Aditya really enjoyed the Pune wedding. He reached the city on the morning of the wedding; Meera had arrived two days earlier. During the two days of celebrations that ensued, he saw a new side to Meera. She was the life of the party, cheerful and bubbly, and went out of her way to make Aditya feel comfortable, introducing him to all her friends as her fiancé. During his brief Lucknow visit, cut short by the unexpected death of Pratap Chauhan, he had spoken to his family about Meera. They were overjoyed to hear of his engagement, eager to meet Meera and her family at the earliest.

As the reception drew to a close, only family and a few close friends of the couple lingered at the venue, laughing and chatting. Meera sat next to Aditya, holding his hand. Aditya realised with a jolt of surprise that he had not thought about work at all since he had come to Pune. He could not remember when he had last laughed so much, without a care in the world.

He hugged Meera, whispering in her ear, ‘Let’s get married quickly.’