Chapter Ten
“ Five in a Circle ”
Kryon Live Channelling
Given in Phoenix , Arizona
January 16 , 2016
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I would like this to be an informative channel, but I want you to relate to it. My partner steps aside so completely, he has no idea what’s coming. I’ve given him an idea of what might be discussed, so it is not a mystery. But other than that, he doesn’t know much more.
Dear ones, I want to do something that sometimes is dangerous to your logic. It’s dangerous only because your logic often intercedes when it hears new information and gives you false alarms based on your biases. So we ask you to be open for beautiful new ideas.
I don’t like to give you lists, because you always make them hierarchical. Number one is more important than number two, etc. Anytime anything is delivered as “one, two, three, four,” there is a tendency, with a logical brain, to put one above the other. So let me ask you, what other option do I have than to make a list? I cannot give you everything at once, since you can’t receive it that way. That would, indeed, be quantum and desirable, but I must give things to you one by one. I number them so you can feel the energy of the numbers. But your logic will try to make them hierarchical – a linear bias.
I’m going to set this up so it will be more understandable. I want to give you information that helps to identify the beautiful roles of Old Souls and Lightworkers, who are working every day on solutions to solve new-energy puzzles on this planet. In order to do that, I’m going to have to itemize who some of you are, because of your Akash, and what you are doing here. I’ll be giving you some names to consider to help identify the types of roles, but I want you to know something first: I’m going to give all this information “in a circle.” So the list is really a circle, and not a linear ladder.
Think of a ring for a moment. It’s beautiful, together, unbroken, and circular. It doesn’t matter on the ring where you start anything, or which direction you go, since you’ll get all the attributes and the knowledge, because it all comes back to where it started, or ended. Now, in linearity, in a straight line that you call time, I’m going to give you this information. But no role or name is more or less important than the one before or following. So what I’m about to give you doesn’t have any hierarchical meaning at all.
Before we begin, I’ve just given you information that also applies to one of the most difficult spiritual attributes of the new energy: When Spirit talks to Humans or even one Human, we can only talk to you about one item at a time. Sometimes, you grab the first item and you never listen to number two, three, or four. Your truth then becomes only number one! If you were to open your heart and your mind and listen to all of them, and take them all in, you would realize that truth is bigger than one, and you would be a wiser spiritual person. However, the bias of humanity is that it singularizes one thing at a time, because of your linearity, and then acts only on that idea.
Spiritual systems on your planet normally carry a singular purpose, no matter what that spiritual system is or what you call it. It has you looking at rules and doctrines, and it’s up to you to obey them the best you can. The idea is “sameness of purpose” for all those involved in that specific belief. In some systems you would all wear the same thing, act a certain way, meditate at a certain place, pray at a certain time, bow in the same direction, and do it in the same way. This is seen as “honoring God” and is what we call “beginning spiritual survival.” It’s the way you have been told by your elders, that Humans work with God.
However, if you take a good look at any complex natural system on this planet, or in the galaxy, you will find all parts doing many different things to fit into the same goal. If you look at physics, parts are doing different things, dedicated to different energies, but working within the same system. Look at chemistry: Profoundly, the parts come together, in order to create elegant results, which are greater than the parts. Everywhere you look in nature, you see the same thing: One system supports the other. The very system of life with oxygen and carbon dioxide on your planet is a symbiotic cooperative system that keeps you alive. The fine Swiss clock only can operate if all the various wheels and gears do their job.
What if I told you that suddenly, all of these parts were going to dress the same, and do the same thing, and ignore or fight with the other parts? You’d say, “That’s not going to be a workable solution at all! They need to cooperate! Everything would stop!” You’d be right. Do you see perhaps, a need to become less linear in these times?
