
Abbey, Edward, 53

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 116–117, 170–171

First Amendment Rights, 170–171

Fourth Amendment Rights, 75

HSU Women’s Prison conditions, 211–212

lawsuits against CMUs, 214

Potter, involvement, 30–31, 118

ACLU v. NSA, 78

ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 61

Administrative Procedures Act, 212

ADX-Florence, 208–212, 214

African National Congress, 44

Aiken, Ann

Block and Zacher trial, 188–197

McGowan trial, 203–206, 213

NSA hearing, 77–78

Al Qaeda

East Africa, U.S. Embassy bombings, 26

“eco-al-Qaeda,” 58

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, 26

Gadahn, 25

Ghailani, 26

immanent threat (2004), 19–20

Jdey, 26

Maati, 26

moral limits, 41

Moussaoui, 208

NSA spying, 72

Osama bin Laden tapes, 63

post-9/11, 125–126

Shukrijumah, 26

Siddiqui, 26

threat compared to activists, 23, 28, 235–236

Albert, Judy Gumbo, 96

Alcatraz, 211

ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)

“Animal & Ecological Terrorism in America,” 127

eco-terrorism bill model, 128–130, 234

history of, 125

membership, 125–126

Alexander, George, 49–50

ALF (Animal Liberation Front) activism

Atwood, member, 176

“Breaking Free,” 29

Bush Administration (2000–2008), 223–224

Cavel West arson, 65–66

codes of conduct, 47

Coronado, member, 66–67, 101, 122, 223–234

crime decrease, 59

Ferguson, member, 67–68

formation of, 54

Harper, member, 99

McGowan, member, 131, 213

Michigan State University mink raid, 121

North American Press Office, 176

Northwestern Food Cooperative arson, 122

Paul, member, 52

SHAC support of, 95–96

Texas Tech lab arson, 120

University of Arizona arson, 120

University of California, Davis arson, 119, 146

University of Utah vandalism, 175

Western Wildlife Unit, 67

Ziegler, member, 184

ALF (Animal Liberation Front) opposition

activists indictment, 63

ALEC, relationship, 127

arson danger potential, 184

corporate interests, 239–240

dangers of direct action, 52

FBI assessment of crimes and damages, 25

Freeh, opinion, 56

Fur Commission, accusation, 239

national security threat, 46

NSA surveillance, 72

organizations publicly denounce, 191

PETA, relationship, 74

September 11, 2001, 124

top domestic threat, 71

See also Animal Enterprise Protection Act; Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

Alien and Sedition Laws (1798), 134

Ambrose, Frank, 64, 229

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). See ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

American Farm Bureau, 244

American Friends Service Committee, 70

American Indian Movement, 16, 70

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). See ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)

American Medical Association, 244

American Veal Association, 180

American Veterinary Medical Association, 165

Americans for Medical Progress, 123, 142, 176

Amnesty International, 56, 211

Amoco, 126

“Anarchist Golfing Association,” 85

Angelica Kitchen, 99

Anheuser-Busch Companies, 125

“Animal & Ecological Terrorism in America” (ALEC), 127

Animal Agriculture Alliance, 176, 180

Animal Enterprise Protection Act

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 131

bills to expand penalties, 104, 123

focus of, 122

Harper, violation, 231

law passed, 103–104

Massachusetts protests, 178

presidential signature of, 174

Samuel, violation, 124, 154

SHAC, alleged violation, 98

Walsh, advocation, 245

Young, violation, 124, 154

Animal Enterprise Protection Coalition, 161–162, 165

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

ACLU, deferral, 116–117

ACLU, non-opposition, 170–171

ALEC, model bill, 130

Animal Enterprise Protection Act, 131

animal industries, 142

Boghosian, opposition, 172

Coble, support, 130–131

Congressional debate, 160–166

effect on free speech, 248

first arrests, 232

lobbying for new legislation, 233

passage, 173

Petri, sponsor, 165

Potter, testifies, 133

President George W. Bush signs, 174

Republicans pressing forward, 116

Schumacher, support, 179

Sensenbrenner, sponsor, 165–166, 169–171, 173

Solano, prosecutor, 180

underground response, 175

Animal Liberation Front (ALF). See ALF (Animal Liberation Front)

