this would affect you if you had to have made the choices that were made on this mountaintop. I want you to know something: The ten who were left, after they had killed their own families, were not in sorrow. Oh, they were pensive for what had happened, but they absolutely knew what was next for them and their slain loved ones. They were Jews with the lineage of Abraham. They had assimilated the truth and it rang in every cell of their bodies.

I want to tell you something that is honoring, but that may be controversial. The decision was made here for all to perish, and it was made by warriors, not the women or the children. In the final meetings of men only, the women and the children had no idea what was next and what the plans would be. As always, they had turned to their leaders to find out what the strategy would be. The men who were warriors came out of the final decision meeting and they had already decided on the timing of the death of their families. It would be quick and without anxiety. It would happen all over the mountain top, at the same time, and before sundown. The vast Roman army, that had camped out for months below them, had built a ramp and was about to breach the walls of the city.

Each man killed his wife first, quickly and by surprise. She would not feel it coming. They did it by the blade, so that the woman would have no idea that the children were next. Do you understand this? There was honor in their system. Only for a second or two would there be pain, and then they would be with the One God. The men knew it. They had assimilated a basic truth of life and death, and the glory of God. It wasn’t a painful sacrifice for them, for all ten knew that, before long, they would also be with their families. This was their assimilation of the truth of the One God and the afterlife.

Think of it. Although it may have been painful for their hearts at the moment, there was joy in what they had decided. There would be no slavery or suffering from the Roman soldiers who were about to breach the community. There would be no violation of their precious wives, and the women would not be subject to knowing about the children … ever. The children were next: quickly, as warriors, they knew how to do it very fast, and yes, there was the pain of the heart, but you didn’t hear wailing from the houses, as the movies perhaps would show you. It was done with honor and silence. There was serenity, knowing about the love of God and the lineage of Abraham – and the Romans didn’t have a clue. The men came together and began to deal, one by one, with each other in the same way ... until the end.

When the Romans arrived, the smell of victory was robbed from them. They had no idea this could happen. It was a shock to see how many had decided to be with the One God, instead of being taken by the soldiers. What you also didn’t know was that many of the Roman soldiers wept when nobody was looking. For they somehow knew that they had not gained anything, and had somehow missed something profound within their own lives.

That’s what happened here, and you can take that information and you can cry. You can have sorrow about the three-dimensional aspect of it all, but I want you to relax in the arms of Spirit right now and see the beauty of the plan. I want you to see the honor in which it was carried out, and the love of God which they all experienced within this quick death. I want you to see this place differently than perhaps you were told.

That’s enough for now. Assimilation. Can you assimilate your belief to the same degree they did? Oh, ones of a monotheistic planet, again I say, it started here!

And so it is.



The Letter R (REMEMBER)

Given in Mitzpe Gilgal – Thursday afternoon, October 1, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We’ve waited a long time to give you this channel, and for over two decades we have spoken of it in pieces and in parts. Now we sit in a place where we can honor it in a different way.

The letter for this channel is “R” and it stands for “REMEMBER.” Now, if you were not here when the prophet Elijah ascended, how would you remember it? The answer is that all of you have profound Human history at some level within your Akash. Now, we have not said this before in this way. The Human Akash is extremely complex, and it is related and inter-related with other Humans, other souls, and time itself. You might say there are layers of Akashic remembrance. There is Individual soul remembrance, and planetary remembrance – an attribute that would be related to the energy of Gaia.

Some of you have actually started to awaken to the potential that you might have been here in this area in the past. Not all of you, but it always happens when we bring many people to an area or a place that has this energy. There would be a resounding remembrance to a past energy, and many might feel it. I want you all to remember something that happened very close to here, and we’re going to speak yet again of Elijah. For two decades, I have spoken of Elijah, and it’s not because of his Jewish lineage. Rather, it’s because of the lesson that he showed to the planet about the One God.

Picture for a moment what happened here. Of all the times that I have spoken of this story, it is more real today than ever before. For, now you sit upon the land, very close to where the ascension occurred. Think for a moment of a very wise Master. Elijah did many great things and he, indeed, was wise, and God knew him. The man who was his understudy, and who was going to some day take his mantle, was called Elisha. We use the word mantle to represent all that was Elijah – his knowledge, and his wisdom. Think of it almost like a cloak, or a coat that one would take off and put on another Human when he passes. You will find this full story in the Old Testament, written down for the event that happened not too far from here. You might say that the Holy Scriptures are really often a history of a people. The story is in that scripture which you would call Second Kings, and it’s a familiar story from Kryon.

Elijah knew that his time was up, but he also knew at his level of vibration [as a Master], that he would not pass through death. You might wonder to yourself, “Are these things accurate and true? For, no Human is recorded to have done this again since Elijah.” The true answer is that it, indeed, has been done, but not recorded. We often get into these kinds of teachings about those early times, and we explain that, in those early days, there were Masters on this planet who vibrated much, much higher than you do now. This actually was the reason for seeing them as Masters at all. Some of them lived very long lives due to this. It led all the way to that which you would call the Master Christ [who was also of the lineage of Abraham].

High vibrating Masters needed to be in these lands. They had to exist in this way, for they were examples of a loving God, one who communicates, and one who is real and cares about each soul. This was so different from what humanity actually thought at the time. Many Gods were often the way Humans saw creation, and as we have told you, the Jews brought the message of Monotheism to the planet.

Elijah was one of those Masters, and vibrated at a very high level. He knew he could control the time he left the Earth, and he knew when it was time to go. How it exactly took place is Elijah’s business, but he knew it and he knew it enough in advance that he told Elisha to get ready to watch it and write down what he saw. I have told the story many times, and it’s an accurate and true one. However, it also involves Human nature, Human perception, and a truth that we teach that Elijah showed us by having Elisha watch.

It was time, and Elijah told Elisha to get ready to say goodbye and to watch this process and write it down. Elijah told him: “I have chosen my time of departure and I’m going to ascend.” As the story goes, Elijah literally walked out into the dirt and ascended. It’s the very dirt you stand on, the dirt you sit on, the dirt that is here today. Think of it! You are here where it happened!

Elijah stood there for some time, and then something miraculous happened: He started to transform and prepare to ascend. This is where a question is often asked: “At what point did God come down to collect Elijah? Was it now?” The answer is no. So we continue: According to the writings of Elisha, he watched with open eyes as multidimensional things took place before him – multidimensional, because what he saw was not in 3D. This is the way Humans all see or perceive a divine energy. Even the burning bush [the story of Moses] was a manifestation of the perception of Human 3D. It was a bush that was on fire, but that did not consume itself. It was more than a bush. Some say, it had an angelic form or a voice, but it was never in 3D.

The transformation began, and if you want to know what took place, at what point it took place, I don’t even think that Elisha knew the significance of what he saw, but he took it all in and watched it unfold. The first thing he saw was light. It was a light so bright he had never seen anything like it, and it actually hurt his eyes. The light took place around Elijah on the ground where Elijah was standing.

Question (second time): “Is this the time that God came down and got Elijah?” The answer is no. The story goes on, for in the perception of Elisha, he started to see shapes and even things that we can now tell you have numerological meanings. One of the things that he saw was a wheel. He didn’t just see a wheel. He saw a wheel within a wheel. Now, this was his multidimensional perception, for there was no wheel, but it was being shown to Elisha that he might figure it out later.

It’s important to tell you that the historical Jewish prophet Ezekiel also saw a wheel, and for the same reasons. It’s actually a little-known event that Elisha also saw it, and not in all the stories. However, I was there. The meaning: The circle or the shape of the circle is the perfect shape and you will find it all through that which is spiritual history. It is also the shape of the halo. The larger circle that he saw represented the unending love and purity of God. There is no beginning and there is no end to a perfect circle. But Elisha saw two circles. One was within the larger one. The one within, represented the Human Being’s Soul, and it was a never-ending circle with no beginning and no end – just like your own soul.

Slightly smaller than the big circle which encompassed it, the inside circle became one with the larger one. One with the other, the now single unit started to morph into something else, and Elisha said it looked like a chariot with wheels. It was the illusion of a chariot drawn by three white horses. You have to understand the numerology of the three. Three in ancient times represented a catalytic energy. A catalyst is something that is always changing things around it. With three white horses and a chariot, it meant that Elijah was about to ride somewhere. Elisha named the chariot with Elijah in it – Merkaba. Now, that means “to ride” in Hebrew. “The chariot of ascension” was then identified as the Merkaba for all humanity to understand. With Elijah’s ascension, Elisha was identifying the Human Being’s sacred spiritual “print” – the multidimensionality of the sacredness of the Human Being as seen in 3D. He was seeing Elijah’s sacred parts unfold right before his eyes.

