Alt-right: a neo-pagan, anti-Christian, racist political philosophy that is more aptly described as “alt-left.” Virtually all retrogrades will be called “Alt-right” at some point, which is absurd since the core ideas of the latter are mostly leftist in nature. The Alt-right subscribes to radical ideas like eugenics, abortion, collectivism, Gnostic paganism, and identity politics. They are opportunely mischaracterized as “right wing” solely because their contentious, firebrand mien loosely resembles the belly-fire of the retrogrades. But look at our rules. These are creatures of the Left, first cousins to those radicals who seek to dissociate from the obvious political liability posed by their similarity with the Alt-right. The Alt-right stands for anti-retrograde principles in virtually every category (except for that of national sovereignty).
Baby Boomer: a group of people, born between 1946 and 1964, who lost every major cultural battle of their day to radicals, but who insist on dishing out smug, conventional advice and shaming the clear-thinkers who refuse to follow it.
Boomer-ism: a vapid, anti-intellectual, existentialist platitude that was taken to be infallible by the dope-smoking generation of the 1960s and 1970s but proves fallacious under even a small amount of scrutiny. Boomer-isms may sound profound but turn out to be uncommonly stupid new “folk sayings” about their radical new iterations of the “good life.” Most often, they center upon the specious notion that life experience yields “higher” truths than those which can be known intellectually. Boomer-isms may also include human dispositions, presumptions, or reflexes; e.g., “if someone calls a non-racist, non-sexist person a ‘racist’ or a ‘sexist,’ he must yield his position.” (The Baby Boomers figured this was the greatest devastation that a human could suffer.)
Calvinball: radicals’ method of unilaterally controlling the rules of political engagement to arrive at a pre-ordained outcome, invariably favorable to the advancement of their radical interests. This term originates from the series, Calvin and Hobbes, wherein the eponymous main character, Calvin, keeps changing the rules and goals of a game to ensure his own victory.
Divisive Group Politics: radicals’ system of political grievance-mongering and favoritism towards people of certain races, sexes, and other protected classes, which they use to curry favor with such groups in hopes of forming a large enough coalition to overthrow the old order of society.
Egalitarianism: the anti-Christian worldview which values distributive equality, or arithmetic proportion, over fairness, or geometric proportion. Egalitarians reject the Aristotelian definition of justice: give to each his due. Instead, they insist on giving to each the same amount, although it is not due. Egalitarianism lies at the root of most or all strains of utopianism because it insists on equality, against nature. Christianity condemns distributive or sexual egalitarianism as evil (with the exceptions of “equal dignity” and “equal opportunity,” which accrue to all human beings).
Fragging, or to frag: the underhanded character assassination of one’s own people. This expression is based on the historical term used to describe the killing of a fellow soldier by the detonation of a “fragmentation grenade,” furtively attached to the unknowing soldier’s pack. The term was used during the Vietnam War to describe actions by traitorous American soldiers. Infra, the term refers to non-radicals (sometimes including retrogrades) who sacrifice a retrograde so as not to appear unsavory to mainstream leftist outfits.
Militant Mod: a militant moderate. This non-discrete ideology includes either pre-committed leftists unwilling to publicly own their inconvenient radicalism or subconsciously left-leaning moderates who obstinately refuse to be persuaded by the force of retrograde logic. Both sorts of militant mod will customarily betray, if pushed hard enough, their underlying resentment for retrogrades and their quiet admiration for radicals.
Miyagi Complex: in the age of absconding fathers, referred to by Pope Benedict XVI as the crisis of fatherhood, this worldview presupposes that Western civilization is morally bankrupt. All moral mentors must therefore hail from Eastern civilization. The Miyagi Complex contemplates the truism that “everybody needs a sensei” to teach them honor, self-discipline, integrity, and other abstractions typically envisaged in Japanese characters at martial arts dojos, or in the tattooed iconography of the pseudo-profound.
Mod-Con: a moderate-conservative, or sometimes just a moderate. There exists only a marginal difference between the two non-discrete ideologies, such that they may be conceived as one. The mod-con is generally thought to comprise the majority of the non-insane persons in the twenty-first-century West. Mod-cons lack courage, care, or charisma. But they are often sincere, well-behaved denizens of Christendom who may be willing to be converted to retrogrades. Those who are reachable simply need the example of good retrograde leaders to carry them along.
Monolithic Boycott: the ineffectual, unpublished shadow banning of radical corporations by individual mod-cons, or sometimes, retrogrades. Often, conservatives will enact a “household policy” of refraining from the consumption of radical products, without understanding that boycotts only work when orchestrated with many others.
Political-Cultural War: the ideological battle between radicals and retrogrades for the soul of the West.
Radical: a progressive, Luciferian proponent of the anti-Christian New World Order who, in the words of Saul Alinsky, follows “the first radical known to man, who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”4 The radical opposes everything true, good, and beautiful in this world, seeking to pervert, invert, and subvert it to achieve his darkling political agenda.
Retrograde: the dark knight of post-Christian Western civilization, frequently and unjustly blamed for his honorable repudiation of the New World Order built by radicals and brigands. The retrograde is, like Braveheart, an educated “savage who never lies.” The retrograde works tirelessly to restore the Old World Order, seeking to imbue it with morality, decency, and most importantly, Christianity.
SJW: social justice warrior.
Woke: the state of being aware and angry about social “injustices” and “inequities,” especially ones offensive to radical and progressive sensibilities.
4 Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1971.