Missing ch7

Up in his room, Jace fired up his computer, hoping Sam would be online to chat. He was.

“I’m glad you’re online. I’m in big trouble,” Jace typed.

Sam typed back, “?”

“That dumb car,” Jace replied. “It started all by itself and tried to kill me in the kitchen.”

Sam didn’t type anything back for a few minutes.

Jace finally typed, “Hello?”

“I’m back,” Sam typed. “I had to find a book.”

“Why?” Jace typed.

“It’s about a car that is possessed,” Sam typed. “It kills people all over town, and eventually it kills its owner!”

“That’s nuts,” Jace replied. “It’s just a silly ghost story.”

“Stories, you mean,” Sam typed. “There are a bunch of stories just like it—possessed cars, killer cars, owners who go crazy. I bet this car was owned by some kid who died, and he’s haunting the car until he gets revenge or something!”

Jace leaned back in his chair. Maybe Sam was on to something. After all, Sam had lost all control of the car too.


Maybe the car had taken control on its own when Sam was driving, just like it had in the kitchen when it attacked Jace.

Then he got an idea.

“I need to find the guy who sold me that car,” Jace typed into the chat window. “Maybe he’d know something about this.”

“How will you find him?” Sam typed. “Do you even know his name?”

That is a problem, Jace thought. But maybe the man’s name would be on one of the albums Dad picked out. Maybe he’d written it on there somewhere. Maybe there was still a chance to find out the guy’s name.

“Hey, did you see my dad’s car get towed?” Jace typed.

“Yeah,” Sam replied. “My dad ran out and emptied the trunk before the tow truck hauled away the wreck. There was a ton of stuff from that garage sale in there.”

“Perfect,” Jace typed. “I need you to do me a favor.”