For the third time I will ask: Is it time yet for the almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, to finally come down and get him? And the answer is no, for what Elisha saw next was the chariot and all with it, ascending together! He watched his master, Elijah, disappear into the sky. The final lesson therefore, and the most important one, the one that I have been telling you for over twenty years now, is that you are God. God didn’t have to come down and get Elijah, because God was in Elijah! The energy that Elijah had was strong and sacred enough to carry him into the heavens.

It’s you in you, dear ones. The energy of the Creator is inside. It’s not what God does for you, or with you, or to you. You have God inside! Your ascension, that time of passing for every single Human, is the same. You leave on your own and you ascend on your own. This was the greatest lesson of the Master Elijah, given not too far from here. The whole idea of the Merkaba was presented, and it also showed the numerology of the changing Human soul.

The three is a representation of the fact that the soul returns. It’s always changing. It doesn’t go someplace and stay there, any more than your relationship with God does. It is always changing. Your spiritual relationship changes as you change. The God of Abraham is still the same energy today, but the relationship God had with Abraham has changed greatly to the relationship that you have with God today. This is the change! This is the catalyst, and the three represented by the horses that carried the Merkaba.

I’ve waited a long time to sit where all this happened, and to finally reveal some of the metaphors that are so beautiful, which Elijah showed. Elisha wrote it with such clarity that we could give you this information so many years later. Sit and honor this story, for it happened not too far from here. Same God, same dirt, same place. Think on these things; it’s beautiful.

And so it is.



The Letter S (SOUL)

Given on the Sea of Galilee – Friday morning, October 2, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. For those listening (and reading), we are all together, floating on the Sea of Galilee. It is a beautiful place filled with the kind of history that is all over this land. Indeed, it would seem that you cannot take a step very far in this land before you literally find yourself in some kind of historic place.

The Masters walked this place, so many of them, and they all taught the One God. You have heard us talk about this over and over. In this message we have a letter for you, and we have some teaching. Oh yes, it will be very controversial. The letter is “S” and S will stand for the “SOUL.”

We’re going to reveal some things we have not spoken of before. For many years, we have waited to present information in an area where it happened. There is another attribute that is present, as well: None of you right now are grounded [referring to being on the water]. This creates something different for your perception, your consciousness of spirituality, and even this teaching. Things happen on the water. Look at that which you call scripture: How many things happened on the water? Many. And this is not just a metaphor for when you float, for you are not connected to[touching] the land. So because of those differences, we’re going to teach now about the soul.

The soul is probably one of the most complex subjects we could ever discuss. First, it is not linear. Now, what we mean by that is this: A linear mind, as a Human has, tends to have a thought process that works in a straight line. Logic is this way, survival is this way, and business is this way. You live your lives day-by-day, by using consciousness, which is for the most part, linear. When you become even slightly multidimensional, that’s when you start having the kinds of non-linear visions using metaphors that you’re studying in this very land. The soul is a multidimensional part of the Human Being. It carries the piece of God that is, literally, the essence of God. In the soul, there are also the attributes of the Akashic record of every Human Being. When you pass away corporeally, the soul leaves the physical body. You go from being partly multidimensional, partly 3D, to fully multidimensional. You saw that in our message regarding Elijah. Now, here is where many belief systems vary. Some systems have the soul as a part that never returns to the planet. Some have the soul going into judgment, and the judgment would then send the soul one place, then another, and even perhaps another, like a stair-step of punishment or reward. But what was the original Human intuition about God within organized spiritual systems on the planet? Before there were ever doctrines and rules and structure, what was the original intuitive thought? We are looking at “pristine Human first intuition” about the Creator.

Let us go back more than 9,000 years. What was the initial thinking? At the time when there were many God potentials, a time, literally, before the Jews put it together and gave the Earth a monotheistic, beautiful Creator – what was the original thought about the soul? The Hindus and the Buddhists will disagree about who was actually first. But what both groups believed was this: The soul is forever, and it comes and goes from this planet in a circle. They felt there was a reason for this – a system – and they may even have called it “lessons.”They taught that,the more Human Beings visited the Earth through reincarnating the soul, the more they learned. When they come back again, they have something called past life energy or karma and continue a path that often lasts eons and eons. Dear ones, everything you are hearing is simply returning to that original belief! This is the way of it. What has happened since then is mostly what men have done with it, not a change in God’s plan.

Most of you feel that you have lived before. Some of you are even relating to the dirt of the Earth when you walk in this land. You’re not on it right now, so you can relate to it differently: You reflect. Water is a reflective energy, so it’s time to reflect on who you’ve been. Now, here is the reason for this entire lesson: There are several things we wish to tell you about the soul which we have told you before, and one thing we have never told you.

The soul carries your Akash [record of lifetimes]. When you come back to the planet, the Akash comes with you [is picked up when you arrive again]. No matter what culture, no matter who you are, no matter what gender, the Akash past-life record is part of you. We have stated before, that this is complex, for it’s not always just your chemical lineage. For instance, you can have one chemical lineage with your parents, yet another Akashic lineage from another land. We’re not going to dwell on that, for it’s a conundrum for a logical mind. Instead, we’re going to dwell on something else: Your soul inside you is always connected to God. We spoke yesterday of Elijah. What you saw in studying his ascension was an exposure to the grandness of his soul. Elisha reported some shapes and we told you that. We also told you that the prophet Ezekiel saw these same shapes again later. The shapes are common and they mean the same thing: They are the circle and represent the purity of the soul, and the circle of return.

Twenty-six years ago we made a statement. The statement is controversial. It was not understood then, and it is not understood now. Here it is: The soul of the pure Jew does not reincarnate as anything but a Jew. Now, there are many who will say, Well, that’s just what Kryon says. It couldn’t be true.” Let me reveal something: The soul of the Jew does not reincarnate as anything but a Jew! It is the only culture, the only lineage, which has this attribute – and here is how it works.

If you have the pure lineage, that is to say, a Jewish Akash in every cell, not part, you have reincarnated again and again and again as a Jew. There isn’t any other group, whether it’s cultural or race or belief, that has this purely Akashic attribute. When we first said this truth, many walked away from Kryon. There is a huge bias, as well, and many said, “This cannot be so, for there is no reason.” Oh yes, there is!

I want you to use your spiritual logic with me for a moment. Drop your bias and linear thinking. Use the same logic of the Hindu. If you come into any kind of school and you learn and you learn and you learn, you start to go up the ladder of knowledge, and retention of maturity and experience. The longer you attend a single school, and the one course study, the more proficient you are at what you’re learning. The Jews had to have this lineage to bring the world a monotheistic God! This is the attribute that allowed them to stay in the same attributes of the Akash.

When they were born back on Earth, literally their consciousness would awaken at some level and say, “Here I am again.” It’s the same language, the same culture, the same laws, the same rules, over and over and over. They became very good at what they did. Is there any question why there are billions and billions of people on this planet who have a belief system which came right from here? [Jewish – Christian – Muslim]. A special kind of Human was needed in a special group to put it together and give this information to the planet the way they did. It also isolated them, and has made them different in perception to many cultures. Listen, they have paid the price for being different, but they are good at what they do. Is it inappropriate for you to look around the planet and see the “elephant under the table”? Jews run the largest organizations in business. They know what they are doing. They’ve been there, they’ve done that, and they reincarnate yet again and learn more. If you really want to be inappropriate, they are the ones who put the “Jew” in jewelry! They control this, too! You can shut your eyes and ignore all this, within your bias. You can resent the fact that they are so good at this, but you can’t ignore the truth: They know what they’re doing on Earth, like no other group. Perhaps now, you also realize why the fundamentalist Jews must marry into pure Jewish lineages? This truth is in their very DNA!

Now you also understand more about why this is the only lineage on the planet that has had the specter of genocide, or slavery en masse. From the ancient Egyptians to the modern wars … if you could stop the Jewish lineage, you would stop the major plan of the One God – eventual peace on Earth. The bias remains, and old, dark energy on this planet right now would still love to stop it all.

Now, here is what I’ve never said before, regarding the soul of the Jew: It’s going to take a special kind of an Akashic Human Being to create peace on Earth. The shift of energy that was expected is here. It affects all humanity. It affects consciousness. The precession of the equinoxes was not just a date. The Mayan calendar was correct: A new energy is upon you. The Nodes and Nulls are delivering new information to the planet right now. Consciousness is starting to change, and you’ll see it first in the young people; and dear ones, the young Jews are different. They have a pure Akash, and thousands and thousands of lifetimes of being in the same culture has given them something new in this energy.