Animal Liberation (Singer), 244

“Animal Rights: Activism vs. Criminality” hearing, 25

Animal Rights Militia, 174

Animal Rights Reporter (newsletter), 51

Animal Welfare Act, 120, 127

anti-abortion activism

absence on terrorist lists, 46

Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, 123

Freeh, testimony 58

Jordi, attempted arson, 186

National Abortion Federation tracking, 46

Nuremberg Files (website), 106

Rudolph, and, 214

terrorism, distinction, 42

Tiller, murder, 238

Waagner, mission, 45

Anti-Defamation League, 61

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, 183

Arkansas Terrorism Research Center, 61

Armstrong, Billie Joe, 24

Army of God, 45–46, 214

Arnold, Ron, 55–56, 61, 136, 176

Ashcroft, John, 19–20, 23, 25, 26, 27–28

AT&T, 70

ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms), 60, 64

Atwood, Nick, 176

Aum Shinrikyo cult, 45

Autonomous Zone (“A-Zone”), 10–11

Aventis Pharmaceuticals, 127

Ayers, Bill, 223, 228

Balluch, Martin, 21–22

Bank of America bombing (Seattle), 109

Bari, Judi, 50

Basso, Michele, 116, 132, 137, 139

Bayer, 127

BBI (Beckett Brown International), 75

Beckham, Jeremy, 218

BellSouth, 70

Benkhala, Sabri, 209

Bennick, Greg, 152

Berardi, Kim, 12–13, 65, 67, 217–218

Berry, Marion, 104

Bibi, Mark, 105, 139

Bicester Two (Goodman and Lee), 54

Biotechnology Industry Organization, 139, 178

Biotic Baking Brigade, 49, 85

Bishop, Bill, 196

Bite Back (ed. Nick Atwood), 176

Black Panther Party, 70

Blenkinsop, David, 112

Block, Lee, 196

Block, Maureen, 196

Block, Nathan

arrest, 64

guilty plea, 79

refusal to talk, 69

trial, 190–198

Blueprint (Young), 223

Blum, Jonathan, 244

Boghosian, Heidi, 172

Boise Cascade arson, 82

Bourne, Sandy Liddy, 127

Bradshaw, Toby, 89

Brandenburg, Clarence, 105–106

Brower, David, 52

Buddenberg, Joseph, 232

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 60, 64

Bureau of Land Management, 63, 65, 67

Bureau of Prisons

CMUs, statements regarding, 212–215

directory, 208

McGowan, request, 5

national program statement, 208

pilot programs, 210

Potter, visit approved, 219

Burger King, 75

Bush, President George H. W., 121

Bush, President George W.

9/11 statement, 43, 105

Dr. King memorial speech, 159

“mission accomplished,” 174

terrorism, use of term, 38

War on Terrorism, 124

Bush Administration (2000–2008)

Boghosian, 188

eco-terrorism resources, 234

military commissions, 228

secret spy programs, 78

See also War on Terrorism

Cacheris, James C., 209

Caldwell, Leslie, 52

California Anti-Terrorism Information Center, 76

California Healthcare Institute, 139

Calnan, Jacquie, 142, 176

Cancel, Al, 11–12

Capra, Frank, 242

Capralogics, 156–157

Carson, Rachel, 53

Cass, Brian, 48, 111–112, 141

Castle, Mike, 164

Cater, Shelley, 200

Caulfield, Mike “Blockhead,” 95

Cavel West arson, 65–67, 82

CBS Early Show, 28

Centennial Olympic Park bombing, 44, 46, 208

See also Rudolph, Eric

Center for Constitutional Rights, 214, 233

Center for Consumer Freedom, 73–74, 113, 136, 247

Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, 55, 176

Center for the Study of Climate Change, 192

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 192

Charles Schwab, 96

Charlotte’s Web, 136

Cheney, Vice President Dick, 169

Cherney, Darryl, 50

Cherry, Elizabeth, 102

Cherry Point Air Station, 235

Chesapeake Climate Action Network, 77

Chevron, 126

Chicago Seven, 98

Childs, Caitlin, 74–75

Chiron, 33

Chiron Corporation bombing, 48, 110, 228–229

Christie, Christopher J., 31, 231

Chronicle of Higher Education, 30

Church Committee, The, 70–71

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 192

Citibank, 96

Citizen Fish (punk band), 101

City of God, The (St. Augustine), 40–41

City of Hope National Medical Center raid, 54

civil disobedience

ALEC, deterrence, 128

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 138, 234

Earth First, 76

electronic, 98–99, 107

hate crimes, 56–57

Illegal Incidents Report, 161

Martin Luther King, Jr., 167

terrorism, 57, 166–167

terrorism, definition, 37

threat, 76

tree sits, 84

Civil Liberties Defense Center, 198

Clash of Civilizations, The (Huntington), 243

Clausen, Barry, 57

Clorox Coporation, 58

CMU (Communication Management Unit)

Administrative Procedures Act, 212

Bureau of Prisons proposal, 215

defined, 208

experimental nature, 209

inhumane proposals, 215

inmate statistics, 214–215

lawsuits challenging, 214

national security, 216

psychological torture, 211

questionable legality, 211–212

restrictions, 210, 219

CMU Marion, IL

CMU Terre Haute, IN, 208

history, 211

“Little Guantánamo,” 208

McGowan, prisoner, 208, 210, 213–214

political prison, 216

Potter, visit, 218–225

Stepanian, prisoner, 209

CMU Terre Haute, IN

Benkhala, prisoner, 209

CMU Marion, IL,, 208

Dharif, prisoner, 209

Egan, statement, 216

political prison, 216

CNN, 28, 63

Coble, Howard, 130, 139

Coburn, Heather, 67

COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program), 8, 70, 79

Cold War, 70, 135, 243

Colgate Palmolive, 23

Communication Management Unit (CMU). See CMU (Communication Management Unit)

communism, 135, 172, 241–242

See also McCarthyism; Red Menace; Red Scare; Red Squad

Communist Party USA, 70

Conflict (punk band), This Is the A.L.F., 101

Congressional Research Service, 78, 164

Conroy, Jake

arrest, 24, 30

“Breaking Free,” 29

defense, 153

dossier, 27

electronic civil disobedience, 99

Haveson, attorney, 107

house arrest, 145–148

prison, post-release, 229

SHAC defendant, 66

This Means War, 153

trial, 109, 149–150, 152

Consort Beagle Breeders protest, 20–22

Coronado, Rod

Hunt Saboteurs, 66–67

“Operation Bite Back,” 122

post-release, 223–224

veganism, 101

Western Wildlife Unit (ALF), 67

Corrections Corporation of America, 126

Corrupt Organizations Act, 103

Counter Intelligence Program (COINTERLPRO), 8, 70, 79

Covance, 33

Crass (punk band), 101

Crocker, Demetrius “Van,” 45

Cummings, Timothy, 55

Cunningham, Randall “Duke,” 160

Dairy Herd Management, 180

Daley, Richard, 72

Darwin, Charles, 127

DeChristopher, Tim, 233

Defenders of Wildlife, 125

Delahunt, Bill, 139

Democratic National Convention, 27, 98

DeMuth, Scott, 233

Department of Homeland Security (DHS). See DHS (Department of Homeland Security)

