Questions for Discussion
- Like our earthly fathers, God promises to do what is best for us, including correction or punishment when needed. How is God’s hand in Ryan’s situation of forced counseling?
- Have you ever read the poem “Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson? The opening lines show a man running from God. In what ways did Ryan also run from God?
- Kellie worried about her immediate attraction to Ryan because of ethical concerns of getting personally involved with someone in counseling where she interned. Should she have been? Why or why not?
- Ryan’s estrangement from his brother was because Sinclair left him alone to grieve. Should Ryan have felt that way? Why? Why is it so easy to hold on to a grudge against a family member?
- Kellie’s past includes the self-destructive behavior of cutting. How has the church addressed this issue with their teens? How should they? How would you respond to a teenager who struggles with this?
- When the book opens, Ryan is in denial regarding his grief over the death of his fiancée and his abuse of alcohol. When do you think Ryan accepted his alcoholism? Do you believe Ryan will succeed in his recovery? Why or why not?
- Kellie keeps a tight rein on her feelings and steers clear of situations where she believes she may be emotionally hurt. Can you relate to that? In what ways?
- How did Kellie show growth by the end of the book? What was the catalyst for Kellie giving a relationship with Ryan another chance?
- In the New Living Bible translation, 1 Corinthians 13:7 reads: Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. How did Kellie fall short of that when it came to Ryan? And what about her brother?
- Ryan and Kellie work together on a house being built for a single mom in need. Are there any nonprofit organizations in your area that do this? How do you view what they do?
- I usually end my books with a wedding scene as an epilogue, but didn’t with this book. I chose an engagement scene instead. When and where do you think Ryan and Kellie will get married?