Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading Ryan’s and Kellie’s journey to love and wholeness through their renewed faith in God. I hope you enjoyed it.

The first time Ryan showed up in Season of Dreams (Feb. 2011), I thought he’d be a really fun, tortured hero to write. Uh no—fun is not even close to describing Ryan’s character development. I agonized over him, trying to find the right balance and the right heroine for him. And then along came Kellie Cavanaugh who formed before my eyes once I gave her the right name. Amazing what strength of character comes from a name. Kellie is perfect for Ryan because she understands him. As a strong person with emotional scars of her own, Kellie knew what Ryan was going through but was too afraid to love him. I think it took Ryan and Kellie to finally put their trust in God in a very real way to enable them to love each other perfectly.

God did not promise a life that would be easy, but He promised He’d never leave or forsake us. With the Creator of the Universe on our side, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.

Many Blessings,


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