Welcome, the darkening season! As Samhain begins, a Disseminating Moon in home-loving, clannish Cancer is in harmonious aspect to the Sun in Scorpio; it is time to set down our tools and let our soil rest. A luminous grouping of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in Virgo twinkles in the evening sky and blesses the harvest table. It’s the season of darkening, but we are warm, well-fed, and nestled safely among our loved ones.
On November 12, the warrior planet Mars enters Libra, the sign of relationships, balance, and fairness. Mars last visited Libra between December 7, 2013, and July 25, 2014; here is your chance to revisit any conflicts that were left unresolved then. Mars in Libra avoids conflict, but when pushed too far—as is likely when Mars squares Pluto (December 6) and opposes Uranus (December 10)—its scales tip decidedly toward open warfare. Mark it on your calendar, for this will be an eventful week.
Neptune turns direct on November 18, and for a day before and after you may feel as though all you want to do is sleep. Then, on November 26, there is a wake-up call as Saturn squares Neptune. When Saturn is in Sagittarius, there is pressure to feel as though there is a right way to do things (ours) and a wrong way (everyone else’s). This leaves little room for Neptune’s gentler “live and let live” approach. Expect livelier-than-usual conversation around the Thanksgiving table, especially if the focus shifts to politics or religion.
Mars in Libra
Mars, the planet of conflict, is ill at ease in peaceful, genteel Libra (November 12, 2015 to January 3, 2016). What does a fighter do when he is asked to wear his morning suit for breakfast and eat with his pinkie sticking out? He picks up his butter knife and starts fidgeting with it. A bored Mars, forced to be polite, is an extremely edgy Mars. Tension and frustration build as Mars transits here. It is time to clear the air and restore balance to your life, particularly in your relationships. It’s not just romantic relationships that need recalibrating, either, but all the important relationships in your life—with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers.
New Moon in Scorpio – Nov. 11, 2015
This is one of the most magical, transformative New Moons of the year. The Sun and Moon make a sextile aspect to cheerful Jupiter, lightening Scorpio’s brooding darkness. This is an excellent New Moon for summoning both practical help and magical intercession. Your friends or social connections present enticing opportunities that promise improved prosperity and adventure—you need only reach out your hand and take them.
Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto, the wealthiest of all the Gods, so this is one of the year’s best New Moons for prosperity spells, rituals, and affirmations.
Prosperity Ritual for Scorpio New Moon
Astrologer Simone Butler has invented a marvelous system for combining astrology and feng shui, which she calls Astro Feng Shui. Part of her method calls for matching your New Moon affirmations and rituals with the part of your house associated with that New Moon’s sign. Since Scorpio is a financial sign, this is the New Moon to strengthen the wealth “gua” of your home, or the area in the farther back left corner from the front door.
Our bedroom lies in this part of our house, and here’s what I do at every Scorpio New Moon. First, I clean this room thoroughly, tackling cobwebs, dust bunnies, and the detritus that collects in the closet and bedside tables. Absolutely everything is dusted, wiped down, vacuumed, and polished. I throw open the windows and smudge with sage, imagining all financial worries flying out the window and prosperity flying in. Then I simply write down a financial goal for the coming twelve months, set it on the bedroom altar, and light a tall green candle on top of it.
This ritual has had unexpected and powerful effects in our household. The first time I performed it, our ancient car and a series of old household appliances fell apart within days. Wherever we had been cutting corners and making do, the universe insisted that we make investments and bring our lives “up to code.” The next time I performed the ritual, I was offered a book contract by a major publisher, with an advance equal to my total earnings for the previous year!
Full Moon in Gemini – Nov. 25, 2015
This will be a bumpy Full Moon, with the Moon opposed Saturn and square Neptune. In the United States, Thanksgiving falls the day after this Full Moon. Holiday gatherings with family can tap wellsprings of old hurts and grievances, and there are likely to be wounded feelings, particularly among siblings. Fortunately, the Full Moon in Gemini, the sign of communication, makes a good aspect to Mars in Libra. Honest but diplomatic conversations can help restore harmony to these important relationships. This can be an extremely effective Full Moon for releasing negative thought patterns and forgiving harsh words and broken promises.
New Moon in Sagittarius – Dec. 11, 2015
The New Moon in Sagittarius is one of the best moments of the year to set intentions that are designed to open up your life and move you in a fresh, new direction. This New Moon’s beneficial aspects to Mars and Uranus bring a spirit of tremendous vitality and excitement to anything you try. However, the New Moon point is square Jupiter in prudent Virgo, so don’t throw all caution to the wind. Laying practical groundwork first will make it easier to embrace adventure later on.
Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, and its current transit through conscientious Virgo brings blessings to work-related travel or trips that have a humanitarian purpose.