The same Akashic maturity of the Jews that brought together the planet and taught humanity about One God, is the same attribute and talent that must organize humanity for peace.

This is their task! It would seem unbelievable, as you look around, that such a thing could come from here. There is such diversity, such frustration, and so many belief systems. This is why they need that which they have – the ability to multi-task, to organize, to pull together. It’s going to come from here!

This is the prophecy I will give you today: There is no other group who can do this. This is the one. It started here, and it’s going to continue with solution here. You will see! People will ask, “Kryon, is it going to happen in my lifetime?” Of course, you will be here, but perhaps not in this corporeal lifetime – but you will be here! However, it’s happening even now. Watch social media. The enemies that surround Israel are starting to change, and what is starting to change is not in their seniors, but it’s within their children. The young people are going to create a brand new kind of association between countries. I used a different word, because the paradigms of peace are going to start shifting with new ideas of what can happen. How can you put together so many things that are so unequal in so many ways? You sit and say, “Impossible! It cannot be done. We have tried for years!” How many times in history have you seen impossible things change due to a change in thinking? The Akash will lead the way. It’s time. The young people will be doing it, led by the Jews, who will know intuitively how to bring together things that can’t be brought together.

That is today’s message, as you float upon the Sea of Galilee.

And so it is.



The Letter I (I AM THAT I AM)

Given on the Mount of Beatitudes

– Friday afternoon, October 2, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We sit on the Mount of Beatitudes. You might hear the wind blowing in the background. It’s a beautiful end of a powerful day, and the trees sing in joy to be in this place. Much has already been said, even before I begin, about the blessednesses of the Human Being [The Beatitudes in Scripture], and the many things and concepts presented in this place are modern ones. These concepts live in this day, in their truth.

This channel today is not going to be lengthy. It’s not a channel of great information, and it’s not even all that new. Instead, we just want you to feel it. Energy is being delivered to all of you, right now. The kind of energy depends upon what the attitude is of the receiver. Does this place mean anything to you? When you leave this place, will you be different in any way? Is it simply the end of another tour day, or is there more? What happened here, or metaphorically here, is what we speak of. But that’s not what this channel is about.

We’re going to briefly examine another letter. The letter is “I.” It is the last letter in a word, and the word is now complete. In the thirteen channels in this tour, there will be three words, and the “I” which we wish to examine now is part of a statement. Here is the statement: “I AM THAT I AM.” When my partner first heard this as a child, he closed his eyes and asked his mother, Is that English? It is nonsense in English, for the word AM is normally followed by something else – a condition: I am tired. I am happy. I am joyful. I am hot. But, I AM THAT I AM, makes no sense.

As my partner grew up and became an adult, he heard the phrase over and over in spiritual circles, but it didn’t get any better. Now as an adult, his son asked him, “Dad what does that mean ?” Of course, he mustered all the wisdom that he had and delivered the answer: “God works in mysterious words.” [Laughter] Dear ones, naturally, it meant more in the language that it was delivered. There are words and concepts in other languages that do not exist in my partner’s speech, or even in yours. So in these few brief moments, I want to reveal what it means.

First, you have to call upon the two words “I AM.” These two words together mean something, so you have to group them and understand that a Human represents the first time they are said, and the second time is a condition, or the meaning is God. Some of you have actually heard the expression, “The great I AM.” It is a phrase that means the greatness of God. [It is the personal name of God of the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13-14).] It is the grandness of Spirit, and this concept, when it was first presented, was new. Follow the logic and listen.

If the name of God is, “I AM,” then it means that God has a personality, a face, to you, not just a grand detached deity – some power in the sky that has created the planet and the Humans, and that doesn’t care. The concept of the I AM would then be a Creator who has sentience, a Creator who has personality, a Creator who can say, “I AM.” So then, what comes with it? Love. It is understated; it is invisible; it is understood that the I AM, the great I AM, is the God of love.

Now, if a Human Being said, I AM THAT I AM, the Human Being would seem to be inappropriate, for the Human would be saying, I AM GOD. But you can actually say this in all appropriateness, and mean it in a non-egotistic way. Back to the beginning part of this message: The Human saying: “I am…” then defines what the Human is, spiritually, as the “I AM.” So it’s really the Human saying. “I am a Human, and I am part of God.”

As you look around you, there is the observation of God’s handiwork everywhere – in the trees, the wind, and you. You are made of the elements of the Earth, which was made by God. You are your own creation, according to almost every Master who walked this planet, who told you: “There is a piece of the divine inside you.” The very idea of basic duality is a combination of that which is Human, versus that which is God. Every Human has duality. If you have duality, there must be two sides, and one of them is God, in you.

That’s the explanation. So when you hear I AM THAT I AM, the statement is easy to understand and very clear. “I am part of the Creative Source, a piece of God.” So I ask you again, “Who are you?” Do you have this claim? Can you really sit there and say this phrase? I know who’s here. I know what you have brought to this place. Let’s get personal for a moment. If you are a piece of the Creative Source, then there is no barrier between us. I know what you’ve been through, and I know why some of you are sitting here. I know these things, because I have been with you, because I’m also a part of God. Your consciousness is part of the consciousness that is connected to Spirit. I have been there during your joys and your tears. We are all the I AM.

Now I ask you, who are you, really? As you sit there, who are you? Can you say and mean it, with pride and belief ? I AM THAT I AM! And if you can, say it now.


And so it is.




Given at Mitzpe Shalom (Peace Lookout, Golan Heights)

– Saturday morning (Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath), October 3, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I know where I am and in a moment we’ll tell everyone where we are. The letter that we are going to discuss today is the letter “N.” It’s going to stand for “NEW EARTH, NEW HUMAN.”

Let me explain something to those who are not here. Again, some of the things that I may say will not seem to be appropriate in some ways, for you don’t hear some of these things often from spiritual channellings. I feature a practical approach to spirituality, since love is that way.

Human Beings cannot live in the past, spiritually. If God is really God, then God is alive as the Creator, as the I AM, not the I WAS! The I AM means a present God, not a past one. It represents a God with current, beautiful, loving information. It is not a God that is in a book from thousands of years ago. Dear one, history is in a book! God is alive in you! We sit on the Golan Heights. This is an important place for Israel, for so many reasons. But if you are one who deals in military strategy, it is so obvious why it’s important now. From where you now sit, high up, overlooking the sea [of Galilee], you could see your enemies coming. This is what I want to speak of.

For years and years and years, groups have been coming to Israel. The biggest industry in Israel is touring. Tens of thousands will come and go from all over the planet. Many want to see and enjoy the history, and then leave. They take their pictures home, along with the memories of a trip. Others will come for spiritual reasons in a group of believers. It will be an emotional experience they will never forget within their own belief system, and they will take it home in their hearts. They will remember that time when they came to either visit the land of Abraham, or the land of Jesus. Others will come, simply because they’re interested in history. And then there are those who would come, like you. You have the attribute and belief that your presence here will have an impact, somehow, on the consciousness of the land and the future. Somehow, esoterically, you are planting the seeds for peace, which has not been here in this new energy.

So, practically, let’s look at this situation. Let’s talk to an Israeli, a wise, practical Israeli, who has been born here, grew up here, and knows about what is here. This Israeli will see the groups come and go, and perhaps work with the tours. He will even see this different group you are in, that claims to be one of consciousness change. But when you leave, this Israeli will roll his eyes and talk among his friends, and he and his friends will say, “Things will never change.”

This is not a judgment of this Israeli. It’s real, it’s practical, and it’s because things really never have changed. Generation after generation after generation, they haven’t changed. Nobody really gets along with anyone else in this land. Even when Moses was walking in the desert, you had the twelve tribes. Did you know they didn’t get along? It even starts earlier than that. Today you have a state [country]. If you haven’t been here, you might not understand, but it’s not really a country; but rather, it’s a state of mind. It’s a survival camp still surrounded by ancient enemies, and with a history that was always troublesome.

Israelis are not all Jewish. There are arguments about who owns the land, and who should be here. Jews and non-Jews are all in one place, calling themselves Israelis, even within the Jewish community. There are so many belief systems, that the citizens here walk around each other, carefully. Some are honoring, and some are not. They still don’t like each other. This is understandable, if you look at the cauldron of frustration that builds and builds and builds. An Israeli is cynical, and rightfully so. Israelis will look at you, at your consciousness, at your beauty inside, and like it. “The channellings are lovely and peaceful,” they will say. Then when you leave, they simply will say, “Nothing ever will change here. Even while the group is here now, there is violence in Jerusalem.”