Department of Peace and Nonviolence, 170

Descent of Man (Darwin), 127

Dharif, Rafil A., 209

DHS (Department of Homeland Security)

definition of terrorism, 37

eco-terrorism warnings, 240

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program, 234–235

national security threats, ALF and ELF, 46

post-9/11, 74

Dibee, Joseph, 64, 81–83

Dillbone, Jeffrey, 107

Diplomatic Tactical Services, 75

Dirnt, Michael, 24

Discovery Institute, 246

domestic terrorism

ALF, threat, 120

animal rights crimes, 55, 119

ATF, role expansion, 60

DHS, role expansion, 60–61

FBI, definition, 237

FBI investigation investment, 31, 104, 237

FBI investigation priority, 25, 239

first victory against, 64

Freeh, testifies, 57

Lewis, opposition, 44–45

Mason, indicted, 229

operations protecting profits, 47

statistical data, 46

violence, 52

domestic terrorists

Bari as, 50

Block as, 196

Bureau of Prisons statistics, 213

Cherney as, 50

Limbaugh as, 29

Operation Backfire, and, 182

Potter as, 13–15, 118, 217

right-wing, 238

San Diego as, 228

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 249

Douglas, William O., 135

Downtime (Novak), 148

Drewniak, Michael, 150, 157

DuPont, 169

Durand, Adam, 136

Earth Crisis (hardcore band), 101

Earth Day (1970), 53

Earth First

Bari, member, 50

Cherney, member, 50

Clausen, infiltrator, 57

divisions within, 49–50

Earth Firsters, 193, 198–200

ELF, relationship, 57, 65

Foreman, founder, 53

Freeh, denial, 56

Riggs, accusation, 56

Roselle, founder, 53, 201

Wolke, founder, 53

Earth First Journal, 65, 85, 199

Earthjustice, 191

East Africa, U.S. Embassy bombings, 26

Eat Shit Fuckface (band), 187

Eco-Commando Force (Florida), 53

eco-feminism, 245


Earth Crisis lyrics, 101

Ecotage, 53

national newspapers, 59


ADL courses, 61

ALEC legislation, 129–130, 234

animal rights movement, 45

Arnold, invention of term, 55, 61

Chiron Corporation bombing, 48

Coble, opposition, 131

Department of Homeland Security, 240, 245

“Eco-Terrorism Specifically Examining Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty” hearing, 111

