“I need to see inside one of those robots,” Clark tells Lois over the phone. But he first has to figure out how to get one away from its owner.

Stepping back inside the convention hall, Clark scans the scene. The place is crawling with LexCleans! Each robot is standing close to its new owner. Clark isn’t sure how he can look inside one without calling attention to himself.

Suddenly he hears a familiar voice whoop in excitement.

“Woo hoo!” Jimmy Olsen is dancing around a brand new LexClean. “I’ll never have to vacuum my floor again!”

Clark makes his way over and claps Jimmy on the back. “Congratulations, Jimmy!”

Jimmy grins. “Maybe I should take your picture!” Clark suggests. He snaps a few shots of Jimmy with his new robot, then asks the hard question. “Say, Jimmy, would you mind if I took a look inside of your LexClean?”

Jimmy shrugs. “Sure,” he agrees.

He and Clark move around to the back of the robot. There is a large panel with a warning on it in bright red:


Jimmy looks unsure, but Clark has to see inside! He wants to know if what he suspects is true — that the LexCleans’ true purpose isn’t as squeaky clean as it seems. He reaches for the panel and tries to pry it free. It doesn’t budge. He’ll have to use his super-strength.

“Jimmy, have you seen Lois?” Clark asks to distract him. When Jimmy turns to look for Lois, Clark removes the panel easily, but…


The LexClean starts blasting an ear-splitting alarm! The people in the center cover their ears and turn to see what’s causing the noise.

Press here.