You have to understand why this attitude is the case. A westerner will look upon the land with a different perception. They will have a scenario of why things work or don’t work, which has nothing to do with the way things really are here. The Golan Heights is where many wars have taken place, even one of them a little more than 40 years ago. So there are many Israelis who will say, “It’s only a matter of time and there will be another and another and another.” It is a way of life, a paradigm for the land, and those who will come and go and visit for whatever reason, are simply tourists.

Now, dear ones, I want to turn the page for a moment. This is important.

For twenty-six years, I have told you about a changing energy, which we will talk about later today. For twenty-six years, we have given you information that this is an important place, and that something will happen here. Most Israelis, even those who would read Kryon, will roll their eyes and they will say, “It’s always going to be the same.”

I would like to enter into a discussion that is metaphoric. We have given you these kinds of examples before, and will again. To the Israelis, I will say this: “The only things you have, in order to have an opinion about your future and your process, is what you have seen in the past. You don’t know what you don’t know.” And perhaps there’s something coming that you have never seen before, ever. So because this is not anything that has presented itself in the past, it is not anything that you would think of. It’s simply not in your brain to examine as a possibility.

Think for a moment: A man has a disease. He has had it since birth. His father had it before him, and that man’s father before him. It comes seemingly with his genealogy, and it’s his life. It’s in his blood, and the disease is always there. He manages the disease carefully. He watches what he eats, where he goes, and what he says. He knows that the disease can flare up at any time. When it does, he is in survival mode and he beats it up and he wins, and he keeps on going. In his fifties, if you interview this man and say, “Did you know there is a cure for your disease?” – he will roll his eyes and say, “I’ve heard it before. Not for the past thousand years was there anything. I live with this, and it is me. I know how to handle it. Go away. Get away from me with all of your loving thoughts and your strange cures.” He doesn’t know what’s coming. He’s stuck in a reality that says, “always was, and always will be.”

Then a new energy appears on the planet. New technology and new thought starts to come on the scene slowly, and the cure appears. The man is then able to look at it and make up his mind. “Is it real or should I stay the same? Am I comfortable with my disease ?” Around him, slowly, he sees others with his disease becoming cured, one at a time. Yet, he will not take the cure, because his mindset is one of history. You know what the metaphor is about.

Not too long ago, in another country, we gave you a practical parable: It was about a planet that had a civilization where the people had no eyes. It was normal for them, and as the story went, they got used to it and did well. When one of them was suddenly born with eyes and sight, he got mixed reactions. Some were amazed and understood something new was happening, and some wanted to kill that person, since they felt he was possessed with strange new powers.

So I’ll ask you this question yet again: if you have a sightless person in front of you, and they’ve been sightless since birth, I challenge you to sit with them and explain COLOR. Think on this for a moment. They don’t know what they don’t know. They don’t even have light! How could they understand the spectrum of color? If somehow they gained sight, then they would see and understand color. Do you understand why you meet with such resistance?

I say again to the Earth, to Israel, and to the Israelis: You don’t know what you don’t know.

Color is coming.

And so it is.




Given in Nimrod Fortress (Mount Hermon)

Saturday afternoon, October 3, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Once again, my partner steps away. If you have not heard this phrase before, it is the description of his kind of channelling: He’s here, but he’s not participating. This is not an out-of-body experience for him, for he’s still here. He knows what is being said, using his consciousness, his culture, and his language. He remembers it all. This is the agreement we have had from the beginning. It is not a take-over. Instead, it is a beautiful meld that he has achieved between that which is his Higher-Self and the Human-self. I come in through that portal called the pineal – through the window of his soul – and I use his Higher-Self as a conduit to channel.

For those who are not here and listening (and reading), we are on Mount Hermon, not too far from the Golan Heights in Israel. Mount Hermon is the highest mountain and it allows a view into Lebanon and Syria. Not too far from here is that which I predicted on this planet: There is a dark army without borders, and not even a common language, within view. It is right on schedule, as predicted for this time on the planet, and it will be defeated. [Explosions from Russian bombs in Syria can be heard in the distance, during the channelling.]

We wish to examine the letter “I”. This will complete the middle of three words on this channelling journey within Israel. The letter “I” is chosen to stand for “INTO THE FUTURE.” This is then an extension or a continuation of the last channel.

We speak about the future of the planet, the future of Israel, and the future of all of you. We talk about things like “wild cards,” which is a metaphor for “planned synchronicity.” We have used the terminology before. Again we say to you, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” In other words, if you have not seen it yet, you cannot easily conceive it. Futurists try to do this, and those who are specialists in deciding what might be happening next, will do their best as well. Some, with second sight, will also try to move into that future place that no one knows about ... and then they will look around and report. Dear ones, they have all been repeatedly wrong! The reason is because they cannot know what they have never seen or conceptualized.

We talk about wild cards happening on the planet. A wild card is extreme synchronicity that changes places, people, and the planet in ways that no one could conceive of. A real wild card would be outside of the perception of those who would tell the future. In other words, it would never be expected or even thought of as reality. There are several kinds of wild cards, and you have experienced many already. Let me give you some examples.

In the history of the planet, the electricity that you use today came from one man. Now listen to this, for it is the crux of the entire channelling: The invention of alternating current, which is the kind of electricity being used currently, did not come from a committee of scientists. It did not come from a university science group who studied electricity. There were no committees, who were smarter than all other humanity, that put this together. Instead, one man came to this planet with an Akashic purpose. He had a soul that was put here just for that, at the right time and the right place. He was even limited by how much he could do, and was frustrated that he couldn’t proceed with what else he had discovered and developed. He died unfulfilled. Nikola Tesla arrived on time, and that was a wild card.

You can tell wild cards because they are not created from multiple consciousness (groups of Humans). They usually stand totally alone. They present themselves normally as singular Humans, in an unexpected event. Sometimes it’s one man, one woman, or an extraordinary leader with wise ideas. Sometimes it’s an inventor, often an artist or poet, and other times it’s a master musician. They make their mark so strongly and so completely, that the world remembers them forever. That is a wild card. You may think it’s just normal luck of genealogy? That’s funny.

The Chinese have been watching birds and making flying kites for thousands of years. Yet only a hundred years ago, two brothers who made bicycles gave you powered flight. Don’t you find that odd? A university or a group of scientists studying the problems of flight, did not create what you see today in your modern air travel. No. Two brothers with an Akashic purpose came to this planet at the right time and opened the knowledge that would give you what you have today. Are you starting to get the picture? Now, if you study their story, they were frustrated, too. They didn’t go much further than the pure idea. There was much more to make their discovery elegant, but it was not for them to do. One of them even died early, due to his anxiety over what took place.

Most of you in this room carry an electronic device you’ve called a smartphone, created by the consciousness of one man at the right time and the right place. You had telephones, and you had portable devices for years. Why didn’t a committee put this together? Why didn’t a collective intelligence realize the potential? ONE person put together what the brightest minds never thought of: A paradigm shift that changed everything in the way you communicate, and purchase and listen to music. It was a wild card, and the man named Jobs did it with an Akash that came for that – at the right time at the right place, and it changed this planet forever. Why did he have to die so early? Because the planet was not ready for what else he had. He had fulfilled his soul’s purpose.

That’s a wild card. You experienced a big one in the late ‘80s. Against all odds, politically, the Soviet Union fell. It disarmed the potential of a World War. Either side disarming would have created that potential. If you are going to have a championship game between two excellent players, and one dies, there’s no more game! That’s synchronicity. If you ask historians if they expected this event, they would have said, “Never, never!” It was a wild card. Have there been other wild cards, perhaps within the history of Israel? Many! Let me give you one that maybe you haven’t thought of, and I give it to you as an example while in this land.

Those of you who have been born Jewish have experienced wild cards in your society. So what keeps you from thinking there could be more? There have been many! Let’s go back to one that is profound. Every Israeli who is born here at some point is given the story of the Exodus. This beautiful story from slavery to the Promised Land has one man responsible: Moses. What do you think about him? Let’s examine this for a moment. Let’s examine something that most Israelis are never told much about: What was it like in Egypt before Moses? Was he the only one to ever lead a rebellion of the Jewish slaves? An entire society was enslaved! Do you really think they just sat there and did nothing and endured it until Moses came? And the answer is no. There were many rebellions. It was tried repeatedly, yet nothing worked. The Egyptians were strong. They would kill multiple people, and multiple Jews on a regular basis. They would have everyone watch in order to suppress any kind of rebellion. How much did you study a time before Moses? Not much. I tell you this because there was a large history before Moses.

What are the odds that the Jew who would take you into the Promised Land, would be thought to be Egyptian royalty? This is synchronicity at its best, and a valid wild card. Look at the story and look at how it worked. He had an Akash that was Moses. He was the one who was meant to do it, and who made all the difference in the history for the Jews. Dear ones, it wasn’t an accident! It was planned!