FBI investigation, 25

FBI warnings, 61

Foundation for Biomedical Research, list, 48

Hoot (children’s movie) as, 136

Humane Society, 116

impact of rhetoric, 238

Inkerman Group, opposition, 59–60

institutionalization, 60

legislation, 129

mainstream media, 59

national security dialogue, 58

Nethercutt, opposition, 191

Obama, opposition, 227

Obama Administration, 234

Oregon bill proposal, 130

Pennsylvania law, 47

Potter, testifies, 16

PR firms, national security dialogue, 58

prisoners, 223

right-wing terrorism, versus, 237–238

San Diego housing development arson, 48

Shaklee corporation bombing, 48

smear campaigns, 136

stickers, 60

term invention, 55

Thompson, criticism, 237

USDA security surveys, 61

Utah legislation proposal, 233

Vlasak, testimony, 247

Eggen, Dan, 216

ELF (Earth Liberation Front) activism

activists indicted, 63

Block, member, 190, 196

codes of conduct, 47

crime decrease, 59

Jefferson Poplar Farm arson, 88

Kolar, member, 81

Mason, member, 229

McGowan, member, 2, 28, 79, 85, 88–90, 213

Meyerhoff, member, 193

Michigan State University arson, 229

Oregon, 57, 181

press office reopened, 228

radical direct action, 65

Rodgers, zine, 90

Romania Chevrolet arson, 67

Rosebraugh, member, 89

SUV stickers, 60

United Kingdom, in, 57

University of Washington Horticulture Center arson, 88–89

Vail ski resort arson, 57

Velure, judge, 89

Wade, member, 223

Zacher, member, 190

ELF (Earth Liberation Front) opposition

9/11, and, 58

ALF statistics, 59

Ambrose, arrested, 64

arson danger potential, 184

corporate interests, 239–240

crime statistics, 184

dangers of direct action, 52

FBI investigations, 58, 67

Ferguson, FBI, 68

Freeh, testimony, 56

Holland, arson investigator, 228

letter denouncing, 191

Lewis, testifies, 25, 71

national security threat, 46, 71

NSA surveillance, 72

Peifer, prosecution attorney, 185–186

PETA, alleged ties to, 74

Walden, on threat of, 58

Eli Lilly & Company, 127

Engdall, Kirk, 79, 194

Enron, 126

Erba, Andrew, 100–101

Eugene, OR

activists subpoenaed, 68

anarchism, 85, 181, 198

Earth First Journal, 199

federal court, 182, 190

Laskey, crime, 186

McGowan, 5–6, 16, 85–87, 90

Register-Guard, 196

Evers, Charles, 106, 108

Everson, Mike, 15

Fahrenheit 9/11 (Moore), 73

Falwell, Jerry, 125

FARM, 163, 166

Farrar, Jeffrey, 105

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, 26


animal rights activism investigation, 25, 31

“Anna,” 27–28

ATF, 60, 64

audit warning, 236–237

COINTELPRO, 8, 70, 79

domestic terrorism arrests, 55, 119–120

domestic terrorism trainings, 60

eco-terrorism warnings, 61

Farrar, special agent, 105

Ferguson, association, 67–68

Freeh, director, 57

Green Scare, 61

Greenpeace, 73–74, 136

Harper, apartment raid, 30–31

Harper, speech, 93

Hoover, J. Edgar, 70, 168

It’s a Wonderful Life, threat, 242

Kolar, association, 69

Lewis, deputy assistant director, 25, 45, 72, 104

Martin Luther King, Jr., 168

McGowan, arrest, 91

McGowan, investigation, 28

most wanted list, 26, 228–229

Mueller, director, 19, 25, 64, 74

National Lawyers Guild raids, 172

NSA, 71

Operation Backfire, 64

PETA, 73–74

Potter, approached, 7–10, 13–17

Potter, CMU visit, 217

Potter, harrassment, 133

Rowley, agent, 60

Rudolph, domestic terrorist, 46

Sherrod, approached, 15

storms activist homes, 23–24

terrorism defined, 37, 45–46

terrorism timeline, 44

Terrorist Screening Center, 217

testifying for law expansion, 104

Thomas Merton Center for Peace and Justice, and, 74

Trutt, set up, 51

University of California Santa Cruz bombing, 246

warns corporations, 60

See also Joint Terrorism Task Forces (FBI); Operation Backfire

Feedstuffs, 246

Feeney, Tom, 138

Ferdin, Pam, 111–112

Ferguson, Jacob

arson experimentation, 82

FBI pressured to reveal alliances, 67–68

government tapes, 204

Grassroots Animal Rights Conference, 90

McGowan, relationship, 205

sentencing, 187

Superior Lumber Company arson, 86

Fierce Green Fire, A (Shabecoff), 52–53

Final Nail (Thurston), 228

First, Neil, 49

First Amendment

ACLU, 170–171

ALEC model legislation, 234

Animal Enterprise Protection Act, 169–171

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 138, 170

Best, protections, 105

Brandenburg, Ku Klux Klan, 105–106, 108

Brandenburg standard, 230

Center for Constitutional Rights, 233

critical nature of, 133

defense of SHAC, 108

Evers, NAACP, 106, 108

government power expansion, 134

Hutchins, on, 77

Illegal Incidents Report, 161

Kucinich, on, 169

NSA surveillance violation, 78

protected activities, 233

SHAC campaign, 105–108

terrorism, 162

Trull, laws misguided, 178–179

Virginia v. Black, 230–231

Watts, on, 106, 108

FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), 71, 77

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 172

Flynn, Jim, 199

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 71

Foreman, Dave, 53

Fort Dix, 5

Fort Lee, VA, anti-terrorism drill, 235

Foundation for Biomedical Research

anti-SHAC ads, 142

list of eco-terrorism crimes, 48–49, 161–162

Fourth Amendment Rights, 70

Fox, The (Illinois), 53

Fox News, 238

Foxx, Virginia, 173

Free the Animals (Newkirk), 54

Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, 123

Freedom of Information Act, 208, 217

Freedom Summer, 50

Freeh, Louis, 56–58

Freeman, Christopher, 74

Fresno County Sheriff Department, Anti Terrorism Unit, 73

Friedman, Marc, 184

Fullmer, Darius

charged with AEPA violation conspiracy, 98

court, 109

dossier, 26

prison, after release, 229

sentenced, 153

trial anticipation, 30

Fur Commission, 161, 174, 239

G-8 Summit, 27

Gadahn, Adam, 25

Gandhi, Mohandas, 39, 95

Gazzola, Lauren

charged with AEPA violation conspiracy, 99

dossier, 27

FBI house raid, 24

house arrest, 141–145

Marsh protest involvement, 111

post-sentencing farewell feast, 154–155

prison, after release, 229

radio interview, 230

sentenced, 153

SHAC dedication, 24–25

student of law, 100

trial, 15–152

trial anticipation, 30

Gerlach, Chelsea, 63, 69, 81–82

Ghailani, Ahmed Khalfan, 26

Girgen, Jen, 120

GlaxoSmithKline, 33, 116, 127, 131, 161, 165

Glick, Daniel, Powder Burn, 66

Glickman, Dan, 49

Global Options, 75, 97–98

Goldman, Emma, 16

Gonzales, Alberto, 64

Gonzales, Laurence, 220

Goodman, Cliff, 54

Gore, Al, 65, 192

Grassroots Animal Rights Conference, 90

Great American Meatout, 163

Greek, Ray, 111

Green Day, 24

Green Scare, 61, 173, 178, 243, 247


Beckett Brown International, and, 75

condemning underground activists, 191

FBI monitoring, 136

FBI targeting, 73

nonviolent direct action, 53

Guantánamo Bay, 208, 216

Hall, Alex, 233

Harper, Josh

arrested, 28–29

“Breaking Free,” 29

charges, 97–98

Conroy, relationship, 66

dossier, 26

First Amendment, 231

Little Rock, Arkansas speech, 93

prison, after release, 229

This Means War, 153

trial, 109–111

trial anticipation, 30–32

University of Washington speech, 106

Haveson, Hal, 107

Haymarket martyrs, 16

Haymarket Riot, 72

Headwaters, 56

Headwaters Forest Campaign, 84

Health Care Institute of New Jersey, 34

Heartland Institute, 127

Heflin, Howell, 120

Help the Needy, 209

Hershaft, Alex, 163–164, 166, 169, 173

Hill, Julia Butterfly, 84

Hill Grove farm, 22

Hirsch, Leon, 51–52

Hit Man: A Technical Manual (Paladin Press), 106

Hofstadter, Richard, 243

Holland, Bob, 228

Homeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center, 234–235

HoneyBaked Ham (DeKalb County, GA), 74

Hoot, 136

Hoover, J. Edgar, 70, 168, 172, 241

House Committee on Homeland Security, 237–238

HSU Women’s Prison (Lexington, KY), 211

HSUS (Humane Society of the United States)

aggressive action against, 113

declined to oppose AETA, 116–117

PACs, 166

Proposition 2, 246

University of California Santa Cruz bombing, response, 246

Hugs for Puppies, 247

Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). See HSUS (Humane Society of the United States)

