Author’s Note
Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Christmas story.
Have you ever considered that hope came down from heaven in the body of Jesus as a baby? I pray He lives in your heart and you live each day with hopeful expectation.
Like Kameron, many of the churched have yet to come to saving grace, fighting against what they’ve heard all their lives. No matter your background, seek the Lord’s strength to overcome what haunts you. As humans, we all have “stuff” to deal with in life.
As for Hayley, we’ve probably all met those who come across as pushy or preachy in their exuberance to introduce Jesus. Each of us has a different way of sharing the greatest Gift of all.
I value your time investment. If you aren’t ready to leave Hayley and Kameron yet, I would so appreciate a review. Authors love comments from readers.
Thank you again, and I wish you renewed hope as you celebrate how the Lord blesses you.
In Him,