While some of the crowd heads for the roof, Clark goes the other way. He wants a closer look at the battle suit. It has features like super-strength, durability, and flight to match Superman’s powers. Luthor claims the suit was created to help protect the people of Earth. But Clark knows its true intention — to destroy Superman!

It’s no secret Luthor hates the Man of Steel. He has tried to destroy Superman before. By wearing the suit, he’s come frighteningly close. Clark knows that, sooner or later, Superman will have to battle the big shot bully in his improved suit. The more he can find out about the suit’s upgrades and improvements the better.

The purple and green suit gleams in the case. Below it a sign proclaims it to be: The Ultimate Defense Against Interfering Aliens.


That’s ironic, Clark thinks with a frown, since it’s alien-made.

Clark lowers his glasses. He tries to see inside the suit using his X-ray vision. It’s no use. The case is made from leaded glass. Clark suspects that the suit is lined with Kryptonite. Just being near the suit would weaken Superman. It’s also armed with Kryptonite-fueled weapons, including energy blasts and plasma blades.

“Can you tell us what’s different about this suit?” Clark asks the tech who is showing off the armor.

“I can do better than that,” the technician says. He holds up a remote and pushes a button. Clark winces as the case opens and the suit slowly rises into the air. “I can show you! Follow me, everyone,” the tech tells the audience. Then he guides the battle suit and the onlookers toward the exit doors.

Clark feels unsteady. The Kryptonite in the suit is making him feel strange. And he has a bad feeling that something is about to go terribly wrong!

If Clark stays to watch the battle suit demonstration, press here.

If Clark changes into Superman to deal with the suit, press here.