Hunt Saboteurs, 53, 54, 66

Huntingdon Life Sciences

animal rights movement, 23

Cass, managing director, 48

Gazzola, and, 24

Global Options, 75

Harper, and, 93–94

Marsh Inc. leafleting, 11

New Jersey, in, 34

Stepanian, and, 96

See also Life Sciences Research International; SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty)

Huntington, Samuel P., 243

Hurwitz, Charles, 85

Hussein, Saddam, 21

Hutaree Christian militia, 238

Hutchins, Thomas E., 77

Hutchinson, Tim, 104

Information Network Associates, 59

Inkerman Group, 59–60

Internal Security Act (1950), 134

Islam, Yusuf (Cat Stevens), 217

It’s a Wonderful Life (movie), as threat, 242

Jdey, Abderraouf, 26

Jefferson Poplar Farm arson, 83, 88–89, 204

Johnson, Jay, 218

Johnson & Johnson, 33, 127

Joint Terrorism Task Forces (FBI)

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, first arrests, 232

ELF arsons investigation, 58

foreign law enforcement, 72

Gazzola, and, 99

investigative powers, 237

local activist approached, 236

McGowan, arrest, 91

monitoring elephant delivery, 74

scope of, 73

Jongman, Albert, 36–37

Jordi, Stephen John, 186

Just and Unjust Wars (Walzer), 41

Kennedy, President John F., 43

Kennedy, Ted, 217

Kenya, car bomb, 26

Ketchum Public Relations, 58, 75

KFC, 244

Khajavi, Maryam, 232

Kilner, Aaron (Aaron Stokes), 73

King Jr., Martin Luther

FBI, 70–71

harassment, 16

“I Have a Dream” speech, 167

letter from a Birmingham jail, 167

NAACP, 168

National Mall memorial, 159–160

nonviolence, 39

riots, 20–21

value of property, 40

Kjonaas, Kevin

dossier, 27

electronic civil disobedience, 99

FBI house raid, 24

FBI monitoring, 105

imprisoned, 229

sentenced, 153

Stephens Inc. meeting, 96–97

trial, 149, 152

trial anticipation, 30

Klamath Basin Irrigation Project, 182

Knight Foundation, Journalism Initiatives, 133

Koch Industries, 126

Kolar, Jennifer, 64, 69, 81, 82

Krar, William J., 45

Ku Klux Klan, 105, 171, 182, 185

Kucinich, Dennis, 169–170, 173

Kushner, Theresa, 110

Laden, Osama bin, 26, 63, 65, 129

Lamont v. Postmaster General, 135

Lappin, Harley, 212–213

League of Conservation Voters, 191

Lee, Amanda, 79, 185, 187–188

Lee, Ronnie, 54

Lee, Sheila Jackson, 164

Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Irving), 225

Leonard, Randy, 179

Leopold, Aldo, 52

Les Amants, 35–36

Lewis, John E., 25, 45, 61, 72, 104, 160

Lexington, KY, HSU Women’s Prison, 211

Life Sciences Research International, 142

See also Huntingdon Life Sciences

Limbaugh, Rush, 14, 29, 129

Lindsay, Andrea, 145, 147, 155, 157

“Lodi Loppers,” 85

London, Edythe, 175

Louisiana-Pacific, 49–50, 58

Luers, Jeff “Free,” 87, 89, 202, 222

Maati, Amer el-, 26

Madrid bombings, 19

Malmgren, Kurt L., 127

Maloney, Paul L., 121

Mandela, Nelson, 44

Manson, Charles, 195

Marion federal Penitentiary. See CMU Marion, IL

Marsh Inc., 11, 99, 102, 111

Marshall, Craig “Critter,” 87

Marshall, Thurgood, 191

Martosko, David, 113

Mason, Marie, 229

Mayfield, Brandon, 19–20

McCain, John, 227

McCarran Act. See Internal Security Act

McCarthy, Joseph, 135

McCarthyism, 172, 248

See also communism

McClure, James, 55

McConnell, Mike, 78–79

McDavid, Eric, 28

McDonald’s, 57, 127, 169

McGee, John, 27, 30, 99

McGovern, James, 178

McGowan, Daniel

aliases, 2

arrested, 63, 91–92

biography, 83–92

Block, relationship, 195

CMU Marion, IL transfer, 213

CMU visit, Will Potter, 217–225

Earth First, 200

Ferguson, relationship, 69, 90–91

Lee, attorney, 79, 185

mug shot, 67

non-cooperating plea agreement, 79

prison, when released, 229

prison fears, 187–188

Rainforest Action Network, 3–4

Republican National Convention protests, 28, 90

Rolling Stone, in, 90

Ruckus Society, 3–4

Savoie, relationship, 85

speaks at court hearing, 80

Synan, relationship, 1–6, 202–206

trial, 202–206

trial anticipation, 1–6

Zacher, relationship, 195

See also ELF (Earth Liberation Front) activism

McGraw, Steven C., 237

McInnis, Scott, 191

McIntosh, Brent, 116, 131–132, 137

McKenna, Charles, 100, 105, 152–153, 231

McKenzie River (nude beach), 4

McVeigh, Timothy, 31, 47

Mead, Marc, 51–52

Meeropol, Robert, 134

Merck, 33, 127

Merrill Lynch, 96

Metropolitan Detention Center, 5

Meyerhoff, Stan

arrested, 63

law enforcement, cooperation, 68–69

romantic narrative, 81, 83

sentenced, 190, 193

Superior Lumber Company arson, 86–88

Ziegler, Zelda, and, 184

Michaelson, Richard, 103, 142

Michigan State University arson (1999), 229

Michigan State University mink raid (1992), 121

MINARET (NSA), 70, 79

Missouri Information Analysis Center, 238

Monkey Wrench Gang, The (Abbey), 53

Monsanto, 85, 180

Moore, Michael, 73

Moramarco, Glenn J., 230

Moran, Jamie. See McGowan, Daniel

Mother Jones, 75, 127

Moussaoui, Zacarias, 186, 208–209

MOVE home bombing, 16

Mueller, Robert

Al Qaeda dossiers, 25–27

Al Qaeda press conference, 19–20

American safety, 23

Hummer dealership briefing, 74

“Terrorism is terrorism,” 64

Muir, John, 52

Murrah Federal Building, 44

See also Oklahoma City bombing

NAACP, 70, 106, 168

NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., 106

NABR (National Association for Biomedical Research), 122, 130, 160, 178

Næss, Arne, 244

National Abortion Federation, 46

See also anti-abortion activism

National Animal Interest Alliance, 122–124, 170, 179

National Association for Biomedical Research, 122, 130, 160, 178

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 161

National Institute of Justice, 61

National Institutes of Health, 121

National Lawyers Guild, 172–173

National Pork Board, 180

National Pork Producers Council, 127

National Rifle Association, 125

National Security Agency (NSA). See NSA (National Security Agency)

National Socialist Movement, 45

National Wildlife Federation, 191

Natural Resources Defense Council, 125, 191

Nethercutt, George, 191–192

New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, 231

New Jersey quail farm raid, 175

New York University Medical Center raid, 54

Newkirk, Ingrid, 54

Newton, Eric, 133

Niceley, Frank, 129

Nicholas Ungar Furs, 180

Nichols-Dezenhall, 58–59, 75

Niemoller, Martin, 250

No Compromise, 65

Noel, Mike, 234

nonviolence, 39, 47, 170

North American Animal Liberation Press Office. See ALF (Animal Liberation Front) activism

Northwestern Food Cooperative arson, 122

Norwood, Charlie, 174

Notes from the Underground (Dostoyevsky), 249

Novak, David, 148

Novartis, 84

NSA (National Security Agency)

