CONNECTION (kuh-NEK-shuhn)—a link between two things

DISTINCTIVE (diss-TINGK-tiv)—making a person or thing different from all others

HABIT (HAB-it)—something that you do regularly, often without thinking about it

LP (ELL PEE)—short for long-playing, a record album

LUKEWARM (LUKE-worm)—slightly warm

MALARKEY (muh-LAR-kee)—nonsense

POSSESSED (puh-ZEST)—inhabited by an evil spirit

REVVING (REV-ing)—making an engine run quickly

SUPERSTITIOUS (soo-pur-STI-shuhss)—believing that some action not connected to a future event can influence the outcome of the event

WRECKAGE (REK-ij)—the broken parts or pieces lying around at the site of a crash or explosion