
The Sun in Taurus in a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Virgo, and Venus in contented Taurus, reinforce Beltane’s spirit of feasting and fertility. This Beltane begins with a Last Quarter Moon in friendly Aquarius; the call is to gather with friends old and new to celebrate the height of spring. Gather for a bonfire at the beach or sparklers in your backyard!

Mercury in Taurus will be retrograde through May 22. Mercury’s retrograde periods can be aggravating if you are trying to meet specific deadlines or maintain a fixed schedule. Many of us travel at this time of year, and I’ve found that Mercury retrograde is actually not a bad time for it, provided that (1) you have made the arrangements while Mercury was direct and (2) your itinerary is not too aggressive. Be sure to double-check all arrangements, have backup plans, and build plenty of extra time into your schedule. And it is best to wait until after Jupiter turns direct on May 9 to travel overseas, especially to places you’ve never visited before.

Mars, retrograde since April 17, will regress into Scorpio on May 27. This is time to review unfinished business from Mars’ recent visit in this sign (between January 3 and March 5). If there are old disputes or unfinished work, resolve and bring them to completion; it is hard to make the most of Beltane’s fecund promise when your heart is filled with hurts and your inbox is filled with half-done projects.

Neptune turns retrograde on June 13. A retrograde planet generally behaves “against type,” so Neptune’s qualities of intuition, sensitivity, and imagination are turned inward and we cannot easily read our environment. Generally these are good times for retreat, introspection and meditation. Your perspective on yourself and the truth about your life is actually quite clear to you now, and that can lead to some uncomfortable but invaluable insights.

New Moon in Taurus – May 6, 2016

With the New Moon and Venus in money-oriented Taurus, in a grand trine with Jupiter and Pluto, and falling on Friday (which is Venus’ sacred day), this is the Mother of all New Moons for summoning prosperity! If you do nothing else at this New Moon, try this prosperity ritual from my friend Dana Gerhardt, adapted from Caroline Casey’s Santería Ritual in Making the Gods Work for You. I’ve performed this ritual many times, with results ranging from impressive to astonishing.

There is one caveat: Jupiter is approaching a square with Saturn, which may limit the results somewhat. Make your wishes very specific and practical; these are the intentions most likely to be rewarded now.

Prosperity Ritual

You’ll need a round piece of bread (perhaps a dinner roll), a nickel or five pennies, honey, a yellow candle, a piece of paper, and a source of flowing, fresh water, such as a stream or river.

On this New Moon on Friday, make a hole in your dinner roll and place your coins inside. On a small piece of paper, clearly declare your wishes; fold the paper and put it in the bread, on top of the coin. Pour a little honey on top. Finally, place a small, yellow candle (between a birthday candle and a taper) in the hole and light it. As it’s burning, honor Venus with an activity that makes you feel happy, wealthy, beautiful, and pampered. When the candle is completely burned down, take it to the river or stream and toss it in, while calling the Goddess in words of your own choosing.

Full Moon in Sagittarius – May 21, 2016

This Full Moon in Sagittarius is in a tight conjunction with retrograde Mars. It’s an emotionally volatile combination, given to expressions of anger, and Sagittarius is a very blunt sign; combined with Mercury stationing to move direct, the impulse is strong to speak your mind and act on your feelings. But that might cause more problems than it solves. Instead, direct your thoughts inward to better understand your own reactions to situations, especially angry reactions. Mars turns direct on June 29, and then it will be much clearer what is really bothering you, and which are the right actions and words to help you resolve the situation.

New Moon in Gemini – June 4, 2016

On the heels of the volatile Full Moon in Sagittarius comes one of the most significant New Moons of the year. Tightly conjoined Venus, the New Moon in Gemini opposes Saturn and squares both Jupiter and Neptune. This combination of planets emphasizes affection, responsibility, idealism, and optimism in nearly equal measure. It also represents the midpoint between the year’s eclipses in March and September, triggering significant changes in the areas of spirituality, health, and day-to-day responsibilities.

As this New Moon falls on a weekend in early June, which is a very popular time to marry, it will have a long-lasting impact for a great many people who will carry this energy forward in their marriage charts. The most significant challenge for these couples will be finding a balance between Jupiter and Neptune’s optimism and idealism and Saturn’s demands that they maintain realistic expectations of each other and the marriage. Luckily, Gemini is an extremely facile communicator, and the ability to laugh together and discuss almost any subject is the great blessing of a marriage that begins with the Sun, Moon, and Venus in this sign.

Full Moon in Sagittarius – June 20, 2016

Coming just hours before the Summer Solstice, this powerful Full Moon is the second in Sagittarius, at the very last degree of that sign. In astrology, the 29th degree of a sign is called an anaretic degree, sometimes referred to as a karmic degree. The energy of a planet at 29 degrees creates a sense of urgency, so at this Full Moon, both the Sun’s will and the Moon’s intuition demand their due.

Each of them brings along a companion: The Sun in Gemini has Mercury nearby, at its strongest in this sign. Mercury is closely opposed to Saturn in Sagittarius, on the Moon’s side of the sky. This Full Moon demands nothing less than our total commitment to communicating with one another, and balancing the need to take responsibility for our own convictions (Sagittarius) while still being willing to maintain a curious, questioning spirit (Gemini).

Jupiter is in a nearly precise conjunction with the Moon’s North Node, seemingly tilting the scales in favor of maintaining your own opinions. But Jupiter and the North Node are in Virgo, one of Mercury’s signs; there is no breaking of this stalemate. The only solution is compromise, balance, and a willingness to learn from others.
