During summer—our second summer in Paris, our last—it became easy to identify tourists’ nationalities on the street.
Italian women wore red eyeglasses and could match numerous shades of brown.
London men shaved daily and traveled in groups.
Russians wore, along with Arab women, the biggest sunglasses.
Australians were usually midway through travels; someday, they’d all get home.
South American teenagers, boys in beards, behaved hesitantly, posed artistically. You’d see one on a bench with a dark, blank air, like a television someone had left on the sidewalk.
Germans and Scandinavians walked Paris up and down, up and down, wearing trousers that cinched at mid-calf. Between them, in my experience, the Scandinavians were the more isolationist, the Germans were more eager to please.
And all non-American males were cool to carry purses, at the very least a petite shoulder bag, polygonally fashioned, that rested on the hip.
And the only thing Americans talked about was going home.
From the French side of my heart, I would say no one roamed Paris with more talk of home fires than us Americans. We missed our familiar conveniences. In urban lands, you knew us as the ones in bone-fishing shirts, hiking shoes, and trousers with many pockets. Even our sunhats had pockets. Should we pause, we’d rid our hands of foreign bacteria with gel. The world outside America was a jungle. We adopted a sagelike carriage and clasped our sanitized hands behind our backs—for our pockets were stuffed full of incredible resources: a camera, an audio guide, a Fodor’s guide, a map, an iPod, and two cell phones, one smart enough to handle GPS. We knew how to travel. We would wear your goddamn city out. And possibly we did shrink from being bumped on public transportation, but we rode it. After all, when in Rome. Though have no doubt, we would be cautious. Our impermeability was vouchsafed by Gore-Tex, and we would not be fooled by your gratuity scams, Monsieur, so be forewarned: any refusal to serve us bread or water prior to notre déjeuner would be noted on TripAdvisor.com.
We’d conquered the world, we just wanted to see it unmolested. Not that we asked permission. Our m.o. was: you will not find grounds to say we are impolite before you’ve given us cause to be so. In fact, since we were leaving tomorrow anyway, might we try a little French with you, Mademoiselle Parisienne behind the bakery case? Excusez-moi, où est la bibliothèque? Oh haha—no, that was a joke, sorry, yes I’ll have—Sorry?—No, I was—No I’ll have, oh Jesus, THE CROISSANT, PLEASE—LE CROISSANT—Oh, for—WHAT—Thank you, no, excuse me, merci—Ah, no, nothing, NOTHING MORE—Hey, where’s my wallet?—No, you—my chest pocket?—Is this a pocket?—Oh, it’s Velcro—Okay, here we go—EXCUSE ME MISS HERE IS THE MONEY THANK YOU GOODBYE.
* * *
Sofia Coppola went AWOL, and geez, what a headache. The bosses panicked. Pierre was constantly on the phone. For several days, during a meeting an urgent texto might explode inside several BlackBerrys simultaneously, and Pierre, Marc, Marcel, or Sabine would need to go running out into the corridor.
Sofia Coppola had told the chiefs at Louis Vuitton she wanted Marrakech as her city for the campaign. Then, unannounced, she flew there with a photographer friend. From Morocco, we learned she’d be doing the campaign herself, on Louis Vuitton’s dime for a week’s vacation, take it or leave it in so many words.
Of course they took it, but no one was happy. It was a moment for people to say they thought her film Marie Antoinette had been a turd.
Sofia Coppola returned to Paris, and Pierre and I drove over to Louis Vuitton HQ to view her photo albums. We took Pierre’s scooter, me perched on the back wearing André’s pink helmet. Downtown, practically on top of Pont Neuf, a yellow sun was hovering. We were escorted to a top-floor boardroom, with panoramic views. River, churches, blue sky, white clouds. About ten people were waiting. Then Sofia Coppola arrived, trailing handlers. She and her agent sat across from Pierre and me. The agent expressed an effusive hello.
Between Pierre and me, I think I was the more nervous. I’d spent an hour that morning trying to figure out what to wear, and had come up with nothing more than my everyday uniform of Tintin plays tennis—trench coat, sweater, jeans, and sneakers. For the duration of the meeting, only the four of us spoke—Sofia Coppola, her agent, Pierre, and me—while about fifteen people sat in chairs ringing the room as if it were an observing surgery. Mostly they were silent, except to laugh whenever Coppola laughed, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
To start us off, the agent complimented André’s helmet and called it chic. Then he said to me, “You know, your name is very strange.”
Next, Coppola paged through her photo albums, telling the story of her vacation. She addressed her comments to the agent. The agent found her photos and anecdotes wonderful, hilarious. Occasionally, Pierre would lean forward, point to one of the pictures and say he liked it, then sit down again. I’d lean forward and say I agreed. Then Sofia Coppola would describe to her agent what was found in the picture, for example, a trunk originally owned by Diana Vreeland.
After about twenty minutes, Pierre and I explained how we intended to use her photos, and Coppola said it sounded fine. She was a little hesitant about the music, she said, based on the London films she’d seen, so she’d want final say on the sound track. Otherwise, all good.
Outside, Pierre stopped for a cigarette.
“Imagine how weird it must be,” I said, a little buzzed from the meeting, “living in a bubble like that.”
“What bubble?”
“The agent?” I said. “All those people?”
Pierre shrugged. “She’s a major director. She has an Oscar. People ask her for things all day. She needs layers for protection. Maybe too much protection, okay. But did you like the photos?”
“No,” I said, fastening the pink gumball on my head.
“No,” Pierre said, “no one did. But everyone called them fantastic. That’s the danger of the bubble.” Pierre tossed his cigarette and nicked a parked car.
“But who knows,” he said. “I really liked Lost in Translation.”
* * *
During a meeting the next day, Lucas worked himself into a huff about Sofia Coppola’s music comment. Lucas said he couldn’t remember liking the music in any of her movies, so perhaps he deserved final say about that.
Lucas demanded a meeting with Sofia Coppola. He was denied.
Since Coppola had done our Marrakech work for us, we spent the rest of the afternoon discussing San Francisco, the city her father had picked. A week later, I was at Louis Vuitton HQ again, this time doing Pierre’s job because he was out sick: presenting to their global marketing chief to sell them on our Francis Ford/California idea.
Someone turned down the lights. “Ah, I love his little stories,” one of the marketing guys said.
Up to that point, I’d always told my “little stories” in an English-French slurry to junior executives. Now, for the big boss, I went exclusively into French. I clicked through slides and described ideas. I made little jokes that I’d worked out beforehand. Then I got to the budget, a quarter-million euros. It was five times the size of any budget we’d previously proposed. My French faltered. The room was dark, but I could see all their faces.
One voice in my head: You’re a cooked duck now. Another: Well, you try explaining how a Steadicam works.
Never mind that the pitch was outlandish.
That too much rode on my tongue.
I sensed panic going down my back like a lemon squeezed on my neck, which meant more panic was coming. I apologized about my French being terrible, but the global chief said loudly in the dark, “No, it’s fine, please continue.”
The guy resembled Kojak.
I wanted to say, But I don’t know how.
But I did, in fact.
I slugged back into French and continued clicking. Words and sentences appeared in my hand like fish from a bag. I rode the Métro back to the office soaked to my shorts, but semiconfident. The Louis Vuitton people called that evening to say they’d buy the job. It had much less to do with my presentation and everything to do with the ideas that Pierre, Vincent, and Lucas had dreamed up, but I didn’t tell Rachel any of that.