Think of all the mortal dangers the radicals of that generation have normalized, popularized, and passed onto the next generation through the repetition of their harmless-sounding, yet fatal slogans: “college students should live their lives before they meet someone”; “before marriage, young people should travel and experience the world”; “young people should learn by experience what they like and dislike romantically.”
In each of these, early and procreative marriage is clearly discouraged. Fertility is consistently handled as an inconvenience, at best. Each platitude sends the clear message that marriage and family will prove to be “a drag” and that life inheres in self-involvement and recreation rather than marital vocation.
Additionally vested within any given Boomer-ism, offset by a sort of weaponized ambiguity, there’s always two components: a) some oblique reference to “experience” which somehow supposedly “contradicts” axiomatic moral reasoning (as if one has to try heroin in order to know that it is mortally perilous!); b) an encouragement toward sexual promiscuity or contraceptivity carried by the Boomer-ism’s reference to experience.
In other words, Boomer-isms express an imagined inverse correlation between life experience and monogamy. These platitudes invariably stand for the proposition that sexual purity of all sorts is an admirable ideal (well … sort of) which doesn’t usually work out for most people.
The retrograde’s job inheres in highlighting, in private and public dialogue, that sex and procreation are indispensably linked in nature: whenever human beings have ventured away from the procreative Christian norms of sexuality—celibacy until the wedding day and chastity thereafter—catastrophe has devastated the population. In other words, the retrograde must deliver the message that sexual purity is not only for “religious people.” It is for all people interested in living a happy, fulfilling life.
Not to mention, such Boomer-isms strongly work in the direction of the sociological phenomenon called “arrested development” (addressed further in the following rule), whereby a childish man is not presumed to come of age until he reaches his thirties or even his forties. Purveyors of Boomer-isms obsessively remind their offspring and grandchildren that they will not tender to them any moral advice. And they’ll do so just before or after tendering to their offspring or grandchildren the above bad moral advice. They make these specious claims on the ground that the younger generation must “live their own lives” and “find out for themselves,” which is a performed, oxymoronic way of solidifying the bad advice they just gave.
The retrograde must announce loudly that the sun has risen and set on this anti-virtue-signaling by the ironically-titled Baby Boomer generation. Truly, history will know them as the generation by and for the radical culture-of-death lobby, which manipulated statecraft, warcraft, and even witchcraft (not to mention the globalist popular culture) to turn young, fertile couples against their procreative vocation. The Baby Boom generation represented, historically speaking, the terminal end of a widespread culture of life throughout all of human history (until roughly 1970).
Upon becoming parents to young adults in the 1990s and early 2000s, the Boomers—liberals, moderates, and “conservatives” alike—customarily instructed their offspring with the deadly advice not to marry and procreate until the middling years of adulthood wherein fertility rates have plummeted (see the next rule). Their justification for this advice usually involved acquisitive lifestyle accoutrements and existential-sounding platitudes like “finding out who you really are” or “finding your freedom” before “being tied down” to another person.
Now, not all Boomers are radicals, of course. But all of them lived and watched impotently amid the dispiriting, radical 1960s takeover of Western civilization. Accordingly, there seems to be near-ubiquitous generational psychic-scarring from living under such a repressive, subversive regime—the Boomer-isms of which have by now outlived many of the Boomers themselves, lasting over two generations. Even amongst non-radical members of the generation, Boomer-isms have produced a widespread generational ethos matching the tone of the militant moderates described above. Even many “conservative” Boomers—though not all—usually subscribe to the above experientialist, existentialist, libertine platitudes when it comes to dating or family planning.
The retrograde can overcome these mortal toxins simply by announcing to his elder relatives that he is “going in a different direction,” which after all, they ought to well understand! There are countless hippie songs about just such a thing.