Why would you doubt that such a thing might happen again? Why doubt that there would be leadership, not just here, but from other places in the world that would come together in what we would call a confluence of synchronicity that might change this planet forever? Who told you that your miraculous lineage ended centuries ago? It’s happened many times, Israeli, to you. So we say yet again in this closing: If you don’t know what you don’t know, don’t prejudge what’s going to happen with your doubting energies.

Think about it.

And so it is.



The Letter E (EXODUS)

Given in the Ancient City of Megiddo (Valley of Armageddon)– Sunday morning, October 4, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. You know where you are and so do I. For those listening (and reading) and are not here, we’re in Megiddo. Now that may mean nothing to those not in attendance, but I’ll explain in a moment the other name it has.

Some of you have figured it out. We’re spelling three words, one letter at a time through thirteen channels. We often do this. It’s the “Theme of the Area.” You’ve figured out the three words. “PEACE IN ISRAEL.” But it may have been difficult at first, for the spelling was not what you expected. It was spelled for you westerners, backwards. We did it one letter at a time in the English language, but backwards to a western alphabet. The first alphabets, including the ones used here even today that are Arabic and Hebrew, are read and written right to left, so we have chosen to give you these letters in this way to honor the languages of the land. So it is English, written in the Hebrew and Arabic method. The letter that we are going to give you today is one you now expect. It is the final letter of the first word. It’s the letter “E.” I’ll tell you what it means in a moment.

This place has another name. It is the place of Armageddon – apocalypse. I want to review with you what that means. From all of the channels that I have given in this land, this may be the most important. It’s important for you; it’s important for humanity; it’s really important for Israel. This place is where it all was going to end. It is profoundly in Jewish history and prophesies. These lands are to be where the final battles of the planet are fought – the ones to be fought where you sit and would be the Armageddon. It is in Christian prophesy too: These are the final battles. The concept is all over the planet! Wherever you look you find the word Armageddon, and it refers to where you actually sit today. It’s almost like the area has been prepared for this – prepared for doom and horror! The people who live around it know it, too. It is in the place in the middle of upper Israel where many battles have already taken place over and over, almost like the land is hardened for the final one. The letter “E” is going to stand for “EXODUS.” It is not the exodus that you think. We’re going to call this channel, “E – The Second Exodus.”The exodus I speak of is one of humanity’s future, and consciousness shift.

Now I speak to three hundred of you, and many are sensitives here. Some of you have already felt the energy of the places you’ve been. It happened in Masada. It happened to some in the river ( Jordan), and to some of you in the Sea of Galilee. I want you to be aware of what’s here, and I want to be careful, as I talk to you about it. Listen to and read this entire channel, please; don’t stop here.

This place represents humanity’s duality. It represents the choice to destroy yourselves, and it has always been part of the future of the Human race. You have almost done it four other times! This is not known history, but unknown history. As much as you think you know about history, there was much history before this history. But, dear ones, this was supposed to be the last chance – and immediately the prophecies began.

The Armageddon would happen here. Now, it starts to make sense that it would, and I’m going to tell you why in a moment. But first, the energy: Can you imagine what it’s like here, when humanity has had prophecy regarding this place for many generations and feared it? They feared the end, and the prophecy kept coming and the prophets kept talking about it. It became scriptural and many expected it. What happens when layers and layers of fear are projected to one spot? If you are an energy worker here, now you know why you’re feeling what you’re feeling. It may be inappropriate to say, “This is not a good place to be.” You’re going to leave soon, but you may feel it while you’re here. It is the crux of duality, the end of humanity, death on a scale you have never seen.

In my partner’s lifetime the prophecies began to come to a focus, with weapons of mass destruction being available to many. Two super-powers on the planet were starting to align themselves for the battle – Armageddon. This is 3D history. This is not esoteric at all. Up to 50,000 nuclear weapons were all pointed at each other not long ago, and the Earth was poised and ready for the Armageddon. Now, that was the prophecy, and now you know why it makes sense that the name of this place corresponds with the prophecy. For the point of contention, that would be the spark of the final world war, would be problems in Israel. This is what would start it. Treaty obligations with Israel would bring in the United States. These would be at odds with treaty obligations of the Soviets. You know how this goes – you drop one, you drop all. War is this way, and always has been. It’s very difficult to have a limited-scale war, when you believe you have the means to win it instantly. It’s either war or it isn’t. It’s either life or it’s death, and dear ones, you’re sitting in death. Please don’t turn off the channel. Don’t stop listening and reading. But do you see how this made sense? Problems in Israel would create the final war, and this is ground zero. Or is it?

The teaching of the ancient and current indigenous of the planet, as well as that of Kryon, is that the precession of the equinoxes marked a demarcation point to all of humanity. It represents a point of change – one that the planet had never seen before. Human nature was going to start growing up and evolving. Wisdom would begin to be more common. Solutions to hatred would start to occur that you never thought possible. These are not just Kryon’s words. These come from the indigenous of the planet, those who have been around for thousands of years before Abraham. That is original prophecy. Here is the overall prophecy of the Ancients: If humanity would make it past 2012, there would be an exodus of old energy. The exodus would be from an old prophecy to a new future, and a new prophecy.

It represents another kind of slavery … coming out of an old land of the slavery of thought, where war seemed to be the only way. Humans would eventually come into a new Promised Land of consciousness, a new, evolved Human nature, where war would eventually be seen as archaic, ugly and never the answer!

Finally, the wisdom of the planet would understand that war begets war, and that it’s a disease, and never a solution. Dear ones, if any war on this planet had been a solution, you wouldn’t have any more war, and you do, right now.

You are slowly moving into the Promised Land of new thought. When you get up from this place and you leave it, I want you to look back for a moment and understand, it’s not what you think anymore. You might even bless it and think about The Exodus. For this place will slowly lose its energy of doom. It will not be the end of anything. It will dissipate eventually, but dear ones, there is something going on that is bigger than any kind of prophecy. If you recognize this, then you’re really listening. If you understand what I’m really telling you in this place, you will do something we call cognizing. You’ll believe it, and every cell of your body can stand tall and say, “Now I know why I was born in this time!” You are Masters, all. You have the wisdom of love, and the solution. The Second Exodus.

Get up from this place differently than you sat down. Say goodbye to the Armageddon as you leave.

And so it is.




Given in the Ancient City of Zippori (or Sepphoris)

– Sunday afternoon, October 4, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I come again with another letter! [Laughter] You know by now, what it’s going to be. In the English alphabet, it is the letter “C.” I’m going to tell you what it represents in just a moment. We’re going to talk about consciousness shift very briefly, and in a way that, perhaps, we never have before. I will show you that this planet is actually designed to shift consciousness. It has happened before, dear ones. You are not the first.

We sit upon a place where we can talk about these kinds of things, and it’s literally relevant to the dirt that you sit on. I would like to talk to you about your relationship with God. There are those who feel that Human nature never changes, and yet it has. It has changed in history so profoundly, that you restarted your clock! The prophets that you have studied so far, mostly belong to what we have called the God of Law. In fact, the biblical scholars would call it the old testament of humanity – “The Dispensation of Law.” Then, two thousand years ago, right in this land, was brought the Jewish prophet, Christ. He gave you a new concept. He was here with an Akash, yes, an Akash (since he was Human), and he was Jewish! Right time, right place – and he changed so much for the entire planet. He changed the perception of the relationship to God. Scripture became new scripture – The New Testament – the new humanity. The One God became the One Loving God. It was an evolvement of thought. Then it became what biblical scholars call “The Dispensation of Love.”

Muhammad continued this, and as being the most recent prophet, if you look at that which was spoken so many times, he refers to the love of God, constantly. It’s in expression after expression after expression, describing the infinite love of God. You passed from Law to Love, and all the prophets felt it.

Now, in the process of this shift, it was so profound, that you now actually measure time differently! Before Christ (B.C.), and After Christ (A.D.). Do you see what you have done? There was recognition of a consciousness shift! It was so profoundly new, that you had to restart the clock, and the entire planet now measures history with this system. Now, did God change? No. So what changed in this story? Humans did! You did! All of your Akashic records, and all your past lives tell of a Human perception shift from a God of Law, to a God of Love. The letter “C” represents the “DISPENSATION OF COMPASSION.”

Did you know that most Israelis have no idea what the Mayan calendar is? There is so much prophecy and so much history here, that it becomes all they really know. There’s enough here to fill up their quest for spirituality. But the truth is, there is planetary prophecy as well as Jewish prophecy, and if you knew what the Maya said, you would understand about this dispensation of compassion.