Dear ones, there is a very new, wise energy on this planet, and there is an elegant system in front of you that Old Souls are beginning to see. So let’s back up a bit and review: You’re here for a reason and for a purpose. Many of you have awakened to a bigger truth – a truth that is so big and so beautiful, that it’s like nothing seen before on the Earth. It’s a truth that doesn’t make anybody else wrong. It’s a truth that enhances all humanity, no matter what others believe. The truth is this: God is inside you, and you are all a spiritual family. Another truth: The energy on this planet is shifting, allowing for greater wisdom. Another truth: Those who have repeatedly been born on this planet for eons, carry the greatest wisdom, especially for this time. They are called Old Souls. Another truth: These Old Souls are waking up to different tasks, in order to supply a more elegant solution for this new energy.
The Types of Old Souls – Five in a Circle
So I want to talk about the various slots that you go into – the roles you play in the circle of five. It sounds very linear, and so you may recognize yourself. It’s complex, but I’m going to make it simple. So I’m only going to create five slots today.
Now, everything I talk about from now on, will be analyzed by many, later. This is typical of the Kryon work. You will find hidden meanings in most of it, specifically, in the numerology. Dear ones, I give you messages within messages, so that you can study these things later, and see that there’s more, much more than what I present in the language of my partner.
Let this be a time for understanding. Not just understanding, but celebration. There are those listening to this and reading later, who need to hear these new truths. Some of you look at the teachers, authors and leaders of this New Age, and feel you are not carrying your weight. However, it’s not that way at all. This is only a linear perception, based on an older system of what you think is important or not.
It’s easy to understand: You all have different spiritual tasks right now, and the thing that drives them all, and puts you into these roles in the circle that we want to show you, is your Akash. The energy of who you were and what you’ve done, creates who you are now. It creates your spiritual purpose, and other normal life attributes: What you’re interested in, your talents, and your fears. But in this discussion, we’re talking about Old Souls and spiritual purpose. We are speaking about what you’re doing currently in this shift, and why you’re here.
As I mentioned, it is dangerous to categorize Humans in any form, because of the singularity of your bias. You automatically carry it further. You may say, “Well, I’m in this category or role called this or that, and therefore, I’m not doing enough , since the other categories are more important.” I have to ask you to suspend all of that and just listen. I want to tell you about Old Souls and what they do, and how they work together in a beautiful circle that’s golden. It’s a circle of love and creation, and the Old Souls and the Lightworkers come into this planet with a perfect solution, and perfect numbers, and create perfect balance – and you never even know there’s a system!
Role Number One – Akashic Entanglement
I want to start with my partner and those like him. I’ll use terminology I haven’t used before: Akashic entanglement. What do you know about the word entanglement? Very little, actually. It is a fairly new word created by your physicists, which basically means a shared reality. If two things are entangled in physics, they both have the same reality, even if they’re removed, one from the other, in different places. It’s a quantum expression, a shared reality that can even be on different sides of the galaxy.
One who is entangled with their own Akash is sharing the reality of something that pushes them from the past. It’s difficult for this person to decipher the reality of that which is Earthly, from the reality of that which is from the Akashic past, or a reality that exists on the other side of the veil. But they are “driven” by their Akashic perceptions.
Now, there’s a word used in astrology, and it is a metaphor for this person. The word is YOD – Y - O - D. In astrology, it is an alignment of three things, which are unique and special that don’t happen very often. For those born with it, it creates an energy that focuses the individual in a specific (and difficult to understand) way. They live and breathe what they think they need to do, and it comes from their Akash. It doesn’t just happen, dear ones, because you’re born with these attributes. Like all astrological energies, they posture your potentials, should you awaken into them. In other words, if you choose not to accept these things, they’ll never occur for you, but once you start the path of examination, they’ll capture you in a good way, and push you so hard, that everything you do is only about one thing. You become an ultra-focused Old Soul for God!
This category of Akashically entangled Old Souls is for those who are constantly pushed to do work. Some are channellers; some are authors; some are writers; some are speakers. Their lives may seem normal, but they are not. All they do in their waking hours is think about why they’re here. They’ll push themselves constantly with the energy from the Akash, until the day they take their last breath. It is about one singular, focused, pushed thing. It’s beautiful, because they get a lot done. But there’s a way of thinking from others, which looks at them and says, “Oh look at that! I should do that. I’m not really doing anything compared to that!” or “Look at that! They never have time for anyone or anything but their own work.” So within this discussion, I want to talk about this very biased thinking among Lightworkers.