ACLU v. NSA, 78

domestic spying programs, 69–70

First Amendment violation, 78

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 71

illegal surveillance motion withdrawal, 79


Operation Backfire, 78

scope of spying, 72

warrantless surveillance, 77–80

Nuremberg Files, 106

Nuxalk Nation, 89

Obama, President Barak, 216, 227–229

Obama Administration, 234

obscenity, 35–36

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 230

Office of Science and Technology Policy, 121

Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 217

Oh, What a Slaughter (McMurty), 132

Oklahoma City bombing

domestic antiterrorism law, 183

motivation, 47

Murrah Federal Building, 44

terrorism, as defined, 36

Operation Backfire

arrests anniversary, 177

Boghosian, on, 172

defendants as eco-terrorists, 182

defendants’ cooperation, 147

domestic spying, 71

government enhancement, 186–187

Meeropol, on, 134

Savoie, and, 85

sentencing, 190

term invention, 64

Thurston, and, 228

warrantless surveillance, 77–78

Operation Bite Back, 122

Oregon Riot Act (1875), 201

Overaker, Josephine, 64

Oxford Laboratory Animal Colonies, 54

Pacific Lumber Company, 56

Paladin Press, 106

Palin, Sarah, 228

Palmer, Mitchell, 241–242

Palmer Raids, 172

Patriot Act

Aiken, and, 189

definition of terrorism, 37

federal terrorism definitions, and, 127

Kucinich, Dennis, and, 169

Obama Administration, and, 228

Paul, Jonathan

ALF, and, 67

arrest, 63

Cavel West arson, 82

Coronado, relationship, 66

Ferguson, relationship, 90

guilty plea, 79

Hunt Saboteurs, 66

Kolar, relationship, 69, 81

McGowan, relationship, 81

refusal to talk, 69

sentence, 191

sisters’ T-shirts, People magazine, 66

Peace Fresno, 73

Peifer, Stephen, 77, 184–186, 203

People magazine, “Free Jonathan Paul” T-shirts, 66

Pepper, John, 49

Perceptions International, 51–52, 75

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

Britches’s recovery footage, 146

bunny suits, 161

California Anti-Terrorism Information Center advisory, 76

Center for Consumer Freedom claims, 73–74

“corporate terrorists,” 244

Illegal Incidents Report, 161

Martosko, on, 113

Newkirk, and, 54

Pepper, “pie-ing,” 49

Rokke, and, 23

underground activist footage, 54

USDA security survey, 61

Petri, Thomas, 165–166, 173

Pfizer, 33, 127, 161, 166

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, 127

Philip Morris, 126, 175

Phillabaum, Lacey, 64, 69

Phillips, Utah, 94

Pinole, CA, 23–24, 27, 143

Political Terrorism: A Research Guide (Schmid and Jongman), 36–37

Politics of Nonviolent Action, The (Sharp), 39

Pope, Nathan, 232

Potter, Will

ACLU, and, 30–31, 118

Arlington Morning News, reporter, 9–10, 15

Chicago Tribune, reporter, 8–10, 14, 154

CMU Marion visit, 217–225

congressional hearing, participation, 115–118, 132–139

FBI encounter, 7–9, 13–14

Gazzola, relationship, 141–145

leafleting, 11–13

McGowan, relationship, 217–225

Society of Professional Journalists, 15

website, SHAC article, 177

Powers, James, 47

Powder Burn (Glick), 66


Alcatraz, 211

CMUs (Communication Management Units), 207–216, 218–225

Code of Federal Regulations, 212

Congress funding, 212

Fort Dix, 5

“SuperMax” ADX-Florence, 208–212, 211, 214

See also Bureau of Prisons; CMU Marion, IL; CMU Terre Haute, IN

Procter & Gamble, 23, 49, 127, 169

punk rock

Citizen Fish, 101

Crass, 101

Subhumans, 101

veganism, 101–102

Rabid. See McGowan, Daniel

Rainforest Action Network, 3–4, 201

Really, Really Free Market campaign, 90

Reason, 55

Reber, Jan, 51

“Reclaim the Seeds,” 85

Red Menace, 135

Red Scare

anti-communist hysteria, 72

“The Case Against the Reds” (Palmer), 242

components, 134–135

eras, 242–243

Green Scare, 243

National Lawyers Guild, 172

Palmer Raids, 172

political climate comparison, 248

second wave, 72

tactics used against Americans, 133–134

two threats of communism, 241

See also communism; McCarthyism

Red Squad, 72–73, 76

Redwood Summer, 50

Regan, Lauren, 198–200

Regan, Tom, 245

Republican National Convention, 27–28, 72, 90

Research Defence Society, 100

Resistance Magazine, 186

Revolutionary Cells, 110

Revolver, 95

Ridge, Tom, 28

Ridgeway, James, 75

Riggs, Frank, 56

Ringach, Dario, 175

