Radicals have successfully convinced many mod-cons to self-censor, insisting that some truths are “too offensive” to be spoken in decent society. They’ve thus driven the retrograde message underground, forcing us to whisper in darkness a host of medicinal truths deserving of the limpid radiance of day. Should retrogrades continue to submit to such treacherous advice, we are destined to be routed in our fight for the soul of society. We know, on the highest authority, that apart from being desirable for its own sake, the truth shall set mankind free. And, thus, it is to be pursued at all costs. If sheepish mod-cons neglect to fiercely and openly denounce the perversities that radicals are attempting to usher in, radicals will triumph by default. Darkness can only prevail when men of good will are made afraid to light a candle.
It is of paramount importance to remember that acts of the intellect always precede acts of the will. In other words, before we act for a certain end, the intellect, consciously or not, must decide that such an end is the “good,” the object most worthy of our pursuit. No one sets out to achieve what he views as an inferior or bad end. Thus, in order to win the culture, we must boldly and loudly speak truth so our fellow men can first recognize what is verily good and, subsequently, firmly set their wills on achieving it. If something is true, then we have a duty to say it so that society will be built on a foundation of rock instead of a foundation of sand.
Be reminded that there is no such thing as an intrinsically hateful truth; motive is always a deciding factor in analyzing the morality of a seemingly harsh statement. Sometimes charity and prudence dictate that one should even call his own mother “fat”: perhaps she is a diabetic or has heart disease and hearing such a hard truth will allow her to reformulate her diet and add years to her life. More important yet, perhaps she is a glutton needing chastisement against a habituated mortal sin. Similarly, we do no one any favors when we, out of fear of being slandered as “racist,” “sexist,” “jingoist,” “homophobic,” “intolerant,” or “hateful,” (or any other empty radical scare-words) consent to hide the light of unpopular truths under a bushel basket. When we fail to acknowledge sensitive truths (e.g., that contemporary American black fatherlessness is linked with their disproportionately high crime rates; that single motherhood is ruinous for children; that unchecked immigration is undermining the fabric of American culture; that homosexual relations are vile, depraved, hateful acts; that men can’t actually become women and vice versa), we short-change our fellow man, since we deprive him of the opportunity to reform his life to bring it into harmony with right order. Hard sayings must be shouted loudly, for the benefit of all mankind—damn the consequences. Moreover, if retrogrades band together and resolve to be undeterred in our vocalization of unpopular truths, it will be impossible for big media and big business to ostracize us. The corporate goons in human resources won’t be able to fire all of us. It’s impossible to effectively silence such a significant segment of the population.
The story of the Emperor’s New Clothes serves as an uncannily apropos allegory for modern man’s affinity for shrinking from his duty to proclaim truth. In the fable, the emperor is duped by two shysters into purchasing imaginary clothes so that when he “gets dressed” in his new “attire,” in reality, he’s naked. Despite the fact that the emperor is humiliating himself by strutting around the town square in a full state of undress, none of the emperor’s men or townspeople, for fear of appearing foolish or insolent, will speak out to tell the emperor that his wardrobe is a fraud. The people uniformly tickle the emperor’s ear, complimenting his splendid linens and refined sartorial taste. Except one little boy. One little boy, out of the whole town, sees the emperor and, with umbrage in his voice, exclaims, “But the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. He’s naked!” In the aftermath of this one child’s naïve candor, the people come to their senses and soberly admit the obvious: truly, the emperor is not wearing any clothes.
The weakness of mankind is such that the majority are content to go along with a lie out of fear of blowback should they stand and fight for truth. It’s a somber realization that most people are consequentialists who would rather pretend a naked emperor is dressed in fine linen rather than risk looking foolish—or worse yet, risk a stint in the dungeon. At the same time, we should take solace that a lone voice (even that of a child) bravely crying out in the wilderness is often sufficient to call men to their senses, to call men away from mass delusion. Be the lone voice in your locale, and soon we will marshal a network of woke retrogrades, ready to turn the tides of a war we’ve long been losing. The only precondition for the death of the Gospel is silence. Never be cowed. Always speak truth, especially when it’s unpopular. Hold fast to the musings of George Washington: “I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”