Dear ones, in the five categories, there must be those who have an entangled Akash, in order to push this new energy into fast-forward, as they do. It has to be. My partner knows this and he’s seeing himself change. He now realizes this is all he’s going to do. He realizes he’s never going to retire. Somehow, that would be a betrayal of his Akash. He’s going to push until it’s over, and he knows others who are just like him. It’s all they want to do. They see the beauty and splendor of the other side of the veil, and all they can do is tell about it, write about it, teach it, and be it.
That’s Akashic entanglement. My partner is comfortable with it now, and it’s all he wants to do. That’s number one. Remember what a one is in numerology? It represents the energy of new beginnings. That is the whole purpose of those who are pushed by their Akashic entanglement. They are so focused by everything they do, everywhere they go, that it all represents a new beginning. They don’t end anything, and often don’t look backwards to review anything they did. It’s never complete. It’s always new. Number one.
Role Number Two – Partial Akashic Entanglement
Number two is similar – Partially entangled Akash. These are represented by those who don’t have quite the push, but they still feel as though they do. However, they’re a little more relaxed with it. It’s okay to retire or relax with life, but they always feel they have a solid purpose on the planet.
Now these, number two, deal with duality and 3D. They deal more with the Human body. They are healers and are the ones who are looking for solutions that will support number one. Number one tends to overdo it, and needs number two to heal them!
Partially Akashic entangled individuals are often system workers, and they’ve got it figured out. They come up with systems that help humanity. Indeed, they are focused too, and they can remember that they’ve been healers before. They can remember some of the systems that they’re working with that they’ve used before. They are so sure of it, that they want to write about it and teach it. It’s so obvious. They steward new systems, and love to put things together.
They are a support group for humanity, and also for number one! Number one would push himself without eating, unless he had somebody to tell him to eat. Number two will develop a system of what to eat! There is a beautiful symbiosis here. Again, it’s like a Swiss clock, in which one gear fits into the other. The thing that ties these five together, and I’m telling you even before I give you the rest of them, is synchronicity.
When I’m finished teaching today, I will have given you five types and roles. There is an immediate tendency for you to say, “Which one am I?” Well, dear linear one, did I tell you that you could be a combo? Did I tell you there is a crossover? Did I tell you there are gray areas? Did I tell you it’s quantum? Don’t try to fit yourself into these slots. Just know they exist and you may match one of them completely, or may fit to some degree in several. But understand you’re part of the mechanism of this beautiful clock that moves around in your own time and fits together. One fits to the other because they all support one another. Just wait until I tell you about number three.
Role Number Three – The Meditators
The number three is the energy of the catalyst. It moves things. The very existence of role number three is catalytic. A catalyst is something that stays the same, but changes things it comes in contact with. I’ll tell you who these are. These are the meditators of the planet! Their Akash is so comfortable doing this, because they can sit and meditate for days and they will come out refreshed. They will often sit in one position for all of it.
What are they really doing? I’ll tell you what they’re doing: They are holding the energy of all the others together, because their consciousness is steady. Don’t confuse this with an anchor, for it’s not. It holds harmony. It’s quiet and beautiful, and it sets a stage that all the others feel. I want to tell you about this clock and the circle. When number one comes to frustration, number three is part of him. He feels number three, and it satisfies his need to relax. The meditative side is not part of number one at all: Push, push, go! Number three then takes it to another level, in a quantum way, and shares it with number one and number two. Then both of them have peace and they relax, and know all is well – all this because number three is here and doing his/her job. Do you see how this works together?
Number three has had lifetimes of being a monk all over the planet, and has learned to sit and just be. There is so much power here with the quantum meditator! Tell me, as a Lightworker, have you ever looked at number three and said, “How can you do that? It’s not for me. You just sit there – for hours and hours!” Now you know. They just sit there and steady the planet. They steady and harmonize all of the other numbers, because they absorb them and give them peace. They create a peaceful countenance and whatever comes their way is more peaceful because of it.