The Maya (and others) created a calendar, a long one of over 5,000 years, but the calendar stopped in 2012. A new calendar was created years ago to start up, if humanity passed December 2012 (at the start of a new cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes). According to the Mayan calendar prophecy, if humanity would make it past that point without destroying itself, there would be no Armageddon. You would also have to reset the clock again. The clock is one of Human consciousness.

The Dispensation of Compassion is now upon you. It represents compassion for one another. It’s wisdom that has not really been seen yet. We speak of this, and speak of this, and speak of this. Yet, some will always say that it is simply esoteric talk. But dear ones, I want you to look at the Ancients and what they did with their clocks. This is not new. Let this be proof that what we are talking about and have spoken of for twenty-five years is not just the words of Kryon. It represents the wisdom of Human ancestors who have reset their clocks when consciousness changed on the planet. It is a precedent!

We say it again: Get ready for new thought. It’s more now than just love. It’s a mature love that creates compassion for life and humanity. Before I finish, many will ask, “Who is the next prophet?” Humans are starting to become mature and wise. What if I told you that in this new energy, the prophet is now within you? Your Higher-Self knows it all! This is the prophet you are now following. This is the new wisdom – the compassion of the Higher-Self.

Where do you sit with this information? How does it feel to you? Let the truth of this be seen in how you see others. Let the truth of your belief in this be seen in how you treat one another. So I say again, as I did in the first channel: “Can you see God in everyone, no matter what?” This is the compassion test.

And so it is.



The Letter A (ASCENSION)

Given on the Summit of Mount Carmel – Monday, October 5, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Have you felt it yet? Have you, indeed, felt the profundity of this adventure? Here we are in just another tourist area, right? You’re going to remember this time.

There are energies here, which may not be repeated like this again. It’s a unique group of souls who gather to celebrate this leap with joy, and dance and ponder the history here, and to plant the seeds of new consciousness. This is Elijah country and you know it, and you have been taught it. We’ve already discussed Elijah and Elisha and the things we wanted you to know about that ascending event.

The letter is “A” and it’s right in the middle of the word Peace. We have chosen that letter, and you would think it would then represent the word ascension – not exactly. We’re going to call this channel “ASCENSION OF PLANET EARTH,” and where better to give this message than the example of ascension and the energy of ascension that is in this region, which is celebrated by so many? There are two parts to this message and I want to be clear on something: Some of this may seem to be a review to those who have followed the words of Kryon for years, and who know why I’m here. They have invested their energy in the concept of an ascending planet, but dear ones, there are so many who have not heard the story. They don’t know what I’m going to say, especially those who are from the region. Many are listening (and later reading), and these thirteen channels will eventually be called the Israel Channels. They will be put together as a package of thirteen, and I’m telling my partner right now that they are to be published in many languages. Not all of you know what has been said before. Some of the information is old to many, but revolutionary to many more who have never heard this.

When we say ascension, and we use it in the context of an ascending planet, it doesn’t necessarily mean the population of the planet is going to ascend in 3D. We’re talking about something different. The best we can describe this in 3D is the ascending vibration of consciousness on Earth. Even that is a metaphor. If you were able to measure Human consciousness on a scale of one to ten, and the ten is mastery, you’re in a three at the moment. But dear ones, you’ve been in three before. You’ve never really moved much from three. Indeed, you have had concepts of four and five and above, given to you from the Ascended Masters, but you haven’t owned it. You haven’t lived it, and you’re stuck in three.

There is every indication that I’m right, for if you look at humanity, you haven’t learned anything. You haven’t learned even the basics of getting along. War is not a solution, and as we’ve said before, hatred begets hatred. It creates it, not solves it. War creates war. Anyone in the process of warring for any reason is going to create more war. That should be obvious from Human history. All you have done is conquer, re-conquer, and conquer again and again. The last two times you were at it, it involved the entire Earth. In fact, the second time was just an extension of the first time ... part II. And (no surprise) it was scheduled yet again ... part III. I want you to think for a moment with me. Would you not agree that the Human nature, which has created this cycle, is not a very wise one? It is immature, and it hasn’t figured out the basics of love or compassion. In fact, it hasn’t really figured out anything. That’s what we’re talking about.

Human nature seems to have been the same throughout history, and if you are a psychologist, you are convinced of this. It is simply the way Humans think. This is the premise that you work from, as you help another Human. Human nature is seen as a static, unchanging consciousness of humanity. So it is no wonder that you wring your hands in frustration, for this is all you have ever seen.

There is a metaphor of this, which every parent will understand. When children grow up, they grow through consciousness shift. When they’re six to eight years old, there’s a certain consciousness that they have. They are socially dysfunctional and immature. They haven’t figured out yet what works with other children, or the parents. They’re consumed with themselves, since they’re just growing up. They’re in survival mode, and they have tremendous egos or they have self-worth issues. Very few six to eight year olds are wise and balanced. That comes later. When they get together in the playgrounds of schools, there is peer pressure; they don’t understand each other; and sometimes they will assemble themselves in gender specific groups, beliefs, even neighborhoods. They’ll throw rocks at one another sometimes, and they may even be the bully of the playground. It’s a tough time, and they may even get in a fight or two. They’ll go home crying and their parents will be concerned.

This is simple Human development. It has been common throughout history, and then they grow up to become young adults. When they’re seventeen or eighteen, they suddenly have elegance; they have learned a wisdom: They have discovered that others their age are similar to themselves and fun to be with. They can have fun, go out together, and enjoy music together like never before. It doesn’t matter where they were born or what neighborhood they live in. A seventeen or eighteen year old is not like a six or seven year old. Is this too simple for you? Humanity is stuck in the playground! There’s proof. Just look around you. Look at what is happening on the planet now, even still, even today.

An ascending planet is a vibration of consciousness that is starting to climb out of the playground, so that humanity starts to have a wiser Human nature. I am making this very simple for those who have never heard this concept. When we talk about what has happened on the planet, which I’m going to in a moment, this will add credibility to what I’m talking about. Is it possible that you’re going to see Human nature evolve? Evolve past what it has been, into an area you have never ever seen? No? You’ve been told about it. The Masters who walked right here, told you about it.

Turn the page [another subject]. I want to talk about history. I want to give you some information that not all have heard: In certain parts of the world this is so well known, but here, not so much. In this region, you are consumed with the history of the region. You are consumed with the prophets that you have known in the region, and nothing much more. You may not be aware of what I’m going to tell you. There’s a bigger picture and I want you to assimilate it and understand it. I want you to go research it. I want you to check it out, because it did not come from Kryon. I’m going to give you a history and prophecy that you may never have heard.

When we were in Istanbul, we gave a channelling called “The Unknown History of the Earth.” We did it there, because in that area, and nearby there, there are many new discoveries about places historians cannot understand, with seeming cultures that should not have existed, in languages that they have never seen [cuneiform]. There is much older history than what you think. Even in this region, there is older history than you think. We speak of Sumeria (not Samaria). Sumeria is in the Indus Valley. Go find it. It’s more than 9,000 years old, and that’s just here!

Dear ones, our teaching has indicated that those who have come from what we would call Lemuria, have an Akash on this planet that is over 30,000 years old. Do you believe that? Now, those in this region listening to this message, don’t turn off the channel. Give it a chance. There is evidence that humanity has been here far, far longer than you think. It may actually make this area young!

The Aborigine is an ancient indigenous. Now we’re going to use the word indigenous again and again. It means original Human Being in an area. Indigenous– the first ones. Most of them don’t have a country. Rather, they have a family, a tribe, and tribal names that you have not heard, which would represent who they are. The Aborigine has been documented in his land for over 30,000 years. That’s because there were no conquerors yet. Australia is an isolated continent, and nothing touched it. There were no battles with outsiders. Can you imagine such a thing? The Australian government, which is modern Australia, has documented this age of its own indigenous peoples. The indigenous have been there for 30,000 years.

Now, that means that the Aborigine had been living in their civilization for fifteen or twenty thousand years when Abraham was born! Do you believe me? I want you to go check it out. I want you to look for yourself, so that you will understand what’s coming and what I’m going to tell you. How can you have the Sumerians be the start of civilization less than 9,000 years ago, when there was an entire continent of others who were 20,000 years old when the Sumerians were just getting started? There are prophecies some of you have not heard yet, and they come from the first Human Beings on the planet. This is a prophecy that is collective. Collective means it comes from many places through indigenous tribes who have never met one another.