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, 125–126

Rodgers, William “Avalon”

arrest, 64

Gerlach, relationship, 81

Roselle, relationship, 201

“Setting Fires with Electrical Timers: An Earth Liberation Front Guide,” 90

suicide note, 69

Rokke, Michelle, 23

Roll Call

horse industry ad, 116–117

NABR ad, 160

Rolling Stone, 28, 90

Romania Chevrolet arson, 67, 87

Rosebraugh, Craig, 89, 101

Roselle, Mike, 53, 200–201

Rosenbergs (Julius and Ethel), 134

Rowley, Colleen, 60

Royal Bank of Scotland, 97

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 54

Rubin, Rebecca, 64, 82

Ruckus Society, 3–4, 76, 201

Rudolph, Eric, 46, 208–209, 214

See also Centennial Olympic Park bombing

Salon, 112

Samuel, Justin, 104, 124, 154

San Diego, Daniel Andrea, 228

San Diego housing development arson, 48

Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 52

Sandoz, 33

Sapone, Mary Lou, 51, 75

Sattar, Ahmed Abdel, 92

Save the Hill Grove Cats, 22

Save the Shamrock Monkeys, 22

Savoie, Suzanne

arrest, 63

Jefferson Poplar Farm arson, 88

law enforcement, cooperation, 69

McGowan, relationship, 85–86

Superior Lumber Company arson, 86–87

Schmid, Alex, and Albert Jongman; Political Terrorism: A Research Guide, 36–37

Schrecker, Ellen, 75

Schumacher, Greg, 179

Schumacher Furs and Outerwear, 179

Scott, Bobby, 117, 138, 166

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 53, 76, 122

Sensenbrenner, James, 165–166, 169–171, 173

September 11, 2001

Fahrenheit 9/11 (Moore), 73

FBI terrorism timeline, 44

local department of homeland security established, 74

Moussaoui, and, 186

post-9/11 anti-environmentalism, 46, 58

post-9/11 climate, 136

post-9/11 decline in ALF/ELF crimes, 59

post-9/11 local law enforcement, 76

post-9/11 racial profiling, 5, 237

post-9/11 terrorism investigations, 60, 237

post-9/11 terrorism, use of term, 36, 38, 250

post-9/11 War on Terrorism, 37, 73

terrorism, as defined by, 36

tragedy as political opportunity, 124

Shabecoff, Philip, 52–53

SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty)

American anti-apartheid movement, 94

“Animal Rights: Activism vs. Criminality” hearing, 25

animal welfare violations, 11

California Anti-Terrorism Information Center, 76

campaign, 95–100

Conroy, member, 24

corporate interests, and, 239–240

corporation pressure, 102–103

corporations fight back, 103–104

Dillbone, Jeffrey, and, 107

electronic civil disobedience, 107

FBI activist house raid, 23–24

Fulmer, member, 30

Gazzola, member, 24, 143–145, 152, 230

Harper, member, 28–29

Kjonaas, member, 24, 211

law expansion to include, 103–104

Lindsay, and, 155

NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., and, 106

PGP software, 100

secondary targetting techniques, 131

Stepanian, member, 209

trial, 32–33, 93–113

verdict, 113

Vlasak, testimony, 211

website, 94, 96, 98, 107–108

See also Huntingdon Life Sciences; Life Sciences Research International


after sentencings, 157

awaiting sentencing, 149, 156

Britches’s rescue, 146

convicted of animal enterprise terrorism, 131

key players in prosecution, 231

laws convicting, 161

“SHAC 7 Week of Action,” 177

Solano, Ricardo, prosecution attorney, 180

vandalism after conviction, 174

Shaklee corporation bombing, 48, 110

SHAMROCK, 70, 79

See also NSA (National Security Agency)

Shamrock Farm, 22

Shapiro, Robert, 85

Sharp, Gene, 39

Sharp, William, 189, 194

Shell, 126

Sherrod, Kamber, 6, 15, 16, 217

Shiva, Vandana, 245

Shukrijumah, Adnan, 26

Siddiqui, Aafia, 26

Sierra Club

Brower, and, 52

letter from Scott McInnis, 191

“pie-ing,” 49, 203

Sierra Student Coalition, 223

Silent Spring (Carson), 53

Singer, Peter, 244

Smith, Wesley J., 246

Smith Act, 134

Society of Toxicology, 59

Solano, Ricardo, 180

Solondz, Justin, 64

Sorrel. See McGowan, Daniel

Southern Christian Leadership, 70

Southern Poverty Law Center, 49

Spear of the Nation (Umkhonto we Sizwe), 44

Spock, Benjamin, 98

St. Augustine, 40–41

Stack, Joseph, 237–238

Stenholm, Charles, 120

Stepanian, Andy

charged with conspiracy, 98, 153

CMU Marion, IL, 229

dossier, 26

post-CMU release, 221

singled out, 214

trial, 109

trial anticipation, 30

Stephens Inc.