Number one and number two need number three desperately, but number three also needs number one and number two. This is because just “sitting there” doesn’t accomplish what number one and two can do! Are you starting to understand the circle? Does it make sense to you? Does it make sense that there would be a system where Old Souls do different things for the planet to make it work? They are not all in one uniform, not all of one gender, not all in one doctrine and belief system, not doing the same thing, not singing the same songs, but totally, completely unique and different, and yet, fitting together like a fine Swiss clock.
Role Number Four – The Tree Hugger
What do you think number four is? If you’ve been numerologically educated, number four is the Gaia number. Have you ever heard me tell you before, that Gaia is related to Human consciousness? The planet Earth is connected to you, profoundly. If you ask the Ancients about this, they will tell you that it’s the first thing they absolutely knew about! There was no technology back then. Gaia gave them their food, showed them where to hunt and fish, and gave them good weather when they needed it. All of these things were the most important things they had, and the most spiritual. Gaia was connected to God.
Dear ones, you’ve lost that, and today that profound connection is not as important to you, but it can be again. Let me tell you about number four: Some of these Humans don’t even know they are Lightworkers. They just know they’re connected to the Earth. But they’re passionately connected to the Earth! You can’t pry them off a tree when they’re hugging it. They need to be part of Gaia all the time.
Question coming from the audience [which is being intuited]: “Dear Kryon, about these five: Can someone change one kind, and change to the next kind in one lifetime?” Humans, why do you do this? You are intellectualizing the minutia of the message, before it’s even complete! Yes, you can do whatever you want to, since you may have a very rich Akash. Think about this: Can a number three become a number four? Can a number five, which you haven’t even heard of, become a number one? The system is in a circle, so of course you can! There are ways for you to pick up energies, learn things, and move around the circle. It’s dynamic and beautiful. Humans think that as soon as something is learned, it gets put into a place and stays there forever. It’s like you get in a box and shut the door, then you live with it. Dear ones, you’re part of the circle. You move with it.
Number four is also an animal whisperer, an animal lover; someone who can literally speak to that which is the consciousness of animals or understand them. Number four is also one who will talk to the plants and actually feel that the plants have something to say! They love the planet. That’s number four.
Now, if you’re number three and you’re contemplating your navel for three days, you’re not really going to understand the gardener who gets up very early and plants things and loves it, just loves it! But if you’re in a circle working together, and you’re entangled a little, then you’re all helping one another, and you all have a piece of your specialty. Did you hear that? It’s part of a grand system.
The animal whisperer is whispering for number one and two and three. Yet number three or two or one may not hear or know, but it’s happening anyway by default. It needs to, because Human consciousness is connected in quantum ways, not isolated. You think you have one soul doing one thing? My partner showed you today that the confluence of consciousness is what moves things. Not one, not two, not three, but a confluence of many mixed together. I’m telling you there’s a circle of workers that help one another because they intermingle their consciousness, but they have specialties. When these specialties are put together, they create balance. Does this remind you of “mother nature”?
This is what a quantum system is like. It’s made of many parts that mix with the other parts, yet some of the parts don’t know each other, or even understand each other. You get help from those who are meditating, even if you are not a meditator. They become part of you. The whole is stronger than the parts because of this. That was number four.
Oh, there are so many fours. It calls to you. Some Humans never move off the peg of the love of planet Earth, and they don’t even call themselves Old Souls. They feel they are just Earth-workers. They don’t even know about their Akash. They just know, for some reason, all they want to do is be with nature, and the animals. That’s all they want to do, never realizing that it’s shared with number three and with number two. The one who is working on systems (number two) is also hugging the tree because of number four. That great Earth peace is generated by number four and is helped greatly by number three, sitting there for hours, still and peaceful for all of them. Number one is still going out and pushing and pushing and pushing. That’s in order to change the planet for the rest of them. It’s a beautiful system.