Only recently on the planet has this been discovered: that the same prophecy, which is over 10,000 years old, is also known by the original indigenous everywhere. As in the Letter C channelling, I ask you again: Have you heard of the Mayan calendar? Many of you have not. Some here would say, “It’s a mysterious thing perhaps, in a pagan culture far, far away.” Let’s dispel a rumor: They were not pagan! They believed in the One God, but not like you did in this area. Their One God was the Creative Source, which centered on all living things. It all came from one place and they knew it.

The Mayan calendar wasn’t just written by the Maya. Three cultures participated in the same prophecy over eons of time, all in the same area. The Aztecs, the Toltecs, and the Maya. Although they had their prophecy, they were still in the old energy. In their cultures, they had unusual ways of treating their conquered temples. They had their wars and their issues and their battles, but when they came upon the temple of the ones they were conquering, they kept it! They even added onto to it, to make it bigger. Pretty soon, through three or four conquerings, it was enormous. This is a bit different than what happened here, isn’t it? Go check it out.

Let me tell you their prophecy again in a more complete manner, and when I’m done telling you their prophecy, dear ones, I want you to realize that it is the same prophecy of the indigenous almost all over the Earth. Listen up, for here is a prophecy that is much, much older than anything in the region. Please listen. Please keep listening. This does not diminish the prophecies you have. It adds to them. It helps you to understand your part in all of this.

The Mayan calendar was a calendar of consciousness, not of dates. It didn’t even honor the twelve-month system. It was a complete and totally different system. They had something called the long count. I’ve mentioned it before. It was a very, very long calendar of over 5,000 years that doesn’t correspond with days and months, not even the seasons, not really. It was a calendar of energy, a calendar of consciousness. They were tracking Human nature. If you studied their calendar, their prophetic passages actually corresponded to what happened on Earth over time. They were tracking potential times of peace and war on the planet. You can see this in the way they constructed the calendar. Experts have looked at this and seen the projected sweep of Human consciousness going up and down during brief times of peace before war, and then returning. Believe it or not, their prophecy was literally tuned-in to what was happening here! For they predicted the conquering of South America, and more.

The biggest prophesy of the calendar was the one that the other indigenous also had: It was a big one and it corresponded to the movement of the stars. Now the movement of the stars has always been part of tradition, even in this area. I ask you to remember that the Greeks knew about galactic movement. They did. The precession of the equinoxes aligns to a twenty-six thousand year Earth wobble. It was known by the Greeks, by the Romans, and by the Egyptians, who aligned their pyramids to correspond with it and other stars. I give you this information, so you will understand that it is even part of your culture. You talk about the Master Christ – the Master of love in this area? His arrival was foretold by the stars as well. The three wise men who supposedly, traditionally, came to Bethlehem to participate in the birth of a Messiah – were astrologers! What does that tell you? They were referred to as Three Kings, but they were three Master astrologers. Dear ones, the stars have always been part of prophecy. Back to the Maya.

The Mayan calendar stopped in 2012. It had too, because of the prophecy, the one that everyone knows, who is indigenous and has studied it. All over the world it was seen as the end of time. Many, many cultures were aware of this calendar’s end. In December 21, 2012, there was fear on the planet. The Armageddon did not happen, yet there was still a prophecy that looked ominous and fearful – the end of the world in 2012. But that was not the prophesy at all. The end of the calendar was simply the end of an old time.

Here is the prophecy (again). Now listen: What I’m going to tell you is also a summary and generalization of the prophecy of the indigenous of Earth. These are the ones who were here much earlier than anything that happened here, and it is written clearly in the Mayan calendar. Listen: If the planet would pass this marker of 2012, which is represented by the middle point of the wobble of the Earth – a cycle that is 26,000 years old, it would start the beginning of a new consciousness on the planet, and an evolution of vibration. That is the prophecy. Remember my channellings of a day or so ago? Humanity would go from three to four to five and beyond! Human Beings would begin to think differently, and the ascension of consciousness would begin in of all of you.

Now, if you have really figured it out and have begun to use your spiritual logic, and you understand the Akash and the fact that you have lived before, then you really are ready for this. You have been here a long time, old soul. You know what three feels like, and old souls are ready for four. You know what you’re doing.

Many of you have waited for this time, but in this region, have you heard this? Have you really heard this or do you think things are impossible, that there are no changes and no reason for changes? That is why we give you the story. There is planetary hope, but it centers here. That’s why we’re here, because this is where it’s going to be the hardest.

Look to the children. At some level, it’s possible that the change here will come through your children, who may not agree with you from one generation to another. They may not assimilate the history of the area like you did, and they may do things that shock you and turn against that which you wish them to believe. They may turn away from an old way. It’s going to happen through generations of birth. That’s the channel. It’s bigger than you think, yet the change is centered here.

Dear ones, if I could give you a prophecy, if I could give you a vision that you would understand here, let me do so: Here is the metaphor I see: I can see construction, I can see things happening with thousands of workers, I can see something being built with joy and with solution, without hatred. In my vision, the constructed area is real. I won’t tell you when the construction is done, because you won’t like the answer. It’s the rebuilding of the third temple. Think on this. It’s a New Jerusalem, without hatred or war. It comes from a solution that nobody has ever thought of – trust that you would never allow, and discoveries perhaps, that you never thought you’d receive.

That’s enough for now. Ascension is bigger than you think.

And so it is.




Given at Makhtesh Ramon Crater

– Tuesday mid-day, October 6, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. For those who are not here, we sit in the southern part of Israel in a vast expanse of desert, with a view that is amazing. It’s a view that has been here as long as the ages, and humanity. This place has been seen by the Ancients and enjoyed, just as you are doing today.

There are two channellings today, and these two will spell the last two letters of the word Peace. We’re going to examine the letter “E” and what it would mean in the context of where we sit today. “E” will stand for “ENLIGHTENMENT” and it may not be exactly what you think. The definition of enlightenment will be given, and I want you to pay attention, for it may not be as you have been told. Are you enlightened? How would you then define your own enlightenment?

In honor of the land, we’re going to use some riddles. Perhaps not riddles, as much as metaphors or allegories. We’re going to ask a fundamental orthodox Jew, “Are you enlightened?” Here would be his answer:

“I am enlightened, more than anybody in the land. For I follow the original laws to the letter. There are no better laws that are closer to God than the ones given here. Our traditions are clear and I, and the rest of us, are doing our best. I am Jewish, I am an enlightened Human Being.”

Now, if you ask him about those around him who do not believe as he does, he would say, “They are not enlightened, for they do not have the truth that I have, and do not follow the rules clearly laid out for us by God and by our ancestors.”

If you ask a Muslim, “Are you enlightened?” The man will say:

“Absolutely! I have the original information from the original history of the area, all the way back to Ishmael. But I also have, from this area, a prophet who is more current. Less than a thousand years old, my prophet has the most enlightened information to give to me, as a modern enlightened man. I follow the prophet’s words to the letter. How can it get better than that? I have the most modern information.”

When you ask him about the others, he would say, “They do not follow in the steps of my prophet. They don’t have full enlightenment. If they do not follow the prophet and his sacred words about God, how could they possibly have enlightenment?”

Who is enlightened here? Which one is correct, and whose truth is real? If you listen to the justification of their enlightenment, it makes sense, and many of them live their truth in a very pure way. Both groups are pleasing God as best they understand. They are following history, and those who guide them are important historic Humans.

Let’s talk to an esoteric person, perhaps one of you. “Are you enlightened?” And you would say this:

“We in this group are enlightened, for we have found a God inside, without all of the rules and the trappings of the three -dimensional protocols. Our God is real, because the prophet we follow is inside of us, and this is the most modern thing, following the most ancient thing, we can have . Our meditations are profound. We feel God inside. We are enlightened.”

If you ask an esoteric person, what about the others? They would say, “They don’t have what we have, and we pray for them, but they don’ t have what we have. They are steeped in protocol, and that is not honoring the God inside.”

The orthodox will say, “We pray for them. Here, let us pray for you, so that you could be like us.” The Muslim is also very willing to bless your family and to pray with you also ... so willing to bring you into a loving God’s words like they have with their prophet.

Now let’s ask a non-religious Israeli on the street. Let’s say we’re going to talk to a banker, who does not want anything to do with religion or spirituality or anything that you have today. “Are you enlightened?”

This man will look at you and smile and say, “I really am enlightened, because I have common sense not to be like the others . You won’t find me wearing strange things and bowing down, or meditating on a rug somewhere, or contemplating my navel. I’m enlightened, because I’m practical and can work without all these unpractical spiritual practices. I’m a banker. I know how to take care of my family and work within the structure of this world today, not yesterday. I’m proud, I am not foolish like the others.”

