The day progressed very slowly for Aditya. He messaged Meera every thirty minutes or so, to check if she was all right. At 5 p.m., he had a meeting with Gokhale to discuss internal movements and promotions. He reached his superior’s office a few minutes before the scheduled time.
‘May I come in, sir?’ Aditya asked, knocking on Gokhale’s cabin door and opening it slightly.
‘Please come in, Aditya,’ Gokhale said. He called for tea, and they got down to business immediately. Ten minutes into the meeting, he asked Aditya, ‘Are you all right? You seem to be preoccupied with something.’
‘Nothing, sir. I am fine. Probably a bit tired, that’s all.’
‘Let’s have this discussion some other day. Why don’t you go home and get some rest?’ ‘I will take you up on that offer today, sir. Sorry about this. There’s one other thing I wanted to talk to you about, though.’
‘Sure, what is it?’
‘I am getting married,’ Aditya said, smiling slightly. ‘Congratulations, my boy! That’s excellent news. Who is the lucky girl?’
‘Meera Dixit?’ Gokhale asked, and Aditya smiled and nodded. ‘That’s wonderful. I am delighted to hear this. So when is the big day?’
‘Very soon, sir. Hopefully, the Acharya case will be solved soon. Immediately after that.’