Role Number Five – Anchors
Number five is the last one for now. Change is the meaning of the number five. Who is the biggest changer of the planet? Well, some would say it has to be number one. No, it isn’t. Number one does his or her job in a way that is so focused and pinpointed, that it will take years to make a difference. Even then, it will be meaningful only to certain people. No, it’s number five that makes the biggest difference. Number five has more Old Souls in the group than any other compartment. I’ll call them the Anchors. They anchor number one, two, three and four.
If you are number four, what good does it do to hug a tree all your life? Who are you going to talk to? Who are you going to help? The answer is, “All the rest of them.” This is because of your relationship to the planet. Do you see how this works? Number five is going to anchor number four, and especially number three, who might float away, without something to hold on to! Number one doesn’t even want to stop to smell the roses.
The number fives are the Old Souls who go about their lives without writing a book, without being on stage, and without doing anything “important,” as they perceive important. They walk, day by day, not understanding that they are on this planet spreading compassionate action. Compassion the key word, and we’ve used it over and over. It is that which this planet needs to change, and it anchors balance.
Every day, the Old Soul goes to work, has friends and family, goes to school, and all the other things that life offers. It’s really only number five who comes into contact with the others on the planet. But it’s how they treat other Humans that is the anchor. How do you act on the freeways of life, Old Soul? Is it compassionate? Do you see God in others? Number five is the one who anchors, and it does more to help this planet than all of the other numbers together. The anchor spreads the compassion that this planet needs, so that all the other numbers can work their specialties.
Who are you? Maybe you are a combination of several, and that’s okay, because these categories are really not singular. I put them in five compartments, but now I’m going to tear apart the walls of the compartments and mix number one through five together in a blender. That’s quantum. You may not really understands that, dear ones, but at least you now understand there is a beautiful system which honors the differences. That’s why there are so many varied interests in spirituality. Some will ask, “Which one am I? I don’t seem to be any of them.” What you do not understand is that you’re doing everything! You’re supporting all the others, and are probably a number five.
Number five, I want you to listen to this: What you’re doing by simply walking this planet in a compassionate way is critical to the system. Without this, numbers one through four won’t accomplish anything. Number one can pound the message home to a dispassionate Earth, and it won’t matter at all, unless he has support. Number two can have systems and can give them to a dispassionate Earth, and nobody is going to hear it, unless he has support. Number three may sit and ponder everything for years, yet it won’t do anything to help an Earth that doesn’t care. Number four can hug all the trees he wants to and be connected to Gaia, but unless there is a compassionate Earth, nothing will change. Number five? It seems like I’m saying that he/she is the most important, but not really. Alone, number five can’t accomplish much without the rest, either. Number five can help prepare the planet, but like the farmer who prepares the ground, without the seeds, there is no growth. It’s back to the fine Swiss clock. What gear is most important?
When you leave this place, think about this: The consciousness of humanity is still wallowing in the old energy. Have you seen the media programs that you are being offered? You can tune in and watch families argue and call each other names! Don’t you have enough of that already at home? Now you are offered some more! Instead, how about programs with compassionate elements? There are wonderful stories of heroism within families, love stories, and beautiful victories. Let the drama be tears of joy and compassion! Would it work? It will someday.
Dear ones, this is the way Old Souls and spiritually-minded Humans work in this new energy. It’s a system put together by Old Souls and workers of the light, where everyone plays their own specific roles. It’s not where everyone does the same thing, or follows only one rule of truth. This is a confluence of energy that works this puzzle in a beautiful golden circle. You don’t all have to wear the same outfit, or face the same direction, or speak the same language, to change the planet. You also don’t even have to know each other.
This is just the beginning and there will be more, but the premise is clear: Everyone has their niche, depending upon who they are, and how many lives they have had on the Earth. The Old Souls are the most experienced, and will recognize this message first. This system begins to explain why some of you are called to do certain things, and others are not. Dear ones, don’t beat yourselves up mentally, because you don’t think you measure up to your neighbor, who you feel is doing something more important than yourself. God sees you all the same, working the puzzle together.
Leave this place differently than you came, with knowledge that is uplifting, and a change of attitude about what might be happening for you. That’s enough for today.
I am Kryon, in love with humanity.
And so it is.