Who is right here? Which one really has the truth? Now, first we ask this: Are these people who have spoken really telling you what their heart is saying? And the answer is, yes! Of those who believe in the oneness of God, do they feel it inside them? And the answer is, yes! So how are we going to define enlightenment? How would you do it?

I will tell you what the definition is, from the Creator who lives in you. He lives in every one of those Humans who we just interviewed. The love of God is profound for all humanity. A Human who does not believe in God is still loved just as much as the one who is a fundamentalist. Did you know that? The grandeur of the family of Spirit is beautiful, even if you don’t see it. Who is enlightened here?

The definition of enlightenment, as Spirit gives it, is this: An enlightened Human Being is one who respects and sees the enlightenment of all. It’s the one who can stand and listen to the orthodox and see God inside of him, and see that it’s real and it’s perfect for him or her. It’s the one who can see the Muslim and understand the beauty of what he believes, and who can look at the esoteric person and understand how close they feel to Spirit, and who can look at the banker and see the same. That is enlightenment. An enlightened Human Being is, therefore, one who emulates the pure attributes of God, rather than any system or that of any other Human. This is also the attribute of Spirit, who will look at every single Human Being with no bias and no preset conditions, and only see family.

We’re almost at the beginning of the tour, because that’s what we said originally, didn’t we? We said to you, “No matter what you see in the next few days, look for God inside.” This was a hint for the letter E. Where do you stand? Can you do this really … really?

And so it is.



The Letter P (PEACE)

Given at Kfar Hanokdim ( Bedouin Village in Negev Desert)

– Tuesday evening, October 6, 2015

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner, I wish you to go slow. Channelling is translation. It appears as thought groups and intuitive packages of logic presented to the three-dimensional Human brain in a way that then translates into logic and speech. I want this channel to be clear.

We study the final letter, and it is “P.” It’s the final letter, but it’s the first one, as well. So it is part of this circle we have spoken of. The circle has no beginning and has no end. The very word Peace is like that. You see it written in the dirt of this land, scrawled on the walls, representing a hope that seems so elusive. What I wish to do is, again, controversial. A couple of channellings ago, I told you about a bigger prophecy on the planet, and now I wish to give you the rest of the story.

The evening is here. Not too far away is the Dead Sea. A breeze blows, and a chill in the desert air is coming. We sit in a profound place, an ancient place, in order for me to give this final message of the Israeli series. You should know that, esoterically, this planet has had a dark and light balance, and of all the energies, you should recognize that dark has always seemed to win. However, you’re not alone, and you fought the light/dark battles with us for eons.

Those who have been called Lightworkers, who have awakened to the One God within, have struggled throughout time to have this message heard. Old souls who gather here and are listening and reading this message, no matter what your culture, no matter where you are on the planet, know of what I speak. The planet has had a low energy for centuries and centuries and this is what we taught and what we gave you, regarding the prophecies and the timing of the prophecies of the Ancients of the indigenous. The Mayan calendar, which represents the overview of this prophecy, goes on to say something you should know. That with a higher consciousness comes a light and dark balance, which shifts. Light starts to become greater than darkness. Now this sounds extremely simple, but it’s the only way I can give you what I’m going to give you next. Light is going to win, because the balance of dark and light is now different. Many are starting to feel it, but perhaps not here.

I gave a prophecy back in 2012 and before, and hints of the validity of it are everywhere. I told you that when the light started to become greater than the dark, the darkness would react. I told you that there would be an increase in frustration and evil acts and darkness on this planet. Almost like a last-ditch effort, the dark would be pulling out every possible force that it could to fight this last battle. I told you that light would win, but like a screaming child who doesn’t get his way, seeing the light approach, the darkness would become strong and frightening. Have you seen any of that, Israeli?

Let me tell you something: There’s a very dark army on your border in Syria, and you may not know this, but they would love to come this direction – and they can’t. They can’t. It’s not just the strength of Israel, it’s because Israel is untouchable. There is something you should know, and I’m going to give it to you now. There is more to the phrase “The Chosen Ones” than we discussed before. The ones chosen to give the One God to planet Earth did it, but in the Akash of the Israeli Jew is something extremely esoteric, and the practical proof of this is everywhere.

Past 2012, you are also the ones who would be able to bring light to the planet. We told you this. Now I want you to think for a moment. An Akashic purpose like this is known to humanity at a very, very unconscious level. Have you ever wondered, Jew, what is the reasoning behind what you’ve gone through since you got here? What is the hatred toward your society all about? What is the anti-Semitism about? What would create this? The conquerors would turn their eyes upon you and wipe you out, destroy the temples, or try genocide. There has to be something more here, and I’ve just told you what it is. Listen: If the dictator had had his way, he would have eliminated you, because he knew at a subconscious level that he could never, ever win the final battles of Earth, as long as there were Jews. Because the Jews have a hidden light, which is going to then create the peace on this Earth. This would never have worked for his plans.

Everywhere you look at those who have tried to eliminate you, you have found darkness, evil, and this is the dark that we speak of today. It continues. It’s there on your news right now. Let’s get practical: In the Old City [ Jerusalem], it continues, because it knows you’re going to win. It’s mad and it knows you’re going to win! Not only do you carry that Akash to bring the planet the One God, but also to bring it the one peace! It’s your lineage, and as long as you existed, no one could stop it. Darkness has always been against you. To many hearing this, they will curse at KRYON and say, “Nonsense!” But in the works is compassion for every person within all the borders here.

I have just given you the explanation of centuries of persecution, from an esoteric level. I want you to look at this. Does it make sense to you now? Does it? Then, let me give you a parable. This society loves stories and you have plenty of them.

I want to give you the parable of Wo, the Frustrated Farmer. Wo was a farmer and he knew what he was doing. He had some of the best tools and the best seeds, he thought, to make the finest crops that ever could exist on the planet. He was frustrated, however, because nothing grew! Wo always felt that perhaps he was ahead of his time, because nothing grew. It was worse than that. In his fields, there seemed to be enemies everywhere. Things would hide his seeds, steal his seeds, and kill his seeds. No matter what he did, the crops were just pathetic. He never really got ahold of what he absolutely knew could be there, for years and years and years. Nothing grew.

Many tried to help him. They came with great wise seeds, and he’d plant them, and nothing would happen. He was so frustrated! He knew intuitively that his seeds were connected to the great Central Source, and that if he could just get them going, they would be beautiful. They would change farming forever! Wo had an original set of seeds, and he tried them many times – they didn’t work. He abandoned them a long time ago. He tried everything he could. He was frustrated.

Years went by, and then something happened on the planet. Climate changed. More than that, something was in the air. Wo was frustrated, so he didn’t figure that it meant anything different for him, but he thought he’d try. He took the original seeds he was given, and planted them in this new condition. As he pushed them into the ground, he felt they went in differently; the ground felt more fertile. Wo actually had some hope. He planted them all. The climate change cooperated, and he started to water them.

Now this is where the parable goes in a different direction than you thought. Nothing happened, and Wo said to himself, “I knew it!” Nothing ever changes. Those original seeds didn’t work the first time, and they’re not going to work this time. Every morning, he would come out and look at the new seeds, and they did nothing. He expected so much, yet they did nothing. Wo eventually passed away, a frustrated man. However, Wo had two sons, and his sons knew better. They felt it. They didn’t have the frustration that Wo had. They had an odd renewed hope, and they knew the climate was changing too. But they felt something was happening in history.

The sons would watch the seeds and indeed, like when Wo watched, nothing happened. Finally one day, when things were really starting to shift and change, there came some result! The seeds started to come up, and the sons were quite excited. The next day, these odd seeds started to go back down! This was strange indeed. The next day, they were up again, and the next day, they went down. Finally, over a period of time, the sons realized the seeds were blossoming; they were growing! These were unusual compassion seeds, different than any that ever existed, but they were the originals, and the sons knew that, when the timing was right, they would have the best crop on the planet, and would be able to share it with everyone.

Listen, Israeli, this is your planting field. The crops represent the energy that is here and the Akash that you carry. The frustration has been, that through years, the timing was not right. When Wo planted the new seeds, he did it properly and correctly. He had a new climate and he felt it. He knew it would happen, even though he was not there to see it. What happens when you plant no seeds, Israeli? Are you so frustrated that you have no hope, because the climate is changing? Do you see things apparently sliding backwards, and give up? In this society, there has been so much courage, so much heroism, so much suffering, and so much patience. You’ve seen it in your prophets over and over.

Don’t stop now, just because it never worked before. Now it’s time. And if the seniors don’t see it, young people – you will. Don’t let the dark armies make you afraid. Because you hold the light of what’s next.

Listen: Color is coming.

And so it is.