corporate representative, 152

Dillbone, offense, 107

Global Options, and, 75

Johnson, and, 218

Kjonaas, and, 96–97

Little Rock protest, 104–105

Stevens, Val, 234

Stewart, Potter, 35–36

Stokes, Aaron (Aaron Kilner), 73

Stoner, Kelly, 58

“Stop Environmental Terrorism” (media campaign), 58

STRATFOR, 97, 156

Strugar, Matthew, 233

Student/Farmworker Alliance, 75

Students Against Cruelty to Animals, 29

Students for a Democratic Society, 70

Stumpo, Adriana, 232–233

Stumpo, Nathan, 233

Subhumans (punk band), 101

Sullivan, Louis, 55

Sullivan, Patrick, 149, 154

Sullivan, William, 70–71

Superior Lumber Company, 83, 86–87, 204

“SuperMax,” ADX-Florence, 208–212, 214

Synan, Jenny, 1–6, 200, 202–206, 224

Tankersley, Kendall, 63–64

Tanzania, car bomb, 26

Taylor, Bron, 244

Terre Haute federal penitentiary. See CMU Terre Haute, IN


Bush, President George W., use of term, 38

Illinois definition, 37

impact, 37, 42

intent, 37, 41

Louisiana definition, 37

Maine Department of Public Safety “definition,” 38

motivation, 37, 42

obscenity, and, 36

Patriot Act definition, 37

policy, 40

public opinion, in, 40

scholarly attempts to define, 36–37

scope of, 41

speaker, as defined by, 43

State Department definition, 37

targets, 37, 40, 41

threats, 44–45, 46, 76

three principles of, 38–42

United Nations definition, 37

violence, 38–41

See also domestic terrorism; eco-terrorism; September 11, 2001; War on Terrorism

Texaco, 126

Texas Tech lab arson, 120

Theoharis, Jeanne, 216

This Is the A.L.F. (Conflict), 101

This Means War (Conroy and Harper), 153

Thomas Merton Center for Peace and Justice, 74

Thompson, Anne, 111

Thompson, Bennie G., 237–238

Three Cups of Tea (Mortensan and Relin), 191

Thurston, Darren

arrested, 64

direct action experimentation, 82

The Final Nail, 228

Gerlach, Chelsea, and, 69

romantic narrative of, 81

sentenced, 190–191

Tokyo subway bombings, 45

Torrey, Jim, 181

ToxExpo, 59

Tremayne, William H., 34

Trenton, NJ, 32–33

Trial (punk band), 152

Troen, Roger, 119

Trull, Frankie, 178–179

Truman, President Harry, 242

Trundley, William, 116, 131–132, 139

Trutt, Fran, 51–52, 75, 119

Tubbs, Kevin, 64, 69, 86–87, 184

Tulkin, Josh, 76

Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), 44

Un-American Activities Committee, 172

Undersea Railroad, 54

United Egg Producers, 180

United Nations, definition of terrorism, 37

United States v. McGowan, 92

University of Arizona arson, 120

University of California at Berkeley, 84, 235

University of California at Riverside raid, 54, 146

University of California Davis arson, 44, 55, 119

University of California Santa Cruz bombing, 246

University of Oregon raid, 54, 119

University of Pennsylvania’s Head Injury Clinic raid, 54

University of Utah vandalism, 175

University of Washington Horticulture Center arson, 88–89

U.S. Embassy in Beirut bombing, 44

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, 128

U.S. State Department, definition of terrorism, 37

U.S. Surgical, 51

USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), eco-terrorism security surveys, 61

Vail Inc. arson, 57, 66

Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 30

Vanderhein, Steve, 39–40


Coronado, 101

fur farm raiding, 101

Kucinich, 169

punk rock, 101–102, 152

“vegan jello,” 65

Young, 101


dismissal of vegetarian juror, SHAC trial, 111–112

FARM outreach, 163

HoneyBaked Ham leafleting, 74

“vegetarian nation” threat, 246

Velure, Lyle, 89

Verizon, 70

Viehl, William, 233

violence, defined, 39–40

Virginia v. Black, 230

Vlasak, Jerry, 111, 247

Waagner, Clayton, 45

Wade, John, 223

Wagner, Travis, 59

Walden, Greg, 58

Walsh, Edward J., 124, 245

Walsh, Patrick, 239

Walzer, Michael, 41

War on Terrorism, 20, 34, 37, 63, 124, 174, 176, 188, 243

Waters, Briana, 64

Watson, Douglas, 84

Watson, Paul, 53

Watts, Robert, 106

Weather Underground, 96, 223, 228

Wendy’s, 127

Western Wildlife Unit (ALF), 67

Wetland Activism Collective, 83

Weyrich, Paul, 125

Whitman, Christine, 34

Whyte, Ronald M., 233

Willamette National Forest (Oregon), 1

Wilson, President Woodrow, 241

“Wise Use” movement, 55

Wolf, Naomi, 137

Wolke, Howie, 53

Women’s Law, 91

World Day for Laboratory Animals, 20

World Trade Center bombing, 44

World Trade Organization protests, 80, 85

World Wildlife Fund, 191

Wyeth, 33, 127, 161, 165

Wyngaarden, James B., 121

Yippies, 96, 201

Young, Don, 124

Young, Peter

“animal enterprise terrorism,” 223

hardcore scene, 101

Samuel, relationship, 104, 124, 154

Yum Brands, 244

Zacher, Joyanna

arrest anticipated, 64

Jefferson Poplar Farm arson, 88

refusal to talk, 69

Romania Chevrolet arson, 79

sentenced, 197

Sharp, attorney, 194

trial, 190, 192–197

Zapatistas, 11, 57

Zerzan, John, 86

Ziegler, Zelda, 184–185

Zinn, Howard, 118